1 | #include <iostream>
2 |
3 | #include <TH1.h>
4 | #include <TH2.h>
5 | #include <TGraph.h>
6 | #include <TGraphErrors.h>
7 |
8 | #include <TFile.h>
9 | #include <TSystem.h>
10 | #include <TSQLResult.h>
11 | #include <TSQLRow.h>
12 | #include <TPRegexp.h>
13 |
14 | #include "MSQLMagic.h"
15 | #include "MAlphaFitter.h"
16 | #include "MHThetaSq.h"
17 |
18 | #include "MObservatory.h"
19 | #include "MAstro.h"
20 | #include "MAstroSky2Local.h"
21 | #include "MAstroCatalog.h"
22 | #include "MVector3.h"
23 | #include "MMath.h"
24 | #include "MDirIter.h"
25 | #include "MStatusArray.h"
26 | #include "MStatusDisplay.h"
27 | #include "MHCamera.h"
28 | #include "MSequence.h"
29 |
30 | using namespace std;
31 |
32 |
33 | int lightcurve(Int_t sourcekey=1, Int_t nightmin=0, Int_t nightmax=0, Int_t minutes=20, TString table="AnalysisResultsRunLP", TString outfile="lc")
34 | {
35 |
36 | cout << minutes << " min bins..." << endl;
37 | minutes*=60;
38 | cout << minutes << " sec bins..." << endl;
39 |
40 | MSQLServer serv("sql.rc");
41 | if (!serv.IsConnected())
42 | {
43 | cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl;
44 | return 0;
45 | }
46 |
47 | TString query;
48 | query=Form("SELECT Min(fNight), Max(fNight) FROM %s ", table.Data());
49 | query+=" LEFT JOIN RunInfo USING(fNight, fRunId) ";
50 | query+=Form(" WHERE fSourceKey=%d", sourcekey);
51 | if (nightmin)
52 | query+=Form(" AND fNight >=%d",nightmin);
53 | if (nightmax)
54 | query+=Form(" AND fNight <=%d",nightmax);
55 |
56 | cout << "Q: " << query << endl;
57 |
58 | TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(query);
59 | if (!res)
60 | return 1;
61 |
62 | TSQLRow *row=res->Next();
63 | TString nightstart=(*row)[0];
64 | TString nightstop=(*row)[1];
65 | delete res;
66 |
67 | query =" SELECT fNight FROM "+table;
68 | query+=" LEFT JOIN RunInfo USING(fNight, fRunId) ";
69 | query+=Form(" WHERE fSourceKey=%d", sourcekey);
70 | query+=Form(" AND fNight BETWEEN %s AND %s ", nightstart.Data(), nightstop.Data());
71 | //query+=" AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTime) ";//at the moment filled at ISDC
72 | query+=" GROUP BY fNight ";
73 | query+=" ORDER BY fNight ";
74 |
75 | cout << "Q: " << query << endl;
76 |
77 |
78 | TSQLResult *res3 = serv.Query(query);
79 | if (!res3)
80 | return 1;
81 |
82 | Int_t counter=0;
83 | Int_t counter2=0;
84 | TGraphErrors excessrate;
85 | TGraphErrors backgroundrate;
86 | TGraphErrors signif;
87 | TGraphErrors significancerate;
88 | TGraphErrors excratevsbgrate;
89 | TGraphErrors excvszd;
90 | TGraphErrors excvsbg;
91 | TGraphErrors bgvszd;
92 | TH1F exc("exc","rates", 43, -12.5, 202.5);
93 | TH1F bg("bg","rates", 43, -12.5, 202.5);
94 |
95 | Float_t significance;
96 | TString excevts;
97 | TString bgevts;
98 | TString sigevts;
99 | TString ontime;
100 | TString zd;
101 | TString zd2;
102 | TString zd3;
103 | Float_t excevtssum=0;
104 | Float_t bgevtssum=0;
105 | Float_t sigevtssum=0;
106 | Float_t ontimesum=0;
107 | Float_t excrate=0;
108 | Float_t bgrate=0;
109 | Float_t signifrate=0;
110 | Float_t excerr=0;
111 | Float_t zdsum=0;
112 | Float_t zdmean=0;
113 | Float_t zdmin=0;
114 | Float_t zdmax=0;
115 | MTime start;
116 | MTime stop;
117 | Double_t mjdstart;
118 | Double_t mjdstop;
119 | Double_t mjd;
120 | TSQLRow *row3=0;
121 | while ((row3=res3->Next()))
122 | {
123 | cout << "NIGHT " << (*row3)[0] << endl;
124 | query =" SELECT IF(ISNULL(fOnTime), Time_to_sec(fRunStop)-Time_to_sec(fRunStart), fOnTime), ";
125 | query+=" fNumBgEvts, fNumSigEvts, fNumExcEvts, ";
126 | query+=" fRunStart, fRunStop, (fZenithDistanceMax-fZenithDistanceMin)/2, ";
127 | query+=" fZenithDistanceMax, fZenithDistanceMin FROM "+table;
128 | query+=" LEFT JOIN RunInfo USING(fNight, fRunId) ";
129 | query+=Form(" WHERE fSourceKey=%d", sourcekey);
130 | query+=Form(" AND fNight= %s ", (*row3)[0]);
131 | //query+=" AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTime) ";//at the moment filled at isdc
132 | query+=" ORDER BY fRunId ";
133 |
134 | cout << "Q: " << query << endl;
135 |
136 | TSQLResult *res2 = serv.Query(query);
137 | if (!res2)
138 | return 1;
139 |
140 | counter2=0;
141 | excevtssum=0;
142 | bgevtssum=0;
143 | sigevtssum=0;
144 | ontimesum=0;
145 | TSQLRow *row2=0;
146 | while ((row2=res2->Next()))
147 | {
148 | counter2++;
149 | ontime=(*row2)[0];
150 | bgevts=(*row2)[1];
151 | sigevts=(*row2)[2];
152 | excevts=(*row2)[3];
153 | zd=(*row2)[6];
154 | zd2=(*row2)[7];
155 | zd3=(*row2)[8];
156 | start.SetSqlDateTime((*row2)[4]);
157 | stop.SetSqlDateTime((*row2)[5]);
158 | if (counter2==1)
159 | {
160 | mjdstart=start.GetMjd();
161 | cout << "mjdstart: " << (*row2)[4] << endl;
162 | zdmin=zd3.Atof();
163 | zdmax=zd2.Atof();
164 | }
165 |
166 | cout << "# " << counter2 << " " << (*row2)[0] << " " << (*row2)[1] << " " << (*row2)[2] << " " << (*row2)[3] << endl;
167 |
168 | if (ontimesum+ontime.Atof()>minutes)
169 | {
170 | cout << "reached limit" << endl;
171 | significance=MMath::SignificanceLiMa(sigevtssum, bgevtssum, 0.2);
172 | cout << " significance: " << significance << endl;
173 | cout << " excess: " << excevtssum << endl;
174 | cout << " bg: " << bgevtssum << endl;
175 | cout << " ontime: " << ontimesum/3600 << endl;
176 | cout << " excessrate: " << excevtssum/ontimesum*3600 << endl;
177 | cout << " bgrate: " << bgevtssum/ontimesum*3600 << endl;
178 | signifrate=significance/ontimesum*3600;
179 | bgrate=bgevtssum/ontimesum*3600;
180 | excrate=excevtssum/ontimesum*3600;
181 | excerr = MMath::ErrorExc(significance, bgevtssum, 0.2)/ontimesum*3600.;
182 | //zdmean=zdsum/counter2;
183 | zdmean=zdmin+(zdmax-zdmin)/2;
184 | mjdstop=stop.GetMjd();
185 | mjd=mjdstart+(mjdstop-mjdstart)/2;
186 | cout << " mjd: " << mjd << " (" << mjdstart << " - " << mjdstop << ") " << endl;
187 | if (mjd<50000)
188 | cout << "==>" << (*row2)[0] << " " << (*row2)[1] << " " << (*row2)[2]
189 | << " " << (*row2)[3] << " " << (*row2)[4] << " " << (*row2)[5]
190 | << " " << (*row2)[6] << " " << (*row2)[7] << " " << (*row2)[8]
191 | << endl;
192 |
193 | excevtssum=0;
194 | bgevtssum=0;
195 | sigevtssum=0;
196 | ontimesum=0;
197 | zdsum=0;
198 | exc.Fill(excrate);
199 | bg.Fill(bgrate);
200 | excessrate.SetPoint(counter, mjd, excrate);
201 | excessrate.SetPointError(counter, ontimesum/3600./24/2, excerr);
202 | backgroundrate.SetPoint(counter, mjd, bgrate);
203 | backgroundrate.SetPointError(counter, ontimesum/3600./24/2, sqrt(bgevtssum)/ontimesum*3600);
204 | excvszd.SetPoint(counter, zdmean, excrate);
205 | excvszd.SetPointError(counter, (zdmax-zdmin)/2, excerr);
206 | excvsbg.SetPoint(counter, bgrate, excrate);
207 | excvsbg.SetPointError(counter, sqrt(bgevtssum)/ontimesum*3600, excerr);
208 | bgvszd.SetPoint(counter, zdmean, bgrate);
209 | bgvszd.SetPointError(counter, (zdmax-zdmin)/2, sqrt(bgevtssum)/ontimesum*3600);
210 | signif.SetPoint(counter, mjd, significance);
211 | signif.SetPointError(counter, ontimesum/3600./24/2, 0);
212 | significancerate.SetPoint(counter, mjd, signifrate);
213 | significancerate.SetPointError(counter, ontimesum/3600./24/2, 0);
214 | counter++;
215 | counter2=0;
216 | }
217 | ontimesum+=ontime.Atof();
218 | excevtssum+=excevts.Atof();
219 | bgevtssum+=bgevts.Atof();
220 | sigevtssum+=sigevts.Atof();
221 | zdsum+=zd.Atof();
222 | if (zdmin>zd3.Atof())
223 | zdmin=zd3.Atof();
224 | if (zdmax<zd2.Atof())
225 | zdmax=zd2.Atof();
226 | //cout << "--> on " << ontimesum << " exc " << excevtssum << " bg " << bgevtssum << " sig " << sigevtssum << endl;
227 |
228 | }
229 |
230 | delete res2;
231 | }
232 | delete res3;
233 |
234 | if (excessrate.GetN()<1)
235 | return 1;
236 |
237 | MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay;
238 |
239 | TCanvas &c1 = d->AddTab("Rates vs MJD", "Rates vs MJD");
240 | excessrate.SetTitle("Rates vs MJD");
241 | excessrate.SetMarkerStyle(7);
242 | excessrate.SetMarkerSize(2);
243 | excessrate.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("evts/h");
244 | excessrate.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("MJD");
245 | excessrate.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
246 | excessrate.GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-50,200);
247 | excessrate.DrawClone("AP");
248 |
249 | backgroundrate.SetMarkerStyle(7);
250 | backgroundrate.SetMarkerSize(2);
251 | backgroundrate.SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
252 | backgroundrate.SetLineColor(kBlue);
253 | backgroundrate.DrawClone("Psame");
254 |
255 | TCanvas &c2 = d->AddTab("Excess Rate vs MJD", "Excess Rate vs MJD");
256 | excessrate.SetTitle("Excess Rate vs MJD");
257 | excessrate.SetMarkerStyle(7);
258 | excessrate.SetMarkerSize(2);
259 | excessrate.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("exc evts/h");
260 | excessrate.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("MJD");
261 | excessrate.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
262 | excessrate.DrawClone("AP");
263 |
264 | TCanvas &c3 = d->AddTab("Exc vs Zd", "Exc vs Zd");
265 | excvszd.SetTitle("Excess Rate vs Zd");
266 | excvszd.SetMarkerStyle(7);
267 | excvszd.SetMarkerSize(2);
268 | excvszd.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("exc evts/h");
269 | excvszd.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("zd");
270 | excvszd.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
271 | excvszd.DrawClone("AP");
272 |
273 | TCanvas &c4 = d->AddTab("Exc vs Bg", "Exc vs Bg");
274 | excvsbg.SetTitle("Excess Rate vs Background Rate");
275 | excvsbg.SetMarkerStyle(7);
276 | excvsbg.SetMarkerSize(2);
277 | excvsbg.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("exc evts/h");
278 | excvsbg.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("bg evts/h");
279 | excvsbg.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
280 | excvsbg.DrawClone("AP");
281 |
282 | TCanvas &c5 = d->AddTab("Bg vs Zd", "Bg vs Zd");
283 | bgvszd.SetTitle("Background Rate vs Zd");
284 | bgvszd.SetMarkerStyle(7);
285 | bgvszd.SetMarkerSize(2);
286 | bgvszd.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("bg evts/h");
287 | bgvszd.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("zd");
288 | bgvszd.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
289 | bgvszd.DrawClone("AP");
290 |
291 | TCanvas &c6 = d->AddTab("Signifrate vs MJD", "Signifrate vs MJD");
292 | significancerate.SetTitle("Significance Rate vs MJD");
293 | significancerate.SetMarkerStyle(7);
294 | significancerate.SetMarkerSize(2);
295 | significancerate.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("sigma/sqrt(h)");
296 | significancerate.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("MJD");
297 | significancerate.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
298 | significancerate.DrawClone("AP");
299 |
300 | TCanvas &c7 = d->AddTab("Significance vs MJD", "Significance vs MJD");
301 | signif.SetTitle("Significance vs MJD");
302 | signif.SetMarkerStyle(7);
303 | signif.SetMarkerSize(2);
304 | signif.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("sigma");
305 | signif.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("MJD");
306 | signif.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
307 | signif.DrawClone("AP");
308 |
309 | TCanvas &c8 = d->AddTab("Rate Hist", "Rate Hist");
310 | bg.SetLineColor(kBlue);
311 | bg.DrawCopy("hist");
312 | exc.DrawCopy("histsame");
313 |
314 | d->SaveAs(outfile);
315 |
316 | return 0;
317 |
318 | }
319 |
320 |
321 |