source: trunk/Mars/macros/dohtml.C@ 18276

Last change on this file since 18276 was 9538, checked in by tbretz, 15 years ago
*** empty log message ***
File size: 7.4 KB
1/* ======================================================================== *\
3! *
4! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8! *
9! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14! * or implied warranty.
15! *
18! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 12/2000 <>
20! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
23\* ======================================================================== */
27// dohtml.C
28// ========
30// This is a service macro used to create the html-documentation from
31// source code (THtml)
33// Add here all directories in which files are stored from which the
34// documentation should be created an add all macros which should be
35// converted to HTML.
39void dohtml()
41 //
42 // don't forget that the shared object must have been loaded
43 //
45 //
46 // Do not print 'Info' messages from the root system such like
47 // TCanvas::Print
48 //
49 gErrorIgnoreLevel=kWarning;
51 //
52 // create the html document class
53 //
54 THtml html;
56 TString sourcedir;
57 sourcedir += "manalysis:";
58 sourcedir += "mastro:";
59 sourcedir += "mbadpixels:";
60 sourcedir += "mbase:";
61 sourcedir += "mcamera:";
62 sourcedir += "mcalib:";
63 sourcedir += "mcorsika:";
64 sourcedir += "mdata:";
65 sourcedir += "melectronics:";
66 sourcedir += "mextralgo:";
67 sourcedir += "mfbase:";
68 sourcedir += "mfileio:";
69 sourcedir += "mfilter:";
70 sourcedir += "mfit:";
71 sourcedir += "mgeom:";
72 sourcedir += "mgui:";
73 sourcedir += "mhbase:";
74 sourcedir += "mhflux:";
75 sourcedir += "mhft:";
76 sourcedir += "mhist:";
77 sourcedir += "mhistmc:";
78 sourcedir += "mhcalib:";
79 sourcedir += "mhvstime:";
80 sourcedir += "mimage:";
81 sourcedir += "mjobs:";
82 sourcedir += "mjoptim:";
83 sourcedir += "mjtrain:";
84 sourcedir += "mmain:";
85 sourcedir += "mmc:";
86 sourcedir += "mmontecarlo:";
87 sourcedir += "mmovie:";
88 sourcedir += "mmuon:";
89 sourcedir += "mpedestal:";
90 sourcedir += "mpointing:";
91 sourcedir += "mranforest:";
92 sourcedir += "mraw:";
93 sourcedir += "mreflector:";
94 sourcedir += "mreport:";
95 sourcedir += "msignal:";
96 sourcedir += "msim:";
97 sourcedir += "msimcamera:";
98 sourcedir += "msimreflector:";
99 sourcedir += "msql:";
100 sourcedir += "mstarcam:";
101 sourcedir += "mtools:";
102 sourcedir += "mtrigger:";
103 sourcedir += ".:";
105 html.SetSourceDir(sourcedir);
106 html.SetOutputDir("htmldoc");
108 html.MakeAll(kTRUE);
110 html.SetSourceDir("macros");
111 html.Convert("merpp.C", "MARS - Merging and Preprocessing");
112 html.Convert("tutorials/readraw.C", "MARS - How To Read A Raw");
113 html.Convert("rootlogon.C", "MARS - rootlogon.C");
114 //html.Convert("readCT1.C", "MARS - Read and display CT1 Events");
115 html.Convert("readMagic.C", "MARS - Read and display Magic Events");
116 //html.Convert("CT1Hillas.C", "MARS - Calculate CT1 Hillas");
117 html.Convert("MagicHillas.C", "MARS - Calculate Magic Hillas");
118//? html.Convert("collarea.C", "MARS - Calculate Collection Area from a MC root file");
119 html.Convert("threshold.C", "MARS - Calculate Energy Threshold from a MC root file");
120 html.Convert("trigrate.C", "MARS - Calculate Trigger Rate from a MC root file");
121 html.Convert("star.C", "MARS - (St)andard (A)nalysis and (R)econstruction");
122 html.Convert("starfield.C", "MARS - Display a starfield in the camera");
123 html.Convert("starvisday.C", "MARS - Display visibility of stars at a single day");
124 html.Convert("starvisyear.C", "MARS - Display visibility of a source around the year");
125 html.Convert("tutorials/starplot.C", "MARS - Plot parameters from file created with star.C");
126 html.Convert("tutorials/readrfl.C", "MARS - Example of reading reflector output with Mars");
127 html.Convert("comprob.C", "MARS - Calculation of composite probabilities for G/H-Seperation");
128 html.Convert("multidimdist.C", "MARS - Calculation of multidimensional distances for G/H-Seperation");
129 html.Convert("multidimdist2.C", "MARS - Calculation of multidimensional distances for G/H-Seperation");
130// html.Convert("estimate.C", "MARS - Shows results from the energy estimation");
131// html.Convert("estfit.C", "MARS - Fits the coefficients of the energy estimator MEnergyEstParam");
132 html.Convert("tutorials/plot.C", "MARS - Plots 1D mars histogram");
133 html.Convert("tutorials/plot2.C", "MARS - Plots a 2D mars histogram");
134 html.Convert("tutorials/testenv.C", "MARS - Example to use TEnv and Mars Eventloops");
135 html.Convert("triglvl2.C", "MARS - Example to use MMcTriggerLvl2 class, using filters and creating histograms");
136 //html.Convert("status.C", "MARS - Example to use the online display");
137 //html.Convert("calibration.C", "MARS - Example to use the calibration");
138 html.Convert("tutorials/pedvsevent.C", "MARS - Example to use MPedCalcPedRun");
139 //html.Convert("pedphotcalc.C", "MARS - Example to use MPedPhotCalc");
140 html.Convert("tutorials/derotatedc.C", "MARS - Example of plotting derotated dc currents");
141 html.Convert("tutorials/evtrate.C", "MARS - Example how to plot the event rate");
142// html.Convert("tutorials/pixvsevent.C", "MARS - Example how to plot pixel value versus event number/time");
143 html.Convert("tutorials/sectorvstime.C", "MARS - Example how to plot mean value of a camera sector versus time");
144 html.Convert("tutorials/pedestalvstime.C", "MARS - Example how to plot pedestal/rms versus time");
145 html.Convert("tutorials/pixfirerate.C", "MARS - Example how to plot the firerate of a pixel (times above threshold)");
146 html.Convert("tutorials/pixsatrate.C", "MARS - Example how to plot the saturation rate of a pixel");
147 html.Convert("tutorials/threshold.C", "MARS - Example how to calculate the threshold");
148 //html.Convert("calibration.C", "MARS - Example how to use the calibrationa camera ");
149 //html.Convert("bootcampstandardanalysis.C", "MARS - Example of the status of the standard analysis at the bootcamp");
150 html.Convert("readIPR.C", "MARS - Example to read and display the IPRs from a (merpped) report file");
151 html.Convert("tutorials/extendcam.C", "MARS - Example of using MGeomCamExtend and MHexagonalFTCalc");
152 html.Convert("tutorials/hft.C", "MARS - Example of using MHexagonalFTCalc");
153 html.Convert("tutorials/calendar.C", "MARS - Example of producing a calendar sheet");
154 html.Convert("tutorials/weights.C", "MARS - Example of using weights with MFillH");
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.