/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 1/2004 ! Author(s): Markus Gaug, 4/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MJPedestal // // Resource file entries are case sensitive! // // We require at least fMinEvents (def=50) to be processed by the // ExtractPedestal-task. If not an error is returned. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MJPedestal.h" // C/C++ includes #include // root classes #include #include #include #include #include #include // mars core #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MDirIter.h" #include "MTaskEnv.h" #include "MSequence.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MTaskList.h" #include "MEvtLoop.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" // Other basic classes #include "MExtractTimeAndCharge.h" // parameter containers #include "MGeomCam.h" #include "MHCamera.h" #include "MPedestalPix.h" //#include "MHPedestalPix.h" #include "MCalibrationPix.h" #include "MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.h" #include "MCalibrationPulseTimeCam.h" // tasks #include "MReadMarsFile.h" #include "MRawFileRead.h" #include "MGeomApply.h" #include "MContinue.h" #include "MPedestalSubtract.h" #include "MTriggerPatternDecode.h" #include "MBadPixelsMerge.h" #include "MFillH.h" #include "MPedCalcPedRun.h" #include "MPedCalcFromLoGain.h" #include "MBadPixelsCalc.h" #include "MPedestalSubtract.h" // filter #include "MFilterList.h" #include "MFTriggerPattern.h" #include "MFDataMember.h" ClassImp(MJPedestal); using namespace std; const TString MJPedestal::fgReferenceFile = "mjobs/pedestalref.rc"; const TString MJPedestal::fgBadPixelsFile = "mjobs/badpixels_0_559.rc"; const Float_t MJPedestal::fgExtractWinLeft = 0; const Float_t MJPedestal::fgExtractWinRight = 0; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. // // Sets: // - fExtractor to NULL, // - fExtractType to kUsePedRun // - fStorage to Normal Storage // - fExtractorResolution to kFALSE // MJPedestal::MJPedestal(const char *name, const char *title) : fExtractor(NULL), fDisplayType(kDisplayDataCheck), fExtractType(kUsePedRun), fExtractionType(kFundamental), /*fIsUseHists(kFALSE),*/ fDeadPixelCheck(kFALSE), fMinEvents(50), fMinPedestals(100), fMaxPedestals(0), fMinCosmics(25), fMaxCosmics(100) { fName = name ? name : "MJPedestal"; fTitle = title ? title : "Tool to create a pedestal file (MPedestalCam)"; SetUsePedRun(); SetPathIn(""); SetReferenceFile(); SetBadPixelsFile(); SetExtractWinLeft(); SetExtractWinRight(); // // Default references for case that no value references file is there // (should not occur) // fPedestalMin = 4.; fPedestalMax = 16.; fPedRmsMin = 0.; fPedRmsMax = 20.; fRefPedClosedLids = 9.635; fRefPedExtraGalactic = 9.93; fRefPedGalactic = 10.03; fRefPedRmsClosedLidsInner = 1.7; fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner = 5.6; fRefPedRmsGalacticInner = 6.92; fRefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter = 1.7; fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter = 3.35; fRefPedRmsGalacticOuter = 4.2; } MJPedestal::~MJPedestal() { if (fExtractor) delete fExtractor; } const char* MJPedestal::GetOutputFileName() const { return Form("pedest%08d.root", fSequence.GetSequence()); } MExtractor *MJPedestal::ReadCalibration() { const TString fname = Form("%s/calib%08d.root", fPathIn.Data(), fSequence.GetSequence()); *fLog << inf << "Reading extractor from file: " << fname << endl; TFile file(fname, "READ"); if (!file.IsOpen()) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "ERROR - Could not open file " << fname << endl; return NULL; } if (file.FindKey("MBadPixelsCam")) { MBadPixelsCam bad; if (bad.Read()<=0) *fLog << warn << "Unable to read MBadPixelsCam from " << fname << endl; else fBadPixels.Merge(bad); } if (fExtractor) return fExtractor; TObject *o=0; o = file.Get("ExtractSignal"); if (o && !o->InheritsFrom(MExtractor::Class())) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "ERROR - ExtractSignal read from " << fname << " doesn't inherit from MExtractor!" << endl; return NULL; } return o ? (MExtractor*)o->Clone("ExtractSignal") : NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Display the results. // If Display type "kDataCheck" was chosen, also the reference lines are displayed. // void MJPedestal::DisplayResult(const MParList &plist) { if (!fDisplay) return; // // Update display // TString title = "-- Pedestal: "; title += fSequence.GetSequence(); title += " --"; fDisplay->SetTitle(title, kFALSE); // // Get container from list // const MGeomCam &geomcam = *(MGeomCam*)plist.FindObject("MGeomCam"); // MCalibrationPedCam &calpedcam = *(MCalibrationPedCam*)plist.FindObject("MCalibrationPedCam"); // // Create container to display // MHCamera disp0 (geomcam, "MPedestalCam;ped", "Mean Pedestal"); MHCamera disp1 (geomcam, "MPedestalCam;RMS", "Pedestal RMS"); MHCamera disp2 (geomcam, "MCalibPedCam;histmean", "Mean Pedestal (Hist.)"); MHCamera disp3 (geomcam, "MCalibPedCam;histsigma", "Pedestal RMS (Hist.)"); MHCamera disp4 (geomcam, "MCalibPedCam;ped", "Mean Pedestal"); MHCamera disp5 (geomcam, "MCalibPedCam;RMS", "Pedestal RMS"); MHCamera disp6 (geomcam, "MCalibDiffCam;ped", "Diff. Mean Pedestal (Hist.)"); MHCamera disp7 (geomcam, "MCalibDiffCam;RMS", "Diff. Pedestal RMS (Hist.)"); MHCamera disp8 (geomcam, "MCalibDiffCam;ped", "Diff. Mean Pedestal"); MHCamera disp9 (geomcam, "MCalibDiffCam;AbsRMS", "Diff. Abs. Pedestal RMS"); MHCamera disp10(geomcam, "MCalibDiffCam;RelRMS", "Diff. Rel. Pedestal RMS"); disp0.SetCamContent(fPedestalCamOut, 0); disp0.SetCamError (fPedestalCamOut, 1); disp1.SetCamContent(fPedestalCamOut, 2); disp1.SetCamError (fPedestalCamOut, 3); /* if (fIsUseHists) { disp2.SetCamContent(calpedcam, 0); disp2.SetCamError (calpedcam, 1); disp3.SetCamContent(calpedcam, 2); disp3.SetCamError (calpedcam, 3); disp4.SetCamContent(calpedcam, 5); disp4.SetCamError (calpedcam, 6); disp5.SetCamContent(calpedcam, 7); disp5.SetCamError (calpedcam, 8); for (UInt_t i=0;iAddTab("Pedestals"); c3.Divide(2,3); disp0.CamDraw(c3, 1, 2, 1); disp1.CamDraw(c3, 2, 2, 6); return; } /* if (fIsUseHists) { TCanvas &c3 = fDisplay->AddTab("Extractor Hist."); c3.Divide(2,3); disp2.CamDraw(c3, 1, 2, 1); disp3.CamDraw(c3, 2, 2, 5); TCanvas &c4 = fDisplay->AddTab("Extractor Calc."); c4.Divide(2,3); disp4.CamDraw(c4, 1, 2, 1); disp5.CamDraw(c4, 2, 2, 5); //TCanvas &c5 = fDisplay->AddTab("Difference Hist."); //c5.Divide(2,3); // //disp6.CamDraw(c5, 1, 2, 1); //disp7.CamDraw(c5, 2, 2, 5); TCanvas &c6 = fDisplay->AddTab("Difference Calc."); c6.Divide(2,3); disp8.CamDraw(c6, 1, 2, 1); disp9.CamDraw(c6, 2, 2, 5); return; } */ if (fDisplayType == kDisplayDataCheck) { TCanvas &c3 = fDisplay->AddTab(fExtractionType!=kFundamental/*fExtractorResolution*/ ? "PedExtrd" : "Ped"); c3.Divide(2,3); if (fExtractionType==kFundamental) disp0.SetMinMax(fPedestalMin, fPedestalMax); disp1.SetMinMax(fPedRmsMin, fPedRmsMax); disp0.CamDraw(c3, 1, 2, 0); // Don't devide, don't fit disp1.CamDraw(c3, 2, 2, 6); // Divide, fit c3.cd(1); if (fExtractionType==kFundamental) DisplayReferenceLines(disp0, 0); c3.cd(2); DisplayReferenceLines(disp1, 1); return; } if (fExtractionType!=kFundamental/*fExtractorResolution*/) { TCanvas &c3 = fDisplay->AddTab(fExtractionType==kWithExtractor?"PedExtrd":"PedRndm"); c3.Divide(2,3); disp0.CamDraw(c3, 1, 2, 1); // Don't divide, fit disp1.CamDraw(c3, 2, 2, 6); // Divide, fit TCanvas &c13 = fDisplay->AddTab(fExtractionType==kWithExtractor?"DiffExtrd":"DiffRndm"); c13.Divide(2,3); disp9.CamDraw(c13, 1, 2, 1); disp10.CamDraw(c13, 2, 2, 1); } } void MJPedestal::DisplayReferenceLines(const MHCamera &hist, const Int_t what) const { MHCamera *cam = dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(hist.GetName())); if (!cam) return; const MGeomCam *geom = cam->GetGeometry(); const Double_t x = geom->InheritsFrom("MGeomCamMagic") && what ? 397 : cam->GetNbinsX() ; TLine line; line.SetLineStyle(kDashed); line.SetLineWidth(3); line.SetLineColor(kBlue); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.75,0.75,0.999,0.99); leg->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (fExtractionType==kWithExtractorRndm && !(what)) { TLine *l0 = line.DrawLine(0,0.,cam->GetNbinsX(),0.); l0->SetBit(kCanDelete); leg->AddEntry(l0, "Reference","l"); leg->Draw(); return; } line.SetLineColor(kBlue); TLine *l1 = line.DrawLine(0, what ? fRefPedRmsGalacticInner : fRefPedGalactic, x, what ? fRefPedRmsGalacticInner : fRefPedGalactic); l1->SetBit(kCanDelete); line.SetLineColor(kYellow); TLine *l2 = line.DrawLine(0, what ? fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner : fRefPedExtraGalactic, x, what ? fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner : fRefPedExtraGalactic); l2->SetBit(kCanDelete); line.SetLineColor(kMagenta); TLine *l3 = line.DrawLine(0, what ? fRefPedRmsClosedLidsInner : fRefPedClosedLids, x, what ? fRefPedRmsClosedLidsInner : fRefPedClosedLids); l3->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (geom->InheritsFrom("MGeomCamMagic")) if (what) { const Double_t x2 = cam->GetNbinsX(); line.SetLineColor(kBlue); line.DrawLine(398, fRefPedRmsGalacticOuter, x2, fRefPedRmsGalacticOuter); line.SetLineColor(kYellow); line.DrawLine(398, fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter, x2, fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter); line.SetLineColor(kMagenta); line.DrawLine(398, fRefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter, x2, fRefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter); } leg->AddEntry(l1, "Galactic","l"); leg->AddEntry(l2, "Extra-Galactic","l"); leg->AddEntry(l3, "Closed Lids","l"); leg->Draw(); } /* void MJPedestal::DisplayOutliers(TH1D *hist) const { const Float_t mean = hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1); const Float_t lolim = mean - 3.5*hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2); const Float_t uplim = mean + 3.5*hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2); const Stat_t dead = hist->Integral(0,hist->FindBin(lolim)-1); const Stat_t noisy = hist->Integral(hist->FindBin(uplim)+1,hist->GetNbinsX()+1); TLatex deadtex; deadtex.SetTextSize(0.06); deadtex.DrawLatex(0.1,hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetMaximumBin())/1.1,Form("%3i dead pixels",(Int_t)dead)); TLatex noisytex; noisytex.SetTextSize(0.06); noisytex.DrawLatex(0.1,hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetMaximumBin())/1.2,Form("%3i noisy pixels",(Int_t)noisy)); } */ void MJPedestal::FixDataCheckHist(TH1D *hist) const { hist->SetDirectory(NULL); hist->SetStats(0); // // set the labels bigger // TAxis *xaxe = hist->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxe = hist->GetYaxis(); xaxe->CenterTitle(); yaxe->CenterTitle(); xaxe->SetTitleSize(0.06); yaxe->SetTitleSize(0.06); xaxe->SetTitleOffset(0.8); yaxe->SetTitleOffset(0.5); xaxe->SetLabelSize(0.05); yaxe->SetLabelSize(0.05); } /* Bool_t MJPedestal::WriteEventloop(MEvtLoop &evtloop) const { if (fOutputPath.IsNull()) return kTRUE; const TString oname(GetOutputFile()); *fLog << inf << "Writing to file: " << oname << endl; TFile file(oname, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "File created by MJPedestal", 9); if (!file.IsOpen()) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Couldn't open file " << oname << " for writing..." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (evtloop.Write(fName)<=0) { *fLog << err << "Unable to write MEvtloop to " << oname << endl; return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } */ void MJPedestal::SetExtractor(MExtractor* ext) { if (ext) { if (fExtractor) delete fExtractor; fExtractor = ext ? (MExtractor*)ext->Clone(ext->GetName()) : NULL; } else fExtractor = 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Read the following values from resource file: // // PedestalMin // PedestalMax // // PedRmsMin // PedRmsMax // // RefPedClosedLids // RefPedExtraGalactic // RefPedGalactic // // RefPedRmsClosedLidsInner // RefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner // RefPedRmsGalacticInner // RefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter // RefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter // RefPedRmsGalacticOuter // void MJPedestal::ReadReferenceFile() { TEnv refenv(fReferenceFile); fPedestalMin = refenv.GetValue("PedestalMin",fPedestalMin); fPedestalMax = refenv.GetValue("PedestalMax",fPedestalMax); fPedRmsMin = refenv.GetValue("PedRmsMin",fPedRmsMin); fPedRmsMax = refenv.GetValue("PedRmsMax",fPedRmsMax); fRefPedClosedLids = refenv.GetValue("RefPedClosedLids",fRefPedClosedLids); fRefPedExtraGalactic = refenv.GetValue("RefPedExtraGalactic",fRefPedExtraGalactic); fRefPedGalactic = refenv.GetValue("RefPedGalactic",fRefPedGalactic); fRefPedRmsClosedLidsInner = refenv.GetValue("RefPedRmsClosedLidsInner",fRefPedRmsClosedLidsInner); fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner = refenv.GetValue("RefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner",fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner); fRefPedRmsGalacticInner = refenv.GetValue("RefPedRmsGalacticInner",fRefPedRmsGalacticInner); fRefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter = refenv.GetValue("RefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter",fRefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter); fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter = refenv.GetValue("RefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter",fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter); fRefPedRmsGalacticOuter = refenv.GetValue("RefPedRmsGalacticOuter",fRefPedRmsGalacticOuter); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The following resource options are available: // // Do a datacheck run (read raw-data and enable display) // Prefix.DataCheck: Yes, No // // Setup display type // Prefix.Display: normal , datacheck, none // // Use cosmic data instead of pedestal data (DatRuns) // Prefix.UseData: Yes, No // // Write an output file with pedestals and status-display // Prefix.DisableOutput: Yes, No // // Name of a file containing reference values (see ReadReferenceFile) // Prefix.ReferenceFile: filename // (see ReadReferenceFile) // Bool_t MJPedestal::CheckEnvLocal() { if (HasEnv("Display")) { TString type = GetEnv("Display", "normal"); type.ToLower(); if (type==(TString)"normal") fDisplayType = kDisplayNormal; if (type==(TString)"datacheck") fDisplayType = kDisplayDataCheck; if (type==(TString)"none") fDisplayType = kDisplayNone; } SetExtractWinLeft (GetEnv("ExtractWinLeft", fExtractWinLeft )); SetExtractWinRight(GetEnv("ExtractWinRight", fExtractWinRight)); fMinEvents = (UInt_t)GetEnv("MinEvents", (Int_t)fMinEvents); fMinPedestals = (UInt_t)GetEnv("MinPedestals", (Int_t)fMinPedestals); fMaxPedestals = (UInt_t)GetEnv("MaxPedestals", (Int_t)fMaxPedestals); fMinCosmics = (UInt_t)GetEnv("MinCosmics", (Int_t)fMinCosmics); fMaxCosmics = (UInt_t)GetEnv("MaxCosmics", (Int_t)fMaxCosmics); if (!MJCalib::CheckEnvLocal()) return kFALSE; if (HasEnv("UseData")) fExtractType = GetEnv("UseData",kFALSE) ? kUseData : kUsePedRun; if (fSequence.IsMonteCarlo() && fExtractType==kUseData) { // The reason is, that the standard data files contains empty // (untriggered) events. If we would loop over the default 500 // first events of the data file you would calculate the // pedestal from only some single events... *fLog << inf; *fLog << "Sorry, you cannot extract the starting pedestal from the first" << endl; *fLog << "events in your data files... using pedestal file instead. The" << endl; *fLog << "result should not differ..." << endl; fExtractType = kUsePedRun; } // fIsUseHists = GetEnv("UseHists", fIsUseHists); SetNoStorage(GetEnv("DisableOutput", IsNoStorage())); fDeadPixelCheck = GetEnv("DeadPixelsCheck", fDeadPixelCheck); fBadPixelsFile = GetEnv("BadPixelsFile",fBadPixelsFile.Data()); fReferenceFile = GetEnv("ReferenceFile",fReferenceFile.Data()); ReadReferenceFile(); // ------------- Do not put simple resource below -------------- // Setup an environment task MTaskEnv tenv("ExtractSignal"); tenv.SetDefault(fExtractor); // check the resource file for it if (!CheckEnv(tenv)) return kFALSE; // if (tenv.ReadEnv(*GetEnv(), GetEnvPrefix()+".ExtractSignal", GetEnvDebug()>2)==kERROR) // return kFALSE; // If the resource file didn't change the default we are done if (fExtractor==tenv.GetTask()) return kTRUE; // If it changed the default check its inheritance... if (!tenv.GetTask()->InheritsFrom(MExtractor::Class())) { *fLog << err << "ERROR: ExtractSignal from resource file doesn't inherit from MExtractor.... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } // ..and store it SetExtractor((MExtractor*)tenv.GetTask()); return kTRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bool_t MJPedestal::WritePulsePos(TObject *obj) const { if (IsNoStorage()) return kTRUE; const TString name(Form("signal%08d.root", fSequence.GetSequence())); TObjArray arr; arr.Add(obj); return WriteContainer(arr, name, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW"); } Int_t MJPedestal::PulsePosCheck(const MParList &plist) const { /* if (fIsPixelCheck) { MHPedestalCam *hcam = (MHPedestalCam*)plist.FindObject("MHPedestalCam"); if (hcam) { MHPedestalPix &pix1 = (MHPedestalPix&)(*hcam)[fCheckedPixId]; pix1.DrawClone(""); } } */ if (!fIsPulsePosCheck) return kTRUE; // FIXME: // The MC cannot run over the first 2000 pedestal events since almost all // events are empty, therefore a pulse pos. check is not possible, either. // For the moment, have to fix the problem hardcoded... // // MMcEvt *evt = (MMcEvt*)plist.FindObject("MMcEvt"); // const Float_t meanpulsetime = evt->GetFadcTimeJitter(); Float_t meanpulsetime = 4.5; Float_t rmspulsetime = 1.0; MCalibrationPulseTimeCam *cam = NULL; if (!fSequence.IsMonteCarlo()) { /* if (fIsPixelCheck) { MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam *hcam = (MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam*)plist.FindObject("MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam"); if (!hcam) { *fLog << err << "MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } hcam->DrawClone(); gPad->SaveAs(Form("%s/PulsePosTest_all.root",fPathOut.Data())); MHCalibrationPix &pix = (*hcam)[fCheckedPixId]; pix.DrawClone(); gPad->SaveAs(Form("%s/PulsePosTest_Pixel%04d.root",fPathOut.Data(),fCheckedPixId)); } */ cam = (MCalibrationPulseTimeCam*)plist.FindObject("MCalibrationPulseTimeCam"); if (!cam) { *fLog << err << "MCalibrationPulseTimeCam not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } meanpulsetime = cam->GetAverageArea(0).GetHiGainMean(); rmspulsetime = cam->GetAverageArea(0).GetHiGainRms(); } if (!WritePulsePos(cam)) return kFALSE; *fLog << all << "Mean pulse time/Avg pos.of maximum (" << (fSequence.IsMonteCarlo()?"MC":"cosmics") << "): "; *fLog << meanpulsetime << "+-" << rmspulsetime << endl; MExtractTimeAndCharge *ext = dynamic_cast(fExtractor); if (!ext) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - no extractor found inheriting from MExtractTimeAndCharge... no pulse position check." << endl; return kTRUE; } const Int_t hi0 = ext->GetHiGainFirst(); const Int_t lo1 = ext->GetLoGainLast(); Int_t hi1 = ext->GetHiGainLast(); Int_t lo0 = ext->GetLoGainFirst(); // // This is for data without lo-gains // const Bool_t haslo = ext->HasLoGain(); // // Get the ranges for the new extractor setting. The window // size is always rounded to the next higher integer. // const Int_t wshigain = ext->GetWindowSizeHiGain(); const Int_t wslogain = ext->GetWindowSizeLoGain(); // // Here we calculate the end of the lo-gain range // as it is done in MExtractTimeAndCharge // const Double_t poshi = meanpulsetime; const Double_t poslo = poshi + ext->GetOffsetLoGain(); const Double_t poslo2 = poslo + ext->GetLoGainStartShift(); // // Do the right side checks range checks // if (poshi+wshigain+fExtractWinRight > hi1-0.5) { *fLog << err; *fLog << "ERROR - Pulse is too much to the right, out of hi-gain range ["; *fLog << hi0 << "," << hi1 << "]" << endl; *fLog << endl; return -2; } if (haslo && poslo+wslogain+fExtractWinRight > lo1-0.5) { *fLog << err; *fLog << "ERROR - Pulse is too much to the right, out of lo-gain range ["; *fLog << lo0 << "," << lo1 << "]" << endl; return -2; } // // Do the left side checks range checks // if (poshi-fExtractWinLeft < hi0+0.5) { *fLog << err; *fLog << "ERROR - Pulse is too much to the left, out of hi-gain range ["; *fLog << hi0 << "," << hi1 << "]" << endl; return -3; } if (haslo && poslo2-fExtractWinLeft < lo0+0.5) { *fLog << warn; *fLog << "WARNING - Pulse is too much to the left, out of lo-gain range ["; *fLog << lo0 << "," << lo1 << "]" << endl; *fLog << "Trying to match extraction window and pulse position..." << endl; // // Set and store the new ranges // while (poslo2-fExtractWinLeft < lo0+0.5) { hi1--; lo0--; if (poshi+wshigain+fExtractWinRight > hi1-0.5) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - No proper extraction window found.... abort." << endl; return -3; } } if (lo0<0) lo0=0; *fLog << "Changed extraction to hi-gain [" << hi0 << "," << hi1; *fLog << "] and lo-gain [" << lo0 << "," << lo1 << "]" << endl; ext->SetRange(hi0, hi1, lo0, lo1); } return kTRUE; } Int_t MJPedestal::Process() { if (!fSequence.IsValid()) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Sequence invalid..." << endl; return kFALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TString type = IsUseData() ? "data" : "pedestal"; *fLog << inf; fLog->Separator(GetDescriptor()); *fLog << "Calculate MPedestalCam from " << type << "-runs "; *fLog << fSequence.GetFileName() << endl; *fLog << endl; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!CheckEnv()) return kFALSE; MParList plist; MTaskList tlist; plist.AddToList(&tlist); plist.AddToList(this); // take care of fDisplay! MReadMarsFile read("Events"); MRawFileRead rawread(NULL); rawread.SetForceMode(); // Ignore broken time-stamps MDirIter iter; if (fSequence.IsValid()) { const Int_t n0 = IsUseData() ? fSequence.GetRuns(iter, MSequence::kRawDat) : fSequence.GetRuns(iter, MSequence::kRawPed); if (n0<=0) return kFALSE; } if (!fSequence.IsMonteCarlo()) { rawread.AddFiles(iter); tlist.AddToList(&rawread); } else { read.DisableAutoScheme(); read.AddFiles(iter); tlist.AddToList(&read); } // Setup Tasklist plist.AddToList(&fPedestalCamOut); plist.AddToList(&fBadPixels); MGeomApply geomapl; MBadPixelsMerge merge(&fBadPixels); MPedCalcPedRun pedcalc; //pedcalc.SetPedestalUpdate(kFALSE); MPedCalcFromLoGain pedlogain; pedlogain.SetPedestalUpdate(kFALSE); // MHPedestalCam hpedcam; // hpedcam.SetPedestalsOut(&fPedestalCamOut); // if (fExtractionType != kFundamental) // hpedcam.SetRenorm(kTRUE); // To have it in the parlist for MEnv! MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam pulcam; plist.AddToList(&pulcam); MFillH fillpul(&pulcam, "MPedestalSubtractedEvt", "FillPulseTime"); fillpul.SetBit(MFillH::kDoNotDisplay); tlist.AddToList(&geomapl); tlist.AddToList(&merge); if (!fPathIn.IsNull()) { fExtractor = ReadCalibration(); if (!fExtractor) return kFALSE; // The requested setup might have been overwritten if (!CheckEnv(*fExtractor)) return kFALSE; *fLog << all; *fLog << underline << "Signal Extractor found in calibration file and setup:" << endl; fExtractor->Print(); *fLog << endl; } // // Read bad pixels from outside // if (!fBadPixelsFile.IsNull()) { *fLog << inf << "Excluding: " << fBadPixelsFile << endl; ifstream fin(fBadPixelsFile); fBadPixels.AsciiRead(fin); } MTriggerPatternDecode decode; tlist.AddToList(&decode); // produce pedestal subtracted raw-data MPedestalSubtract pedsub; if (fExtractor && fExtractionType!=kFundamental) pedsub.SetPedestalCam(&fPedestalCamIn); else pedsub.SetNamePedestalCam(""); // Only copy hi- and lo-gain together! tlist.AddToList(&pedsub); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup filter for pulse position extraction and its extraction // This will make that for data with version less than 5, where // trigger patterns were not yet correct, all the events in the real // data file will be processed. In any case there are no interleaved // calibration events in such data, so this is fine. // The selection is done with the trigger bits before prescaling // Extract pulse position from Lvl1 events. MFTriggerPattern fcos("SelectCosmics"); fcos.SetDefault(kTRUE); fcos.DenyAll(); fcos.RequireTriggerLvl1(); fcos.AllowTriggerLvl2(); fcos.AllowSumTrigger(); // Number of events filled into the histogram presenting the // trigger area MFDataMember filterc("MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.GetNumEvents", '<', fMaxCosmics, "LimitNumCosmics"); // Combine both filters MFilterList flistc("&&", "FilterCosmics"); flistc.AddToList(&fcos); // For the case the pulse positon check is switched on // compile the tasklist accordingly // FIXME: MUX Monte Carlos?!?? if (fIsPulsePosCheck) { flistc.AddToList(&filterc); fillpul.SetFilter(&flistc); tlist.AddToList(&flistc); tlist.AddToList(&fillpul); } //MFillH fillC("MHPedestalCor", "MPedestalSubtractedEvt", "FillAcor"); //fillC.SetNameTab("Acor"); //if (fExtractor && fExtractionType==kWithExtractorRndm) // tlist.AddToList(&fillC); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup filter for pedestal extraction MFTriggerPattern ftp2("SelectPedestals"); ftp2.SetDefault(kTRUE); ftp2.DenyAll(); ftp2.RequirePedestal(); // Limit number of events from which a pedestal is extracted MFDataMember filterp(Form("%s.fNumEvents", fPedestalCamOut.GetName()), '<', fMaxPedestals, "LimitNumPedestal"); // Combine both filters together MFilterList flistp("&&", "FilterPedestal"); // If data is not MC and has no lo-gains select pedestals from trigger pattern if (!fSequence.IsMonteCarlo() && !(fExtractor && fExtractor->HasLoGain())) flistp.AddToList(&ftp2); if (fMaxPedestals>0) flistp.AddToList(&filterp); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup pedestal extraction MTaskEnv taskenv("ExtractPedestal"); taskenv.SetDefault(fExtractType==kUsePedRun ? static_cast(&pedcalc) : static_cast(&pedlogain)); taskenv.SetFilter(&flistp); tlist.AddToList(&flistp); tlist.AddToList(&taskenv); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup a filter which defines when the loop is stopped MFilterList flist("||"); flist.SetInverted(); if (fMaxPedestals>0) flist.AddToList(&filterp); if (fIsPulsePosCheck && fMaxCosmics>0) flist.AddToList(&filterc); MContinue stop(&flist, "Stop"); stop.SetRc(kFALSE); if (flist.GetNumEntries()>0) tlist.AddToList(&stop); /* if (fIsUseHists && fExtractor) { if (fExtractor->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge")) { if (fExtractionType!=kFundamental) { const MExtractTimeAndCharge &e = *static_cast(fExtractor); hpedcam.SetFitStart(-5*e.GetWindowSizeHiGain()); } else hpedcam.SetFitStart(10.); } plist.AddToList(&hpedcam); } */ pedcalc.SetPedestalsOut(&fPedestalCamOut); pedlogain.SetPedestalsOut(&fPedestalCamOut); // kFundamental if (fExtractor) { if (fExtractionType!=kFundamental) { pedcalc.SetRandomCalculation(fExtractionType==kWithExtractorRndm); pedlogain.SetRandomCalculation(fExtractionType==kWithExtractorRndm); pedcalc.SetExtractor((MExtractTimeAndCharge*)fExtractor); pedlogain.SetExtractor((MExtractTimeAndCharge*)fExtractor); } else { pedcalc.SetRangeFromExtractor(*fExtractor); pedlogain.SetRangeFromExtractor(*fExtractor); } if (!fExtractor->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge") && fExtractionType!=kFundamental) { *fLog << inf; *fLog << "Signal extractor doesn't inherit from MExtractTimeAndCharge..." << endl; *fLog << " --> falling back to fundamental pedestal extraction." << endl; fExtractionType=kFundamental; } } else { *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": WARNING - No extractor has been handed over! " << endl; *fLog << "Taking default window for pedestal extraction. The calculated pedestal RMS" << endl; *fLog << "will probably not match with future pedestal RMS' from different extraction" << endl; *fLog << "windows." << endl; } /* MHCamEvent evt0(0, "Ped", "Pedestal;;P [cnts/sl]"); MHCamEvent evt1(2, "PedRms", "Pedestal RMS;;\\sigma_{p} [cnts/sl]"); MFillH fill0(&evt0, &fPedestalCamOut, "FillPedestal"); MFillH fill1(&evt1, &fPedestalCamOut, "FillPedRms"); tlist.AddToList(&fill0); tlist.AddToList(&fill1); */ // // Execute the eventloop // MEvtLoop evtloop(fName); evtloop.SetParList(&plist); evtloop.SetDisplay(fDisplay); evtloop.SetLogStream(fLog); if (!SetupEnv(evtloop)) return kFALSE; // if (!WriteEventloop(evtloop)) // return kFALSE; // Execute first analysis if (!evtloop.Eventloop(fMaxEvents)) { *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": Failed." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (taskenv.GetNumExecutions()(plist.FindObject("MGeomCam"))); if (!calc.CheckPedestalRms(fBadPixels, fPedestalCamOut)) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - MBadPixelsCalc::CheckPedestalRms failed...." << endl; return kFALSE; } } if (fDisplayType!=kDisplayNone) DisplayResult(plist); // if (!WriteResult()) // return kFALSE; const Int_t rc = PulsePosCheck(plist); if (rc<1) return rc; *fLog << all << GetDescriptor() << ": Done." << endl << endl << endl; return kTRUE; }