void plotBiasOffset() { PixelMap map; if (!map.Read("/home/fact/operation/FACTmap111030.txt")) return; BiasMap bias; if (!bias.Read("/home/fact/operation/GAPDmap_with_spare_module.txt")) return; MGeomCamFACT fact; MHCamera h1(fact); MHCamera h2(fact); MHCamera h3(fact); MHCamera h4(fact); h1.SetName("Vnom [V]"); h2.SetName("Voff [V]"); h3.SetName("Vnom+Voff [DAC]"); h4.SetName("Voff [-0.12V/0.19V]"); h1.SetAllUsed(); h2.SetAllUsed(); h3.SetAllUsed(); h4.SetAllUsed(); for (int i=0; i<1440; i++) { // Get entry corresponding to pixel index PixelMapEntry &pix = map.index(i); // Get entry corresponding to pixel BiasMapEntry &ch = bias.hv(pix); h1.SetBinContent(i+1, ch.Vnom); // Volt h2.SetBinContent(i+1, ch.Voff); // Volt h3.SetBinContent(i+1, (ch.Vnom+ch.Voff)*4096/90.); // DAC counts h4.SetBinContent(i+1, ch.Voff); // Volt } TCanvas *c = new TCanvas; c->Divide(2,2); c->cd(1); h1.DrawCopy(); c->cd(2); h2.DrawCopy(); c->cd(3); h3.DrawCopy(); c->cd(4); h4.SetMinMax(-0.12, 0.19); h4.DrawCopy(); }