1 | #ifndef MARS_MExtralgoSpline
2 | #define MARS_MExtralgoSpline
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TMath
5 | #include <TMath.h>
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class MArrayF;
9 | class TComplex;
10 |
11 | class MExtralgoSpline
12 | {
13 | private:
14 | enum
15 | {
16 | kIntegral = BIT(0),
17 | kTimeRel = BIT(1),
18 | kMaximum = BIT(2),
19 | kDynWidth = BIT(3),
20 | kFixedWidth = BIT(4),
21 | };
22 | public:
23 | enum ExtractionType_t
24 | {
25 | // For backward compatibility
26 | kAmplitudeAbs = 0, // Height of maximum, absolute height leading edge
27 | kAmplitudeRel = kTimeRel, // Height of maximum, relative height leading edge
28 | kAmplitude = kMaximum, // Position and height of maximum
29 | kIntegralAbs = kIntegral, // Integral, absolute height leading edge
30 | kIntegralRel = kIntegral|kTimeRel, // Integral, relative height leading edge
31 | kIntegralDyn = kTimeRel|kDynWidth, // Integrate between leading edge and falling edge
32 | kIntegralFixed = kTimeRel|kFixedWidth, // Integrate between leading edge minus fRiseTime and plus fFallTime
33 | };
34 |
35 | private:
36 | ExtractionType_t fExtractionType;
37 |
38 | private:
39 | //Bool_t fIsOwner; // Owner of derivatives....
40 |
41 | // Input
42 | Float_t const *fVal;
43 | const Int_t fNum;
44 |
45 | Float_t *fDer1;
46 | Float_t *fDer2;
47 |
48 | Float_t fRiseTime;
49 | Float_t fFallTime;
50 |
51 | Float_t fHeightTm;
52 |
53 | // Result
54 | Float_t fTime;
55 | Float_t fTimeDev;
56 | Float_t fWidth;
57 | Float_t fWidthDev;
58 | Float_t fSignal;
59 | Float_t fSignalDev;
60 | Float_t fHeight;
61 |
62 | Double_t ReMul(const TComplex &c1, const TComplex &th) const;
63 |
64 | inline Float_t Eval(Float_t val, Float_t a, Float_t deriv) const
65 | {
66 | return a*val + (a*a*a-a)*deriv;
67 | }
68 |
69 | // Evaluate value of spline in the interval i with x=[0;1[
70 | inline Float_t Eval(const Int_t i, const Float_t x) const
71 | {
72 | // Eval(i,x) = (fDer2[i+1]-fDer2[i])*x*x*x + 3*fDer2[i]*x*x +
73 | // (fVal[i+1]-fVal[i] -2*fDer2[i]-fDer2[i+1])*x + fVal[i];
74 |
75 | // x := [0; 1[
76 | return Eval(fVal[i], 1-x, fDer2[i]) + Eval(fVal[i+1], x, fDer2[i+1]);
77 | }
78 |
79 | // Evaluate first derivative of spline in the interval i with x=[0;1[
80 | inline Double_t EvalDeriv1(const Int_t i, const Float_t x) const
81 | {
82 | // x := [0; 1[
83 | const Double_t difval = fVal[i+1]-fVal[i];
84 | const Double_t difder = fDer2[i+1]-fDer2[i];
85 |
86 | //return 3*difder*x*x + 6*fDer2[i]*x - 2*fDer2[i] - fDer2[i+1] + difval;
87 | return 3*difder*x*x + (6*x - 2)*fDer2[i] - fDer2[i+1] + difval;
88 | }
89 |
90 | // Evaluate second derivative of spline in the interval i with x=[0;1[
91 | inline Double_t EvalDeriv2(const Int_t i, const Float_t x) const
92 | {
93 | // x := [0; 1[
94 | return 6*(fDer2[i+1]*x + fDer2[i]*(1-x));
95 | }
96 |
97 | Int_t SolvePol3(Int_t i, Double_t y, Double_t &x1, Double_t &x2, Double_t &x3) const;
98 | Double_t FindYdn(Int_t i, Double_t y=0, Double_t min=0, Double_t max=1) const;
99 | Double_t FindYup(Int_t i, Double_t y=0, Double_t min=0, Double_t max=1) const;
100 | //Double_t FindY(Int_t i, Bool_t downwards, Double_t y=0, Double_t min=0, Double_t max=1) const;
101 |
102 | Int_t EvalDerivEq0(const Int_t i, Double_t &x1, Double_t &x2) const;
103 | /*
104 | inline void EvalDerivEq0(const Int_t i, Float_t &rc1, Float_t &rc2) const
105 | {
106 | // --- ORIGINAL CODE ---
107 | Double_t sumder = fDer2[i]+fDer2[i+1];
108 | Double_t difder = fDer2[i]-fDer2[i+1];
109 |
110 | Double_t sqt1 = sumder*sumder - fDer2[i]*fDer2[i+1];
111 | Double_t sqt2 = difder*(fVal[i+1]-fVal[i]);
112 | Double_t sqt3 = sqrt(3*sqt1 + 3*sqt2);
113 | Double_t denom = -3*(fDer2[i+1]-fDer2[i]);
114 |
115 | rc1 = (3*fDer2[i] + sqt3)/denom;
116 | rc2 = (3*fDer2[i] - sqt3)/denom;
117 |
118 | // --- NEW CODE ---
119 | Double_t sumder = fDer2[i]+fDer2[i+1];
120 | Double_t difder = fDer2[i]-fDer2[i+1];
121 |
122 | Double_t sqt1 = sumder*sumder - fDer2[i]*fDer2[i+1];
123 | Double_t sqt2 = difder*(fVal[i+1]-fVal[i]);
124 | Double_t sqt3 = sqt1+sqt2<0 ? 0 : sqrt((sqt1 + sqt2)/3);
125 |
126 | rc1 = (fDer2[i] + sqt3)/difder;
127 | rc2 = (fDer2[i] - sqt3)/difder;
128 | }*/
129 |
130 | // Calculate the "Stammfunktion" of the Eval-function
131 | inline Double_t EvalPrimitive(Int_t i, Float_t x) const
132 | {
133 | Align(i, x);
134 |
135 | if (x==0)
136 | return -fDer2[i]/4;
137 |
138 | if (x==1)
139 | return (fVal[i+1] + fVal[i])/2 - fDer2[i+1]/4 - fDer2[i]/2;
140 |
141 | const Double_t x2 = x*x;
142 | const Double_t x4 = x2*x2;
143 | const Double_t x1 = 1-x;
144 | const Double_t x14 = x1*x1*x1*x1;
145 |
146 | return x2*fVal[i+1]/2 + (x4/2-x2)*fDer2[i+1]/2 + (x-x2/2)*fVal[i] + (x2/2-x-x14/4)*fDer2[i];
147 |
148 | }
149 |
150 | inline void Align(Int_t &i, Float_t &x) const
151 | {
152 | if (i<0)
153 | {
154 | x += i;
155 | i=0;
156 | }
157 | if (i>=fNum-1)
158 | {
159 | x += i-(fNum-2);
160 | i=fNum-2;
161 | }
162 | }
163 |
164 | // Calculate the intgeral of the Eval-function in
165 | // bin i from 0 <= a < b < 1
166 | inline Double_t EvalInteg(Int_t i, Float_t a, Float_t b) const
167 | {
168 | return EvalPrimitive(i, b)-EvalPrimitive(i, a);
169 | }
170 |
171 | // Identical to EvalInteg(i, 0, 1) but much faster
172 | // Be carefull: NO RANGECHECK!
173 | inline Double_t EvalInteg(Int_t i) const
174 | {
175 | return (fVal[i+1] + fVal[i])/2 - (fDer2[i+1] + fDer2[i])/4;
176 | }
177 |
178 | // Identical to sum of EvalInteg(i, 0, 1) for i=a to i=b-1,
179 | // but much faster
180 | // It is identical to EvalInteg(fVal[a], fVal[b])
181 | // Be carefull: NO RANGECHECK!
182 | inline Double_t EvalInteg(Int_t a, Int_t b) const
183 | {
184 | /*
185 | Double_t sum = 0;
186 | for (int i=a; i<b; i++)
187 | sum += EvalInteg(i);
188 |
189 | return sum;
190 | */
191 |
192 | if (a==b)
193 | return 0;
194 |
195 | Double_t sum=0;
196 | for (const Float_t *ptr=fDer2+a+1; ptr<fDer2+b; ptr++)
197 | sum -= *ptr;
198 |
199 | sum -= (fDer2[a]+fDer2[b])/2;
200 |
201 | sum /= 2;
202 |
203 | for (const Float_t *ptr=fVal+a+1; ptr<fVal+b; ptr++)
204 | sum += *ptr;
205 |
206 | sum += (fVal[a]+fVal[b])/2;
207 |
208 | return sum;
209 | }
210 |
211 | // Calculate the intgeral of the Eval-function betwen x0 and x1
212 | inline Double_t EvalInteg(Float_t x0, Float_t x1) const
213 | {
215 |
216 | const Int_t min = TMath::CeilNint(x0);
217 | const Int_t max = TMath::FloorNint(x1);
218 |
219 | // This happens if x0 and x1 are in the same interval
220 | if (min>max)
221 | return EvalInteg(max, x0-max, x1-max);
222 |
223 | // Sum complete intervals
224 | Double_t sum = EvalInteg(min, max);
225 |
226 | // Sum the incomplete intervals at the beginning and end
227 | sum += EvalInteg(min-1, 1-(min-x0), 1);
228 | sum += EvalInteg(max, 0, x1-max);
229 |
230 | // return result
231 | return sum;
232 | }
233 |
234 | // We search for the maximum from x=i-1 to x=i+1
235 | // (Remeber: i corresponds to the value in bin i, i+1 to the
236 | // next bin and i-1 to the last bin)
237 | inline void GetMaxAroundI(Int_t i, Float_t &xmax, Float_t &ymax) const
238 | {
239 | Float_t xmax1=0, xmax2=0;
240 | Float_t ymax1=0, ymax2=0;
241 |
242 | Bool_t rc1 = i>0 && GetMax(i-1, xmax1, ymax1);
243 | Bool_t rc2 = i<fNum-1 && GetMax(i, xmax2, ymax2);
244 |
245 | // In case the medium bin is the first or last bin
246 | // take the lower or upper edge of the region into account.
247 | if (i==0)
248 | {
249 | xmax1 = 0;
250 | ymax1 = fVal[0];
251 | rc1 = kTRUE;
252 | }
253 | if (i>=fNum-1)
254 | {
255 | xmax2 = fNum-1;
256 | ymax2 = fVal[fNum-1];
257 | rc2 = kTRUE;
258 | }
259 |
260 | // Take a default in case no maximum is found
261 | // FIXME: Check THIS!!!
262 | xmax=i;
263 | ymax=fVal[i];
264 |
265 | if (rc1)
266 | {
267 | ymax = ymax1;
268 | xmax = xmax1;
269 | }
270 | else
271 | if (rc2)
272 | {
273 | ymax = ymax2;
274 | xmax = xmax2;
275 | }
276 |
277 | if (rc2 && ymax2>ymax)
278 | {
279 | ymax = ymax2;
280 | xmax = xmax2;
281 | }
282 | }
283 |
284 | inline Bool_t GetMax(Int_t i, Float_t &xmax, Float_t &ymax, Float_t min=0, Float_t max=1) const
285 | {
286 | // Find analytical maximum in the bin i in the interval [min,max[
287 |
288 | Double_t x1=-1; // This initialisation should not really be
289 | Double_t x2=-1; // necessary but makes valgriund happy.
290 |
291 | if (!EvalDerivEq0(i, x1, x2))
292 | return kFALSE;
293 |
294 | const Bool_t ismax1 = x1>=min && x1<max && EvalDeriv2(i, x1)<0;
295 | const Bool_t ismax2 = x2>=min && x2<max && EvalDeriv2(i, x2)<0;
296 |
297 | if (!ismax1 && !ismax2)
298 | return kFALSE;
299 |
300 | if (ismax1 && !ismax2)
301 | {
302 | xmax = i+x1;
303 | ymax = Eval(i, x1);
304 | return kTRUE;
305 | }
306 |
307 | if (!ismax1 && ismax2)
308 | {
309 | xmax = i+x2;
310 | ymax = Eval(i, x2);
311 | return kTRUE;
312 | }
313 |
314 | // Somehting must be wrong...
315 | return kFALSE;
316 | }
317 |
318 | void InitDerivatives() const;
319 | Float_t CalcIntegral(Float_t start) const;
320 | Float_t CalcIntegral(Float_t beg, Float_t width) const;
321 |
322 | public:
323 | MExtralgoSpline(const Float_t *val, Int_t n, Float_t *der1, Float_t *der2)
324 | : fExtractionType(kIntegralRel), fVal(val), fNum(n), fDer1(der1), fDer2(der2), fHeightTm(0.5), fTime(0), fTimeDev(-1), fSignal(0), fSignalDev(-1)
325 | {
326 | InitDerivatives();
327 | }
328 |
329 | void SetRiseFallTime(Float_t rise, Float_t fall) { fRiseTime=rise; fFallTime=fall; }
330 | void SetExtractionType(ExtractionType_t typ) { fExtractionType = typ; }
331 | void SetHeightTm(Float_t h) { fHeightTm = h; }
332 |
333 | Float_t GetTime() const { return fTime; }
334 | Float_t GetWidth() const { return fWidth; }
335 | Float_t GetSignal() const { return fSignal; }
336 | Float_t GetHeight() const { return fHeight; }
337 |
338 | Float_t GetTimeDev() const { return fTimeDev; }
339 | Float_t GetWidthDev() const { return fWidthDev; }
340 | Float_t GetSignalDev() const { return fSignalDev; }
341 |
342 | void GetSignal(Float_t &sig, Float_t &dsig) const { sig=fSignal; dsig=fSignalDev; }
343 | void GetWidth(Float_t &sig, Float_t &dsig) const { sig=fWidth; dsig=fWidthDev; }
344 | void GetTime(Float_t &sig, Float_t &dsig) const { sig=fTime; dsig=fTimeDev; }
345 |
346 | Float_t ExtractNoise(/*Int_t iter*/);
347 | void Extract(Int_t maxpos, Bool_t width=kFALSE);
348 |
349 | Float_t EvalAt(const Float_t x) const;
350 | Float_t Deriv1(const Float_t x) const;
351 |
352 | Double_t SearchYdn(Double_t maxpos, Double_t y) const;
353 | Double_t SearchYup(Double_t maxpos, Double_t y) const;
354 |
355 | Double_t SearchYdn(Float_t y) const { return SearchYdn(fNum, y); }
356 | Double_t SearchYup(Float_t y) const { return SearchYup(0, y); }
357 |
358 | MArrayF GetIntegral(bool norm=false) const;
359 | };
360 |
361 | inline Float_t MExtralgoSpline::EvalAt(const Float_t x) const
362 | {
363 | Int_t i = TMath::FloorNint(x);
364 | Float_t f = x-i;
365 |
366 | Align(i, f);
367 |
368 | return Eval(i, f);
369 | }
370 |
371 | inline Float_t MExtralgoSpline::Deriv1(const Float_t x) const
372 | {
373 | Int_t i = TMath::FloorNint(x);
374 | Float_t f = x-i;
375 |
376 | Align(i, f);
377 |
378 | return EvalDeriv1(i, f);
379 | }
380 |
381 | #endif