1 | void fresnellens_image()
2 | {
3 | Double_t telzd = 0; // [deg] Telescope orientation Zenith Distance
4 | Double_t telaz = 0; // [deg] Telescope orientation Azimuth
5 |
6 | Double_t dzd = 8; // [deg] Relative angle of light ray Zd
7 | Double_t daz = 0; // [deg] Relative angle of light ray Az
8 |
9 | Double_t F = 0.5021; // [m] Distance of camera to lens
10 | // // This is different from F in MFresnelLens!
11 |
12 | // ----------------------------------------------
13 |
14 | MFresnelLens lens("Reflector");
15 |
16 | MPointingPos pointpos;
17 | pointpos.SetLocalPosition(telzd, telaz);
18 |
19 | MPointingPos srcpos("Source");
20 | srcpos.SetLocalPosition(dzd, daz);
21 |
22 | MGeomCamFAMOUS geom(F);
23 |
24 | MSimRays simrays;
25 | simrays.SetNameReflector("Reflector");
26 | simrays.SetWavelengthRange(700, 700);
27 | //simrays.SetNumPhotons(100000);
28 |
29 | // ----------------------------------------------
30 |
31 | MParList plist;
32 | MTaskList tlist;
33 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
34 |
35 | plist.AddToList(&lens);
36 | plist.AddToList(&pointpos);
37 | plist.AddToList(&srcpos);
38 | plist.AddToList(&geom);
39 |
40 | tlist.AddToList(&simrays);
41 |
42 | MHPhotonEvent planeG(1, "HPhotonEventGround");
43 | MHPhotonEvent plane0(2, "HMirrorPlane0");
44 | MHPhotonEvent plane2(2, "HMirrorPlane2");
45 | MHPhotonEvent plane3(2, "HMirrorPlane3");
46 | MHPhotonEvent plane4(2, "HMirrorPlane4");
47 | MHPhotonEvent planeC(9, "HPhotonEventCamera");
48 |
49 | planeG.SetMaxImpact(60);
50 |
51 | MFillH fillG(&planeG, "MPhotonEvent", "FillGround");
52 | MFillH fill0(&plane0, "MirrorPlane0", "FillReflector");
53 | MFillH fill2(&plane2, "MirrorPlane2", "FillCandidates");
54 | MFillH fill3(&plane3, "MirrorPlane3", "FillReflected");
55 | MFillH fill4(&plane4, "MirrorPlane4", "FillCameraPlane");
56 | MFillH fillC(&planeC, "MPhotonEvent", "FillCamera");
57 |
58 | fillG.SetNameTab("Ground", "Photon distribution at ground");
59 | fill0.SetNameTab("LensIn", "Photon distribution at plane of lens hit surface");
60 | fill2.SetNameTab("Candidates", "*Can hit* photon distribution at reflector plane w/ camera shadow");
61 | fill3.SetNameTab("LensOut", "Photon distribution at plane output surface");
62 | fill4.SetNameTab("CameraPlane", "Photon distribution at camera plane");
63 | fillC.SetNameTab("Camera", "Photon distribution which hit a sensor in the focal plane");
64 |
65 | tlist.AddToList(&fillG);
66 |
67 | MSimReflector simref;
68 | simref.SetNameReflector("Reflector");
69 | simref.SetDetectorMargin(-1);
70 | tlist.AddToList(&simref);
71 |
72 | tlist.AddToList(&fill0);
73 | tlist.AddToList(&fill2);
74 | tlist.AddToList(&fill3);
75 | tlist.AddToList(&fill4);
76 | tlist.AddToList(&fillC);
77 |
78 | //tlist.SetAccelerator(MTask::kAccDontReset|MTask::kAccDontTime);
79 |
80 | MStatusDisplay *disp = new MStatusDisplay;
81 |
82 | MEvtLoop loop;
83 | loop.SetDisplay(disp);
84 | loop.SetParList(&plist);
85 |
86 | if (!loop.Eventloop(100))
87 | return;
88 | }
89 |