/*void Fit(TGraph &g, double rate_start=3e5, double rate_kink=80, double rate_end=1) { double begin = -1; double end = -1; double kinkx = -1; double kinky = 0; TGraph gl; for (int j=0; jGetRowCount()!=1) { cout << "ERROR - Row count is not 1." << endl; delete res; return kTRUE; } TSQLRow *row = res->Next(); const char *time_beg = (*row)[0]; const char *time_end = (*row)[1]; const char *night = (*row)[5]; const char *az_beg = (*row)[6]; const char *az_end = (*row)[7]; const char *zd_beg = (*row)[8]; const char *zd_end = (*row)[9]; int voltage_on = (*row)[2] ? atoi((*row)[2]) : -1; float overvoltage = (*row)[3] ? atof((*row)[3]) : -100; float current = (*row)[4] ? atof((*row)[4]) : -1; delete row; gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(time_beg+11, time_beg); c->SetGrid(); c->SetLogy(); c->SetTopMargin(0.01); c->SetRightMargin(0.005); TPaveText leg(600, 1e5, 1050, 8e8, "br"); leg.SetBorderSize(1); leg.SetFillColor(kWhite); leg.SetTextAlign(12); leg.AddText(Form("Ratescan %d ", search_id)); //leg.AddText(""); leg.AddText(Form("Begin %s", time_beg)); leg.AddText(Form("End %s", time_end)); leg.AddText(Form("Az %s#circ to %s#circ", az_beg, az_end)); leg.AddText(Form("Zd %s#circ to %s#circ", zd_beg, zd_end)); //leg.AddText(""); if (voltage_on==0) leg.AddText("Voltage off"); else { if (current>=0) leg.AddText(Form("Current = %.1f #muA", current)); if (overvoltage>-70) leg.AddText(Form("Voltage #DeltaU = %+.2f V", overvoltage)); } TH1D h0("frame", "", 1050, 0, 1050); h0.SetDirectory(0); h0.SetStats(kFALSE); h0.SetXTitle("Threshold [dac counts]"); h0.SetYTitle("Trigger rate [Hz]"); h0.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); h0.GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); h0.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); h0.GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); h0.SetMaximum(8e8); h0.SetMinimum(0.61); h0.DrawCopy(); leg.DrawClone(); for (int i=0; i<40; i++) { gb[i].SetNameTitle(Form("Board%02d", i), "Board trigger rate (time 40)"); gb[i].DrawClone("P"); } g.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); g.SetMarkerColor(kBlue); g.SetLineColor(kBlue); g.SetNameTitle("Camera", "Camera trigger rate"); g.DrawClone("PL"); TGraph gr("good_ratescan_edit.txt", "%lg %lg"); gr.SetLineColor(12); gr.DrawClone("L"); c->Write(); TString name; name += night; name += "-ratescan "; name += time_beg; //c->SaveAs(name+".pdf"); //c->SaveAs(name+".eps"); //c->SaveAs("/loc_data/analysis/"+name+".png"); c->SaveAs(Form("/data1/analysis/ratescans/%04d/%02d/%02d/%06d_%d.png", atoi(night)/10000, (atoi(night)/100)%100, atoi(night)%100, atoi(night), search_id)); delete c; } Int_t plotid(MSQLMagic &serv, fits &file, const char *_search_id, Int_t row) { Long64_t search_id = atol(_search_id); cout << " " << search_id << endl; UInt_t offset = file.GetUInt("MJDREF"); bool old = file.HasColumn("Data0"); Double_t *ptime = file.SetPtrAddress("Time"); UInt_t *pid = file.SetPtrAddress(old ? "Data0" : "Id"); Float_t *rates = file.SetPtrAddress(old ? "Data5" : "BoardRate"); UInt_t *pth = file.SetPtrAddress(old ? "Data1" : "Threshold"); Float_t *ptrig = file.SetPtrAddress(old ? "Data4" : "TriggerRate"); Float_t *pontime = file.SetPtrAddress(old ? "Data3" : "RelOnTime"); if (!ptime || !pid || !rates || !pth || !ptrig || !pontime) return -1; TGraph g; TGraph gb[40]; while (file.GetRow(row++)) { if (pid[0]0) plot(serv, search_id, g, gb); return row; } Bool_t plotratescan(MSQLMagic &serv, const char *_night) { Long64_t night = atol(_night); TString fname = Form("/fact/aux/%04d/%02d/%02d/%06d.RATE_SCAN_DATA.fits", night/10000, (night/100)%100, night%100, night); cout << " " << fname << endl; fits file(fname.Data()); if (!file) { cout << "ERROR - Cannot access " << fname << ": " << gSystem->GetError() << endl; return kFALSE; } TString query; query += "SELECT fRatescanID FROM Ratescan WHERE fNight="; query += night; query += " ORDER BY fRatescanID"; /* query += "SELECT fRatescanID, fTimeBeg, fTimeEnd, fVoltageIsOn, "; query += " fOvervoltage, fCurrentMedMean, fRateBegin, fRateEnd, "; query += " fThresholdBegin, fThresholdEnd, fNumPoints "; query += "WHERE fNight="; query += night; */ TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; if (res->GetRowCount()==0) { delete res; return kTRUE; } TString oname = Form("%06d-ratescan.root", night); //cout << " " << oname << '\n' << endl; TFile rootfile(oname.Data(), "recreate"); TSQLRow *row = 0; Int_t cnt = 0; while ((row=res->Next()) && cnt>=0) { const char *id = (*row)[0]; cnt = plotid(serv, file, id, cnt); delete row; } delete res; cout << endl; return cnt>=0; } Bool_t plotratescan(const char *night) { MSQLMagic serv("sql.rc"); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } cout << "plotratescan" << endl; cout << "------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl; cout << "Night: " << night << endl; cout << endl; return plotratescan(serv, night); } Bool_t plotratescan() { MSQLMagic serv("sql.rc"); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } cout << "plotratescan" << endl; cout << "------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl; cout << endl; TSQLResult *res = serv.Query("SELECT fNight FROM Ratescan GROUP BY fNight ORDER BY fNight"); if (!res) return kFALSE; TSQLRow *row = 0; while ((row=res->Next())) { const char *night = (*row)[0]; plotratescan(serv, night); delete row; } delete res; return kTRUE; }