1 | void ontime(const char *fname, double beg=0, double end=100000)
2 | {
3 | //open the file
4 | fits file(fname);
5 |
6 | //file.PrintColumns();
7 | //file.PrintKeys();
8 |
9 | //allocate variables to read data into
10 | Double_t time;
11 | Float_t OnTime, ElTime, TriggerRate;
12 | file.SetPtrAddress("Time", &time);
13 | file.SetPtrAddress("OnTime", &OnTime);
14 | file.SetPtrAddress("ElapsedTime", &ElTime);
15 | file.SetPtrAddress("TriggerRate", &TriggerRate);
16 |
17 | //some file MJDREF offset fun. Before a given day, the MJDREF was not subtracted correctly.
18 | //Also, see the logbook for more details (there are also some broken files)
19 | UInt_t offset = file.GetUInt("MJDREF");
20 | if (beg < 30000)
21 | beg+=offset;
22 | if (end < 30000)
23 | end+=offset;
24 |
25 | //variables to calculate stuff with
26 | double SumOnTime = 0.; //Sum up the OnTime_i for later effective on calculation
27 | double SumElTime = 0.; //sum up ElTime_i for later effective on calculation
28 |
29 | double SumOnEl = 0.; //Sum of the OnTime_i / ElapsedTime_i
30 | double SumOnEl2 = 0.; //Sum of the (OnTime_i / ElapsedTime_i)^2,
31 | //both values needed for variance of the effective on timeseries
32 |
33 | double EffectiveOn = 0.; //this will be the one effective on value
34 | double EffectiveOnRMS = 0.; //this will be variance(effective on)
35 | int counter = 0; //cnt the number of non zero ElTime datapoints
36 |
37 | double TriggerTimeOver125 = 0.; //this will be the time in sec the Trigger
38 | //is above 125Hz
39 |
40 | //loop over all rows in slow-file
41 | while (file.GetNextRow())
42 | {
43 | //add the offset, as the data is saved with the offset subtracted
44 | time += offset;
45 |
46 | //if the end of the run is reached, break
47 | if (time>end)
48 | break;
49 |
50 | //if the data is before the beginning of the run, continue
51 | if (time<beg)
52 | {
53 | continue;
54 | }
55 |
56 | //sum the data for the mean effective on
57 | SumOnTime += OnTime;
58 | SumElTime += ElTime;
59 |
60 | //sum the data for the variance of the effective on timeseries, check for zero elapsed time
61 | if (ElTime>0){
62 | SumOnEl += OnTime/ElTime;
63 | SumOnEl2 += OnTime/ElTime*OnTime/ElTime;
64 | counter++;
65 | //cout << "OnTime:" << OnTime << " # ElTime:" << ElTime << " # OnTime/ElTime:" << OnTime/ElTime << " # (OnTime/ElTime)^2:" << OnTime/ElTime*OnTime/ElTime << " # Counter:" << counter << endl;
66 | }
67 |
68 | //sum the time the trigger is over 125Hz
69 | if (TriggerRate>125.){
70 | TriggerTimeOver125 += ElTime;
71 | }
72 |
73 | }
74 |
75 | //cout << "SumOnEl2:" << SumOnEl2 << " # SumOnEl:" << SumOnEl << " # (SumOnEl2/counter-(SumOnEl/counter*SumOnEl/counter)): " << (SumOnEl2/counter-(SumOnEl/counter*SumOnEl/counter)) << endl;
76 |
77 | //calculate the return values, watch out for traps when doing math operations!
78 | EffectiveOn = SumElTime>0 ? SumOnTime/SumElTime : 0.;
79 | EffectiveOnRMS = counter>0 ? (SumOnEl2/counter-
80 | (SumOnEl/counter*SumOnEl/counter)) : 0.;
81 | EffectiveOnRMS = EffectiveOnRMS>0 ? sqrt(EffectiveOnRMS) : 0;
82 |
83 | //check for crap data, which happenes sometimes...
84 | if (EffectiveOn>1.) EffectiveOn = 1.;
85 | if (EffectiveOnRMS>0.5) EffectiveOnRMS = 0.5;
86 |
87 | //return fun. The style from daniela (grep the output) requires an non scientific notation,
88 | //i.e. withour exponential+ therefore set the precision to ~double with fixed width after decimal point
89 | cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(12) << "result " << EffectiveOn << " " << EffectiveOnRMS << " " << SumOnTime << " " << TriggerTimeOver125 << endl;
90 | }