#ifndef MARS_MHFadcPix #define MARS_MHFadcPix #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TH1 #include #endif class MRawEvtData; class MHFadcPix : public MParContainer { public: enum Type_t { kSlices, kValue }; private: TH1F fHistHi; TH1F fHistLo; UInt_t fPixId; Type_t fType; public: MHFadcPix(Int_t pixid=-1, Type_t t=kValue); TH1F *GetHistHi() { return &fHistHi; } TH1F *GetHistLo() { return &fHistLo; } const TH1F *GetHistHi() const { return &fHistHi; } const TH1F *GetHistLo() const { return &fHistLo; } void Init(Byte_t nhi, Byte_t nlo); Bool_t Fill(const MRawEvtData &evt); void DrawHi(); void DrawLo(); TObject *Clone(const char *) const; void Draw(Option_t *opt=NULL); ClassDef(MHFadcPix, 1) // Conatiner to hold two histograms container spektrums for the lo-/hi gain of one pixel }; #endif