1 | #include "MAGIC.h"
2 | #include "MLogManip.h"
3 |
4 | #include "MFitsArray.h"
5 |
6 | #include <TDataMember.h>
7 | #include <TClonesArray.h>
8 | #include <TClass.h>
9 | #include <TList.h>
10 |
11 | using namespace std;
12 |
13 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 | //
15 | // Opens the FITS table of this TClonesArray. This should be done after all
16 | // columns are initialized. baseFileName is the name of the group, this
17 | // children table belongs to. dataName is the name of the TClonesArray
18 | // variable in the MParContainer - class.
19 | //
20 | Bool_t MArrayHelperBase::OpenFitsTable(const char * baseFileName,
21 | const char * dataName,
22 | const char * option, MLog * log )
23 | {
24 | // get the baseFileName without extension
25 | char fileNameNoExt[strlen(baseFileName) + 1];
26 | strcpy(fileNameNoExt, baseFileName);
27 | // remove the extension
28 | char * pos = strrchr(fileNameNoExt, '.');
29 | if (pos) *pos = 0;
30 |
31 | // add the dataName to the file name define the table name:
32 | // result will be something like:
33 | // baseFileName_dataName.fits[dataName]
34 | TString dol = fileNameNoExt;
35 | TString fileName;
36 | dol += "_";
37 | dol += dataName;
38 | dol += ".fits";
39 | fileName = dol;
40 | // dol += "[";
41 | // dol += dataName;
42 | // dol += "]";
43 |
44 | // try {
45 |
46 | if (strcmp(option, "RECREATE") == 0)
47 | // remove the file
48 | unlink(fileName.Data());
49 |
50 | // create the file with the FITS table and all its columns
51 | //FIXME I must implement a constructor and set fFitsTable to NULL
52 | //Otherwise I cannot safely destroy the object (in the destructor, also to be implemented)
53 | fFitsTable = new ofits();
54 | fFitsTable->open(dol.Data());
55 |
56 | // }
57 | // catch (exception & e)
58 | // {
59 | // *log << err << e.what() << endl;
60 | // return kFALSE;
61 | // }
62 | return kTRUE;
63 | }
64 |
65 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
66 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
67 |
68 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 | //
70 | // Determines the size of the buffer to store all data of the clonesArray -
71 | // Class, which should be written to a FITS table. The buffer is allocated.
72 | //
73 | // status is set to kFALSE if some data cannot be stored in a FITS table,
74 | // for example more than 1 dimensional arrays.
75 | MClonesArrayHelper::MClonesArrayHelper(TClonesArray * clonesArray, MLog * log,
76 | Bool_t & status)
77 | : fClonesArray(clonesArray)
78 | {
79 | status = kTRUE;
80 |
81 | // get size of buffer
82 | fDataBufferSize = 0;
83 | fStartOfData = 0x7fffffff;
84 |
85 | TList * dataMembers = fClonesArray->GetClass()->GetListOfDataMembers();
86 | TIter next(dataMembers);
87 | TDataMember * dataMember;
88 |
89 | while ((dataMember = (TDataMember*)next()) != NULL)
90 | {
91 | if (!dataMember->IsPersistent())
92 | continue;
93 |
95 | if (dataMember->Property() & ( G__BIT_ISENUM | G__BIT_ISSTATIC))
96 | continue;
97 | #else
98 | if (dataMember->Property() & ( EProperty::kIsEnum | EProperty::kIsStatic))
99 | continue;
100 | #endif
101 | if (strcmp(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), "TClass*") == 0)
102 | continue;
103 |
104 | // is it an array of more than 1 dimension?
105 | if (dataMember->GetArrayDim() > 1)
106 | {
107 | *log << err << "Two and more dimensional arrays of member variables"
108 | " are not supported." << endl;
109 | *log << "See variable " << dataMember->GetName() <<
110 | " in container " << fClonesArray->GetClass()->GetName() << endl;
111 | status = kFALSE;
112 | return;
113 | }
114 |
115 |
116 | // get the position, where the current variable ends.
117 | Int_t endPos;
118 | if (dataMember->GetArrayDim() == 1)
119 | endPos = dataMember->GetOffset() + (dataMember->GetUnitSize() *
120 | dataMember->GetMaxIndex(0) );
121 | else
122 | endPos = dataMember->GetOffset() + dataMember->GetUnitSize();
123 |
124 | if (endPos > fDataBufferSize)
125 | fDataBufferSize = endPos;
126 |
127 | if (dataMember->GetOffset() < fStartOfData)
128 | fStartOfData = dataMember->GetOffset();
129 | }
130 |
131 | fDataBuffer = new Byte_t[fDataBufferSize];
132 |
133 | }
134 |
135 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 | //
137 | // the fClonesArray, the size of the data buffer and the fits Table are
138 | // copied. A new buffer is allocated. Note: the fArraySize is not copied.
139 | // Anyhow only its pointer is needed, which will change during this copy
140 | //
141 | MClonesArrayHelper::MClonesArrayHelper(const MClonesArrayHelper & clHelper)
142 | : fClonesArray(clHelper.fClonesArray)
143 | {
144 | fFitsTable = clHelper.fFitsTable;
145 | fDataBufferSize = clHelper.fDataBufferSize;
146 | fStartOfData = clHelper.fStartOfData;
147 | fDataBuffer = new Byte_t[fDataBufferSize];
148 | }
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 | //
154 | // Writes all currently stored classes in the fClonesArray, i. e. writes 0 to
155 | // may rows to the FITS table.
156 | // fArraySize is updated with the number of new row, written to the FITS
157 | // table. Therefore the parent FITS table must be updated after calling this
158 | // method.
159 | //
160 | void MClonesArrayHelper::Write()
161 | {
162 | // get number of classes in fClonesArray.
163 | fArraySize = fClonesArray->GetLast() + 1;
164 |
165 | for (UInt_t idx = 0; idx < fArraySize; idx++)
166 | {
167 | // copy the data of one class to fDataBuffer
168 | memcpy(fDataBuffer, (*fClonesArray)[idx], fDataBufferSize);
169 |
170 | // now the data can be written from the fDataBuffer to the FITS table
171 | fFitsTable->WriteRow(fDataBuffer, fDataBufferSize);
172 | }
173 | }
174 |
175 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
176 | //
177 | // resize the clone array (fClonesArray) and reads fArraySize data sets from
178 | // the FITS file into the fClonesArray.
179 | // The number of data sets must be determined before calling this function,
180 | // i.e. the parent FITS table must be read before calling this method.
181 | Int_t MClonesArrayHelper::Read()
182 | {
183 | /* fClonesArray->ExpandCreate(fArraySize);
184 |
185 | for (int idx = 0; idx < fArraySize; idx++)
186 | {
187 | // read the data in the buffer
188 | if (!fFitsTable.Read())
189 | {
190 | gLog << "Expecting more entries in " << fFitsTable.GetFileName() << endl;
191 | return kERROR;
192 | }
193 | // copy the data of one class from fDataBuffer into the class
194 | memcpy( (Byte_t*)((*fClonesArray)[idx]) + fStartOfData,
195 | fDataBuffer + fStartOfData, fDataBufferSize - fStartOfData);
196 | }
197 | */
198 | return kTRUE;
199 | }