#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MSQLMagic.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" #include "MTime.h" using namespace std; int DataEfficiency() { MSQLServer serv("/home/fact/fast_setup_for_automatic_analysis/Mars.von.Thomas.2012.06.22/sql.rc"); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } // get first night from DB TString query="SELECT Min(fNight) from ObservationTimes"; TSQLResult *res0 = serv.Query(query); if (!res0) return kFALSE; TSQLRow *row0=res0->Next(); Int_t nightmin=atoi((*row0)[0]); delete res0; query="SELECT Min(fRunStart), Max(fRunStop) from runinfo"; res0 = serv.Query(query); if (!res0) return kFALSE; row0=res0->Next(); float start=MTime((*row0)[0]).GetAxisTime(); float stop=MTime((*row0)[1]).GetAxisTime(); delete res0; cout << start << " " << stop << endl; query="SELECT fNight, "; //time from start to end of astronomical twilight query+=" Time_to_sec(Timediff(fStopObservation, fStartObservation)) as astrotime, "; //time from start of first to end of last run query+=" Time_to_sec(Timediff(Max(fRunStop),Min(fRunStart))) as obstime, "; // sum of durations of all runs with duration shorter than 30 min query+=" Sum(if (Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)<'00:30:00', Time_to_sec(Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)), 0)) as runtime, "; // sum of durations of all data runs with duration shorter than 30 min query+=" Sum(if (Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)<'00:30:00' and fRunTypeKey=1, Time_to_sec(Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)), 0)) as runtime2, "; //ratio all runs / runtime query+=" Sum(Time_to_sec(if (Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)<'00:30:00', Time_to_sec(Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)), 0)))/Time_to_sec(Timediff(Max(fRunStop),Min(fRunStart))) as ratio, "; //ratio all runs / astronomical twilight time query+=" Sum(Time_to_sec(if (Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)<'00:30:00', Time_to_sec(Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)), 0)))/Time_to_sec(Timediff(fStopObservation, fStartObservation)) as ratio2, "; //ratio data runs / runtime query+=" Sum(Time_to_sec(if (Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)<'00:30:00' and fRunTypeKey=1, Time_to_sec(Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)), 0)))/Time_to_sec(Timediff(Max(fRunStop),Min(fRunStart))) as ratio3, "; //ratio data runs / astronomical twilight time query+=" Sum(Time_to_sec(if (Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)<'00:30:00' and fRunTypeKey=1, Time_to_sec(Timediff(fRunStop,fRunStart)), 0)))/Time_to_sec(Timediff(fStopObservation, fStartObservation)) as ratio4, "; // time first to last run / range astronomical twilight query+=" Time_to_sec(Timediff(Max(fRunStop),Min(fRunStart)))/Time_to_sec(Timediff(fStopObservation, fStartObservation)) as ratio5 "; query+=" FROM ObservationTimes LEFT JOIN RunInfo USING(fNight) "; //query+=" WHERE not isnull(fRunStart) and not isnull(fRunStop) group by fNight having not isnull(obstime) order by fNight; "; query+=" group by fNight order by fNight; "; cout << "Q: " << query << endl; TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; Int_t numrows=res->GetRowCount(); TH1F ratio("ratio","sum of time of data runs / time from start to stop of astronomical twilight", 21, 0.025, 1.025); TH1F ratio2("ratio2","sum of time of data runs / time from beginning of first to end of last run", 21, 0.025, 1.025); TH1F ratio3("ratio3","time from beginning of first to end of last run / time from start to stop of astronomical twilight", 21, 0.025, 1.025); Float_t axis = MTime(nightmin/10000, (nightmin/100)%100, nightmin%100).GetAxisTime(); Float_t days = numrows*24*3600; TH1F time1("time1","hours astronomical twilight", numrows, axis, axis+days); TH1F time2("time2","hours from first to last run", numrows, axis, axis+days); TH1F time3("time3","hours all runs", numrows, axis, axis+days); TH1F time4("time4","hours all data runs", numrows, axis, axis+days); TH1F eff2("eff2","hours from first to last run", numrows, axis, axis+days); TH1F eff3("eff3","hours all runs", numrows, axis, axis+days); TH1F eff4("eff4","hours all data runs", numrows, axis, axis+days); //time1.SetRangeUser(start, stop); //eff2.SetRangeUser(start, stop); Int_t counter=0; Int_t counter2=0; TSQLRow *row=0; while ((row=res->Next())) { counter++; //0: night //1: astronomical twilight range //2: time when data was taken //3: runtime all runs //4: runtime data runs //5: ratio runtime all runs / runtime //6: ratio runtime all runs / astronomical twilight range //7: ratio runtime data runs / runtime //8: ratio runtime data runs / astronomical twilight range if ((*row)[7]) ratio2.Fill(atof((*row)[7])); if ((*row)[8]) ratio.Fill(atof((*row)[8])); if ((*row)[9]) ratio3.Fill(atof((*row)[9])); //if (atof((*row)[2])/60./60.>12) //{ // cout << (*row)[0] << " " << atof((*row)[2])/60./60. << endl; // counter2++; //} //cout << "c: " << counter << " night: " << (*row)[0] << " " << atof((*row)[1])/60./60.<< " " << atof((*row)[2])/60./60.<< " " << atof((*row)[3])/60./60.<< " " << atof((*row)[4])/60./60. << endl; if (!(*row)[1]) continue; float twilight = atof((*row)[1]); time1.SetBinContent(counter, twilight/60./60.); if ((*row)[2]) { time2.SetBinContent(counter, atof((*row)[2])/60./60.); eff2.SetBinContent(counter, atof((*row)[2])/twilight); } if ((*row)[3]) { time3.SetBinContent(counter, atof((*row)[3])/60./60.); eff3.SetBinContent(counter, atof((*row)[3])/twilight); } if ((*row)[4]) { time4.SetBinContent(counter, atof((*row)[4])/60./60.); eff4.SetBinContent(counter, atof((*row)[4])/twilight); } } cout << "For " << counter2 << " nights the time from beginning of first to the end of the last run was > 12 hours." << endl; delete res; MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay; TCanvas &c1 = d->AddTab("Ratio Hist", "Ratio Hist"); c1.Divide(1,3); c1.cd(1); ratio.DrawCopy("hist"); c1.cd(2); ratio2.DrawCopy("hist"); c1.cd(3); ratio3.DrawCopy("hist"); TCanvas &c2 = d->AddTab("Times"); time1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(true); time1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%m/%y %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); time1.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); time1.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); time1.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); time1.GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); time1.SetXTitle("Date"); time1.SetYTitle("Observation time / hours"); time1.SetFillColor(kBlue); time1.SetTitle("Observation Times"); time1.SetMinimum(0); time1.SetStats(kFALSE); time1.DrawCopy("hist"); time2.SetFillColor(kGreen); time2.DrawCopy("histsame"); time3.SetFillColor(kYellow); time3.DrawCopy("histsame"); time4.SetFillColor(kRed+2); time4.DrawCopy("histsame"); TCanvas &c3 = d->AddTab("Times2"); time1.SetFillColor(kBlue); time1.SetTitle("Observation Times"); time1.SetStats(kFALSE); time1.DrawCopy("hist"); time3.SetFillColor(kYellow); time3.DrawCopy("histsame"); time4.SetFillColor(kRed+2); time4.DrawCopy("histsame"); TCanvas &c4 = d->AddTab("Eff"); c4.SetGridy(); eff2.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(true); eff2.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%m/%y %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); eff2.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); eff2.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); eff2.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); eff2.GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); eff2.SetXTitle("Date"); eff2.SetYTitle("Efficiency"); eff2.SetTitle("Observation efficiency"); eff2.SetMinimum(0); eff2.SetMaximum(1); eff2.SetStats(kFALSE); eff2.SetLineColor(kGreen); eff2.SetFillColor(kGreen); eff2.DrawCopy("hist"); eff3.SetFillColor(kYellow); eff3.SetLineColor(kYellow); eff3.DrawCopy("histsame"); eff4.SetFillColor(kRed+2); eff4.SetLineColor(kRed+2); eff4.DrawCopy("histsame"); TCanvas &c5 = d->AddTab("Eff2", "Eff2"); c5.SetGridy(); eff3.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(true); eff3.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%m/%y %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); eff3.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); eff3.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); eff3.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); eff3.GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); eff3.SetXTitle("Date"); eff3.SetYTitle("Efficiency"); eff3.SetTitle("Observation efficiency"); eff3.SetMinimum(0); eff3.SetMaximum(1); eff3.SetStats(kFALSE); eff3.DrawCopy("hist"); eff4.DrawCopy("histsame"); d->SaveAs("/daq/analysis/DataEfficiency.root"); return 0; }