#!/bin/sh # # ======================================================================== # # * # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express # * or implied warranty. # * # # # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 06/2010 # # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2010 # # # ======================================================================== # # This script is launching ceres for corsika runs. # # The ceres.rc and other setup files are stored in the setup directory. # source `dirname $0`/sourcefile printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" program=ceres step=Ceres set -C # get sequence # gettodo "1" run=${primaries[0]} cereskey=${primaries[1]} # lock sequ for cal lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$step-$run.$cereskey.txt checklock cd $mars # run calibration for sequence printprocesslog "INFO starting $program for run $run and ceres-setup $cereskey" setstatus "start" setupfile=$setuppath/$program/`printf %03d $cereskey`/ceres.rc query="SELECT fRunTypeKEY FROM CeresInfo WHERE fRunNumber="$run" AND fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey" GROUP BY fRunNumber" runkey=`sendquery` case $runkey in 2) printprocesslog "INFO run $run is a data run (key="$runkey")" printprocesslog "INFO getting file numbers for run "$run query="SELECT CONCAT('"$mcpath"/corsika/', LEFT(LPAD(CeresInfo.fRunNumber, 8, '0'), 4)," query=$query" '/', RIGHT(LPAD(CeresInfo.fRunNumber, 8, '0'), 4), '/cer000', " query=$query" RIGHT(LPAD(CeresInfo.fFileNumber, 6, '0'), 3)) from CeresInfo " query=$query" WHERE fRunNumber="$run" AND fCeresSetupKEY="$cereskey inputfiles=`sendquery` outpath=$mcpath/ceres/`printf %03d $cereskey`/`printf %08d $run | cut -c 1-4`/`printf %08d $run | cut -c 5-8` makedir $outpath log=$outpath/ceres`printf %08d $run ` command="./ceres -b -q -f --config=$setupfile --out=$outpath --log=$log.log --html=$log.html --run-number=$run $inputfiles" printprocesslog "INFO executing "$command $command check1=$? ;; 3) printprocesslog "INFO run $run is a pedestal run (key="$runkey")" drun=`echo "$run + 2 " | bc -l` outpath=$mcpath/ceres/`printf %03d $cereskey`/`printf %08d $drun | cut -c 1-4`/`printf %08d $drun | cut -c 5-8` makedir $outpath log=$outpath/ceres`printf %08d $run ` command="./ceres -b -q -f --config=$setupfile --out=$outpath --log=$log.log --html=$log.html --run-number=$run pedestal" printprocesslog "INFO executing "$command $command check1=$? ;; 4) printprocesslog "INFO run $run is a calibration run (key="$runkey")" drun=`echo "$run + 1 " | bc -l` outpath=$mcpath/ceres/`printf %03d $cereskey`/`printf %08d $drun | cut -c 1-4`/`printf %08d $drun | cut -c 5-8` makedir $outpath log=$outpath/ceres`printf %08d $run ` command="./ceres -b -q -f --config=$setupfile --out=$outpath --log=$log.log --html=$log.html --run-number=$run calibration" printprocesslog "INFO executing "$command $command check1=$? ;; *) printprocesslog "WARN not valid fRunTypeKEY ("$runkey") was queried from the DB." check="no" ;; esac case $check1 in 0) printprocesslog "INFO $program finished successfully for run $run, cereskey $cereskey, runtype $runkey (check1=$check1)" ;; *) printprocesslog "ERROR $program failed for run $run, cereskey $cereskey, runtype $runkey (check1=$check1)" check=$check1 ;; esac setstatus "stop" finish