1 | #ifndef MARS_MHexagonalFT
2 | #define MARS_MHexagonalFT
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TObject
5 | #include <TObject.h>
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef ROOT_MArrayF
8 | #include "MArrayF.h"
9 | #endif
10 | #ifndef ROOT_MArrayI
11 | #include "MArrayI.h"
12 | #endif
13 |
14 | class MArrayD;
15 | class MGeomCam;
16 |
17 | class MHexagonalFT : public TObject
18 | {
19 | private:
20 |
21 | int Delta(int i) const
22 | {
23 | return i==0 || i==(Int_t)fNumRows-1 ? 1 : 0;
24 | } // Delta(i) = kronecker(i%(fNumRows-1), 0)
25 | float P(int j, int n) const
26 | {
27 | const Int_t a = Delta(j+n);
28 | const Int_t b = Delta(j);
29 | const Int_t c = Delta(n);
30 |
31 | return 6./((1+a)*(1+b+c));
32 | } // Definition of P(i,j) see paper
33 |
34 | UInt_t fNumRows;
35 |
36 | MArrayF fPsi;
37 |
38 | MArrayI fM;
39 | MArrayI fK;
40 |
41 | MArrayF fP;
42 |
43 | MArrayI fIdx;
44 |
45 | public:
46 | MHexagonalFT();
47 | MHexagonalFT(Int_t num);
48 |
49 | void Prepare(Int_t num);
50 |
51 | void TransformFastFWD(const MArrayD &inre, MArrayD &outre, MArrayD &outim) const;
52 | void TransformFastBWD(const MArrayD &inre, const MArrayD &inim, MArrayD &outre) const;
53 |
54 | void TransformSlow(const MArrayD &inre, const MArrayD &inim,
55 | MArrayD &outre, MArrayD &outim, Bool_t fwd=kTRUE);
56 |
57 | UInt_t GetNumKnots() const { return fP.GetSize(); } // Return number of knots in triangle
58 | UInt_t GetNumRows() const { return fNumRows; } // return number of rows in triangle
59 |
60 | UInt_t M(UShort_t i) const { return fM[i]; } // return m-axis-index of absolute index i
61 | UInt_t K(UShort_t i) const { return fK[i]; } // return k-axis-index of absolute index i
62 |
63 | Int_t GetRow(UShort_t i) const { return fM[i]+fK[i]; } // return row-index of absolute index i
64 | Int_t GetCol(UShort_t i) const { return fM[i]-fK[i]; } // return col-index of absolute index i
65 |
66 | ClassDef(MHexagonalFT,0) // general hexagonal fourier transformation
67 | };
68 |
69 | #endif