#ifndef MARS_MHWeather #define MARS_MHWeather #ifndef MARS_MH #include "MH.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGraph #include #endif class MReportCC; class MReportPyrometer; class MEventRate; class MHWeather : public MH { private: TGraph fHumidity; // Humidity from weather station TGraph fTemperature; // Temperature from weather station TGraph fWindSpeed; // Wind Speed from weather station TGraph fEventRate; // Event rate from event times TGraph fCloudiness; // Cloudiness from Pyrometer TGraph fTempAir; // Temperature of the air from Pyrometer TGraph fTempSky; // Temperature of the sky from Pyrometer MReportCC *fReportCC; //! CC report with data from weather station MReportPyrometer *fReportPyro; //! Pyrometer report MEventRate *fRate; //! Event rate void ResetGraph(TGraph &g) const; void InitGraph(TGraph &g) const; void AddPoint(TGraph &g, Double_t x, Double_t y) const; void DrawGraph(TGraph &g, const char *y=0) const; void UpdateRightAxis(TGraph &g) const; void DrawRightAxis(const char *title, Int_t col=kBlack) const; public: MHWeather(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *plist); Int_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1); // If this is needed be aware that it would be called twice in star // Bool_t Finalize() void Draw(Option_t *opt=""); void Paint(Option_t *opt=""); ClassDef(MHWeather, 2) // Histogram to display weather and pyrometer data }; #endif