#ifndef MARS_MHFindSignificance #define MARS_MHFindSignificance #ifndef MARS_MH #include "MH.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD #include #endif class TF1; class TH1; class TCanvas; class MHFindSignificance : public MH { private: TH1 *fHistOrig; // original plot of |alpha| (0.0 to 90.0 degrees) TH1 *fHist; // copy of fHistOrig or rebinned histogram TH1D *fSigVsAlpha; Double_t fAlphamin; // requested lower limit of fit range Double_t fAlphammm; // center of fit range Double_t fAlphamax; // requested lower limit of fit range Double_t fAlphami; // actual lower limit of fit range Double_t fAlphamm; // actual center of fit range Double_t fAlphama; // actual upper limit of fit range Double_t fAlphasig; // requested signal range Double_t fAlphasi; // actual signal range Double_t fAlphalow; // requested lower edge of signal range Double_t fAlphalo; // actual lower edge of signal range Double_t fAlphahig; // requested upper edge of background range Double_t fAlphahi; // actual upper edge of background range // number of events in signal region Double_t fNon; // total number of events in signal region Double_t fNbg; // number of background events in signal region Double_t fNex; // number of excess events in signal region Double_t fdNon; Double_t fdNbg; Double_t fdNex; // number of events in background region Double_t fNbgtot; // total number of events in background region Double_t fNbgtotFitted; // fitted total no. of events in background region Double_t fdNbgtotFitted; // fitted error of this number // effective number of background events Double_t fNoff; Double_t fGamma; // Nbg = Non - gamma * Noff Double_t fSigLiMa; // significance of gamma signal according to Li & Ma const static Double_t fEps = 1.e-4; // tolerance for floating point comparisons Bool_t fDraw; // if true : draw plots Bool_t fFitGauss; // if true : do the (polynomial+Gauss fit) Bool_t fRebin; // if true : allow rebinning of the alpha plot Bool_t fReduceDegree; // if true : allow reducing of the order of the polynomial Bool_t fConstantBackg; // if set true if background fit is not possible // due to low statistics TCanvas *fCanvas; Double_t fNexGauss; // total number of excess events // (from fitted Gauss function) Double_t fdNexGauss; // error of the total number of excess events Double_t fSigmaGauss; // sigma of fitted Gauss function Double_t fdSigmaGauss; // error of this sigma //-------------------- TF1 *fPoly; // polynomial function Int_t fFitBad; // if != 0 fit failed Int_t fDegree; // degree of polynomial to be fitted to the background Int_t fNdf; // number of degrees of freedom of polynomial fit Double_t fChisq; // chi squared of polynomial fit Double_t fProb; // chi squared probability ofg polynomial fit TArrayD fValues; TArrayD fErrors; const static Int_t fNdim = 6; Double_t fEmat[fNdim][fNdim]; Double_t fEma [fNdim][fNdim]; Double_t fCorr[fNdim][fNdim]; Int_t fMbins; // number of bins in the fit range Int_t fMlow; // number of bins in the fit range with too few entries Int_t fNzero; // number of bins in the fit range with zero entry Int_t fIstat; //-------------------- //-------------------- TF1 *fGPoly; // (Gauss+polynomial) function TF1 *fGBackg; // polynomial part of (Gauss+polynomial) function Int_t fGFitBad; // if != 0 fit failed Int_t fGDegree; // degree of polynomial to be fitted to the background Int_t fGNdf; // number of degrees of freedom of polynomial fit Double_t fGChisq; // chi squared of polynomial fit Double_t fGProb; // chi squared probability ofg polynomial fit TArrayD fGValues; TArrayD fGErrors; const static Int_t fGNdim = 9; Double_t fGEmat[fGNdim][fGNdim]; Double_t fGEma[fGNdim][fGNdim]; Double_t fGCorr[fGNdim][fGNdim]; Int_t fGMbins; // number of bins in the fit range Int_t fGNzero; // numnber of bins in the fit range with zero entry Int_t fGIstat; //-------------------- static const TString gsDefName; //! Default Name static const TString gsDefTitle; //! Default Title Bool_t DetExcess(); Bool_t FitPolynomial(); Bool_t FitGaussPoly(); Bool_t RebinHistogram(Double_t x0, Int_t nrebin); public: MHFindSignificance(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MHFindSignificance(); Bool_t FindSigma(TH1 *fhist, Double_t alphamin, Double_t alphamax, Int_t degree, Double_t alphasig, Bool_t drawpoly, Bool_t fitgauss, Bool_t print); Bool_t SigmaLiMa(Double_t non, Double_t noff, Double_t gamma, Double_t *siglima); Bool_t SigmaVsAlpha(TH1 *fhist, Double_t alphamin, Double_t alphamax, Int_t degree, Bool_t print); Double_t GetSignificance() { return fSigLiMa; } Bool_t DrawFit(Option_t *opt=NULL); Int_t GetDegree() const { return fDegree; } Double_t GetProb() const { return fProb; } Int_t GetNdf() const { return fNdf; } Double_t GetGamma() const { return fGamma; } Double_t GetNon() const { return fNon; } Double_t GetNex() const { return fNex; } Double_t GetNbg() const { return fNbg; } Double_t GetSigLiMa() const { return fSigLiMa; } Int_t GetMbins() const { return fMbins; } Double_t GetAlphasi() const { return fAlphasi; } TH1* GetHist() const { return fHist;} Double_t GetdNon() const { return fNon;} Double_t GetdNbg() const {return fNbg; } Double_t GetdNex() const { return fdNex; } Double_t GetNoff() const {return fNoff;} Double_t GetChisq() const {return fChisq;} Double_t GetNbgtotFitted() const {return fNbgtotFitted;} Double_t GetdNbgtotFitted() const {return fNbgtotFitted;} Double_t GetNbgtot() const {return fNbgtot;} Double_t GetSigmaGauss() const {return fSigmaGauss;} Double_t GetdSigmaGauss() const {return fdSigmaGauss;} Double_t GetNexGauss() const {return fNexGauss;} Double_t GetdNexGauss() const {return fdNexGauss;} TF1* GetGBackg() const { return fGBackg; } TF1* GetGPoly() const { return fGPoly; } TF1* GetPoly() const { return fPoly; } void SetRebin(Bool_t b=kTRUE); void SetReduceDegree(Bool_t b=kTRUE); void PrintPoly(Option_t *opt=NULL); void PrintPolyGauss(Option_t *opt=NULL); ClassDef(MHFindSignificance, 1) // Determine significance from alpha plot }; #endif