/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 11/2008 Reiner Rohlfs 11/2010 ! ! Copyright: Software Development, 2000-2008 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MCorsikaRead // // Input Containers: // -/- // // Output Containers: // MCorsikaRunHeader // MCorsikaEvtHeader // MPhotonEvent // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MCorsikaRead.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" #include "MCorsikaFormat.h" #include "MCorsikaRunHeader.h" #include "MCorsikaEvtHeader.h" #include "MPhotonEvent.h" ClassImp(MCorsikaRead); using namespace std; /* ----------- please don't delete and don't care about (Thomas) ------------ #define kBUFSZ 64 //1024*1024*64 #include class bifstream : public istream, public streambuf { private: char fBuffer[kBUFSZ]; //! FILE *fd; int sync() { memset(fBuffer, 0, kBUFSZ); return 0; } int underflow() { int sz=fread(fBuffer, kBUFSZ, 1, fd); //int sz=fread(fBuffer, 1, kBUFSZ, fd); setg(fBuffer, fBuffer, fBuffer+kBUFSZ); return sz==1 ? *(unsigned char*)fBuffer : EOF;//EOF; //return sz==kBUFSZ ? *(unsigned char*)fBuffer : EOF;//EOF; } public: bifstream(const char *name) : istream(this) { fd = fopen(name, "rb"); setbuf(fBuffer, kBUFSZ); } }; */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. It tries to open the given file. // MCorsikaRead::MCorsikaRead(const char *fname, const char *name, const char *title) : fRunHeader(0), fEvtHeader(0), fEvent(0), fTelescopeIdx(-1), fArrayIdx(-1), fForceMode(kFALSE), fFileNames(0), fNumFile(0), fNumEvents(0), fNumTotalEvents(0), fInFormat(0), fParList(0), fNumTelescopes(1), fNumTelescope(0), fReadState(0) { fName = name ? name : "MRead"; fTitle = title ? title : "Read task to read DAQ binary files"; fFileNames = new TList; fFileNames->SetOwner(); if (fname!=NULL) AddFile(fname); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Destructor. Delete input stream. // MCorsikaRead::~MCorsikaRead() { delete fFileNames; if (fInFormat) delete fInFormat; } /* Byte_t MCorsikaRead::IsFileValid(const char *name) { MZlib fin(name); if (!fin) return 0; Byte_t c[4]; fin.read((char*)c, 4); if (!fin) return 0; if (c[0]!=0xc0) return 0; if (c[1]==0xc0) return 1; if (c[1]==0xc1) return 2; return 0; } */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Add a new file to a list of files to be processed, Returns the number // of files added. (We can enhance this with a existance chack and // wildcard support) // Int_t MCorsikaRead::AddFile(const char *fname, Int_t entries) { TNamed *name = new TNamed(fname, ""); fFileNames->AddLast(name); return 1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This opens the next file in the list and deletes its name from the list. // Int_t MCorsikaRead::OpenNextFile(Bool_t print) { // // open the input stream and check if it is really open (file exists?) // if (fInFormat) delete fInFormat; fInFormat = NULL; // // Check for the existance of a next file to read // TObject *file = fFileNames->At(fNumFile); if (!file) return kFALSE; // // open the file which is the first one in the chain // const char *name = file->GetName(); const char *expname = gSystem->ExpandPathName(name); fInFormat = MCorsikaFormat::CorsikaFormatFactory(expname); delete [] expname; if (fInFormat == NULL) return kERROR; *fLog << inf << "Open file: '" << name << "'" << endl; // Check if thsi is a single telescope from a CORSIKA telescope array // This is indicated by the -telXXX attached to the filename TObjArray *res = TPRegexp("(.*/)?cer([0-9]+)-tel([0-9]+)").MatchS(name, "i"); if (res->GetLast()==3) { const TString match = res->At(0)->GetName(); const TString path = res->At(1)->GetName(); const UInt_t runid = atoi(res->At(2)->GetName()); const UInt_t telid = atoi(res->At(3)->GetName()); *fLog << inf2 << "Run " << runid << " detected to be for the " << telid << "-th telescope." << endl; *fLog << inf << "Telescope #" << telid << " [X/Y/Z (R)]: "; *fLog << fTelescopeX[telid-1] << "/"; *fLog << fTelescopeY[telid-1] << "/"; *fLog << fTelescopeZ[telid-1] << " (R=" << fTelescopeR[telid-1] << ")" << endl; fNumTelescope = telid; } delete res; if (fDisplay) { // Show the number of the last event after // which we now open a new file TString txt = GetFileName(); txt += " @ "; txt += GetNumExecutions()-1; fDisplay->SetStatusLine2(txt); } fNumFile++; if (!fParList) return kTRUE; // // Search for MTaskList // MTask *tlist = (MTask*)fParList->FindObject("MTaskList"); if (!tlist) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "MTaskList not found... abort." << endl; return kERROR; } // // A new file has been opened and new headers have been read. // --> ReInit tasklist // return tlist->ReInit(fParList) ? kTRUE : kERROR; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return file name of current file. // TString MCorsikaRead::GetFullFileName() const { const TObject *file = fFileNames->At(fNumFile-1); return file ? file->GetName() : ""; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Restart with the first file // Bool_t MCorsikaRead::Rewind() { fNumFile=0; fNumEvents=0; return OpenNextFile()==kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Calculates the total number of events from all input files and stores // the number in fNumTotalEvents. // Bool_t MCorsikaRead::CalcNumTotalEvents() { fNumTotalEvents = 0; Bool_t rc = kTRUE; while (1) { switch (OpenNextFile(kFALSE)) { case kFALSE: break; case kERROR: rc = kFALSE; break; case kTRUE: // read run header(1200), telescope position(1201) and // first event header(1202) Bool_t status = kTRUE; Int_t blockType, blockVersion, blockIdentifier, blockLength; while (status && fInFormat->NextBlock(fReadState/* == 4*/, blockType, blockVersion, blockIdentifier, blockLength)) { if (blockType == 1200) status = fRunHeader->ReadEvt(fInFormat, blockLength / sizeof(Float_t)); else if(blockType == 1201) status = ReadTelescopePosition(); else if (blockType == 1202) { vector buffer(blockLength / sizeof(Float_t)); status = fInFormat->Read(buffer.data(), blockLength); status = fRunHeader->ReadEventHeader(buffer.data()); break; } else fInFormat->Seek(blockLength); } if (status != kTRUE) return status; if (!fInFormat->SeekEvtEnd()) { *fLog << (fForceMode?warn:err) << "Error: RUNE section not found in file." << endl; if (!fForceMode) return fForceMode ? kTRUE : kFALSE; } if (!fRunHeader->ReadEvtEnd(fInFormat, kTRUE)) { *fLog << (fForceMode?warn:err) << "Error: Reading RUNE section failed." << endl; if (!fForceMode) return kFALSE; } fNumTotalEvents += fRunHeader->GetNumEvents()*fRunHeader->GetNumReuse()* (fTelescopeIdx<0 ? fNumTelescopes : 1); continue; } break; } return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Reads the the position of all telescopes in one array // Int_t MCorsikaRead::ReadTelescopePosition() { if (!fInFormat->Read(&fNumTelescopes, 4)) return kERROR; if (fTelescopeIdx>=fNumTelescopes) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Requested telescope index " << fTelescopeIdx << " exceeds number of telescopes " << fNumTelescopes << " in file." << endl; return kERROR; } fTelescopeX.Set(fNumTelescopes); fTelescopeY.Set(fNumTelescopes); fTelescopeZ.Set(fNumTelescopes); fTelescopeR.Set(fNumTelescopes); if (!fInFormat->Read(fTelescopeX.GetArray(), 4*fNumTelescopes)) return kERROR; if (!fInFormat->Read(fTelescopeY.GetArray(), 4*fNumTelescopes)) return kERROR; if (!fInFormat->Read(fTelescopeZ.GetArray(), 4*fNumTelescopes)) return kERROR; if (!fInFormat->Read(fTelescopeR.GetArray(), 4*fNumTelescopes)) return kERROR; *fLog << all; *fLog << "Number of telescopes: " << fNumTelescopes << " (using "; if (fTelescopeIdx>=0) *fLog << "telescope " << fTelescopeIdx; else *fLog << "all telescopes"; *fLog << ")" << endl; const Int_t lo = fTelescopeIdx<0 ? 0 : fTelescopeIdx; const Int_t up = fTelescopeIdx<0 ? fNumTelescopes : fTelescopeIdx+1; for (int i=lo; iNextBlock(fReadState/* == 4*/, fBlockType, fBlockVersion, fBlockIdentifier, fBlockLength) == kFALSE) // end of file return kFALSE; /* gLog << "Next fBlock: type=" << fBlockType << " version=" << fBlockVersion; gLog << " identifier=" << fBlockIdentifier << " length=" << fBlockLength; gLog << " readState= " << fReadState << endl; */ if (fReadState == 3 && fBlockType != 1210) // fReadState == 3 means we have read the event end // most of the time we can now save our data. BUT: // bBlockType != 1210 means the next block is not RUNE, // we want to read the RUNE block, before we // save everything (last events and RUNE) return kTRUE; if (fBlockType == 1204 && fReadState != 2) // next is a new set of telescope arrays, we store the previous ones // but not if this is the first one (fReadState != 2) return kTRUE; return kCONTINUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The PreProcess of this task checks for the following containers in the // list: // MCorsikaRunHeader if not found it is created // MCorsikaEvtHeader if not found it is created // MCorsikaEvtData if not found it is created // MCorsikaCrateArray if not found it is created // MCorsikaEvtTime if not found it is created (MTime) // // If all containers are found or created the run header is read from the // binary file and printed. If the Magic-Number (file identification) // doesn't match we stop the eventloop. // // Now the EvtHeader and EvtData containers are initialized. // Int_t MCorsikaRead::PreProcess(MParList *pList) { // // open the input stream // first of all check if opening the file in the constructor was // successfull // fParList = 0; // // check if all necessary containers exist in the Parameter list. // if not create one and add them to the list // fRunHeader = (MCorsikaRunHeader*)pList->FindCreateObj("MCorsikaRunHeader"); if (!fRunHeader) return kFALSE; fEvtHeader = (MCorsikaEvtHeader*)pList->FindCreateObj("MCorsikaEvtHeader"); if (!fEvtHeader) return kFALSE; fEvent = (MPhotonEvent*)pList->FindCreateObj("MPhotonEvent"); if (!fEvent) return kFALSE; *fLog << inf << "Calculating number of total events..." << flush; if (!CalcNumTotalEvents()) return kFALSE; *fLog << inf << " " << fNumTotalEvents << " found." << endl; fNumFile=0; fNumEvents=0; fParList = pList; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The Process reads one event from the binary file: // - The event header is read // - the run header is read (only once per file) // - the raw data information of one event is read // Int_t MCorsikaRead::Process() { while (1) // loop for multiple input files { if (fInFormat) { while (1) // loop per input block { if (fReadState == 4) { fTopBlockLength -= fBlockLength + 12; if (fTopBlockLength <= 0) // all data of a top block are read, go back to normal state fReadState = 15; // not used } Int_t status = kTRUE; switch (fBlockType) { case 1200: // the run header status = fRunHeader->ReadEvt(fInFormat, fBlockLength / sizeof(Float_t)); fReadState = 1; // RUNH is read break; case 1201: // telescope positions status = ReadTelescopePosition(); break; case 1202: // the event header { vector buffer(fBlockLength / sizeof(Float_t)); if (!fInFormat->Read(buffer.data(), fBlockLength)) return kFALSE; if (fReadState == 1) // first event after RUN header { fRunHeader->ReadEventHeader(buffer.data()); fRunHeader->Print(); } status = fEvtHeader->ReadEvt(buffer.data()); if (fArrayIdx >= (Int_t)fEvtHeader->GetTotReuse()) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Requested array index " << fArrayIdx << " exceeds number of arrays " << fEvtHeader->GetTotReuse() << " in file." << endl; return kERROR; } } fReadState = 2; break; case 1203: // 16 bytes fInFormat->Seek(fBlockLength); break; case 1212: { char *buf = new char[fBlockLength]; fInFormat->Read(buf, fBlockLength); status = kTRUE; char *ptr = buf; unsigned int n = reinterpret_cast(ptr)[0]; ptr += 4; *fLog << all << endl; for (unsigned int i=0; i(ptr)[0]; ptr += 2; *fLog << string(ptr, ptr+s) << '\n'; ptr += s; } *fLog << '\n' << endl; delete [] buf; } break; case 1204: // top level block for one array (only for eventio data) if (fArrayIdx < 0 || fArrayIdx == fBlockIdentifier) { fReadState = 4; fTopBlockLength = fBlockLength; } else // skip this array of telescopes fInFormat->Seek(fBlockLength); break; case 1205: // eventio data { Int_t telIdx = fBlockIdentifier % 1000; if ((fBlockVersion == 0 || fBlockVersion == 1000) && (fTelescopeIdx < 0 || fTelescopeIdx == telIdx) ) { status = fBlockVersion==0 ? fEvent->ReadEventIoEvt(fInFormat) : fEvent->ReadEventIoEvtCompact(fInFormat); Int_t arrayIdx = fBlockIdentifier / 1000; Float_t xArrOff, yArrOff; fEvtHeader->GetArrayOffset(arrayIdx, xArrOff, yArrOff); fEvtHeader->SetTelescopeOffset(arrayIdx, xArrOff + fTelescopeY[telIdx], yArrOff - fTelescopeX[telIdx] ); fEvent->AddXY(xArrOff + fTelescopeY[telIdx], yArrOff - fTelescopeX[telIdx]); fEvent->SimWavelength(fRunHeader->GetWavelengthMin(), fRunHeader->GetWavelengthMax()); } else // skip this telescope fInFormat->Seek(fBlockLength); } break; case 1209: // the event end status = fEvtHeader->ReadEvtEnd(fInFormat, fBlockLength / sizeof(Float_t)); if (fReadState == 10 || fReadState == 2) { // corsika events fEvtHeader->ResetNumReuse(); fEvtHeader->InitXY(); if (fNumTelescope>0) { // Here, the impact has opposite sign -- I don't understand why fEvtHeader->SetXY(+fTelescopeY[fNumTelescope-1]-fEvtHeader->GetX(), -fTelescopeX[fNumTelescope-1]-fEvtHeader->GetY()); } fBlockType = 1109; // save corsika events continue; } fReadState = 3; // event closed, run still open break; case 1210: // the run end status = fRunHeader->ReadEvtEnd(fInFormat, kTRUE); fNumEvents += fRunHeader->GetNumEvents(); //fRunHeader->SetReadyToSave(); fReadState = 5; // back to starting point // this may be the last block in the file. // We exit to write the header into the file fBlockLength = 0; fBlockType = 0; // not available type return kTRUE; break; case 1105: // event block of raw format if (fReadState == 2 || fReadState == 10) { Int_t oldSize = fRawEvemtBuffer.size(); fRawEvemtBuffer.resize(oldSize + fBlockLength / sizeof(Float_t)); status = fInFormat->Read(&fRawEvemtBuffer[oldSize], fBlockLength); fReadState = 10; } else fInFormat->Seek(fBlockLength); break; case 1109: // save corsika events fEvtHeader->InitXY(); if (fNumTelescope>0) { // Here, the impact has opposite sign -- I don't understand why fEvtHeader->SetXY(+fTelescopeY[fNumTelescope-1]-fEvtHeader->GetX(), -fTelescopeX[fNumTelescope-1]-fEvtHeader->GetY()); } status = fEvent->ReadCorsikaEvt(fRawEvemtBuffer, fBlockLength == MCorsikaFormat::kBlockLengthRaw/21 - 4 ? 7 : 8, fEvtHeader->GetNumReuse()+1); // Simulate wavelength for all bunches with a wavelength == 0 fEvent->SimWavelength(fRunHeader->GetWavelengthMin(), fRunHeader->GetWavelengthMax()); fEvtHeader->IncNumReuse(); if (fEvtHeader->GetNumReuse() == fRunHeader->GetNumReuse()) { // this was the last reuse. Set fBlockType to EVTE to save // it the next time. fRawEvemtBuffer.resize(0); fReadState = 3; fBlockType = 1209; } else // save this reuse return status; break; default: // unknown block, we skip it fReadState = 15; fInFormat->Seek(fBlockLength); } if (status != kTRUE) // there was an error while data were read return status; Int_t headerStatus = ReadNextBlockHeader(); if (headerStatus == kFALSE) // end of file break; if (headerStatus == kTRUE) // we shall quit this loop return kTRUE; // else continue } } // // If an event could not be read from file try to open new file // const Int_t rc = OpenNextFile(); if (rc!=kTRUE) return rc; if (ReadNextBlockHeader() == kFALSE) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Close the file. Check whether the number of read events differs from // the number the file should containe (MCorsikaRunHeader). Prints a warning // if it doesn't match. // Int_t MCorsikaRead::PostProcess() { const UInt_t n = fNumTotalEvents;//fNumEvents*fRunHeader->GetNumReuse()*(fTelescopeIdx<0?fNumTelescopes:1); // // Sanity check for the number of events // if (n==GetNumExecutions()-1 || GetNumExecutions()==0) return kTRUE; *fLog << warn << dec; *fLog << "Warning - Number of read events (" << GetNumExecutions()-1; *fLog << ") doesn't match number in RUNE section(s) (" << n << ")"; //*fLog << fRunHeader->GetNumReuse() << "*" << fNumEvents << "=" << n << ")." << endl; return kTRUE; } Int_t MCorsikaRead::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print) { Bool_t rc = kFALSE; if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "TelescopeIndex", print)) { rc = kTRUE; fNumTelescope = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "TelescopeIndex", 0); fTelescopeX.Set(1); fTelescopeY.Set(1); fNumTelescope = 1; if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "TelescopeX", print)) fTelescopeX[0] = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "TelescopeX", 0.); if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "TelescopeY", print)) fTelescopeY[0] = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "TelescopeY", 0.); *fLog << all << "Telescope #" << setw(4) << fNumTelescope << " [X/Y]: "; *fLog << setw(7) << fTelescopeX[0] << "/"; *fLog << setw(7) << fTelescopeY[0] << endl; } // Read telescope positions from corsika input card if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "CorsikaInputCard", print)) { rc = kTRUE; TString fname = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "CorsikaInputCard", ""); gSystem->ExpandPathName(fname); // Is file accessible if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists)) return kERROR; *fLog << inf2 << "Reading Telecope positions from " << fname << ":" << endl; TPRegexp regexp("\\s*TELESCOPE" "\\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)" "\\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)" "\\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)" "\\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)" "\\s+([0-9]+)\\s*"); ifstream fin(fname); TString buf; while (1) { buf.ReadLine(fin); if (!fin) break; const TObjArray *res = regexp.MatchS(buf); if (res->GetLast()==9) { const UInt_t idx = atoi(res->At(9)->GetName()); if (idx==0) { *fLog << warn << "Telescope with index 0 ignored." << endl; delete res; continue; } if (idx>=fNumTelescopes) { fTelescopeX.Set(idx); fTelescopeY.Set(idx); fTelescopeZ.Set(idx); fTelescopeR.Set(idx); fNumTelescopes = idx; } fTelescopeX[idx-1] = atof(res->At(1)->GetName()); fTelescopeY[idx-1] = atof(res->At(3)->GetName()); fTelescopeZ[idx-1] = atof(res->At(5)->GetName()); fTelescopeR[idx-1] = atof(res->At(7)->GetName()); } delete res; } for (int i=0; i