#!/bin/sh # # ======================================================================== # # * # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express # * or implied warranty. # * # # # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 05/2007 # # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2010 # # # ======================================================================== # # This script runs corsika. # source `dirname $0`/sourcefile printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" program=corsika step=Corsika set -C export FLUPRO=$corsikapath'/fluka2008_3' # printing input card to stdout function printinputcard() { # Run number echo "RUNNR "$file # Starting event number echo "EVTNR 1" # Number of simulated events echo "NSHOW "$numevts # Seed values for simulation echo "SEED "$seed1" 0 0 " echo "SEED "$seed2" 0 0 " echo "SEED "$seed3" 0 0 " # Primary particle echo "PRMPAR "$primparticle echo "ERANGE "$erange echo "ESLOPE "$slope # Simulation range (theta, phi, view cone, starting altitude) echo "THETAP "$zdrange echo "PHIP "$azrange echo "VIEWCONE 0. "$viewconemax echo "FIXCHI "$startalt # Observation level, magnetic field, atmosphere echo "OBSLEV "$obslev".E2" # From www.noaa.gov/geomagmodels roughly for January 2009. (was 29.5 and 23.0) # MAGNET BX BZ (BX is the horizontal component (muT) to the x-direction of # the detector, BZ is the vertical component (muT) downwards) echo "MAGNET "$magnet # Rotation angle between array x-direction and magnetic north direction # positive if array x-direction points to the west echo "ARRANG "$magnetrot # Atmosphere (model, true/false for atmospheric refraction of cer-photons) # Atmosphere read from atmprof11.dat # My current understanding is that only refraction (bending of light # but no absorption of photons is taken into account) setting T. echo "ATMOSPHERE "$atm" T" # Current boundaries in reflector program # echo "ATMLAY 400000 1000000 4000000 10000000" # Boundaries as determined by CORSIKA # Until we can read the result from the corsika fit we fix the # values which come out of the fit. This is not ideal but forces # things to be consistent. Be careful is using a different model - # the fit might not be ideal. echo "ATMLAY 775000 1650000 5000000 10500000" # Other parameters echo "RADNKG 200.E2" echo "ECUTS 0.3 0.3 0.02 0.02" echo "ECTMAP 1.E4" # Don't add muon particle data to output echo "MUADDI F" # Enable muon multiple scattering echo "MUMULT T" # Wavelength range (was originally 600) echo "CWAVLG "$wavelengths # MMCS echo "CSCAT 1 0. "$impactmax # CORSIKA # echo "CSCAT "$reuse" "$impactmax" 0." echo "CERSIZ 1." # Write Cherenkov photons to cer-file echo "CERFIL T" # Number of telescopes echo "CERTEL 1" # MMCS echo " 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. "$diameter" "$diameter # CORSIKA (x, y, z, r) # echo "TELESCOPE 0. 0. 0. "$diameter # This keyword has no relevance but allows to store the # maximum simulated impact parameter. The "magic" is that # ceres interpretes the third and fourth argument as # maximum simulated impact if they are identical and # the other four arguments are 1 # echo "CERARY 1 1 "$diameter" "$diameter" 1 1" # How the longitudinal shower development is sampled # echo "LONGI T 10. T F" echo "LONGI F 20 0 F F" # Maximum number of detailed particles to print echo "MAXPRT 0" # Suppress file with partciles reaching ground (DATnnnnnn) # FIXME: Should we make this switchable by the database? echo "PAROUT F F" # Don't write a database file echo "DATBAS F" # Switch off all debugging output echo "DEBUG F 6 F 1000000" # Output path echo "DIRECT "$outpath # DIRECT /dev/null # TELFIL filename # TELFIL | gzip # TELESCOPE X Y Z R # User and host (for convenience) echo "USER "`whoami` echo "HOST "`hostname` # End of input card echo "EXIT" } # get sequence # gettodo "1" run=${primaries[0]} file=${primaries[1]} # lock sequ lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$step-$run.$file.txt checklock printprocesslog "INFO starting $program for run $run and file $file" setstatus "start" printprocesslog "INFO run $program for run $run and file $file" printprocesslog "INFO create input card for run $run and file $file" # get values for inputcard query="SELECT fParticleTypeKEY FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" primparticle=`sendquery` query="SELECT fEnergyMin, fEnergyMax FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" erange=`sendquery` query="SELECT fNumEvents FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" numevts=`sendquery` query="SELECT fEnergySlope FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" slope=`sendquery` query="SELECT fZenithDistanceMin, fZenithDistanceMax FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" zdrange=`sendquery` # Change from the MARS definition (Az=90 -> East) to Corsika (Az=90 -> West) query="SELECT 180-fAzimuthMin, 180-fAzimuthMax FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" azrange=`sendquery` query="SELECT fCorsikaSeed1 FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" seed1=`sendquery` query="SELECT fCorsikaSeed2 FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" seed2=`sendquery` query="SELECT fCorsikaSeed3 FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" seed3=`sendquery` query="SELECT fImpactMax FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" impactmax=`sendquery` query="SELECT fViewConeMax FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" viewconemax=`sendquery` query="SELECT fStartingAltitude FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" startalt=`sendquery` query="SELECT fMirrorDiameter FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" diameter=`sendquery` query="SELECT fAtmosphericModelKEY FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" atm=`sendquery` query="SELECT fObsLevel FROM CorsikaInfo LEFT JOIN Observatory USING(fObservatoryKEY) WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" obslev=`sendquery` query="SELECT fMagnetBX, fMagnetBZ FROM CorsikaInfo LEFT JOIN Observatory USING(fObservatoryKEY) WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" magnet=`sendquery` query="SELECT fMagnetRotation FROM CorsikaInfo LEFT JOIN Observatory USING(fObservatoryKEY) WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" magnetrot=`sendquery` query="SELECT fWavelengthMin, fWavelengthMax FROM CorsikaInfo WHERE fRunNumber=$run AND fFileNumber=$file" wavelengths=`sendquery` outpath=$mcpath"/"$program"/"`printf %08d $run | cut -c 1-4`/`printf %08d $run | cut -c 5-8` makedir $outpath logfile=$outpath/cer000`printf %06d $file | cut -c 4-6`".log" cd $corsikapath printprocesslog "INFO executing 'printinputcard | ./cc6501p-linux >| $logfile 2>&1' in directory $corsikapath " printinputcard | ./cc6501p-linux >| $logfile 2>&1 check1=$? case $check1 in 0) printprocesslog "INFO $program finished successfully for run $run file $file (return code $check1)" if [ $file -gt 999 ] then corsikafilenew=$mcpath/$program/`printf %08d $run | cut -c 1-4`/`printf %08d $run | cut -c 5-8`/cer000`printf %06d $file | cut -c 4-6` corsikafileold=$mcpath/$program/`printf %08d $run | cut -c 1-4`/`printf %08d $run | cut -c 5-8`/cer`printf %06d $file` if ! mv $corsikafileold $corsikafilenew then printprocesslog "ERROR could not mv $corsikafileold to $corsikafilenew" check=2 fi fi if ! grep 'END OF RUN' $logfile then printprocesslog "ERROR could not find 'END OF RUN' in $logfile => unknown error for run $run file $file " check=2 fi ;; *) printprocesslog "ERROR $program failed for run $run file $file (return code $check1)" check=$check1 ;; esac # removing empty datnnnnnn file rm -f $outpath/dat`printf %06d $file` setstatus "stop" finish