int HandleInput(int evtnum) { TTimer timer("gSystem->ProcessEvents();", 50, kFALSE); while (1) { timer.TurnOn(); const char *gl = Getline("Type 'q' to exit, or event number and to go on: "); timer.TurnOff(); TString input = gl; if (input=="q\n") return -1; if (input=="\n") return evtnum+1; return atoi(input.Data()); }; return -1; } void plot_callisto(const char *fname) { TFile f(fname); TTree *T = f.Get("Events"); MSignalCam *signal = NULL; T->SetBranchAddress("MSignalCam.", &signal); MGeomCamFAMOUS geom(0.5, kFALSE); MHCamera cam_signal(geom); MHCamera cam_cleaned(geom); MHCamera cam_time(geom); cam_signal.SetName("Signal"); cam_cleaned.SetName("Cleaned"); cam_time.SetName("Time"); cam_signal.SetMinimum(0); cam_cleaned.SetMinimum(0); TCanvas c; c.Divide(2,2);; cam_signal.Draw();; cam_cleaned.Draw();; cam_time.Draw(); int evtnum = 0; while (evtnum>=0) { if (evtnum>=T->GetEntries()) evtnum = 0; T->GetEntry(evtnum); // 0: Number of Photons*PixRatio // 1: Error*sqrt(PixRatio) // 2: Cleaning level = Num Photons*sqrt(PixRatio)/Error // 3: Number of Photons // 4: Error // 5: Island index // 6: arrival time of mapped pixels // 7: arrival time if signa avove 20phe // 8: arrival time // 10: as 0, but returns kFALSE if signal <=0 // 11: as 8, but returns kFALSE if signal <=0 cam_signal.SetCamContent(*signal, 10); // num phot uncleaned cam_cleaned.SetCamContent(*signal, 3); // num phot cleaned cam_time.SetCamContent(*signal, 8); // arr time cleaned for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { c.GetPad(i+1)->Modified(); c.GetPad(i+1)->Update(); } evtnum = HandleInput(evtnum); } }