#ifndef MARS_MCalibrationTestPix #define MARS_MCalibrationTestPix #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif class MCalibrationTestPix : public MParContainer { private: Int_t fPixId; // Software PixId (needed to get Id in calls to Next()) Bool_t fExcluded; // If pixels is excluded or not (not interpolateable) Float_t fNumPhotons; // Number of calibrated photons Float_t fNumPhotonsErr; // Error Number of calibrated photons Float_t fNumPhotonsPerArea; // Number of calibrated photons per mm^2 Float_t fNumPhotonsPerAreaErr; // Error Number of calibrated photons per mm^2 public: MCalibrationTestPix(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MCalibrationTestPix() {} void Clear(Option_t *o=""); // Getters Float_t GetNumPhotons () const { return fNumPhotons; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsErr () const { return fNumPhotonsErr; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsPerArea () const { return fNumPhotonsPerArea; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsPerAreaErr() const { return fNumPhotonsPerAreaErr; } Int_t GetPixId () const { return fPixId; } Bool_t IsExcluded () const { return fExcluded; } // Setters void SetPixId ( const Int_t i ) { fPixId = i; } void SetExcluded ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { fExcluded = b; } void SetNumPhotons ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotons = f; } void SetNumPhotonsErr ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsErr = f; } void SetNumPhotonsPerArea ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsPerArea = f; } void SetNumPhotonsPerAreaErr( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsPerAreaErr = f; } ClassDef(MCalibrationTestPix, 1) // Container for Calibration Test Results Pixel }; #endif