1 | <?php
2 |
3 | //MC stuff
4 | function PrintMCRunInfoMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
5 | {
6 | printf(" <div id='info' style='display:none'>");
7 | printf(" <table>\n");
8 | printf(" <tr valign='top'>\n");
9 |
10 | CheckBox("fNumEvents", "Num of events");
11 | CheckBox("fSequenceNumber", "Sequ#");
12 |
13 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
14 |
15 | CheckBox("fImpactMax", "Impact");
16 | CheckBox("fViewConeMax", "Viewcone");
17 | CheckBox("fStartingAltitude", "Starting alt.");
18 | CheckBox("fMirrorDiameter", "Mirror diam.");
19 |
20 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
21 |
22 | CheckBox("fZenithDistanceMin", "Zenith dist. min");
23 | CheckBox("fZenithDistanceMax", "Zenith dist. max");
24 | CheckBox("fAzimuthMin", "Azimuth min");
25 | CheckBox("fAzimuthMax", "Azimuth max");
26 |
27 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
28 |
29 | CheckBox("fEnergyMin", "Emin");
30 | CheckBox("fEnergyMax", "Emax");
31 | CheckBox("fEnergySlope", "Slope");
32 |
33 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
34 | printf(" <td>\n");
35 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "ParticleType", "fParticleTypeName", "fParticleTypeKEY", "Particle type");
36 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
37 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "RunType", "fRunTypeName", "fRunTypeKEY", "Run type");
38 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
39 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "AtmosphericModel", "fAtmosphericModelName", "fAtmosphericModelKEY", "Atm. model");
40 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
41 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "CeresSetup", "fCeresSetupName", "fCeresSetupKEY", "Ceres setup");
42 | printf(" </td>\n");
43 |
44 | printf(" </tr>\n");
45 | printf(" </table>\n");
46 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
47 | }
48 |
49 | function PrintMCRunStatMenu()
50 | {
51 | printf(" <div id=\"stat\" style='display:none'>\n");
52 | printf(" <table>\n");
53 | printf(" <tr><td>\n");
54 |
55 | PrintStatusMenu("Corsika", "Corsika");
56 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
57 | PrintStatusMenu("Ceres", "Ceres");
58 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
59 | PrintStatusMenu("SequenceFile", "SequenceFile");
60 |
61 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
62 |
63 | PrintStatusMenu("Callisto", "Callisto");
64 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
65 | PrintStatusMenu("Star", "Star");
66 |
67 | printf(" </td></tr></table>\n");
68 | printf(" <p>\n");
69 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
70 | }
71 |
72 | //cta mc stuff
73 | function PrintCTAMCRunInfoMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
74 | {
75 | printf(" <div id='info' style='display:none'>");
76 | printf(" <table>\n");
77 | printf(" <tr valign='top'>\n");
78 |
79 | CheckBox("fNumEvents", "Num of events");
80 | CheckBox("fObsLevel", "Observation level");
81 | CheckBox("fLinks", "Links");
82 |
83 | printf(" </tr><tr><td>\n");
84 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "ParticleType", "fParticleTypeName", "fParticleTypeKEY", "Particle type");
85 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
86 |
87 | printf(" </tr>\n");
88 | printf(" </table>\n");
89 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
90 | }
91 |
92 | function PrintCTAMCRunStatMenu()
93 | {
94 | printf(" <div id=\"stat\" style='display:none'>\n");
95 | printf(" <table>\n");
96 | printf(" <tr><td>\n");
97 |
98 | PrintStatusMenu("fCorsikaSimTelarray", "Corsika and Simtel");
99 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
100 | PrintStatusMenu("fChimp", "Chimp");
101 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
102 | PrintStatusMenu("fCTAStar", "Star");
103 |
104 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
105 |
106 | PrintStatusMenu("fStereoB", "StereoB");
107 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
108 | PrintStatusMenu("fStereoC", "StereoC");
109 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
110 | PrintStatusMenu("fStereoG", "StereoG");
111 |
112 | printf(" </td></tr></table>\n");
113 | printf(" <p>\n");
114 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
115 | }
116 |
117 | //magic data stuff
118 | function PrintRunInfoMenu()
119 | {
120 | printf(" <div id='info' style='display:none'>");
121 | printf(" <table>\n");
122 | printf(" <tr>\n");
123 |
124 | CheckBox("fRunStart", "Run start time");
125 | CheckBox("fL2RatePresc", "L2 presc Rate");
126 | CheckBox("fDaqStoreRate", "DAQ Storage Rate");
127 | CheckBox("fAzimuth", "Azimuth");
128 |
129 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
130 |
131 | CheckBox("fRunStop", "Run stop time");
132 | CheckBox("fL2RateUnpresc", "L2 unpresc Rate");
133 | CheckBox("fDaqTriggerRate", "DAQ Trigger Rate");
134 | CheckBox("fZenithDistance", "Zenith distance");
135 |
136 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
137 |
138 | // CheckBox("fFormatVersion", "File format");
139 | CheckBox("fNumEvents", "Num of events");
140 | CheckBox("fMeanTriggerRate", "Mean Trigger Rate");
141 | CheckBox("fL3TriggerRate", "L3 Trigger Rate");
142 | CheckBox("fSequenceFirst", "Sequence Number");
143 |
144 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
145 |
146 | CheckBox("fTest", "incl. TestSources");
147 | CheckBox("fLinks", "Links");
148 | CheckBox("fWheelPos1", "Wheel Position 1");
149 | CheckBox("fWheelPos2", "Wheel Position 2");
150 |
151 | printf(" </tr>\n");
152 | printf(" </table>\n");
153 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
154 | }
155 |
156 | function PrintRunStatMenu()
157 | {
158 | printf(" <div id=\"stat\" style='display:none'>\n");
159 | printf(" <table>\n");
160 | printf(" <tr><td>\n");
161 |
162 | PrintStatusMenu("fCCFileAvail", "CC File available");
163 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
164 | PrintStatusMenu("fCaCoFileAvail", "Caco File available");
165 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
166 | PrintStatusMenu("fRawFileAvail", "Rawfile available");
167 |
168 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
169 |
170 | PrintStatusMenu("fTimingCorrection", "Timing Correction");
171 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
172 | PrintStatusMenu("fCaCoFileFound", "Caco File");
173 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
174 | PrintStatusMenu("fDataCheckDone", "DataCheck");
175 |
176 | printf(" </td></tr></table>\n");
177 | printf(" <p>\n");
178 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
179 | }
180 |
181 | function PrintRunInfo2Menu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
182 | {
183 | printf(" <div id='info2' style='display:none'>");
184 | printf(" <table>\n");
185 | printf(" <tr><td>\n");
186 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "RunType", "fRunTypeName", "fRunTypeKEY", "Run type");
187 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
188 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Source", "fSourceName", "fSourceKEY", "Source Name");
189 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
190 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "HvSettings", "fHvSettingsName", "fHvSettingsKEY", "HV Settings");
191 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
192 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "L1TriggerTable", "fL1TriggerTableName", "fL1TriggerTableKEY", "L1 Trigger Table");
193 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
194 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "TestFlag", "fTestFlagName", "fTestFlagKEY", "Test Flag");
195 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
196 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Project", "fProjectName", "fProjectKEY", "Project Name");
197 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
198 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "DiscriminatorThresholdTable", "fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName", "fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY", "DT Table");
199 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
200 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "L2TriggerTable", "fL2TriggerTableName", "fL2TriggerTableKEY", "L2 Trigger Table");
201 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
202 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "ExcludedFDA", "fExcludedFDAName", "fExcludedFDAKEY", "Exclusions");
203 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
204 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "LightConditions", "fLightConditionsName", "fLightConditionsKEY", "Light Conditions");
205 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
206 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "CalibrationScript", "fCalibrationScriptName", "fCalibrationScriptKEY", "Cal Script");
207 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
208 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "L3TriggerTable", "fL3TriggerTableName", "fL3TriggerTableKEY", "L3 Trigger Table");
209 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
210 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "MagicNumber", "fMagicNumberName", "fMagicNumberKEY", "Magic Number");
211 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
212 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "ObservationMode", "fObservationModeName", "fObservationModeKEY", "Obs. Mode");
213 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
214 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "SumTriggerFlag", "fSumTriggerFlagName", "fSumTriggerFlagKEY", "SumTrigger Flag");
215 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
216 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "TriggerDelayTable", "fTriggerDelayTableName", "fTriggerDelayTableKEY", "Trigger Delay Table");
217 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
218 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Cycle", "fCycleName", "fCycleKEY", "Cycle");
219 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
220 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "PI", "fPIName", "fPIKEY", "PI");
221 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
222 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "WorkingGroup", "fWorkingGroupName", "fWorkingGroupKEY", "Working Group");
223 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
224 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Proposal", "fProposalName", "fProposalKEY", "Proposal");
225 | printf(" </td></tr></table>\n");
226 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
227 | }
228 |
229 | function PrintSequInfoMenu()
230 | {
231 | printf(" <div id='info' style='display:none'>");
232 | printf(" <table>\n");
233 |
234 | printf("<tr><td align='center'>\n");
235 | printf(" <tr>\n");
236 |
237 | CheckBox("fRunStart", "Start time");
238 | CheckBox("fRunStop", "Stop time");
239 | CheckBox("fNumEvents", "Num of events");
240 | CheckBox("fRunTime/60", "Duration");
241 |
242 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
243 |
244 | CheckBox("fZenithDistanceMin", "Zenith distance min");
245 | CheckBox("fZenithDistanceMax", "Zenith distance max");
246 | CheckBox("fAzimuthMin", "Azimuth min");
247 | CheckBox("fAzimuthMax", "Azimuth max");
248 |
249 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
250 |
251 | CheckBox("fSequenceLast", "Last run");
252 | CheckBox("fLinks", "Links");
253 |
254 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
255 |
256 | CheckBox("fOnlySum", "only sumtrigger");
257 | CheckBox("fTest", "incl. TestSources");
258 | CheckBox("fOff", "incl. offsources");
259 | CheckBox("fOnlyOff", "only offsources");
260 |
261 | printf(" </tr></table>\n");
262 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
263 | }
264 |
265 | function PrintSequInfo2Menu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
266 | {
267 | printf(" <div id='info2' style='display:none'>\n");
268 | printf(" <table>\n");
269 | printf(" <tr><td>\n");
270 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Source", "fSourceName", "fSourceKEY", "Source Name");
271 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
272 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Project", "fProjectName", "fProjectKEY", "Project Name");
273 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
274 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "L1TriggerTable", "fL1TriggerTableName", "fL1TriggerTableKEY", "L1Trigger Table");
275 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
276 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Cycle", "fCycleName", "fCycleKEY", "Cycle");
277 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
278 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "LightConditions", "fLightConditionsName", "fLightConditionsKEY", "Light Conditions");
279 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
280 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "HvSettings", "fHvSettingsName", "fHvSettingsKEY", "HV Settings");
281 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
282 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "L2TriggerTable", "fL2TriggerTableName", "fL2TriggerTableKEY", "L2Trigger Table");
283 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
284 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "PI", "fPIName", "fPIKEY", "PI");
285 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
286 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "ObservationMode", "fObservationModeName", "fObservationModeKEY", "Obs. Mode");
287 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
288 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "DiscriminatorThresholdTable", "fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName", "fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY", "DT Table");
289 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
290 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "L3TriggerTable", "fL3TriggerTableName", "fL3TriggerTableKEY", "L3Trigger Table");
291 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
292 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "WorkingGroup", "fWorkingGroupName", "fWorkingGroupKEY", "Working Group");
293 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
294 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "SumTriggerFlag", "fSumTriggerFlagName", "fSumTriggerFlagKEY", "SumTrigger Flag");
295 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
296 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "TriggerDelayTable", "fTriggerDelayTableName", "fTriggerDelayTableKEY", "Trigger Delay Table");
297 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
298 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
299 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Proposal", "fProposalName", "fProposalKEY", "Proposal");
300 | // printf(" </td><td>\n");
301 | // PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "ManuallyChanged", "fManuallyChangedName", "fManuallyChangedKEY", "Manually changed");
302 | // printf(" </td><td>\n");
303 | // PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "TestFlag", "fTestFlagName", "fTestFlagKEY", "Test Flag");
304 | printf(" </td></tr>\n");
305 | printf(" </table>\n");
306 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
307 | }
308 |
309 | function PrintLimitsMenu($limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $alias, $old)
310 | {
311 | printf("<div id='limits' style='display:none'>\n");
312 | printf(" <table>\n");
313 | printf(" <tr><th colspan='3'>Limits</th></tr>\n");
314 | printf(" <tr><td valign='top'>\n");
315 |
316 | printf(" <table>\n");
317 | printf(" <tr><th>Name </th><th> Mean </th><th> Rms </th></tr>\n");
318 |
319 | foreach($limitsmean as $key => $element)
320 | {
321 | printf("<tr><td>%s</td>\n", $alias[$key]);
322 | $mean=$key . "Mean";
323 | $limitmean=$_GET[$mean];
324 | printf("<td><input name=\"%sMean\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"></td>\n", $key, $limitmean);
325 | $rms2=$key . "Rms";
326 | $limitrms=$_GET[$rms2];
327 | printf("<td><input name=\"%sRms\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"></td>\n", $key, $limitrms);
328 | printf("</tr>\n");
329 | }
330 |
331 | if (empty($old))
332 | {
333 | printf(" </table>\n");
334 | printf(" </td>\n");
335 | printf(" <td valign='top'>\n");
336 | printf(" <table>\n");
337 | }
338 |
339 | printf(" <tr><th>Name </th><th> Min </th><th> Min2 </th></tr>\n");
340 | foreach($limitsmin as $key => $element)
341 | {
342 | printf("<tr><td>%s</td>\n", $alias[$key]);
343 | $level1=$key . "1";
344 | $limit1=$_GET[$level1];
345 | printf("<td><input name=\"%s1\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"></td>\n", $key, $limit1);
346 | $level2=$key . "2";
347 | $limit2=$_GET[$level2];
348 | printf("<td><input name=\"%s2\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"></td>\n", $key, $limit2);
349 | printf("</tr>\n");
350 | }
351 |
352 | if (empty($old))
353 | {
354 | printf(" </table>\n");
355 | printf(" </td>\n");
356 | printf(" <td valign='top'>\n");
357 | printf(" <table>\n");
358 | }
359 |
360 | printf(" <tr><th>Name </th><th> Max </th><th> Max2 </th></tr>\n");
361 | foreach($limitsmax as $key => $element)
362 | {
363 | printf("<tr><td>%s</td>\n", $alias[$key]);
364 | $level1=$key . "1";
365 | $limit1=$_GET[$level1];
366 | printf("<td><input name=\"%s1\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"></td>\n", $key, $limit1);
367 | $level2=$key . "2";
368 | $limit2=$_GET[$level2];
369 | printf("<td><input name=\"%s2\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"></td>\n", $key, $limit2);
370 | printf("</tr>\n");
371 | }
372 | printf(" </table>\n");
373 |
374 | printf(" </td></tr></table>\n");
375 | printf("<p>\n");
376 | printf("</div>\n");
377 | }
378 |
379 | function PrintSequStatMenu()
380 | {
381 | printf(" <div id='stat' style='display:none'>\n");
382 | printf(" <table><tr><td>\n");
383 |
384 | PrintStatusMenu("fAllFilesAvail", "Files avail");
385 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
386 | PrintStatusMenu("fCallisto", "Callisto");
387 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
388 | PrintStatusMenu("fStar", "Star");
389 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
390 | PrintStatusMenu("fSequenceFileWritten", "Sequfile");
391 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
392 | PrintStatusMenu("fFillCallisto", "Fillcallisto");
393 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
394 | PrintStatusMenu("fFillStar", "Fillstar");
395 |
396 | printf("</td></tr> </table>\n");
397 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
398 | }
399 |
400 | function PrintFailMenu()
401 | {
402 | printf(" <div id='fail' style='display:none'>\n");
403 | printf(" <table>\n");
404 | printf(" <tr>\n");
405 |
406 | CheckBox("fStartTime", "ProcessTime");
407 | CheckBox("fFailedTime", "FailTime");
408 | CheckBox("fReturnCode", "RetCode");
409 | CheckBox("fProgramId", "ProgramId");
410 |
411 | printf(" </tr>\n");
412 | printf(" </table>\n");
413 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
414 | }
415 |
416 | function PrintCalMenu()
417 | {
418 | printf(" <div id='cal' style='display:none'>\n");
419 | printf(" <table>\n");
420 | printf(" <tr>\n");
421 |
422 | CheckBox("fUnsuitableInner", "Unsuitable inner");
423 | CheckBox("fUnsuitableOuter", "Unsuitable outer");
424 | CheckBox("fUnreliableInner", "Unreliable inner");
425 | CheckBox("fUnreliableOuter", "Unreliable outer");
426 |
427 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
428 |
429 | CheckBox("fUnsuitable50", "Unsuitable (50%)");
430 | CheckBox("fUnsuitable01", "Unsuitable (1%)");
431 | CheckBox("fUnsuitableMax", "UnsuitableMax");
432 | CheckBox("fDeadMax", "DeadMax");
433 |
434 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
435 |
436 | CheckBox("fIsolatedInner", "Isolated inner");
437 | CheckBox("fIsolatedOuter", "Isolated outer");
438 | CheckBox("fIsolatedMaxCluster", "IsolatedMaxCluster");
439 |
440 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
441 |
442 | CheckBox("fArrTimeMeanInner", "ArrTimeMean inner ");
443 | CheckBox("fArrTimeMeanOuter", "ArrTimeMean outer ");
444 | CheckBox("fArrTimeRmsInner", "ArrTimeRms inner ");
445 | CheckBox("fArrTimeRmsOuter", "ArrTimeRms outer ");
446 |
447 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
448 |
449 | CheckBox("fMeanPedRmsInner", "MeanPedRms inner");
450 | CheckBox("fMeanPedRmsOuter", "MeanPedRms outer");
451 | CheckBox("fMeanSignalInner", "MeanSignal inner");
452 | CheckBox("fMeanSignalOuter", "MeanSignal outer");
453 |
454 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
455 |
456 | CheckBox("fConvFactorInner", "Conv inner ");
457 | CheckBox("fConvFactorOuter", "Conv outer ");
458 | CheckBox("fPulsePosMean", "Mean PulsePos");
459 | CheckBox("fPulsePosCalib", "Cal PulsePos");
460 |
461 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
462 |
463 | CheckBox("fRateTrigEvts", "Rate Trig evts");
464 | CheckBox("fRateSumEvts", "Rate Sum Trig evts");
465 | CheckBox("fRatePedEvts", "Rate Ped evts");
466 | CheckBox("fRatePedTrigEvts", "Rate Ped Trig evts");
467 |
468 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
469 |
470 | CheckBox("fRateCalEvts", "Rate Cal evts");
471 | CheckBox("fRateNullEvts", "Rate Null evts");
472 | CheckBox("fRateUnknownEvts", "Rate Unknown evts");
473 | CheckBox("fRatioCalEvents", "Ratio Cal evts");
474 |
475 | printf(" </tr></table>\n");
476 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
477 | }
478 |
479 | function PrintStarMenu()
480 | {
481 | printf(" <div id='star' style='display:none'>\n");
482 | printf(" <table>\n");
483 | printf(" <tr>\n");
484 |
485 | CheckBox("fDataRate", "CleanedEvtRate");
486 | CheckBox("fMeanNumberIslands", "MeanNumIslands");
487 | CheckBox("fMaxHumidity", "MaxHumidity");
488 | CheckBox("fInhomogeneity", "Inhomogeneity");
489 |
490 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
491 |
492 | CheckBox("fMuonRate", "MuonRate");
493 | CheckBox("fMuonNumber", "MuonNumber");
494 | CheckBox("fRatio", "Ratio");
495 | CheckBox("fPSF", "PSF");
496 |
497 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
498 |
499 | CheckBox("fSparkRate", "SparkRate");
500 |
501 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
502 |
503 | CheckBox("fEffOnTime", "EffOnTime");
504 | CheckBox("fEffOnTime/fRunTime", "RelOnTime");
505 | CheckBox("fBrightnessMed", "SkyBrightnessMed");
506 | CheckBox("fBrightnessRMS", "SkyBrightnessRMS");
507 |
508 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
509 |
510 | CheckBox("fNumStarsMed", "# id. Stars");
511 | CheckBox("fNumStarsRMS", "RMS id. Stars");
512 | CheckBox("fNumStarsCorMed", "# cor. Stars");
513 | CheckBox("fNumStarsCorRMS", "RMS cor. Stars");
514 |
515 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
516 |
517 | CheckBox("fAvgWindSpeed", "Avg wind speed");
518 | CheckBox("fAvgTemperature", "Avg temperature");
519 | CheckBox("fAvgHumidity", "Avg humidity");
520 | CheckBox("fAvgTempSky", "Avg sky temperature");
521 |
522 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
523 |
524 | CheckBox("fAvgCloudiness", "Avg cloudiness");
525 | CheckBox("fRmsCloudiness", "RMS cloudiness");
526 |
527 | printf(" </tr>\n");
528 | printf(" </table>\n");
529 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
530 | }
531 |
532 | function PrintDataSetInfoMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
533 | {
534 | printf(" <div id=\"info\" style='display:none'>");
535 | printf(" <table>\n");
536 | printf(" <tr>\n");
537 |
538 | CheckBox("fDataSetName", "Name");
539 | CheckBox("fComment", "Comment");
540 | CheckBox("fRunTime", "Uptime");
541 | CheckBox("fRunStart", "Start");
542 | CheckBox("fRunStop", "Stop");
543 |
544 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
545 |
546 | CheckBox("fZenithDistanceMin", "ZdMin");
547 | CheckBox("fZenithDistanceMax", "ZdMax");
548 | CheckBox("fLinks", "Links");
549 |
550 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
551 |
552 | CheckBox("fEffOnTime/3600", "EffOnTime");
553 | CheckBox("fExcessEvents", "ExcEvts");
554 | CheckBox("fBackgroundEvents", "BgEvts");
555 | CheckBox("fSignalEvents", "SignEvts");
556 | CheckBox("fSignificance", "Sign");
557 |
558 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
559 |
560 | CheckBox("fScaleFactor", "Scale");
561 | CheckBox("fExcessEvents*60/fEffOnTime", "ExcRate");
562 | CheckBox("fBackgroundEvents*60/fEffOnTime", "BgRate");
563 | CheckBox("fSignalEvents*60/fEffOnTime", "SignRate");
564 | CheckBox("Round(fSignificance/Sqrt(fEffOnTime/3600),2)", "SignfRate");
565 |
566 | printf(" </tr>\n");
567 | printf(" </table>\n");
568 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
569 | }
570 |
571 | function PrintDataSetInfoMenu2($host,$user,$pw,$db)
572 | {
573 | printf(" <div id='info2' style='display:none'>");
574 | printf(" <table><tr><td>\n");
575 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "Source", "fSourceName", "fSourceKEY", "Source Name");
576 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
577 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "ObservationMode", "fObservationModeName", "fObservationModeKEY", "Observation Mode");
578 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
579 | PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, "User", "fUserName", "fUserKEY", "User");
580 | printf(" </td></tr>\n");
581 | printf(" </table>\n");
582 | printf("</div>");
583 | }
584 |
585 | function PrintDataSetStatMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
586 | {
587 | printf(" <div id=\"stat\" style='display:none'>\n");
588 | printf(" <table>\n");
589 | printf(" <tr>\n");
590 |
591 | printf(" <td>\n");
592 | PrintStatusMenu("fDataSetInserted", "DataSet Inserted");
593 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
594 | PrintStatusMenu("fDataSetFileWritten", "DataSetFile");
595 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
596 | PrintStatusMenu("fStarFilesAvail", "FilesAvail");
597 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
598 | PrintStatusMenu("fGanymed", "Ganymed");
599 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
600 | PrintStatusMenu("fFillGanymed", "FillGanymed");
601 | printf(" </tr>\n");
602 | printf(" </table>\n");
603 | printf(" </div><p>\n");
604 | }
605 |
606 | function PrintRunRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
607 | {
608 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMin"]))
609 | $min = GetMin("fRunNumber", "RunData", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
610 | else
611 | $min = $_GET["fRunMin"];
612 |
613 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
614 | $max = GetMax("fRunNumber", "RunData", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
615 | else
616 | $max = $_GET["fRunMax"];
617 |
618 | printf("Runs from <input name=\"fRunMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\">\n", $min);
619 | printf("to <input name=\"fRunMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $max);
620 | }
621 |
622 | function PrintCTAMCRunRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
623 | {
624 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMin"]))
625 | $min = GetMin("fMCRunNumber", "MCRunData", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
626 | else
627 | $min = $_GET["fRunMin"];
628 |
629 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
630 | $max = GetMax("fMCRunNumber", "MCRunData", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
631 | else
632 | $max = $_GET["fRunMax"];
633 |
634 | printf("Runs from <input name=\"fRunMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\">\n", $min);
635 | printf("to <input name=\"fRunMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $max);
636 | }
637 |
638 | function PrintMCRunRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
639 | {
640 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMin"]))
641 | $min = GetMin("fRunNumber", "CeresInfo", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
642 | else
643 | $min = $_GET["fRunMin"];
644 |
645 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
646 | $max = GetMax("fRunNumber", "CeresInfo", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
647 | else
648 | $max = $_GET["fRunMax"];
649 |
650 | printf("Runs from <input name=\"fRunMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\">\n", $min);
651 | printf("to <input name=\"fRunMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $max);
652 | }
653 |
654 | function PrintSequRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
655 | {
656 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMin"]))
657 | $min = GetMin("fSequenceFirst", "Sequences", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
658 | else
659 | $min = $_GET["fRunMin"];
660 |
661 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
662 | $max = GetMax("fSequenceFirst", "Sequences", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
663 | else
664 | $max = $_GET["fRunMax"];
665 |
666 | printf("Sequences from <input name=\"fRunMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\">\n", $min);
667 | printf("to <input name=\"fRunMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $max);
668 | }
669 |
670 | function PrintDataSetRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
671 | {
672 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMin"]))
673 | $min = GetMin("fDataSetNumber", "DataSets", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
674 | else
675 | $min = $_GET["fRunMin"];
676 |
677 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
678 | $max = GetMax("fDataSetNumber", "DataSets", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
679 | else
680 | $max = $_GET["fRunMax"];
681 |
682 | printf("DataSets from <input name=\"fRunMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\">\n", $min);
683 | printf("to <input name=\"fRunMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $max);
684 | }
685 |
686 | function PrintZdRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
687 | {
688 | if (empty($_GET["fZDMin"]))
689 | $zdmin = GetMin("fZenithDistanceMin", "Sequences", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
690 | else
691 | $zdmin = $_GET["fZDMin"];
692 |
693 | if (empty($_GET["fZDMax"]))
694 | $zdmax = GetMax("fZenithDistanceMax", "Sequences", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
695 | else
696 | $zdmax = $_GET["fZDMax"];
697 |
698 | printf("ZenithDistance from <input name=\"fZDMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"%s\">\n", $zdmin);
699 | printf("to <input name=\"fZDMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $zdmax);
700 | }
701 |
702 | function PrintNightRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db, $table)
703 | {
704 | if (empty($_GET["fStartDate"]))
705 | $timemin = GetMin("Date_Format(fRunStart, '%Y-%m-%d')", $table, $host, $user, $pw, $db);
706 | else
707 | $timemin = $_GET["fStartDate"];
708 |
709 | if (empty($_GET["fStopDate"]))
710 | $timemax = GetMaxDate("Date_Format(fRunStart, '%Y-%m-%d')", $table, $host, $user, $pw, $db);
711 | else
712 | $timemax = $_GET["fStopDate"];
713 |
714 | printf("Night (yyyy-mm-dd) from <input name=\"fStartDate\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"%s\">\n", $timemin);
715 | printf("to <input name=\"fStopDate\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $timemax);
716 | }
717 |
718 | function PrintStarRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
719 | {
720 | if (empty($_GET["fStarStart"]))
721 | $starmin = GetMin("fStar", "SequenceProcessStatus", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
722 | else
723 | $starmin = $_GET["fStarStart"];
724 |
725 | if (empty($_GET["fStarStop"]))
726 | $starmax = GetMax("fStar", "SequenceProcessStatus", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
727 | else
728 | $starmax = $_GET["fStarStop"];
729 |
730 | printf("<p>StarDone (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) from <input name=\"fStarStart\" type=\"text\" size=\"19\" maxlength=\"19\" value=\"%s\">\n", $starmin);
731 | printf("to <input name=\"fStarStop\" type=\"text\" size=\"19\" maxlength=\"19\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $starmax);
732 | }
733 |
734 | function PrintGroupByDateMenu()
735 | {
736 | printf("Group by Date ");
737 | printf("<select name='fGroupByDate' size='1' class='Width'>\n");
738 | if (empty($_GET["fGroupByDate"]) || $_GET["fGroupByDate"]==0)
739 | printf(" <option value='0' selected>--- NO GROUP BY ---</option>\n");
740 | else
741 | printf(" <option value='0'>--- NO GROUP BY ---</option>\n");
742 | $dates=array("Year", "Month","Night");
743 | foreach ($dates as $date)
744 | {
745 | if ($_GET["fGroupByDate"]==$date)
746 | printf(" <option value='%s' selected> %s </option>\n", $date, $date);
747 | else
748 | printf(" <option value='%s'> %s </option>\n", $date, $date);
749 | }
750 | printf(" </select>\n");
751 | }
752 |
753 | function PrintSourceMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
754 | {
755 | printf("Source (<A HREF=\"regexp.html\">regexp</A>) <input name=\"fSourceN\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"");
756 | if (!empty($_GET["fSourceN"]))
757 | printf("%s", $_GET["fSourceN"]);
758 | printf("\"> \n");
759 | }
760 | function PrintSequMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db)
761 | {
762 | printf("Sequ# <input name=\"fSequenceNo\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"");
763 | if (!empty($_GET["fSequenceNo"]))
764 | printf("%s", $_GET["fSequenceNo"]);
765 | printf("\"> \n");
766 | }
767 |
768 | function PrintNumResPullDown()
769 | {
770 | printf(" Results:\n");
771 | printf(" <select name=\"fNumResults\">\n");
772 |
773 | $numres = array("10", "20", "50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000");
774 | foreach ($numres as $element)
775 | {
776 | if ($element==$_GET["fNumResults"])
777 | printf("<option value=\"%s\" selected>%3s</option>\n", $element, $element);
778 | else
779 | printf("<option value=\"%s\">%3s</option>\n", $element, $element);
780 | }
781 | printf(" </select>\n");
782 | printf(" \n");
783 | }
784 |
785 | function PrintButtons($page)
786 | {
787 | printf("<input class='Width' type='submit' value='Query Table'> \n");
788 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Reset' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s\"'> \n", $page);
789 | // printf("<p>");
790 | if (strchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')!=FALSE)
791 | {
792 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Get .txt' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s&fSendTxt=1\"'> \n", htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
793 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Print' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s&fPrintTable=1\"'> \n", htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
794 | printf("MySqlQuery: <img id='showquerybutton' src='../plus.png' alt='+' onClick='showhide(\"showquery\")'>\n");
795 | }
796 | }
797 |
798 | function InitInfo($first)
799 | {
800 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
801 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="20";
802 |
803 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStart"]))
804 | $_GET["fRunStart"]="Off";
805 |
806 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStop"]))
807 | $_GET["fRunStop"]="Off";
808 |
809 | if (empty($_GET["fTest"]))
810 | $_GET["fTest"]="Off";
811 |
812 | if (empty($_GET["fSourceName"]))
813 | $_GET["fSourceName"]="Off";
814 |
815 | if (empty($_GET["fProjectName"]))
816 | $_GET["fProjectName"]="Off";
817 |
818 | if (empty($_GET["fL1TriggerTableName"]))
819 | $_GET["fL1TriggerTableName"]="Off";
820 |
821 | if (empty($_GET["fL2TriggerTableName"]))
822 | $_GET["fL2TriggerTableName"]="Off";
823 |
824 | if (empty($_GET["fL3TriggerTableName"]))
825 | $_GET["fL3TriggerTableName"]="Off";
826 |
827 | if (empty($_GET["fHvSettingsName"]))
828 | $_GET["fHvSettingsName"]="Off";
829 |
830 | if (empty($_GET["fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName"]))
831 | $_GET["fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName"]="Off";
832 |
833 | if (empty($_GET["fTriggerDelayTableName"]))
834 | $_GET["fTriggerDelayTableName"]="Off";
835 |
836 | if (empty($_GET["fLightConditionsName"]))
837 | $_GET["fLightConditionsName"]="Off";
838 |
839 | if (empty($_GET["fTestFlagName"]))
840 | $_GET["fTestFlagName"]="Off";
841 |
842 | if (empty($_GET["fCycleName"]))
843 | $_GET["fCycleName"]="Off";
844 |
845 | if (empty($_GET["fPIName"]))
846 | $_GET["fPIName"]="Off";
847 |
848 | if (empty($_GET["fWorkingGroupName"]))
849 | $_GET["fWorkingGroupName"]="Off";
850 |
851 | if (empty($_GET["fProposalName"]))
852 | $_GET["fProposalName"]="Off";
853 | }
854 |
855 | function InitRunStatus($first)
856 | {
857 | if (empty($_GET["fDataCheckDone"]))
858 | $_GET["fDataCheckDone"]="Off";
859 |
860 | if (empty($_GET["fDataCheckDoneStatus"]))
861 | $_GET["fDataCheckDoneStatus"]="0";
862 |
863 | if (empty($_GET["fCCFileAvail"]))
864 | $_GET["fCCFileAvail"]="Off";
865 |
866 | if (empty($_GET["fCCFileAvailStatus"]))
867 | $_GET["fCCFileAvailStatus"]="0";
868 |
869 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileAvail"]))
870 | $_GET["fCaCoFileAvail"]=$first?"On":"";
871 |
872 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileAvailStatus"]))
873 | $_GET["fCaCoFileAvailStatus"]="0";
874 |
875 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileFound"]))
876 | $_GET["fCaCoFileFound"]="Off";
877 |
878 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileFoundStatus"]))
879 | $_GET["fCaCoFileFoundStatus"]="0";
880 |
881 | if (empty($_GET["fRawFileAvail"]))
882 | $_GET["fRawFileAvail"]="Off";
883 |
884 | if (empty($_GET["fRawFileAvailStatus"]))
885 | $_GET["fRawFileAvailStatus"]="0";
886 |
887 | if (empty($_GET["fTimingCorrection"]))
888 | $_GET["fTimingCorrection"]="Off";
889 |
890 | if (empty($_GET["fTimingCorrectionStatus"]))
891 | $_GET["fTimingCorrectionStatus"]="0";
892 | }
893 |
894 | function InitRunInfo($first)
895 | {
896 | InitRunStatus($first);
897 | InitInfo($first);
898 |
899 | if (empty($_GET["fNumEvents"]))
900 | $_GET["fNumEvents"]=$first?"Off":"";
901 |
902 | if (empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
903 | $_GET["fLinks"]=$first?"On":"";
904 |
905 | if (empty($_GET["fFormatVersion"]))
906 | $_GET["fFormatVersion"]="Off";
907 |
908 | if (empty($_GET["fAzimuth"]))
909 | $_GET["fAzimuth"]="Off";
910 |
911 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistance"]))
912 | $_GET["fZenithDistance"]="Off";
913 |
914 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTypeName"]))
915 | $_GET["fRunTypeName"]="Off";
916 |
917 | if (empty($_GET["fExcludedFDAName"]))
918 | $_GET["fExcludedFDAName"]="Off";
919 |
920 | if (empty($_GET["fMagicNumberName"]))
921 | $_GET["fMagicNumberName"]="Off";
922 |
923 | if (empty($_GET["fObservationModeName"]))
924 | $_GET["fObservationModeName"]="Off";
925 |
926 | if (empty($_GET["fSumTriggerFlagName"]))
927 | $_GET["fSumTriggerFlagName"]="Off";
928 |
929 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanTriggerRate"]))
930 | $_GET["fMeanTriggerRate"]="Off";
931 |
932 | if (empty($_GET["fCalibrationScriptName"]))
933 | $_GET["fCalibrationScriptName"]="Off";
934 |
935 | if (empty($_GET["fTestFlagName"]))
936 | $_GET["fTestFlagName"]="Off";
937 |
938 | if (empty($_GET["fDaqStoreRate"]))
939 | $_GET["fDaqStoreRate"]="Off";
940 |
941 | if (empty($_GET["fDaqTriggerRate"]))
942 | $_GET["fDaqTriggerRate"]="Off";
943 |
944 | if (empty($_GET["fL2RatePresc"]))
945 | $_GET["fL2RatePresc"]="Off";
946 |
947 | if (empty($_GET["fL3TriggerRate"]))
948 | $_GET["fL3TriggerRate"]="Off";
949 |
950 | if (empty($_GET["fWheelPos1"]))
951 | $_GET["fWheelPos1"]="Off";
952 |
953 | if (empty($_GET["fWheelPos2"]))
954 | $_GET["fWheelPos2"]="Off";
955 |
956 | if (empty($_GET["fL2RateUnpresc"]))
957 | $_GET["fL2RateUnpresc"]="Off";
958 |
959 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceFirst"]))
960 | $_GET["fSequenceFirst"]="Off";
961 |
962 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceNo"]))
963 | $_GET["fSequenceNo"]="";
964 | }
965 |
966 | function InitSequStatus($first)
967 | {
968 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceFileWritten"]))
969 | $_GET["fSequenceFileWritten"]="Off";
970 |
971 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceFileWrittenStatus"]))
972 | $_GET["fSequenceFileWrittenStatus"]="0";
973 |
974 | if (empty($_GET["fAllFilesAvail"]))
975 | $_GET["fAllFilesAvail"]="Off";
976 |
977 | if (empty($_GET["fAllFilesAvailStatus"]))
978 | $_GET["fAllFilesAvailStatus"]="0";
979 |
980 | if (empty($_GET["fCallisto"]))
981 | $_GET["fCallisto"]="Off";
982 |
983 | if (empty($_GET["fCallistoStatus"]))
984 | $_GET["fCallistoStatus"]="0";
985 |
986 | if (empty($_GET["fFillCallisto"]))
987 | $_GET["fFillCallisto"]="Off";
988 |
989 | if (empty($_GET["fFillCallistoStatus"]))
990 | $_GET["fFillCallistoStatus"]="0";
991 |
992 | if (empty($_GET["fStar"]))
993 | $_GET["fStar"]="Off";
994 |
995 | if (empty($_GET["fStarStatus"]))
996 | $_GET["fStarStatus"]="0";
997 |
998 | if (empty($_GET["fFillStar"]))
999 | $_GET["fFillStar"]="Off";
1000 |
1001 | if (empty($_GET["fFillStarStatus"]))
1002 | $_GET["fFillStarStatus"]="0";
1003 | }
1004 |
1005 | function InitStarInfo($first)
1006 | {
1007 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanNumberIslands"]))
1008 | $_GET["fMeanNumberIslands"]="Off";
1009 |
1010 | if (empty($_GET["fPSF"]))
1011 | $_GET["fPSF"]="Off";
1012 |
1013 | if (empty($_GET["fRatio"]))
1014 | $_GET["fRatio"]="Off";
1015 |
1016 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonNumber"]))
1017 | $_GET["fMuonNumber"]="Off";
1018 |
1019 | if (empty($_GET["fEffOnTime"]))
1020 | $_GET["fEffOnTime"]="Off";
1021 |
1022 | if (empty($_GET["fEffOnTime/fRunTime"]))
1023 | $_GET["fEffOnTime/fRunTime"]="Off";
1024 |
1025 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonRate"]))
1026 | $_GET["fMuonRate"]="Off";
1027 |
1028 | if (empty($_GET["fInhomogeneity"]))
1029 | $_GET["fInhomogeneity"]="Off";
1030 |
1031 | if (empty($_GET["fDataRate"]))
1032 | $_GET["fDataRate"]="Off";
1033 |
1034 | if (empty($_GET["fSparkRate"]))
1035 | $_GET["fSparkRate"]="Off";
1036 |
1037 | if (empty($_GET["fMaxHumidity"]))
1038 | $_GET["fMaxHumidity"]="Off";
1039 |
1040 | if (empty($_GET["fBrightnessMed"]))
1041 | $_GET["fBrightnessMed"]="Off";
1042 |
1043 | if (empty($_GET["fBrightnessRMS"]))
1044 | $_GET["fBrightnessRMS"]="Off";
1045 |
1046 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsMed"]))
1047 | $_GET["fNumStarsMed"]="Off";
1048 |
1049 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsRMS"]))
1050 | $_GET["fNumStarsRMS"]="Off";
1051 |
1052 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsCorMed"]))
1053 | $_GET["fNumStarsCorMed"]="Off";
1054 |
1055 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsCorRMS"]))
1056 | $_GET["fNumStarsCorRMS"]="Off";
1057 |
1058 | if (empty($_GET["fAvgWindSpeed"]))
1059 | $_GET["fAvgWindSpeed"]="Off";
1060 |
1061 | if (empty($_GET["fAvgTemperature"]))
1062 | $_GET["fAvgTemperature"]="Off";
1063 |
1064 | if (empty($_GET["fAvgHumidity"]))
1065 | $_GET["fAvgHumidity"]="Off";
1066 |
1067 | if (empty($_GET["fAvgTempSky"]))
1068 | $_GET["fAvgTempSky"]="Off";
1069 |
1070 | if (empty($_GET["fAvgCloudiness"]))
1071 | $_GET["fAvgCloudiness"]="Off";
1072 |
1073 | if (empty($_GET["fRmsCloudiness"]))
1074 | $_GET["fRmsCloudiness"]="Off";
1075 | }
1076 |
1077 | function InitCalInfo($first)
1078 | {
1079 | if (empty($_GET["fUnreliableInner"]))
1080 | $_GET["fUnreliableInner"]="Off";
1081 |
1082 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsuitableOuter"]))
1083 | $_GET["fUnsuitableOuter"]="Off";
1084 |
1085 | if (empty($_GET["fUnreliableOuter"]))
1086 | $_GET["fUnreliableOuter"]="Off";
1087 |
1088 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsuitableInner"]))
1089 | $_GET["fUnsuitableInner"]="Off";
1090 |
1091 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsuitable50"]))
1092 | $_GET["fUnsuitable50"]="Off";
1093 |
1094 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsuitable01"]))
1095 | $_GET["fUnsuitable01"]="Off";
1096 |
1097 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsuitableMax"]))
1098 | $_GET["fUnsuitableMax"]="Off";
1099 |
1100 | if (empty($_GET["fDeadMax"]))
1101 | $_GET["fDeadMax"]="Off";
1102 |
1103 | if (empty($_GET["fRateTrigEvts"]))
1104 | $_GET["fRateTrigEvts"]="Off";
1105 |
1106 | if (empty($_GET["fRateSumEvts"]))
1107 | $_GET["fRateSumEvts"]="Off";
1108 |
1109 | if (empty($_GET["fRatePedEvts"]))
1110 | $_GET["fRatePedEvts"]="Off";
1111 |
1112 | if (empty($_GET["fRatePedTrigEvts"]))
1113 | $_GET["fRatePedTrigEvts"]="Off";
1114 |
1115 | if (empty($_GET["fRateCalEvts"]))
1116 | $_GET["fRateCalEvts"]="Off";
1117 |
1118 | if (empty($_GET["fRateNullEvts"]))
1119 | $_GET["fRateNullEvts"]="Off";
1120 |
1121 | if (empty($_GET["fRateUnknownEvts"]))
1122 | $_GET["fRateUnknownEvts"]="Off";
1123 |
1124 | if (empty($_GET["fRatioCalEvents"]))
1125 | $_GET["fRatioCalEvents"]="Off";
1126 |
1127 | if (empty($_GET["fPulsePosCalib"]))
1128 | $_GET["fPulsePosCalib"]="Off";
1129 |
1130 | if (empty($_GET["fIsolatedInner"]))
1131 | $_GET["fIsolatedInner"]="Off";
1132 |
1133 | if (empty($_GET["fIsolatedOuter"]))
1134 | $_GET["fIsolatedOuter"]="Off";
1135 |
1136 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanPedRmsInner"]))
1137 | $_GET["fMeanPedRmsInner"]="Off";
1138 |
1139 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanPedRmsOuter"]))
1140 | $_GET["fMeanPedRmsOuter"]="Off";
1141 |
1142 | if (empty($_GET["fIsolatedMaxCluster"]))
1143 | $_GET["fIsolatedMaxCluster"]="Off";
1144 |
1145 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeMeanInner"]))
1146 | $_GET["fArrTimeMeanInner"]="Off";
1147 |
1148 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeMeanOuter"]))
1149 | $_GET["fArrTimeMeanOuter"]="Off";
1150 |
1151 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeRmsInner"]))
1152 | $_GET["fArrTimeRmsInner"]="Off";
1153 |
1154 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeRmsOuter"]))
1155 | $_GET["fArrTimeRmsOuter"]="Off";
1156 |
1157 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanSignalInner"]))
1158 | $_GET["fMeanSignalInner"]=$first?"Off":"";
1159 |
1160 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanSignalOuter"]))
1161 | $_GET["fMeanSignalOuter"]=$first?"Off":"";
1162 |
1163 | if (empty($_GET["fPulsePosMean"]))
1164 | $_GET["fPulsePosMean"]=$first?"Off":"";
1165 |
1166 | if (empty($_GET["fConvFactorInner"]))
1167 | $_GET["fConvFactorInner"]="Off";
1168 |
1169 | if (empty($_GET["fConvFactorOuter"]))
1170 | $_GET["fConvFactorOuter"]="Off";
1171 | }
1172 |
1173 | function InitSequInfo($first)
1174 | {
1175 | InitInfo($first);
1176 | InitSequStatus($first);
1177 | InitCalInfo($first);
1178 | InitStarInfo($first);
1179 |
1180 | if (empty($_GET["fNumEvents"]))
1181 | $_GET["fNumEvents"]=$first?"Off":"";
1182 |
1183 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTime/60"]))
1184 | $_GET["fRunTime/60"]="Off";
1185 |
1186 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceLast"]))
1187 | $_GET["fSequenceLast"]="Off";
1188 |
1189 | if (empty($_GET["fAzimuthMin"]))
1190 | $_GET["fAzimuthMin"]="Off";
1191 |
1192 | if (empty($_GET["fAzimuthMax"]))
1193 | $_GET["fAzimuthMax"]="Off";
1194 |
1195 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]))
1196 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]="Off";
1197 |
1198 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]))
1199 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]="Off";
1200 |
1201 | if (empty($_GET["fObservationModeName"]))
1202 | $_GET["fObservationModeName"]="Off";
1203 |
1204 | if (empty($_GET["fSumTriggerFlagName"]))
1205 | $_GET["fSumTriggerFlagName"]="Off";
1206 |
1207 | if (empty($_GET["fOnlySum"]))
1208 | $_GET["fOnlySum"]="Off";
1209 |
1210 | // if (empty($_GET["fManuallyChangedName"]))
1211 | // $_GET["fManuallyChangedName"]="Off";
1212 | }
1213 |
1214 | function InitDataSetStatus($first)
1215 | {
1216 | if (empty($_GET["fDataSetInserted"]))
1217 | $_GET["fDataSetInserted"]="Off";
1218 |
1219 | if (empty($_GET["fDataSetInsertedStatus"]))
1220 | $_GET["fDataSetInsertedStatus"]="0";
1221 |
1222 | if (empty($_GET["fDataSetFileWritten"]))
1223 | $_GET["fDataSetFileWritten"]=$first?"On":"";
1224 |
1225 | if (empty($_GET["fDataSetFileWrittenStatus"]))
1226 | $_GET["fDataSetFileWrittenStatus"]="0";
1227 |
1228 | if (empty($_GET["fStarFilesAvail"]))
1229 | $_GET["fStarFilesAvail"]="Off";
1230 |
1231 | if (empty($_GET["fStarFilesAvailStatus"]))
1232 | $_GET["fStarFilesAvailStatus"]="0";
1233 |
1234 | if (empty($_GET["fGanymed"]))
1235 | $_GET["fGanymed"]=$first?"On":"";
1236 |
1237 | if (empty($_GET["fGanymedStatus"]))
1238 | $_GET["fGanymedStatus"]="0";
1239 |
1240 | if (empty($_GET["fFillGanymed"]))
1241 | $_GET["fFillGanymed"]="Off";
1242 |
1243 | if (empty($_GET["fFillGanymedStatus"]))
1244 | $_GET["fFillGanymedStatus"]="0";
1245 | }
1246 |
1247 | function InitDataSetInfo($first)
1248 | {
1249 | InitDataSetStatus($first);
1250 |
1251 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
1252 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="50";
1253 |
1254 | if (empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
1255 | $_GET["fLinks"]=$first?"On":"";
1256 |
1257 | if (empty($_GET["fExcessEvents"]))
1258 | $_GET["fExcessEvents"]=$first?"On":"";
1259 |
1260 | if (empty($_GET["fBackgroundEvents*60/fEffOnTime"]))
1261 | $_GET["fBackgroundEvents*60/fEffOnTime"]=$first?"On":"";
1262 |
1263 | if (empty($_GET["fBackgroundEvents"]))
1264 | $_GET["fBackgroundEvents"]=$first?"On":"";
1265 |
1266 | if (empty($_GET["fSignalEvents"]))
1267 | $_GET["fSignalEvents"]=$first?"On":"";
1268 |
1269 | if (empty($_GET["fSignificance"]))
1270 | $_GET["fSignificance"]=$first?"On":"";
1271 |
1272 | if (empty($_GET["fScaleFactor"]))
1273 | $_GET["fScaleFactor"]=$first?"On":"";
1274 |
1275 | if (empty($_GET["fEffOnTime/3600"]))
1276 | $_GET["fEffOnTime/3600"]=$first?"On":"";
1277 |
1278 | if (empty($_GET["fSourceName"]))
1279 | $_GET["fSourceName"]=$first?"On":"";
1280 |
1281 | if (empty($_GET["fObservationModeName"]))
1282 | $_GET["fObservationModeName"]=$first?"On":"";
1283 |
1284 | if (empty($_GET["fComment"]))
1285 | $_GET["fComment"]="Off";
1286 |
1287 | if (empty($_GET["fUserName"]))
1288 | $_GET["fUserName"]="Off";
1289 |
1290 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStart"]))
1291 | $_GET["fRunStart"]="Off";
1292 |
1293 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStop"]))
1294 | $_GET["fRunStop"]="Off";
1295 |
1296 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]))
1297 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]=$first?"On":"";
1298 |
1299 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]))
1300 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]=$first?"On":"";
1301 |
1302 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTime"]))
1303 | $_GET["fRunTime"]="Off";
1304 |
1305 | if (empty($_GET["fDataSetName"]))
1306 | $_GET["fDataSetName"]=$first?"On":"";
1307 |
1308 | if (empty($_GET["fExcessEvents*60/fEffOnTime"]))
1309 | $_GET["fExcessEvents*60/fEffOnTime"]="Off";
1310 |
1311 | if (empty($_GET["fSignalEvents*60/fEffOnTime"]))
1312 | $_GET["fSignalEvents*60/fEffOnTime"]="Off";
1313 |
1314 | if (empty($_GET["Round(fSignificance/Sqrt(fEffOnTime/3600),2)"]))
1315 | $_GET["Round(fSignificance/Sqrt(fEffOnTime/3600),2)"]="Off";
1316 |
1317 | }
1318 |
1319 | function InitFindOffData($first)
1320 | {
1321 | InitSequInfo($first);
1322 |
1323 | //init for limits
1324 |
1325 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeLimitMean"]))
1326 | $_GET["fArrTimeLimitMean"]="";
1327 |
1328 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeLimitRms"]))
1329 | $_GET["fArrTimeLimitRms"]="";
1330 |
1331 | if (empty($_GET["fSkyBrightLimitMean"]))
1332 | $_GET["fSkyBrightLimitMean"]="";
1333 |
1334 | if (empty($_GET["fSkyBrightLimitRms"]))
1335 | $_GET["fSkyBrightLimitRms"]="";
1336 |
1337 | if (empty($_GET["fMaxHumLimit1"]))
1338 | $_GET["fMaxHumLimit1"]="";
1339 |
1340 | if (empty($_GET["fMaxHumLimit2"]))
1341 | $_GET["fMaxHumLimit2"]="";
1342 |
1343 | if (empty($_GET["fCloudinessLimit1"]))
1344 | $_GET["fCloudinessLimit1"]="40";
1345 |
1346 | if (empty($_GET["fCloudinessLimit2"]))
1347 | $_GET["fCloudinessLimit2"]="50";
1348 |
1349 | //values that differ for different data
1350 | if (empty($_GET["fPSFLimitMean"]))
1351 | $_GET["fPSFLimitMean"]="";
1352 |
1353 | if (empty($_GET["fPedRmsInLimitMean"]))
1354 | $_GET["fPedRmsInLimitMean"]="";
1355 |
1356 | if (empty($_GET["fZdMinLimit1"]))
1357 | $_GET["fZdMinLimit1"]="";
1358 |
1359 | if (empty($_GET["fZdMinLimit2"]))
1360 | $_GET["fZdMinLimit2"]="";
1361 |
1362 | if (empty($_GET["fZdMaxLimit1"]))
1363 | $_GET["fZdMaxLimit1"]="";
1364 |
1365 | if (empty($_GET["fZdMaxLimit2"]))
1366 | $_GET["fZdMaxLimit2"]="";
1367 |
1368 | // values taken from distribution or from experience
1369 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsInLimit1"]))
1370 | $_GET["fUnsInLimit1"]=$first?"12":"";
1371 |
1372 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsInLimit2"]))
1373 | $_GET["fUnsInLimit2"]=$first?"20":"";
1374 |
1375 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTimeLimit1"]))
1376 | $_GET["fRunTimeLimit1"]=$first?"5":"";
1377 |
1378 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTimeLimit2"]))
1379 | $_GET["fRunTimeLimit2"]=$first?"2":"";
1380 |
1381 | if (empty($_GET["fPSFLimitRms"]))
1382 | $_GET["fPSFLimitRms"]=$first?"1.0":"";
1383 |
1384 | if (empty($_GET["fPedRmsInLimitRms"]))
1385 | $_GET["fPedRmsInLimitRms"]=$first?"0.08":"";
1386 |
1387 | if (empty($_GET["fNumIslLimitMean"]))
1388 | $_GET["fNumIslLimitMean"]=$first?"1.230":"";
1389 |
1390 | if (empty($_GET["fNumIslLimitRms"]))
1391 | $_GET["fNumIslLimitRms"]=$first?"0.013":"";
1392 |
1393 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonCalLimitMean"]))
1394 | $_GET["fMuonCalLimitMean"]=$first?"100.0":"";
1395 |
1396 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonCalLimitRms"]))
1397 | $_GET["fMuonCalLimitRms"]=$first?"1.6":"";
1398 |
1399 | if (empty($_GET["fRelTimeMaxLimit1"]))
1400 | $_GET["fRelTimeMaxLimit1"]=$first?"1.0":"";
1401 |
1402 | if (empty($_GET["fRelTimeMaxLimit2"]))
1403 | $_GET["fRelTimeMaxLimit2"]=$first?"1.02":"";
1404 |
1405 | if (empty($_GET["fRelTimeMinLimit1"]))
1406 | $_GET["fRelTimeMinLimit1"]=$first?"0.97":"";
1407 |
1408 | if (empty($_GET["fRelTimeMinLimit2"]))
1409 | $_GET["fRelTimeMinLimit2"]=$first?"0.93":"";
1410 |
1411 | if (empty($_GET["fIMCLimit1"]))
1412 | $_GET["fIMCLimit1"]=$first?"00":"";
1413 |
1414 | if (empty($_GET["fIMCLimit2"]))
1415 | $_GET["fIMCLimit2"]=$first?"00":"";
1416 |
1417 | if (empty($_GET["fIsoInLimit1"]))
1418 | $_GET["fIsoInLimit1"]=$first?"00":"";
1419 |
1420 | if (empty($_GET["fIsoInLimit2"]))
1421 | $_GET["fIsoInLimit2"]=$first?"00":"";
1422 |
1423 | if (empty($_GET["fInhomLimitMean"]))
1424 | $_GET["fInhomLimitMean"]=$first?"10":"";
1425 |
1426 | if (empty($_GET["fInhomLimitRms"]))
1427 | $_GET["fInhomLimitRms"]=$first?"3":"";
1428 |
1429 | if (empty($_GET["fImgRateLimitMean"]))
1430 | $_GET["fImgRateLimitMean"]=$first?"180":"";
1431 |
1432 | if (empty($_GET["fImgRateLimitRms"]))
1433 | $_GET["fImgRateLimitRms"]=$first?"30":"";
1434 |
1435 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonRateLimitMean"]))
1436 | $_GET["fMuonRateLimitMean"]=$first?"1":"";
1437 |
1438 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonRateLimitRms"]))
1439 | $_GET["fMuonRateLimitRms"]=$first?"0.1":"";
1440 |
1441 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonNumLimit1"]))
1442 | $_GET["fMuonNumLimit1"]=$first?"180":"";
1443 |
1444 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonNumLimit2"]))
1445 | $_GET["fMuonNumLimit2"]=$first?"120":"";
1446 |
1447 | if (empty($_GET["fPulsePosLimit1"]))
1448 | $_GET["fPulsePosLimit1"]=$first?"3.5":"";
1449 |
1450 | if (empty($_GET["fPulsePosLimit2"]))
1451 | $_GET["fPulsePosLimit2"]=$first?"2.5":"";
1452 |
1453 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsLimit1"]))
1454 | $_GET["fNumStarsLimit1"]=$first?"30":"";
1455 |
1456 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsLimit2"]))
1457 | $_GET["fNumStarsLimit2"]=$first?"20":"";
1458 |
1459 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsCorLimit1"]))
1460 | $_GET["fNumStarsCorLimit1"]=$first?"10":"";
1461 |
1462 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsCorLimit2"]))
1463 | $_GET["fNumStarsCorLimit2"]=$first?"5":"";
1464 |
1465 | }
1466 |
1467 | function InitBuildDataSets($first)
1468 | {
1469 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
1470 | // $_GET["fNumResults"]="50";
1471 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="10";
1472 |
1473 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStart"]))
1474 | $_GET["fRunStart"]=$first?"On":"";
1475 |
1476 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTime/60"]))
1477 | $_GET["fRunTime/60"]=$first?"On":"";
1478 |
1479 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]))
1480 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]=$first?"On":"";
1481 |
1482 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]))
1483 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]=$first?"On":"";
1484 |
1485 | if (empty($_GET["fSourceName"]))
1486 | $_GET["fSourceName"]=$first?"On":"";
1487 |
1488 | if (empty($_GET["fObservationModeName"]))
1489 | $_GET["fObservationModeName"]=$first?"On":"";
1490 |
1491 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsuitableInner"]))
1492 | $_GET["fUnsuitableInner"]=$first?"On":"";
1493 |
1494 | if (empty($_GET["fUnreliableInner"]))
1495 | $_GET["fUnreliableInner"]=$first?"On":"";
1496 |
1497 | if (empty($_GET["fIsolatedInner"]))
1498 | $_GET["fIsolatedInner"]=$first?"On":"";
1499 |
1500 | if (empty($_GET["fIsolatedMaxCluster"]))
1501 | $_GET["fIsolatedMaxCluster"]=$first?"On":"";
1502 |
1503 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeRmsInner"]))
1504 | $_GET["fArrTimeRmsInner"]=$first?"On":"";
1505 |
1506 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanPedRmsInner"]))
1507 | $_GET["fMeanPedRmsInner"]=$first?"On":"";
1508 |
1509 | if (empty($_GET["fPulsePosMean"]))
1510 | $_GET["fPulsePosMean"]=$first?"On":"";
1511 |
1512 | if (empty($_GET["fConvFactorInner"]))
1513 | $_GET["fConvFactorInner"]=$first?"On":"";
1514 |
1515 | if (empty($_GET["fInhomogeneity"]))
1516 | $_GET["fInhomogeneity"]=$first?"On":"";
1517 |
1518 | if (empty($_GET["fPSF"]))
1519 | $_GET["fPSF"]=$first?"On":"";
1520 |
1521 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonNumber"]))
1522 | $_GET["fMuonNumber"]=$first?"On":"";
1523 |
1524 | if (empty($_GET["fEffOnTime/fRunTime"]))
1525 | $_GET["fEffOnTime/fRunTime"]=$first?"On":"";
1526 |
1527 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonRate"]))
1528 | $_GET["fMuonRate"]=$first?"On":"";
1529 |
1530 | if (empty($_GET["fDataRate"]))
1531 | $_GET["fDataRate"]=$first?"On":"";
1532 |
1533 | if (empty($_GET["fAvgCloudiness"]))
1534 | $_GET["fAvgCloudiness"]=$first?"On":"";
1535 |
1536 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsMed"]))
1537 | $_GET["fNumStarsMed"]=$first?"On":"";
1538 |
1539 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsCorMed"]))
1540 | $_GET["fNumStarsCorMed"]=$first?"On":"";
1541 |
1542 | if (empty($_GET["fOff"]))
1543 | $_GET["fOff"]=$first?"On":"";
1544 |
1545 | if (empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
1546 | $_GET["fLinks"]=$first?"On":"";
1547 |
1548 | if (empty($_GET["fOnlyOff"]))
1549 | $_GET["fOnlyOff"]=$first?"Off":"";
1550 |
1551 | InitFindOffData($first);
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 | // cta mc stuff
1555 | function InitCTAMCRunStatus($first)
1556 | {
1557 | if (empty($_GET["fCorsikaSimTelarray"]))
1558 | $_GET["fCorsikaSimTelarray"]="On";
1559 |
1560 | if (empty($_GET["fCorsikaSimTelarrayStatus"]))
1561 | $_GET["fCorsikaSimTelarrayStatus"]="0";
1562 |
1563 | if (empty($_GET["fChimp"]))
1564 | $_GET["fChimp"]="Off";
1565 |
1566 | if (empty($_GET["fChimpStatus"]))
1567 | $_GET["fChimpStatus"]="0";
1568 |
1569 | if (empty($_GET["fCTAStar"]))
1570 | $_GET["fCTAStar"]="Off";
1571 |
1572 | if (empty($_GET["fCTAStarStatus"]))
1573 | $_GET["fCTAStarStatus"]="0";
1574 |
1575 | if (empty($_GET["fStereoB"]))
1576 | $_GET["fStereoB"]="Off";
1577 |
1578 | if (empty($_GET["fStereoBStatus"]))
1579 | $_GET["fStereoBStatus"]="0";
1580 |
1581 | if (empty($_GET["fStereoC"]))
1582 | $_GET["fStereoC"]="Off";
1583 |
1584 | if (empty($_GET["fStereoCStatus"]))
1585 | $_GET["fStereoCStatus"]="0";
1586 |
1587 | if (empty($_GET["fStereoG"]))
1588 | $_GET["fStereoG"]="Off";
1589 |
1590 | if (empty($_GET["fStereoGStatus"]))
1591 | $_GET["fStereoGStatus"]="0";
1592 |
1593 | }
1594 |
1595 | function InitCTAMCRunInfo($first)
1596 | {
1597 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
1598 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="50";
1599 |
1600 | if (empty($_GET["fNumEvents"]))
1601 | $_GET["fNumEvents"]="On";
1602 |
1603 | InitCTAMCRunStatus($first);
1604 | InitInfo($first);
1605 |
1606 | if (empty($_GET["fNumEvents"]))
1607 | $_GET["fNumEvents"]=$first?"Off":"";
1608 |
1609 | if (empty($_GET["fObsLevel"]))
1610 | $_GET["fObsLevel"]="On";
1611 |
1612 | if (empty($_GET["fParticleTypeName"]))
1613 | $_GET["fParticleTypeName"]="On";
1614 |
1615 | if (empty($_GET["fNumEvents"]))
1616 | $_GET["fNumEvents"]=$first?"On":"";
1617 |
1618 | if (empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
1619 | $_GET["fLinks"]=$first?"On":"";
1620 |
1621 | }
1622 |
1623 | //other MC stuff
1624 | function InitMCRunStatus($_GET, $first)
1625 | {
1626 |
1627 | if (empty($_GET["Corsika"]))
1628 | $_GET["Corsika"]=$first?"On":"";
1629 |
1630 | if (empty($_GET["CorsikaStatus"]))
1631 | $_GET["CorsikaStatus"]="0";
1632 |
1633 | if (empty($_GET["Ceres"]))
1634 | $_GET["Ceres"]=$first?"On":"";
1635 |
1636 | if (empty($_GET["CeresStatus"]))
1637 | $_GET["CeresStatus"]="0";
1638 |
1639 | if (empty($_GET["SequenceFile"]))
1640 | $_GET["SequenceFile"]=$first?"Off":"";
1641 |
1642 | if (empty($_GET["SequenceFileStatus"]))
1643 | $_GET["SequenceFileStatus"]="0";
1644 |
1645 | if (empty($_GET["Callisto"]))
1646 | $_GET["Callisto"]=$first?"Off":"";
1647 |
1648 | if (empty($_GET["CallistoStatus"]))
1649 | $_GET["CallistoStatus"]="0";
1650 |
1651 | if (empty($_GET["Star"]))
1652 | $_GET["Star"]=$first?"On":"";
1653 |
1654 | if (empty($_GET["StarStatus"]))
1655 | $_GET["StarStatus"]="0";
1656 |
1657 | }
1658 |
1659 | function InitMCRunInfo($_GET, $first)
1660 | {
1661 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
1662 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="50";
1663 |
1664 | InitMCRunStatus($_GET, $first);
1665 | InitInfo($_GET, $first);
1666 |
1667 | if (empty($_GET["fParticleTypeName"]))
1668 | $_GET["fParticleTypeName"]=$first?"On":"";
1669 |
1670 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTypeName"]))
1671 | $_GET["fRunTypeName"]=$first?"On":"";
1672 |
1673 | if (empty($_GET["fAtmosphericModelName"]))
1674 | $_GET["fAtmosphericModelName"]="Off";
1675 |
1676 | if (empty($_GET["fCeresSetupName"]))
1677 | $_GET["fCeresSetupName"]=$first?"On":"";
1678 |
1679 | if (empty($_GET["fNumEvents"]))
1680 | $_GET["fNumEvents"]=$first?"On":"";
1681 |
1682 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceNumber"]))
1683 | $_GET["fSequenceNumber"]=$first?"On":"";
1684 |
1685 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]))
1686 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]=$first?"Off":"";
1687 |
1688 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]))
1689 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]=$first?"Off":"";
1690 |
1691 | if (empty($_GET["fAzimuthMin"]))
1692 | $_GET["fAzimuthMin"]=$first?"Off":"";
1693 |
1694 | if (empty($_GET["fAzimuthMax"]))
1695 | $_GET["fAzimuthMax"]=$first?"Off":"";
1696 |
1697 | if (empty($_GET["fEnergyMin"]))
1698 | $_GET["fEnergyMin"]=$first?"On":"";
1699 |
1700 | if (empty($_GET["fEnergyMax"]))
1701 | $_GET["fEnergyMax"]=$first?"On":"";
1702 |
1703 | if (empty($_GET["fImpactMax"]))
1704 | $_GET["fImpactMax"]=$first?"On":"";
1705 |
1706 | if (empty($_GET["fViewConeMax"]))
1707 | $_GET["fViewConeMax"]=$first?"On":"";
1708 |
1709 | if (empty($_GET["fEnergySlope"]))
1710 | $_GET["fEnergySlope"]=$first?"On":"";
1711 |
1712 | if (empty($_GET["fStartingAltitude"]))
1713 | $_GET["fStartingAltitude"]=$first?"On":"";
1714 |
1715 | if (empty($_GET["fMirrorDiameter"]))
1716 | $_GET["fMirrorDiameter"]=$first?"On":"";
1717 |
1718 | }
1719 |
1720 |
1721 | ?>