1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # ========================================================================
4 | #
5 | # *
6 | # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | # *
11 | # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | # * or implied warranty.
17 | # *
18 | #
19 | #
20 | # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 08/2010 <mailto:daniela.dorner@unige.ch>
21 | #
22 | # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2010
23 | #
24 | #
25 | # ========================================================================
26 | #
27 | # script used to insert MC to the DB TestFACTSetup
28 | # also inserts sequence information
29 | #
30 |
31 |
32 | #
33 | # setup
34 | # to be filled by the user:
35 | #
36 |
37 | # to really insert information set insert="yes"
38 | insert="yes"
39 | #insert=
40 |
41 |
42 | # give array of ceres keys
43 | # remark: in case you insert new ceres keys:
44 | # make sure that the information on the setup (i.e. table CeresSetup)
45 | # has been inserted before
46 | #cereskeys=( 2 3 )
47 | cereskeys=( 1 )
48 |
49 |
50 | # give run number range which you want to process with the new setup
51 | # if one of these values is empty a new run is inserted with the setup given below
52 | # 423-960 corresponds to the range of runs used for the sensitivity curve
53 | # gammas: files 1300-1999 i.e. runs 423-630
54 | # muons: files 2400-2999 i.e. runs 753-930
55 | # protons: files 2000-2399 i.e. runs 633-750
56 | # protons: files 3000-3099 i.e. runs 933-960
57 | #runmin=423
58 | #runmax=960
59 | runmin=
60 | runmax=
61 |
62 |
63 | #
64 | # setup for a new run
65 | #
66 |
67 | # number of events per file
68 | numevents=10000 # 250000
69 | # number of files per run
70 | numfile=1 # 10
71 |
72 | # particle type
73 | #particle=1 # gamma
74 | particle=14 # proton
75 | #particle=6 # muon
76 | #particle=3 # electron
77 | #particle=402 # helium
78 | #particle=5626 # iron
79 |
80 |
81 | # zenith range
82 | zdmin=30
83 | zdmax=30
84 | # azimuth range
85 | azmin=180
86 | azmax=180
87 |
88 | # energy (in GeV)
89 | emin=10 # 20
90 | emax=10 # 200000
91 | slope=-2.0 # for gammas, depends on source spectrum, or for test
92 | #slope=-2.78 # for protons and muons and irons
93 |
94 | # impact
95 | impactmax=80000 # for protons (and irons ?)
96 | #impactmax=42500 # for gammas
97 | #impactmax=20000 # for muons
98 |
99 | # view cone
100 | viewconemax=5.0 # for protons and irons
101 | #viewconemax=4.5 # for muons
102 | #viewconemax=0 # for gammas
103 |
104 | # starting altitude
105 | startalt=0 # for gammas and protons and irons
106 | #startalt=280 # for muons
107 |
108 | # mirror diameter
109 | mirrordia=1800
110 | #mirrordia=900
111 |
112 | # wavelength range
113 | wavelengthmin=290
114 | wavelengthmax=900
115 |
116 | # observatory key
117 | obskey=1 # LP
118 |
119 | #
120 | # script - do not edit below
121 | #
122 | source `dirname $0`/sourcefile
123 |
124 |
125 | function sendquery2()
126 | {
127 | if [ "$insert" = "yes" ]
128 | then
129 | sendquery >/dev/null
130 | else
131 | echo "Q: "$query
132 | fi
133 | }
134 |
135 | # atmospheric model (at the moment only 11 to be used)
136 | # will be moved to user settings later
137 | atm=11
138 |
139 | # switches for insert
140 | newrun=
141 | newceres=
142 |
143 | # get ceres setup name
144 | query="SELECT fCeresSetupName FROM CeresSetup WHERE fCeresSetupKEY in ("`echo ${cereskeys[@]} | sed -e 's/\ /,/g'`")"
145 | echo $query
146 | ceresnames=( `sendquery` )
147 | if [ ${#ceresnames[@]} -lt ${#cereskeys[@]} ]
148 | then
149 | echo "Please insert first the information on all new ceres setups (keys: "${cereskeys[@]}") into the database."
150 | echo "EXIT."
151 | exit
152 | fi
153 |
154 | if [ "$runmin" == "" ] || [ "$runmax" == "" ]
155 | then
156 | newrun="yes"
157 | # get next run number
158 | query="SELECT Max(fRunNumber)+1 FROM CorsikaStatus"
159 | prun=`sendquery`
160 | crun=`echo " $prun + 1 " | bc -l`
161 | drun=`echo " $prun + 2 " | bc -l`
162 | runs=( $drun )
163 |
164 | # get particle type name
165 | query="SELECT fParticleTypeName FROM ParticleType WHERE fParticleTypeKEY="$particle
166 | pname=`sendquery`
167 |
168 | # get observatory name
169 | query="SELECT fObservatoryName FROM Observatory WHERE fObservatoryKEY="$obskey
170 | obsname=`sendquery`
171 |
172 | echo "Do you really want to insert the following run(s)?"
173 | echo " D-Run: "$drun" ("$numfile" file(s))"
174 | echo " P-Run: "$prun
175 | echo " C-Run: "$crun
176 | echo " Particle: "$particle" ("$pname")"
177 | echo " Number of events: "$numevents
178 | echo " Energy: "$emin" GeV - "$emax" GeV "
179 | echo " Slope: "$slope
180 | echo " Maximum Impact: "$impactmax" m "
181 | echo " Maximum View Cone: "$viewconemax" deg "
182 | echo " Starting Altitude: "$startalt
183 | echo " Mirror Diameter: "$mirrordia" cm "
184 | echo " Zenith Distance: "$zdmin" deg - "$zdmax" deg "
185 | echo " Azimuth: "$azmin" deg - "$azmax" deg "
186 | echo " Wavelength: "$wavelengthmin" nm - "$wavelengthmax" nm "
187 | echo " Observatory: "$obskey" ("$obsname")"
188 | else
189 | newcere="yes"
190 | echo "Do you really want to insert the following cereskey(s)?"
191 | echo " run number range: "$runmin" - "$runmax
192 | query="SELECT fRunNumber FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber BETWEEN "$runmin" AND "$runmax
193 | runs=( `sendquery` )
194 | echo " i.e. the following runs: "${runs[@]}
195 | fi
196 | echo " Ceres Setups: "${cereskeys[@]}" ("${ceresnames[@]}") "
197 | echo ""
198 | if [ "$insert" = "yes" ]
199 | then
200 | echo "You are NOT executing the script in dummy mode => the runs will be inserted. "
201 | else
202 | echo "You are executing the script in dummy mode => nothing will be inserted. "
203 | fi
204 |
205 | echo "Please insert y, if you want to continue"
206 | echo " n, if you want to exit the script"
207 |
208 | answer=`head -n 1`
209 | echo "Your answer: "$answer
210 |
211 | case $answer in
212 | y) ;;
213 | n) echo "EXIT"
214 | exit
215 | ;;
216 | *) echo "Your answer is not clear -> EXIT"
217 | exit
218 | ;;
219 | esac
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 | if [ "$newrun" = "yes" ]
224 | then
225 | echo "inserting new run "$drun" and according C-run, P-run and sequence information..."
226 | #
227 | # corsika information
228 | #
229 | for (( i=1 ; i<=$numfile ; i++ ))
230 | do
231 | seed1=`echo " $drun * 1000 + $i " | bc -l`
232 | seed2=`echo " $drun * 1000 + $i + 1 " | bc -l`
233 | seed3=`echo " $drun * 1000 + $i + 2 " | bc -l`
234 |
235 | query="INSERT CorsikaStatus SET fRunNumber="$drun", fFileNumber="$i", fPriority="$drun
236 | sendquery2
237 | query="INSERT CorsikaInfo SET fRunNumber="$drun", fFileNumber="$i
238 | query=$query", fAtmosphericModelKEY="$atm", fParticleTypeKEY="$particle
239 | query=$query", fCorsikaSeed1="$seed1", fCorsikaSeed2="$seed2", fCorsikaSeed3="$seed3
240 | query=$query", fZenithDistanceMin="$zdmin", fZenithDistanceMax="$zdmax
241 | query=$query", fAzimuthMin="$azmin", fAzimuthMax="$azmax", fNumEvents="$numevents
242 | query=$query", fEnergyMin="$emin", fEnergyMax="$emax", fEnergySlope="$slope
243 | query=$query", fImpactMax="$impactmax", fViewConeMax="$viewconemax
244 | query=$query", fStartingAltitude="$startalt", fMirrorDiameter="$mirrordia
245 | query=$query", fObservatoryKEY="$obskey
246 | query=$query", fWavelengthMin="$wavelengthmin", fWavelengthMax="$wavelengthmax
247 | sendquery2
248 | done
249 |
250 | query="INSERT CorsikaStatus SET fRunNumber="$prun", fFileNumber=1, fStartTime='1970-01-01 00:00:00', fStopTime='1970-01-01 00:00:00' "", fPriority="$prun
251 | sendquery2
252 | query="INSERT CorsikaStatus SET fRunNumber="$crun", fFileNumber=1, fStartTime='1970-01-01 00:00:00', fStopTime='1970-01-01 00:00:00' "", fPriority="$crun
253 | sendquery2
254 |
255 | # sequence file
256 | # does not need ceres key as well
257 | query="INSERT SequenceFileStatus SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fPriority="$drun
258 | sendquery2
259 | fi
260 |
261 | #
262 | # further tables: CeresInfo, CeresStatus, Callisto, Calibration, Star, StarStatus, SequenceInfo
263 | #
264 | for run in ${runs[@]}
265 | do
266 | drun=$run
267 | crun=`echo " $drun - 1 " | bc -l`
268 | prun=`echo " $drun - 2 " | bc -l`
269 |
270 | for cereskey in ${cereskeys[@]}
271 | do
272 | for (( i=1 ; i<=$numfile ; i++ ))
273 | do
274 | query="INSERT CeresInfo SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fRunNumber="$drun", fFileNumber="$i", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fRunTypeKEY=2"
275 | sendquery2
276 | done
277 |
278 | query="INSERT CeresInfo SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fRunNumber="$prun", fFileNumber=1, fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fRunTypeKEY=3"
279 | sendquery2
280 | query="INSERT CeresInfo SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fRunNumber="$crun", fFileNumber=1, fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fRunTypeKEY=4"
281 | sendquery2
282 | query="INSERT CeresStatus SET fRunNumber="$drun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fPriority="$drun
283 | sendquery2
284 | query="INSERT CeresStatus SET fRunNumber="$prun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fPriority="$prun
285 | sendquery2
286 | query="INSERT CeresStatus SET fRunNumber="$crun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fPriority="$crun
287 | sendquery2
288 | query="INSERT Star SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey
289 | sendquery2
290 | query="INSERT StarStatus SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fPriority="$drun
291 | sendquery2
292 | query="INSERT CallistoStatus SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey", fPriority="$drun
293 | sendquery2
294 | query="INSERT Calibration SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey
295 | sendquery2
296 | query="INSERT SequenceInfo SET fSequenceNumber="$drun", fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey
297 | sendquery2
298 | done
299 | done
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |