#ifndef MARS_MPad #define MARS_MPad #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MH #include "MH.h" #endif class TH1D; class TH2D; class TH3D; class MGeomCam; class MCerPhotEvt; class MPedPhotCam; class MPointingPos; class MParList; class MBadPixelsCam; class MRead; class MFilterList; class MPad : public MTask { private: MGeomCam *fCam; MCerPhotEvt *fEvt; MPointingPos *fPointPos; MPedPhotCam *fPed; MBadPixelsCam *fBad; TString fNamePedPhotCam; // name of the 'MPedPhotCam' container TString fType; // type of data to be padded TFile *fInfile; // input file containing padding histograms Int_t fIter; Int_t fInf[9]; Int_t fErrors[9]; Int_t fWarnings[3]; //---------------------------------- // plots used for the padding // for all plots it is assumed that the pedestal RMS is given in units of "number of photons" // original distributions TH2D *fHSigmaThetaMC; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_inner vs. Theta) TH2D *fHSigmaThetaON; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_inner vs. Theta) TH2D *fHSigmaThetaOFF; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_inner vs. Theta) TH2D *fHSigmaThetaOuterMC; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_outer vs. Theta) TH2D *fHSigmaThetaOuterON; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_outer vs. Theta) TH2D *fHSigmaThetaOuterOFF; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_outer vs. Theta) TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaMC; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, (sigma^2-sigmabar^2)/area ) TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaON; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, (sigma^2-sigmabar^2)/area ) TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaOFF; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, (sigma^2-sigmabar^2)/area ) //--------------------- // target distributions TH2D *fHSigmaTheta; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_inner vs. Theta) TH2D *fHSigmaThetaOuter; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar_outer vs. Theta) TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaTargetMC; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, (sigma^2-sigmabar^2)/area ) TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaTargetON; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, (sigma^2-sigmabar^2)/area ) TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaTargetOFF; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, (sigma^2-sigmabar^2)/area ) //--------------------- // matrices according to which the padding is performed TH3D *fHgMC; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for MC data TH3D *fHgON; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for ON data TH3D *fHgOFF; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for OFF data TH3D *fHgOuterMC; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for MC data TH3D *fHgOuterON; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for ON data TH3D *fHgOuterOFF; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for OFF data //------------------------------- // plots for checking the padding TH2D *fHSigmaPedestal; // 2D-histogram : pedestal sigma after // versus before padding TH2D *fHPhotons; // 2D-histogram : no.of photons/area after // versus before padding TH1D *fHNSB; // 1D-histogram : additional NSB/area //------------------------------- Bool_t MergeABC(TString tA, TString tB, TString tC, TH2D *hA, TH2D *hB, TH2D *hC, TH2D *hM, TH3D *hgA, TH3D *hgB, TH3D *hgC, TString canv); Bool_t Merge2Distributions(TH1D *hista, TH1D *histb, TH1D *histap, TH2D *fHga, TH2D *fHgb, Int_t nbinssig, TString canv); Bool_t UpdateHg(TH2D *fHga, TH1D *histap, TH2D *fHge, TH3D *fHgA, Int_t nbinssig, Int_t l); public: MPad(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MPad(); void SetDataType(const char *type); // type of data to be padded void SetNamePedPhotCam(const char *name); // name of MPedPhotCam container Bool_t ReadPadHistograms(TString type, TString filein); Bool_t MergeONOFFMC(TString nameon="", TString nameoff="", TString namemc="", TString fileout=""); Bool_t WritePaddingDist(TString fileout); Bool_t ReadPaddingDist(TString filein); Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList); Int_t Process(); Int_t PostProcess(); ClassDef(MPad, 0) // task for the padding }; #endif