/***************************************************************** fresnellens_psf.C - Example how to use MFresnelLens directly To run the macro from the command line (assuming you are in a directory Mars/build where you have built your Mars environment) you have to do root ../hawc/fresnellens_psf.C or from within root [0] .x ../hawc/fresnellens_psf.C ******************************************************************/ void fresnellens_psf() { // ------------------- setup lens ----------------------- const double D = 54.92; // [cm] Diameter of the refractive surface const double F = 50.21; // [cm] Nominal focal length of the lens const double H = 0.25; // [cm] Thickness of lens const double Z = F; // [cm] camera position w.r.t. lens exit (see also MGeomCamFAMOUS!) const double R = D/2; // [cm] radius of lens //const double w = 0.01; // [cm] Width of a single groove //const double w = 1; // [cm] Width of a single groove //const double H = 1.5; // [cm] Thickness of lens const double Rcam = 1.5*4.5; // [cm] radius of camera const double lambda = 546; // [nm] Wavelength for simulated rays double psf = 0; // Do not change! It might have unpredicted side effectes double angle = 0; // [cm] angle of incidence of simulates rays //TVector3 point_source(0, -F*atan(angle*TMath::DegToRad()), F); // Point source at x=0, y=0, z=F TVector3 point_source; // No point source MFresnelLens lens; lens.SetPSF(psf); //lens.DefineLens(F, D, w, H, lambda); //lens.EnableSlopeAbsorption(); //lens.EnableDraftAbsorption(); //lens.DisableBottomReflection(); //lens.DisableMultiEntry(); //lens.DisableFresnelReflection(); lens.ReadTransmission("resmc/hawcseye/transmission-pmma-3mm.txt", 0.3, true); // ------------------- setup histograms ----------------- unsigned int NN = 1000; TH2F h_out("OUT", "Photon Distribution (out)", NN*4/3, -R*4/3, R*4/3, NN, -R, R); TH2F h_psf("PSF", "Point Spread Function", 2000*4/3, -R*4/3, R*4/3, 2000, -R, R); TH2F h_cam("CAM", "Point Spread Function", 4*37*4/3, -14*4/3, 14*4/3, 4*37, -14, 14); TH1F h_rc("RET", "Return code", 8, 0.5, 8.5); // ------------------ Run simulation --------------------- int cnt = 0; // counter for photons hitting the camera int Nrays = 100000; for (int i=0; iCircle(X, Y, R*sqrt(gRandom->Uniform(0, 1))); TVector3 pos(X, Y, 0); // --------------------------------------------------------------- TVector3 dir; if (point_source.Mag()<1e-10) dir.SetMagThetaPhi(1, (180-angle)*TMath::DegToRad(), TMath::Pi()/2); else { // Note that this is not a perfect point source as the // flux is homogeneous over the surface of the lens TVector3 ps = pos - point_source; dir.SetMagThetaPhi(1, ps.Theta(), ps.Phi()); } double v = 1./(TMath::C()*100/1e9); // cm/ns // --------------------------------------------------------------- MQuaternion pp(pos, 0); MQuaternion uu(dir, v); // --------------------------------------------------------------- int ret = lens.ExecuteOptics(pp, uu, lambda); // Skip photons which will not hit the focal plane within rDivide(2,2); c->cd(1); h_cam.DrawCopy("colz"); circ.DrawEllipse(0, 0, 4.5*1.5, 4.5*1.5, 0, 360, 0); m.DrawMarker(0, angle*F/TMath::RadToDeg()); c->cd(2); h_out.DrawCopy("colz"); c->cd(3); h_psf.DrawCopy("colz"); circ.DrawEllipse(0, 0, 4.5*1.5, 4.5*1.5, 0, 360, 0); m.DrawMarker(0, angle*F/TMath::RadToDeg()); c->cd(4); h_rc.DrawCopy(); // Photons inside the camera cout << "Efficiency = " << double(cnt)/Nrays << " (N=" << cnt << ")" << endl; }