/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2000 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // rootlogon.C // =========== // // This file is the startup script ("autoexec.bat") executed when root is // started. The definition which file to start is done in ".rootrc". // There are three files which are automatically processed by root at // startup: A systemwide .rootrc, one in your home directory and one // in the current directory. // So rootlogon.C is correctly executed if your start root from your // Mars directory. // // The script setupts some small environmental things and makes // sure that the Mars shared object (libmars.so) is loaded. This shared // object gives you access to all Mars features from within the root // interpreter. // // If libmars.so is not found in the current directory we search in the // directory given in "MARSSYS" environment variable. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include Bool_t isloaded() { TString str = gSystem->GetLibraries("libmars.so"); return !str.IsNull(); } void unload() { if (!isloaded()) return; cout << "Unloading 'libmars.so'... " << flush; if (gSystem->Unload("libmars.so")) cout << "error." << endl; else cout << "done." << endl << endl; } bool load(TString &dir) { if (isloaded()) return; cout << "\033[33m\033[1m" << "Loading '" << dir << "libmars.so'... " << "\033[0m" << flush; if (dir.IsNull()) dir = "./"; if (gSystem->Load(dir+"libmars.so")!=0) { cout << "\033[33m\033[1m" << "error." << endl; cout << "\033[0m" << endl; return false; } else { MParContainer::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); MArray::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); cout << "\033[33m\033[1m" << "done." << endl; cout << "\033[0m" << endl; return true; } } /* void make() { unload(); if (gSystem->Exec("make")) { cout << "Error calling make..." << endl; return; } load(); } */ void rootlogon() { cout << endl; const Bool_t fileexist = !gSystem->AccessPathName("libmars.so", kFileExists); TString dir = fileexist ? "" : gSystem->Getenv("MARSSYS"); if (!dir.IsNull()) { cout << "\033[34m\033[1m" << "Searching Mars in " << dir << " (MARSSYS)" << "\033[0m" << endl << endl; if (!dir.EndsWith("/")) dir += "/"; } if (!load(dir)) return; MLog::RedirectErrorHandler(MLog::kColor); // This initialized the thread factory. This is needed to supress // an error which is displayed if the thread factory is initialized // from another than the main thread (e.g. in the constructor // of MStatusDisplay) TThread::Self(); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"macros"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"manalysis"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mastro"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mbase"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mbadpixels"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcamera"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcalib"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcore"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhcalib"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mdata"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mfbase"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mfileio"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mfilter"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mgeom"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mgui"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhbase"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhflux"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhft"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhist"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhistmc"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mhvstime"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mimage"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mjobs"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mjoptim"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mjtrain"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmain"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmc"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmontecarlo"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mmuon"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mpedestal"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mpointing"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mranforest"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mraw"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mreflector"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mreport"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msignal"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msql"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mstarcam"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mtools"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mtrigger"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"melectronics"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msim"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msimreflector"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"msimcamera"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mcorsika"); gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(dir+"mextralgo"); TString opt(gSystem->GetFlagsOpt()); TString lib(gSystem->GetLinkedLibs()); opt += " -D__MARS__"; // opt += " -DHAVE_ZLIB"; opt += " -std=c++0x"; // lib += " -lz"; gSystem->SetLinkedLibs(lib); gSystem->SetFlagsOpt(opt); cout << "\033[32m" << "Welcome to the Mars Root environment." << "\033[0m" << endl; cout << endl; }