source: trunk/Mars/mfileio/ 18578

Last change on this file since 18578 was 18570, checked in by tbretz, 9 years ago
Do not only write container name as CLNAME but also container type as CLTYPE
File size: 46.2 KB
1#include <TDataMember.h>
2#include <TClonesArray.h>
4#include "MLogManip.h"
6#include "MArrayS.h"
7#include "MArrayB.h"
8#include "MArrayF.h"
10#include "MRead.h"
11#include "MParList.h"
12#include "MStatusDisplay.h"
14#include "MLog.h"
15#include "MLogManip.h"
16#include "MWriteRootFile.h"
18#include "MWriteFitsFile.h"
19#include "MFitsArray.h"
21#include "MTime.h"
23//for find
24#include <algorithm>
28using namespace std;
30map<MUniqueFileId, MTopFitsGroup> MWriteFitsFile::fTopFitsGroups;
34// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36// if fileMode == kSingleFile
37// Opens the top level group file, if it was not already opened by an other
38// instance of MWriteFitsFile.
39// if fileMode == kMultiFiles
40// fname defines the rules to build the output filenames from the current
41// input filename. The files are opened in the ReInit() method.
43// opt = RECREATE : an existing file will be deleted
44// = NEW : an already existing file will not be deleted and the new
45// file is not created. Check with IsFileOpen() if the new
46// top level group could be opened.
47// name will be the name of the group
48// title will be written as keyword TITLE into the header
50MWriteFitsFile::MWriteFitsFile(const char *fname,
51 FILE_MODE fileMode,
52 const Option_t *opt,
53 const char *name,
54 const char *title)
56 fOpenOption = opt;
57 if (name && name[0] != 0)
58 fGroupName = name;
59 else
60 fGroupName = "MARS";
62 if (title)
63 fTitle = title;
65 iTopFitsGroup = fTopFitsGroups.end();
67 if (fileMode == kMultiFiles)
68 fRule = fname;
69 else
70 *fLog << err << "The new version of MWriteFitsFile does not support multiple tables in one file. Please use kMultiFiles instead" << endl;
72 // iTopFitsGroup will be set by OpenTopLevelGroup, if a top level
73 // group can be assigned to this MWriteFitsFile.
74 //OpenTopLevelGroup(fname);
77MWriteFitsFile::MWriteFitsFile(const Int_t comp,
78 const char* rule,
79 const Option_t* option,
80 const char* ftitle,
81 const char* name,
82 const char* title)
84 fOpenOption = option;
85 if (name && name[0] != 0)
86 fGroupName = name;
87 else
88 fGroupName = "MARS";
89 if (title) fTitle = ftitle;
90 iTopFitsGroup = fTopFitsGroups.end();
91 //always kMultiFiles
92 fRule = rule;
94// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
96// Closes the top level group, it is is not used by an other instance of
97// MWriteFitsFile.
98// std::map<TString, std::ofits*>
101 for (std::map<TString, ofits*>::iterator it=fFitsTables.begin(); it!= fFitsTables.end();it++)
102 {
103 if (it->second != NULL)
104 {
105 it->second->close();
106 delete it->second;
107 }
108 }
109// CloseTopLevelGroup();
110 DeleteArrayHelper();
113// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
115// If the same file is already used by an other instance of MWriteFitsFile,
116// the user counter is increasesd.
117// Else: If the file exist and option is "RECREATE", the file is deleted and
118// recreated.
119// Finally the file with an empty group file is created.
121void MWriteFitsFile::OpenTopLevelGroup(const char * fname)
123 // get rid of environment variables, ~, ... in filename
124 char * expandedFileName = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fname);
126 // get unique identifier of the new file
127 struct stat fileId;
128 if (stat(expandedFileName, &fileId) == 0)
129 {
130 // file exist already
131 iTopFitsGroup = fTopFitsGroups.find(MUniqueFileId(fileId.st_dev, fileId.st_ino));
132 if (iTopFitsGroup != fTopFitsGroups.end())
133 {
134 *fLog << err << "You are trying to use an already existing file. Please choose a different file name (" << fname << ")" << endl;
135 exit(0);
136 // this group is already open. we use it as well
137 *fLog << inf2 << "Found open file '" << GetFileName() << "'... re-using." << endl;
138 iTopFitsGroup->second.IncreaseUsage();
139 delete [] expandedFileName;
140 return;
141 }
143 // file exist, but we cannot use
144 if (fOpenOption == "RECREATE")
145 // remove the file
146 unlink(expandedFileName);
148 else if (fOpenOption == "NEW")
149 {
150 *fLog << err << "File '" << expandedFileName << "' exist already." << endl;
151 delete [] expandedFileName;
152 return;
153 }
154 else
155 {
156 *fLog << err << "Unsupported option (" << fOpenOption.Data() << ") to open file " <<
157 expandedFileName << endl;
158 delete [] expandedFileName;
159 return;
160 }
161 }
163 // file does not yet exist or was deleted
165// try {
166// AstroRootGroup topGroup;
167// char wrTitle[fTitle.Length() + 1];
168// if (fTitle.Length() > 0)
169// {
170// strcpy(wrTitle, fTitle.Data());
171// topGroup.InitAttr("TITLE", "A", wrTitle);
172// }
174 //ETIENNE do not open top level group as using one file per table
175 //I kept this code active anyway, because it is checked elsewhere in the code that iTopFitsGroup is set.
176 ofits* topGroup = NULL;
177// ofits* topGroup = new ofits();
178// TString dol = expandedFileName;
179// topGroup->open(dol.Data());
182 // store this new file in fTopFitsGroups and get the iterator to the
183 // new group
184 stat(expandedFileName, &fileId);
185 iTopFitsGroup = fTopFitsGroups.insert(pair<MUniqueFileId, MTopFitsGroup>
186 (MUniqueFileId(fileId.st_dev, fileId.st_ino),
187 MTopFitsGroup(expandedFileName, topGroup) )).first;
189 delete [] expandedFileName;
193// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
195// Reduces the use - counter of the top level group. Closes the group
196// table, if the counter is 0, i.e. no other MWriteFitsFile instance uses
197// the same top level group.
200void MWriteFitsFile::CloseTopLevelGroup()
202 if (iTopFitsGroup != fTopFitsGroups.end())
203 {
204 iTopFitsGroup->second.DecreaseUsage();
205 if (iTopFitsGroup->second.GetNumUsage() <= 0)
206 fTopFitsGroups.erase(iTopFitsGroup);
208 iTopFitsGroup = fTopFitsGroups.end();
209 }
212// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
214// returns the name of the top level group file. It may be expanded if the
215// name, given by the user, contained environment variables of the ~ sign.
216// If no top level group is open, "no_open_file" is returned.
218const char * MWriteFitsFile::GetFileName() const
220 if (IsFileOpen())
221 return iTopFitsGroup->second.GetFileName().Data();
222 else
223 return "no_open_file";
226// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
228// Add a new Container to list of containers which should be written to the
229// file. Give the name of the container which will identify the container
230// in the parameterlist. tname is the name of the FITS table to which the
231// container should be written (Remark: one table can hold more than one
232// container). The default is the same name as the container name.
233// If "mus"t is set to kTRUE (the default), then the container must exist
234// in the parameterlist. The container will be ignored, if "must" is set to
235// kFALSE and the container does not exist in the parameterlist.
237void MWriteFitsFile::AddContainer(const char *cName,
238 const char *tName,
239 Bool_t must, UInt_t max)
241 if (cName == NULL || strlen(cName) == 0)
242 {
243 *fLog << warn << "Warning - container name in method MWriteFitsFile::"
244 "AddContainer not defined... ignored" << endl;
245 return;
246 }
248 // if tName is not defined, we use cName as the table name
249 TString tableName;
250 if (tName == NULL || strlen(tName) == 0)
251 tableName = cName;
252 else
253 tableName = tName;
255 // try to insert this container to the list of sub-tables. Write a
256 // warning, if the same container name was already defined and ignore
257 // this one.
258 if (fSubTables[tableName].insert( pair<TString, MFitsSubTable>
259 (cName, MFitsSubTable(must))).second == false)
260 {
261 *fLog << warn << "Warning - Container '"<< cName <<"' in table '" <<
262 tableName.Data() << "' already scheduled... ignored." << endl;
263 }
266// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
268// Add a new Container to list of containers which should be written to the
269// file. tname is the name of the FITS table to which the
270// container should be written (Remark: one table can hold more than one
271// container). The default is the same name as the container name.
272// "must" is ignored. It is just for compatibility with MWriteRootFiles.
274void MWriteFitsFile::AddContainer(MParContainer *cont, const char *tName,
275 Bool_t must, UInt_t max)
277 if (cont == NULL)
278 {
279 *fLog << warn << "Warning - container in method MWriteFitsFile::"
280 "AddContainer not defined... ignored" << endl;
281 return;
282 }
284 TString tableName;
285 if (tName == NULL || strlen(tName) == 0)
286 tableName = cont->IsA()->GetName();
287 else
288 tableName = tName;
290 TString cName = cont->IsA()->GetName();
291 if (fSubTables[tableName].insert( pair<TString, MFitsSubTable>
292 (cName, MFitsSubTable(cont, must))).second == false)
293 {
294 *fLog << warn << "Warning - Container '"<< cName.Data() <<
295 "' in table '" << tableName.Data() <<
296 "' already scheduled... ignored." << endl;
297 }
300// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
302// Tries to open the given output file.
304Int_t MWriteFitsFile::PreProcess(MParList *pList)
306 if (fRule.Length() != 0)
307 // the file is not yet open
308 return kTRUE;
309 //
310 // test whether file is now open or not
311 //
312 if (!IsFileOpen())
313 {
314 *fLog << err << dbginf << "Cannot open file '" << GetFileName() << "'" << endl;
315 return kFALSE;
316 }
318 *fLog << inf << "File '" << GetFileName() << "' open for writing." << endl;
320 //
321 // Get the containers (pointers) from the parameter list you want to write
322 //
323 if (!GetContainer(pList))
324 return kFALSE;
326 //
327 // write the container if it is already in changed state
328 //
329 return CheckAndWrite();
333Int_t MWriteFitsFile::PostProcess()
335 bool rc = true;
336 for (std::map<TString, ofits*>::iterator it=fFitsTables.begin(); it!= fFitsTables.end();it++)
337 {
338 rc &= it->second->close();
339 delete it->second;
340 it->second = NULL;
341 }
343 return rc;
346void MWriteFitsFile::SetupHeaderKeys(MRawRunHeader &header)
348 const MTime now(-1);
349 SetHeaderKey("ISMC",true,"Bool if File is Montecarlo File");
350 SetHeaderKey("TELESCOP", "FACT", "");
351 SetHeaderKey("PACKAGE", "MARS Cheobs", "");
352 SetHeaderKey("VERSION", "1.0", "");
353 SetHeaderKey("CREATOR", "Ceres", "");
354 SetHeaderKey("EXTREL", 1., "");
355 SetHeaderKey("COMPILED", __DATE__" " __TIME__, "");
356 //SetHeaderKey("REVISION", "0", "");
357 SetHeaderKey("ORIGIN", "FACT", "");
358 SetHeaderKey("DATE", now.GetStringFmt("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").Data(), "");
359 SetHeaderKey("NIGHT", now.GetNightAsInt(), "");
360 SetHeaderKey("TIMESYS", "UTC", "");
361 SetHeaderKey("TIMEUNIT", "d", "");
362 SetHeaderKey("MJDREF", 40587, "");
363 //SetHeaderKey("BLDVER", 1, "");
364 SetHeaderKey("RUNID", header.GetRunNumber(), "");
365 SetHeaderKey("NBOARD", 40, "");
366 SetHeaderKey("NPIX", header.GetNumPixel(), "");
367 SetHeaderKey("NROI", header.GetNumSamplesHiGain(), "");
368 SetHeaderKey("NROITM", 0, "");
369 SetHeaderKey("TMSHIFT", 0, "");
370 SetHeaderKey("CAMERA", "MGeomCamFACT", "Montecarlo File");
371 SetHeaderKey("DAQ", "DRS4", "Montecarlo File");
373 // FTemme: ADCRANGE and ADC have to be calculated, using the values for
374 // the fadctype.
375// SetHeaderKey("ADCRANGE", 2000, "Dynamic range in mV");
376// SetHeaderKey("ADC", 12, "Resolution in bits");
378 switch(header.GetRunType())
379 {
380 case MRawRunHeader::kRTData|MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
381 SetHeaderKey("RUNTYPE", "data", "");
382 break;
383 case MRawRunHeader::kRTPedestal|MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
384 SetHeaderKey("RUNTYPE", "pedestal", "");
385 break;
386 case MRawRunHeader::kRTCalibration|MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
387 SetHeaderKey("RUNTYPE", "calibration", "");
388 break;
389 }
390// SetHeaderKey("ID", 777, "Board 0: Board ID");
391// SetHeaderKey("FMVER", 532, "Board 0: Firmware Version");
392// SetHeaderKey("DNA", "0", "");
393// SetHeaderKey("BOARD", 0, "");
394// SetHeaderKey("PRESC", 40, "");
395// SetHeaderKey("PHASE", 0, "");
396// SetHeaderKey("DAC0", 26500, "");
397// SetHeaderKey("DAC1", 0, "");
398// SetHeaderKey("DAC2", 0, "");
399// SetHeaderKey("DAC3", 0, "");
400// SetHeaderKey("DAC4", 28800, "");
401// SetHeaderKey("DAC5", 28800, "");
402// SetHeaderKey("DAC6", 28800, "");
403// SetHeaderKey("DAC7", 28800, "");
404 SetHeaderKey("REFCLK", header.GetFreqSampling(), "");
405 SetHeaderKey("DRSCALIB", false, "");
406// SetHeaderKey("TSTARTI", 0, "");
407// SetHeaderKey("TSTARTF", 0., "");
408// SetHeaderKey("TSTOPI", 0, "");
409// SetHeaderKey("TSTOPF", 0., "");
410// SetHeaderKey("DATE-OBS", "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "");
411// SetHeaderKey("DATE-END", "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "");
412// SetHeaderKey("NTRG", 0, "");
413// SetHeaderKey("NTRGPED", 0, "");
414// SetHeaderKey("NTRGLPE", 0, "");
415// SetHeaderKey("NTRGTIM", 0, "");
416// SetHeaderKey("NTRGLPI", 0, "");
417// SetHeaderKey("NTRGEXT1", 0, "");
418// SetHeaderKey("NTRGEXT2", 0, "");
419// SetHeaderKey("NTRGMISC", 0, "");
423std::string MWriteFitsFile::GetFitsString(const double& value)
425 std::ostringstream returnVal;
426 returnVal << std::setprecision(value>1e-100 && value<1e100 ? 15 : 14) << value;
427 std::string temp = returnVal.str();
428 std::replace(temp.begin(), temp.end(), 'e', 'E');
429 if (temp.find_first_of('E')==std::string::npos && temp.find_first_of('.')==std::string::npos)
430 temp += ".";
431 return temp;
434std::string MWriteFitsFile::GetFitsString(const float& value)
436 return GetFitsString((double)(value));
438// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
440// Opens all FITS files for all container, which were registered with the
441// AddContainer() - methods. The container is taken from the pList, if it
442// was registered just by its name.
443// Calling the AddContainer() after calling this method will not add new
444// containers to the list.
446Bool_t MWriteFitsFile::GetContainer(MParList *pList)
448 if (iTopFitsGroup == fTopFitsGroups.end())
449 // something went wrong while the top level group was created
450 return kFALSE;
453 // remove the extension from the filename
454 // this has been disabled for now
455 char fileNameNoExt[strlen(GetFileName()) + 1];
456 strcpy(fileNameNoExt, GetFileName());
457// char * pos = strrchr(fileNameNoExt, '.');
458// if (pos) *pos = 0;
459//*fLog << inf <<"Filename no ext: " << fileNameNoExt << endl;
460 // loop over all FITS tables which have to be created.
461 map<TString, map<TString, MFitsSubTable> >::iterator i_table =
462 fSubTables.begin();
463 while (i_table != fSubTables.end())
464 {
466 ofits* fitsTable = new ofits();
467 fitsTable->AllowCommentsTrimming(true);
468 TString dol = fileNameNoExt;
469 //get rid of the ".root" extension in the file name (if any)
470 if (dol(dol.Length()-5, dol.Length()) == ".root")
471 {
472 dol = dol(0, dol.Length()-5);
473 }
474 if (dol(dol.Length()-5, dol.Length()) == ".fits")
475 {
476 dol = dol(0, dol.Length()-5);
477 }
478 dol += "_";
479 dol += i_table->first;
480 dol += ".fits";
481 fitsTable->open(dol.Data());
482 *fLog << inf << "Opening FITS file: " << dol.Data() << endl;
483 fFitsTables[i_table->first] = fitsTable;
484 fTableObjectCreated[i_table->first] = true;
485 fTableHeaderWritten[i_table->first] = false;
487 // loop over all containers, which define a sub-table of the current table
488 Int_t num = 0;
489 map<TString, MFitsSubTable>::iterator i_subTable = i_table->second.begin();
490 while (i_subTable != i_table->second.end())
491 {
493 MFitsSubTable & subTable = i_subTable->second;
494 if (subTable.GetContainer() == NULL)
495 {
496 // container address is not yet known
497 const char * cname = i_subTable->first.Data();
498 MParContainer *cont = (MParContainer*)pList->FindObject(cname);
499 if (!cont)
500 {
501 // no corresponding container is available in pList
502 if (subTable.MustHave())
503 {
504 *fLog << err << "Cannot find parameter container '" << cname << "'." << endl;
505 return kFALSE;
506 }
508 // we can ignore this container, delete it from the map
509 *fLog << inf2 << "Unnecessary parameter container '" << cname << "' not found..." << endl;
510 map<TString, MFitsSubTable>::iterator i_tmp = i_subTable;
511 i_subTable++;
512 i_table->second.erase(i_tmp);
513 continue;
514 }
516 // we have our container address and can use it
517 subTable.SetContainer(cont);
518 }
520 // initialize all columns of the sub-table, defined by the current container
521 TString containerName = i_subTable->second.GetContainer()->GetName();
522 TClass * cl = i_subTable->second.GetContainer()->IsA();
523 if (!InitColumns(i_table->first, containerName + ".", fitsTable,
524 i_subTable->second.GetContainer(), cl) )
525 return kFALSE;
527 InitAttr(Form("CLNAME%d", num),
528 "A",
529 (void*)i_subTable->first.Data(),
530 NULL,
531 "MARS container name",
532 fitsTable);
534 InitAttr(Form("CLTYPE%d", num),
535 "A",
536 (void*)i_subTable->second.GetContainer()->ClassName(),
537 NULL,
538 "MARS container class",
539 fitsTable);
541 num++;
542 i_subTable++;
543 }
545 // in case not all sub-tables were removed, we can now create the FITS table
546 if (i_table->second.size() > 0)
547 {
548 // create the DOL of the table. It will be something like:
549 // fileNameNoExt_dataName.fits[dataName]
550 TString dol = fileNameNoExt;
551 dol += "_";
552 dol += i_table->first;
553 dol += ".fits";
555 if (fOpenOption == "RECREATE")
556 // remove the file
557 unlink(dol.Data());
559 dol += "[";
560 dol += i_table->first;
561 dol += "]";
562// *fLog << err << "Reiner would have opened fits file: " << dol.Data() << endl;
563 //exit(0);
564 //fitsTable->open(dol.Data());
566 // attach the new table to the top level group
567 //TODO make sure that this attach below is not needed...
568 //iTopFitsGroup->second.Attach(fitsTable);
569 }
571 i_table++;
572 }
574 return kTRUE;
576void MWriteFitsFile::InitAttr(const char* attrName,
577 const char* dataType,
578 void* var,
579 const char* unit,
580 const char* comment,
581 ofits* outFile)
583 if (outFile == NULL)
584 return;
585 string dts(dataType);
586 string ans(attrName);
587 string cs;
588 if (comment != NULL)
589 cs = string(comment);
590 else
591 cs = "";
592 ostringstream val;
593 if ((dts == "bool") || (dts == "Bool_t") || (dts == "L"))
594 {
595 outFile->SetBool(ans, ((bool*)(var))[0], cs);
596 return;
597 }
598 if ((dts == "char") || (dts == "Char_t") || (dts == "S"))
599 {
600 val << ((char*)(var))[0];
601 outFile->SetStr(ans, val.str(), cs);
602 return;
603 }
604 if ((dts == "unsigned char") || (dts == "UChar_t") || (dts == "B"))
605 {
606 val << ((unsigned char*)(var))[0];
607 outFile->SetStr(ans, val.str(), cs);
608 return;
609 }
610 if ((dts == "short") || (dts == "Short_t") || (dts == "I"))
611 {
612 val << ((short*)(var))[0];
613 outFile->SetStr(ans, val.str(), cs);
614 return;
615 }
616 if ((dts == "unsigned short") || (dts == "UShort_t") || (dts == "U"))
617 {
618 val << ((unsigned short*)(var))[0];
619 outFile->SetStr(ans, val.str(), cs);
620 return;
621 }
622 if ((dts == "int") || (dts == "Int_t") || (dts == "V"))
623 {
624 outFile->SetInt(ans, ((int*)(var))[0], cs);
625 return;
626 }
627 if ((dts == "unsigned int") || (dts == "UInt_t") || (dts == "V"))
628 {
629 outFile->SetInt(ans, ((unsigned int*)(var))[0], cs);
630 return;
631 }
632 if ((dts == "long long") || (dts == "Long64_t") || (dts == "K"))
633 {
634 outFile->SetInt(ans, ((long long*)(var))[0], cs);
635 return;
636 }
637 if ((dts == "unsigned long long") || (dts == "ULong64_t") || (dts == "W"))
638 {
639 val << ((unsigned long long*)(var))[0];
640 outFile->SetStr(ans, val.str(), cs);
641 return;
642 }
643 if ((dts == "float") || (dts == "TFloat_t") || (dts == "E"))
644 {
645 outFile->SetFloat(ans, ((float*)(var))[0], cs);
646 return;
647 }
648 if ((dts == "double") || (dts == "TDouble_t") || (dts == "D"))
649 {
650 outFile->SetFloat(ans, ((double*)(var))[0], cs);
651 return;
652 }
653 if ((dts == "char*") || (dts == "A"))
654 {
655 outFile->SetStr(ans, string((char*)(var)), cs);
656 return;
657 }
658 //trigger error
659 *fLog << err << "Format string not recognized while adding header entry " << ans << " with type " << dts << endl;
661// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
663// This method is called when new data should be written to the FITS table.
664// In general only one row is written. (There are exceptions for Arrays).
665// A new row to a FITS table is written if at least for one container
666// (one sub-table) the ReadyToSave - flag is set.
668Bool_t MWriteFitsFile::CheckAndWrite()
670// try {
672 // loop over all tables
673 map<TString, map<TString, MFitsSubTable> >::iterator i_table =
674 fSubTables.begin();
675 while (i_table != fSubTables.end())
676 {
677 // is this table open?
678 if (fFitsTables.find(i_table->first) != fFitsTables.end())
679 {
681 // loop over all sub-tables
682 map<TString, MFitsSubTable>::iterator i_subTable = i_table->second.begin();
683 while (i_subTable != i_table->second.end())
684 {
686 if (i_subTable->second.GetContainer()->IsReadyToSave())
687 {
688 // first write the TClonesArray and set the size of the arrays
689 list<MArrayHelperBase*> & clHelper = fClHelper[i_table->first];
690 list<MArrayHelperBase*>::iterator i_clHelper = clHelper.begin();
691 while (i_clHelper != clHelper.end())
692 {
693 // write all entries in the TClonesArray in its FITS table
694 //removed this write because I do it elsewhere. is that alright ?
695 // (*i_clHelper)->Write();
696 i_clHelper++;
697 }
699 // write one line to this table
700 writeOneRow(i_table->first);
701// fFitsTables[i_table->first].Write();
702 break;
703 }
704 i_subTable++;
705 }
706 }
708 i_table++;
709 }
710// }
711// catch (exception &e)
712 // {
713 // *fLog << err << e.what() << endl;
714 // return kFALSE;
715 // }
717 return kTRUE;
720string MWriteFitsFile::Trim(const string &str)
722 // Trim Both leading and trailing spaces
723 const size_t first = str.find_first_not_of(' '); // Find the first character position after excluding leading blank spaces
724 const size_t last = str.find_last_not_of(' '); // Find the first character position from reverse af
726 // if all spaces or empty return an empty string
727 if (string::npos==first || string::npos==last)
728 return string();
730 return str.substr(first, last-first+1);
733Bool_t MWriteFitsFile::VetoColumn(const std::string& colName)
735 for (std::vector<string>::iterator it=fVetoedColumns.begin(); it != fVetoedColumns.end(); it++)
736 if (*it == colName)
737 {
738 *fLog << warn << "Warning: column " << colName << " is being vetoed twice" << endl;
739 return kFALSE;
740 }
741 fVetoedColumns.push_back(colName);
742 return kTRUE;
745Bool_t MWriteFitsFile::SetBytesPerSample(const std::string& colName, uint32_t numBytes)
747 for (map<string, uint32_t>::iterator it=fBytesPerSamples.begin(); it!=fBytesPerSamples.end(); it++)
748 if (it->first == colName)
749 {
750 *fLog << warn << "Warning: column " << colName << " bytes per sample is being redefined twice" << endl;
751 return kFALSE;
752 }
753 if (numBytes != 1 && numBytes != 2 && numBytes != 4 && numBytes != 8)
754 {
755 *fLog << warn << "Only powers of two are allowed for types re-mapping." << endl;
756 return kFALSE;
757 }
758 fBytesPerSamples[colName] = numBytes;
759 return kTRUE;
762// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
764// Initialize all columns in "fitsTable" of the class "classDef". The data
765// of this class are stored in a buffer, beginning at "baseAdr".
767Bool_t MWriteFitsFile::InitColumns(const TString & tableName,
768 const TString & parentVarName,
769 ofits* fitsTable,
770 void * baseAdr,
771 TClass * classDef)
773 // get all data members of the class
774 TList * dataMembers = classDef->GetListOfDataMembers();
775 TIter next(dataMembers);
776 TDataMember * dataMember;
778 // loop over all data members
779 while ((dataMember = (TDataMember*)next()) != NULL)
780 {
781 if (!dataMember->IsPersistent())
782 // don't store this variable
783 continue;
785 if (dataMember->Property() & ( G__BIT_ISENUM | G__BIT_ISSTATIC))
786 // we cannot store this
787 continue;
789 if (strcmp(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), "TClass*") == 0)
790 // we don't want to store this.
791 continue;
793 // is it an array of more than 1 dimension?
794 if (dataMember->GetArrayDim() > 1)
795 {
796 *fLog << err << "Two and more dimensional arrays of member variables"
797 " are not supported." << endl;
798 *fLog << "See variable " << dataMember->GetName() <<
799 " in container " << classDef->GetName() << endl;
800 return kFALSE;
801 }
804 // replace � by **2 in the comment field
805 string comment(dataMember->GetTitle());
806 string::size_type pos1, pos2;
807 if ((pos1 = comment.find(178)) != string::npos)
808 comment.replace(pos1, 1, "**2");
810 // get the optional mapping to the fits column names
811 string fitsOptions="";
812 string unit="unit";
814 pos1 = comment.find("{fits: ");
815 pos2 = comment.find('}');
816 std::map<string, string> fitsTokens;
817 if (pos1 != string::npos && pos2 != string::npos)
818 {
819 fitsOptions=comment.substr(pos1+7, (pos2-pos1)-7);
820 //do we have more than one option ?
821 string::size_type pos3= fitsOptions.find_first_of(';');
822 string::size_type pos4 = string::npos;
823 string key="";
824 string value="";
825 string keyValue="";
826 while (pos3 != string::npos)
827 {//we have at least 2 options left
828 // *fLog << err << "fitsOptions: " << fitsOptions << endl;
829 keyValue = fitsOptions.substr(0,pos3);
830 // *fLog << err << "keyValue: " << keyValue << endl;
831 pos4 = keyValue.find('=');
832 if (pos4 == string::npos)
833 {
834 *fLog << err << "Error while parsing comment \"" << comment << "\" from variable " << parentVarName + dataMember->GetName() << endl;
835 return kFALSE;
836 }
837 key = Trim(keyValue.substr(0, pos4));
838 value = Trim(keyValue.substr(pos4+1, pos3));
839 fitsTokens[key] = value;
840 // *fLog << err << "key: " << key << " value: " << value << endl;
841 fitsOptions = fitsOptions.substr(pos3+1, fitsOptions.size());
842 pos3 = fitsOptions.find_first_of(';');
843 }
844// *fLog << err << "fitsOptions: " << fitsOptions << endl;
845 keyValue = fitsOptions;
846 pos4 = keyValue.find('=');
847 if (pos4 == string::npos)
848 {
849 *fLog << err << "Error while parsing comment \"" << comment << "\" from variable " << parentVarName + dataMember->GetName() << endl;
850 return kFALSE;
851 }
852 key = Trim(keyValue.substr(0, pos4));
853 value = Trim(keyValue.substr(pos4+1, pos3));
854 fitsTokens[key] = value;
855// *fLog << err << "key: " << key << " value: " << value << endl;
856 }
858 TString colName = parentVarName + dataMember->GetName();
860 if (fitsTokens.find("unit") != fitsTokens.end())
861 unit = fitsTokens["unit"];
862 if (fitsTokens.find("name") != fitsTokens.end())
863 colName = fitsTokens["name"];
865 //check for column veto
866 if (std::find(fVetoedColumns.begin(), fVetoedColumns.end(), colName.Data())!=fVetoedColumns.end())
867 {
868 *fLog << inf << "Vetoing column " << colName.Data() << endl;
869 continue;
870 }
872 // set the array size
873 TString dataType = dataMember->GetTrueTypeName();
875 uint32_t dataLength = 0;
876 switch (dataMember->GetArrayDim())
877 {
878 case 0:
879 dataLength = 1;
880 break;
881 case 1:
882 dataLength = dataMember->GetMaxIndex(0);
883 break;
884 default:
885 *fLog << err << "n-dimensional array should have been discarded already " << colName.Data();
886 break;
887 };
888// if (dataLength == 0)
889// continue;
891 if (dataMember->Property() & G__BIT_ISCLASS)
892 {
893 // special treatment for classes
894 uint32_t arraySize = 0;
895 TString typeName;
897 if (strncmp(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), "MArray", 6) == 0)
898 {
899 if (strcmp(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), "MArrayS*") == 0)
900 {
901 typeName = "UShort_t";
902 arraySize = (*((MArrayS**)((char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset())))->GetSize();
903 InitSingleColumn(tableName,
904 arraySize,
905 typeName.Data(),
906 (char*)(*((MArrayS**)((char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset())))->GetArray(),
907 colName.Data(),
908 unit,
909 comment);
910 }
911 else if (strcmp(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), "MArrayB*") == 0)
912 {
913 typeName = "UChar_t";
914 arraySize = (*((MArrayB**)((char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset())))->GetSize();
915 InitSingleColumn(tableName,
916 arraySize,
917 typeName.Data(),
918 (char*)(*((MArrayB**)((char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset())))->GetArray(),
919 colName.Data(),
920 unit,
921 comment);
922 }
923 else if (strcmp(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), "MArrayF*") == 0)
924 {
925 typeName = "TFloat_t";
926 arraySize = (*((MArrayF**)((char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset())))->GetSize();
927 InitSingleColumn(tableName,
928 arraySize,
929 typeName.Data(),
930 (char*)(*((MArrayF**)((char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset())))->GetArray(),
931 colName.Data(),
932 unit,
933 comment);
934 }
936 else {
937 *fLog << err << dataMember->GetTrueTypeName() << " not yet implemented." << endl;
938 return kFALSE;
939 }
942 continue;
943 }
944 else if (strcmp(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), "TClonesArray") == 0)
945 {
946 *fLog << warn << "I'm skipping the TClonesArray for now" << endl;
947 continue;
948 // each TClonesArray requires a FITS table by itself.
949 MClonesArrayHelper * clHelper;
951 TClonesArray * cloneArray = (TClonesArray*)((char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset());
952 Bool_t status;
953 clHelper = new MClonesArrayHelper(cloneArray, fLog, status);
954 if (!status) return status;
956 fClHelper[tableName].push_back(clHelper);
958 // add one column in the parent table of the TClonesArray to store the
959 // number of entries in the TClonesArray.
960 InitSingleColumn(tableName,
961 1,
962 "UInt_t",
963 clHelper->GetArraySizePtr(),
964 colName.Data(),
965 unit,
966 comment);
968 // initialize the columns of the new FITS table, which will store the
969 // data entries of the TClonesArray
970 if (InitColumns(TString("noName"),
971 colName + "_",
972 fitsTable,
973 clHelper->GetDataBuffer(),
974 cloneArray->GetClass())
975 == kFALSE)
976 return kFALSE;
978 // the columns are initialized. We can create the FITS table
979 if (clHelper->OpenFitsTable(GetFileName(), dataMember->GetName(),
980 fOpenOption, fLog) == kFALSE)
981 return kFALSE;
982 }
984 else
985 {
986 // the current container has a variable of an other class. We create
987 // also columns of this other class in the same table
988 TClass * newClassDef = TClass::GetClass(dataMember->GetTrueTypeName(), kFALSE, kTRUE);
989 if (newClassDef)
990 {
991 if (InitColumns(tableName, colName + ".", fitsTable, (char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset(),
992 newClassDef) == kFALSE)
993 return kFALSE;
994 }
995 else
996 *fLog << warn << "Cannot write data of class " << colName + "." + dataMember->GetTrueTypeName() << endl;
997 }
998 continue;
999 }
1001 InitSingleColumn(tableName,
1002 dataLength,
1003 dataType.Data(),
1004 (char*)baseAdr + dataMember->GetOffset(),
1005 colName.Data(),
1006 unit,
1007 comment);
1009 }
1010 return kTRUE;
1012void MWriteFitsFile::InitSingleColumn(const TString& tableName,
1013 uint32_t count,
1014 const string& typeName,
1015 void* dataPointer,
1016 const string& columnName,
1017 const string& unit,
1018 const string& comment)
1020 if (!fTableObjectCreated[tableName])
1021 {
1022 *fLog << err << "ERROR: Cannot init column " << columnName << " before assigning object: " << tableName << endl;
1023 return;
1024 }
1025 int typeFound = 0;
1026 char typeChar = '0';
1027 if ((typeName == "bool") || (typeName == "Bool_t") || (typeName == "L"))
1028 {
1029 typeChar = 'L';
1030 typeFound++;
1031 }
1032 if ((typeName == "char") || (typeName == "Char_t") || (typeName == "S"))
1033 {
1034 typeChar = 'A';
1035 typeFound++;
1036 }
1037 if ((typeName == "unsigned char") || (typeName == "UChar_t") || (typeName == "B"))
1038 {
1039 typeChar = 'A';
1040// *fLog << warn << "Converting unsigned char to char in fits file" << endl;
1041 typeFound++;
1042 }
1043 if ((typeName == "short") || (typeName == "Short_t") || (typeName == "I"))
1044 {
1045 typeChar = 'I';
1046 typeFound++;
1047 }
1048 if ((typeName == "unsigned short") || (typeName == "UShort_t") || (typeName == "U"))
1049 {
1050 typeChar = 'I';
1051// *fLog << warn << "Converting unsigned short to short in fits file" << endl;
1052 typeFound++;
1053 }
1054 if ((typeName == "int") || (typeName == "Int_t") || (typeName == "V"))
1055 {
1056 typeChar = 'J';
1057 typeFound++;
1058 }
1059 if ((typeName == "unsigned int") || (typeName == "UInt_t") || (typeName == "V"))
1060 {
1061 typeChar = 'J';
1062// *fLog << warn << "Converting unsigned int to int in fits file" << endl;
1063 typeFound++;
1064 }
1065 if ((typeName == "long long") || (typeName == "Long64_t") || (typeName == "K"))
1066 {
1067 typeChar = 'K';
1068 typeFound++;
1069 }
1070 if ((typeName == "unsigned long long") || (typeName == "ULong64_t") || (typeName == "W"))
1071 {
1072 typeChar = 'K';
1073// *fLog << warn << "Converting unsigned long to long in fits file" << endl;
1074 typeFound++;
1075 }
1076 if ((typeName == "float") || (typeName=="TFloat_t") || (typeName == "E"))
1077 {
1078 typeChar = 'E';
1079 typeFound++;
1080 }
1081 if ((typeName == "double") || (typeName == "TDouble_t") || (typeName == "D"))
1082 {
1083 typeChar = 'D';
1084 typeFound++;
1085 }
1086// if ((typeName == "char*") || (typeName == "A"))
1087// {
1088// typeFound++;
1089// }
1090 if (typeFound != 1)
1091 {
1092 *fLog << err << "We have a problem with the data type: " << typeName << endl;
1093 return;
1094 }
1095 uint32_t colWidth = 0;
1096 switch (typeChar)
1097 {
1098 case 'L': colWidth = 1*count; break;
1099 case 'A': colWidth = 1*count; break;
1100 case 'B': colWidth = 1*count; break;
1101 case 'I': colWidth = 2*count; break;
1102 case 'J': colWidth = 4*count; break;
1103 case 'K': colWidth = 8*count; break;
1104 case 'E': colWidth = 4*count; break;
1105 case 'D': colWidth = 8*count; break;
1106 default:
1107 *fLog << err << "ERROR: typeChar could not be resolved to an actual type" << endl;
1108 };
1109 //check for type remapping here
1110 if (fBytesPerSamples.find(columnName) != fBytesPerSamples.end())
1111 {
1112 if (typeChar != 'A')
1113 {
1114 *fLog << err << "Attempt to remap type " << typeChar << " to " << fBytesPerSamples[columnName] << " is only allowed on bytes (variable name: " << columnName << "). Ignoring column" << endl;
1115 return;
1116 }
1117 uint32_t bytesPerSample = fBytesPerSamples.find(columnName)->second;
1118 if (colWidth%bytesPerSample != 0)
1119 {
1120 *fLog << err << "Type remapping cannot be done using " << bytesPerSample << " bytes per sample on an array of char of size " << colWidth << ". Ignoring column " << columnName << endl;
1121 return;
1122 }
1123 switch (bytesPerSample)
1124 {
1125 case 1: count = count/1; typeChar = 'A'; break;
1126 case 2: count = count/2; typeChar = 'I'; break;
1127 case 4: count = count/4; typeChar = 'J'; break;
1128 case 8: count = count/8; typeChar = 'K'; break;
1129 default:
1130 *fLog << err << "ERROR: num bytes per sample = " << bytesPerSample << " should have been forbidden already" << endl;
1131 }
1133 }
1135 fDataPointers[tableName].push_back(dataPointer);
1136 fTypeChars[tableName].push_back(typeChar);
1137 fColSizes[tableName].push_back(count);
1138 fColWidth[tableName].push_back(colWidth);
1140 //FIXME ofits does not allow for much liberty regarding the size of the column names.
1141 //Truncating them badly here, will probably cause other problems -> Modify ofits.h instead
1142 string truncatedName=columnName.substr((columnName.size()>40)?columnName.size()-40:0,columnName.size());
1143 string truncatedComment = comment.substr((comment.size()>10)?comment.size()-10:0,comment.size());
1144// *fLog << warn << "In table " << tableName << " Adding column |" << truncatedName << "| |" << truncatedComment << "| |" << count << "| |" << typeChar;
1145// *fLog << warn << "| Real: "<< columnName << " comment: " << comment << endl;
1146 fFitsTables[tableName]->AddColumn(count, typeChar, truncatedName, unit, truncatedComment);
1149void MWriteFitsFile::writeOneRow(const TString& tableName)
1151 if (!fTableHeaderWritten[tableName])
1152 {
1153 for (vector<ofits::Key>::const_iterator it = fHeaderKeys.begin(); it != fHeaderKeys.end(); it++)
1154 fFitsTables[tableName]->SetRaw(it->key, it->value, it->comment);
1155 fFitsTables[tableName]->WriteTableHeader(tableName.Data());
1156 fTableHeaderWritten[tableName] = true;
1157 }
1158 if (!fTableObjectCreated[tableName])
1159 {
1160 *fLog << err << "This is not good. Please initialize the fits table before writing to it: " << tableName << endl;
1161 return;
1162 }
1163 //first calculate the size of one row
1164 uint32_t rowWidth = 0;
1165 for (uint32_t i=0;i<fTypeChars[tableName].size();i++)
1166 rowWidth += fColWidth[tableName][i];
1167 unsigned char* tempBuffer = new unsigned char[rowWidth];
1168 //then copy the data to be written contiguously
1169 uint32_t bytesCounter = 0;
1170 for (uint32_t i=0;i<fDataPointers[tableName].size();i++)
1171 {
1172 memcpy(&tempBuffer[bytesCounter], fDataPointers[tableName][i], fColWidth[tableName][i]);
1173 bytesCounter+=fColWidth[tableName][i];
1174 }
1175 if (fFitsTables[tableName]->WriteRow(tempBuffer, bytesCounter) == false)
1176 *fLog << err << "Error while writing to FITS table " << tableName << endl;
1177 else
1178 fFitsTables[tableName]->FlushNumRows();
1180 delete[] tempBuffer;
1182Bool_t MWriteFitsFile::ReInit(MParList *pList)
1184 if (fRule.Length() == 0)
1185 // there is not rule defined. We keep the old file
1186 return MWriteFile::ReInit(pList);
1188 MRead *read = (MRead*)pList->FindTask("MRead");
1189 if (!read)
1190 {
1191 *fLog << err;
1192 *fLog << "ERROR: No Task 'MRead' found in the tasklist. This task is" << endl;
1193 *fLog << " necessary to get the filename. Without a read-filename" << endl;
1194 *fLog << " no output-filename can be created... abort." << endl;
1195 *fLog << endl;
1196 return kFALSE;
1197 }
1200 // close the current files
1201 CloseTopLevelGroup();
1202 for (std::map<TString,ofits*>::iterator it=fFitsTables.begin(); it!=fFitsTables.end(); it++)
1203 {
1204 (it->second)->close();
1205 delete it->second;
1206 }
1207 fFitsTables.clear();
1208 fDataPointers.clear();
1209 fTypeChars.clear();
1210 fColSizes.clear();
1211 fColWidth.clear();
1212 fTableObjectCreated.clear();
1213 fTableHeaderWritten.clear();
1214 DeleteArrayHelper();
1215 fClHelper.clear();
1217 // get new filename
1218 const TString readFileName = read->GetFullFileName();
1219 const TString newname = MWriteRootFile::SubstituteName(fRule, readFileName);
1221 // create new files
1222 OpenTopLevelGroup(newname.Data());
1223 if (!IsFileOpen())
1224 return kFALSE;
1227 MRawRunHeader* header = (MRawRunHeader*)pList->FindObject("MRawRunHeader");
1228 SetupHeaderKeys(*header);
1230 if (GetContainer(pList) == kFALSE)
1231 return kFALSE;
1233 // do, what has to be done in ReInit.
1234 return MWriteFile::ReInit(pList);
1238void MWriteFitsFile::DeleteArrayHelper()
1240 map<TString, list<MArrayHelperBase *> >::iterator i_helper1 = fClHelper.begin();
1241 while (i_helper1 != fClHelper.end())
1242 {
1243 list<MArrayHelperBase *>::iterator i_helper2 = i_helper1->second.begin();
1244 while(i_helper2 != i_helper1->second.end())
1245 {
1246 delete *i_helper2;
1248 i_helper2++;
1249 }
1251 i_helper1++;
1252 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.