#ifndef MARS_MHCompProb #define MARS_MHCompProb #ifndef MARS_MH #include "MH.h" #endif class MParList; class MHCompProb : public MH { private: Int_t fNumLoop; //! Counter of the loop (two eventloops needed) TList *fRules; // Rules describing the used data sets TList *fData; //! MDataChain objects TList *fHists; //! fixed bin size histograms TList *fHistVar; // variable bin size histograms void Fill(TList &list); void SetBinningHistVar(); public: MHCompProb(Int_t nbins, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MHCompProb(); void Add(const char *rule, Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max); Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *plist); Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1); Bool_t Finalize(); const TList *GetRules() const { return fRules; } TList *GetHistVar() const { return fHistVar; } ClassDef(MHCompProb, 1) // Histogram to be used for the calculation of the composite probabilities }; #endif