#ifndef MARS_MCT1PointingCorrCalc #define MARS_MCT1PointingCorrCalc ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // MCT1PointingCorrCalc // // // // Task to do the pointing correction // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif class MSrcPosCam; class MParameterD; class MCT1PointingCorrCalc : public MTask { public: typedef enum { k421, k1959 } PointedSource_t; private: MSrcPosCam *fSrcPos; TString fSrcName; MParameterD *fHourAngle; PointedSource_t fPoiSource; Float_t fMm2Deg; void PointCorr421(); void PointCorr1959(); public: MCT1PointingCorrCalc(const char *srcname="MSrcPosCam", const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList); Int_t Process(); void SetPointedSource(PointedSource_t s) { fPoiSource = s; } ClassDef(MCT1PointingCorrCalc, 0) // Task to do the CT1 pointing correction for Mkn421 2001 data or 1ES1959 2002 data }; #endif