1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2000 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // rootlogon.C
28 | // ===========
29 | //
30 | // This file is the startup script ("autoexec.bat") executed when root is
31 | // started. The definition which file to start is done in ".rootrc".
32 | // There are three files which are automatically processed by root at
33 | // startup: A systemwide .rootrc, one in your home directory and one
34 | // in the current directory.
35 | // So rootlogon.C is correctly executed if your start root from your
36 | // Mars directory.
37 | //
38 | // The script setupts some small environmental things and makes
39 | // sure that the Mars shared object (libmars.so) is loaded. This shared
40 | // object gives you access to all Mars features from within the root
41 | // interpreter.
42 | //
43 | // If libmars.so is not found in the current directory we search in the
44 | // directory given in "MARSSYS" environment variable.
45 | //
46 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 | #include <iomanip>
48 |
49 |
50 | Bool_t isloaded()
51 | {
52 | TString str = gSystem->GetLibraries("libmars.so");
53 |
54 | return !str.IsNull();
55 | }
56 |
57 | void unload()
58 | {
59 | if (!isloaded())
60 | return;
61 |
62 | cout << "Unloading 'libmars.so'... " << flush;
63 | if (gSystem->Unload("libmars.so"))
64 | cout << "error!" << endl;
65 | else
66 | cout << "done." << endl << endl;
67 | }
68 |
69 | bool load(TString &dir)
70 | {
71 | if (isloaded())
72 | return;
73 |
74 | cout << "\033[33m\033[1m" << "Loading '" << dir << "libmars.so'... " << "\033[0m" << flush;
75 |
76 | if (dir.IsNull())
77 | dir = "./";
78 |
79 | if (gSystem->Load(dir+"libmars.so")!=0)
80 | {
81 | cout << "\033[31m\033[1m" << "error!" << endl;
82 | cout << "\033[0m" << endl;
83 | return false;
84 | }
85 | else
86 | {
87 | MParContainer::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer();
88 | MArray::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer();
89 | cout << "\033[33m\033[1m" << "done." << endl;
90 | cout << "\033[0m" << endl;
91 | return true;
92 | }
93 | }
94 | /*
95 | void make()
96 | {
97 | unload();
98 |
99 | if (gSystem->Exec("make"))
100 | {
101 | cout << "Error calling make..." << endl;
102 | return;
103 | }
104 |
105 | load();
106 | }
107 | */
108 | void rootlogon()
109 | {
110 | // This is a workaround to make axis behave as they
111 | // are UTC and not local time
112 | // gSystem->Setenv("TZ", "UTC");
113 |
114 | cout << endl;
115 |
116 | const Bool_t fileexist = !gSystem->AccessPathName("libmars.so", kFileExists);
117 |
118 | TString dir = fileexist ? "" : gSystem->Getenv("MARSSYS");
119 | if (!dir.IsNull())
120 | {
121 | cout << "\033[34m\033[1m" << "Searching Mars in " << dir << " (MARSSYS)" << "\033[0m" << endl << endl;
122 |
123 | if (!dir.EndsWith("/"))
124 | dir += "/";
125 | }
126 |
127 | if (!load(dir))
128 | return;
129 |
130 | MLog::RedirectErrorHandler(MLog::kColor);
131 |
132 | // This initialized the thread factory. This is needed to supress
133 | // an error which is displayed if the thread factory is initialized
134 | // from another than the main thread (e.g. in the constructor
135 | // of MStatusDisplay)
136 | TThread::Self();
137 |
138 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"macros");
139 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"include");
140 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"manalysis");
141 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mastro");
142 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mbase");
143 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mbadpixels");
144 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcamera");
145 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcalib");
146 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcore");
147 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mdrs");
148 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhcalib");
149 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mdata");
150 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mfbase");
151 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mfileio");
152 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mfilter");
153 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mgeom");
154 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mgui");
155 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhbase");
156 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhflux");
157 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhft");
158 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhist");
159 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhistmc");
160 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhvstime");
161 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mimage");
162 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mjobs");
163 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mjoptim");
164 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mjtrain");
165 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmain");
166 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmc");
167 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmontecarlo");
168 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmuon");
169 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mpedestal");
170 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mpointing");
171 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mranforest");
172 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mraw");
173 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mreflector");
174 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mreport");
175 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msignal");
176 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msql");
177 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mstarcam");
178 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mtools");
179 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mtrigger");
180 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"melectronics");
181 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msim");
182 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msimreflector");
183 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msimcamera");
184 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcorsika");
185 | gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mextralgo");
186 |
187 | TString opt(gSystem->GetFlagsOpt());
188 | TString dbg(gSystem->GetFlagsDebug());
189 | TString lib(gSystem->GetLinkedLibs());
190 |
191 | TString add = " -O5 -std=c++0x -Wall -Winit-self -fPIC -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Woverloaded-virtual";
192 | add += " -D__MARS__";
193 | add += " -DHAVE_ZLIB";
194 | add += " -DPACKAGE_NAME='\""+MARS::GetPackageName()+"\"'";
195 | add += " -DPACKAGE_VERSION='\""+MARS::GetPackageName()+"\"'";
196 | add += " -DREVISION='\""+MARS::GetRevision()+"\"'";
197 |
198 | opt += add;
199 | dbg += add;
200 |
201 | lib += " -lnova -lz";
202 |
203 | gSystem->SetLinkedLibs(lib);
204 | gSystem->SetFlagsOpt(opt);
205 | gSystem->SetFlagsDebug(dbg);
206 |
207 |
208 | cout << "\033[32m" << "Welcome to the Mars Root environment." << "\033[0m" << endl;
209 | cout << endl;
210 | }