#ifndef MARS_Nova #define MARS_Nova #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Nova { typedef ln_rst_time RstTime; // Note that times are in JD not Mjd struct ZdAzPosn; struct RaDecPosn; #ifndef __CINT__ #define OBS(lat,lng) ={lat,lng} #else #define OBS(lat,lng) #endif #ifndef PRESET_OBSERVATORY #define PRESET_OBSERVATORY kORM #endif const static double kSolarStandardHorizon = LN_SOLAR_STANDART_HORIZON; const static ln_lnlat_posn kORM OBS(-(17.+53./60+26.525/3600), 28.+45./60+42.462/3600); // 2800m const static ln_lnlat_posn kHAWC OBS( -97.3084, 18.9947 ); // 4100m; const static ln_lnlat_posn kSPM OBS(-115.4637, 31.0439 ); // 2800m; const static ln_lnlat_posn kRWTH OBS( 6.0657, 50.7801 ); struct LnLatPosn : public ln_lnlat_posn { typedef std::map LUT; bool operator==(const LnLatPosn &eq) const { return lng==eq.lng && lat==eq.lat; } static const LUT &lut() { #ifndef __CINT__ static const LUT lut = { { "ORM", kORM }, { "HAWC", kHAWC }, { "SPM", kSPM }, { "RWTH", kRWTH }, }; return lut; #else return LUT(); #endif } LnLatPosn() { } LnLatPosn(const ln_lnlat_posn &pos) : ln_lnlat_posn(pos) { } LnLatPosn(std::string obs) { #ifndef __CINT__ if (obs.empty()) { *this = PRESET_OBSERVATORY; return; } for (auto it=obs.begin(); it!=obs.end(); it++) *it = toupper(*it); const auto it = lut().find(obs); *this = it==lut().end() ? ln_lnlat_posn({std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(),std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()}) : it->second; #endif } bool isValid() const { return std::isfinite(lat) && std::isfinite(lng); } const std::string &name() const { for (auto it=lut().begin(); it!=lut().end(); it++) if (LnLatPosn(it->second)==*this) return it->first; static const std::string dummy; return dummy; } static const std::string preset() { return LnLatPosn(PRESET_OBSERVATORY).name(); } }; // Warning: 0deg=South, 90deg=W struct HrzPosn : public ln_hrz_posn { HrzPosn() { } HrzPosn(const ZdAzPosn &); }; struct ZdAzPosn { double zd; // [deg] double az; // [deg] ZdAzPosn(double z=0, double a=0) : zd(z), az(a) { } ZdAzPosn(const HrzPosn &hrz) : zd(90-hrz.alt), az(hrz.az-180) { } // This crahsed cint, but it could save up the dedicate structure HrzPosn :( //operator HrzPosn() const { const HrzPosn p = { az-180, 90-zd}; return p; } }; inline HrzPosn::HrzPosn(const ZdAzPosn &za) { alt = 90-za.zd; az = za.az-180; } // Note that right ascension is stored in degree struct EquPosn : public ln_equ_posn { EquPosn() { } EquPosn(const RaDecPosn &); }; struct RaDecPosn { double ra; // [h] double dec; // [deg] RaDecPosn(double r=0, double d=0) : ra(r), dec(d) { } RaDecPosn(const EquPosn &equ) : ra(equ.ra/15), dec(equ.dec) { } // This crahsed cint, but it could save up the dedicate structure HrzPosn :( //operator HrzPosn() const { const HrzPosn p = { az-180, 90-zd}; return p; } }; inline EquPosn::EquPosn(const RaDecPosn &rd) { ra = rd.ra*15; dec = rd.dec; } inline HrzPosn GetHrzFromEqu(const EquPosn &equ, const LnLatPosn &obs, const double &jd) { HrzPosn hrz; ln_get_hrz_from_equ(const_cast(&equ), const_cast(&obs), jd, &hrz); return hrz; } inline HrzPosn GetHrzFromEqu(const EquPosn &equ, const double &jd) { return GetHrzFromEqu(equ, PRESET_OBSERVATORY, jd); } inline EquPosn GetEquFromHrz(const HrzPosn &hrz, const LnLatPosn &obs, const double &jd) { EquPosn equ; ln_get_equ_from_hrz(const_cast(&hrz), const_cast(&obs), jd, &equ); return equ; } inline EquPosn GetEquFromHrz(const HrzPosn &hrz, const double &jd) { return GetEquFromHrz(hrz, PRESET_OBSERVATORY, jd); } inline RstTime GetSolarRst(const double &jd, const LnLatPosn &obs, const double &hrz=kSolarStandardHorizon) { RstTime rst; ln_get_solar_rst_horizon(jd, const_cast(&obs), hrz, &rst); return rst; } inline RstTime GetSolarRst(const double &jd, const double &hrz=kSolarStandardHorizon) { return GetSolarRst(jd, PRESET_OBSERVATORY, hrz); } inline RstTime GetLunarRst(const double &jd, const LnLatPosn &obs=PRESET_OBSERVATORY) { RstTime rst; ln_get_lunar_rst(jd, const_cast(&obs), &rst); return rst; } inline EquPosn GetSolarEquCoords(const double &jd) { EquPosn equ; ln_get_solar_equ_coords(jd, &equ); return equ; } inline double GetLunarDisk(const double &jd) { return ln_get_lunar_disk(jd); } inline double GetLunarSdiam(const double &jd) { return ln_get_lunar_sdiam(jd); } inline double GetLunarPhase(const double &jd) { return ln_get_lunar_phase(jd); } inline EquPosn GetLunarEquCoords(const double &jd, double precision=0) { EquPosn equ; ln_get_lunar_equ_coords_prec(jd, &equ, precision); return equ; } inline double GetLunarEarthDist(const double &jd) { return ln_get_lunar_earth_dist(jd); } inline double GetAngularSeparation(const EquPosn &p1, const EquPosn &p2) { return ln_get_angular_separation(const_cast(&p1), const_cast(&p2)); } inline double GetAngularSeparation(const HrzPosn &h1, const HrzPosn &h2) { EquPosn p1; p1.ra=h1.az; p1.dec=h1.alt; EquPosn p2; p2.ra=h2.az; p2.dec=h2.alt; return ln_get_angular_separation(&p1, &p2); } struct SolarObjects { double fJD; EquPosn fSunEqu; HrzPosn fSunHrz; EquPosn fMoonEqu; HrzPosn fMoonHrz; double fMoonDisk; double fEarthDist; SolarObjects() { } SolarObjects(const double &jd, const LnLatPosn &obs=Nova::PRESET_OBSERVATORY) { fJD = jd; // Sun properties fSunEqu = GetSolarEquCoords(jd); fSunHrz = GetHrzFromEqu(fSunEqu, obs, jd); // Moon properties fMoonEqu = GetLunarEquCoords(jd, 0.01); fMoonHrz = GetHrzFromEqu(fMoonEqu, obs, jd); fMoonDisk = GetLunarDisk(jd); fEarthDist = GetLunarEarthDist(jd); } }; } #endif