#ifndef MARS_MJTrainDisp #define MARS_MJTrainDisp #ifndef MARS_MJTrainRanForest #include "MJTrainRanForest.h" #endif class TCanvas; class MH3; class MDataSet; class MJTrainDisp : public MJTrainRanForest { private: static const TString fgTrainParameter; TString fTrainParameter; TString fResultFunction; Float_t fThetaCut; // To be moved to a base class TString fNameOutput; void DisplayHist(TCanvas &c, Int_t i, MH3 &mh3) const; void DisplayResult(MH3 &hsize, MH3 &henergy); public: MJTrainDisp() : fTrainParameter(fgTrainParameter), fResultFunction("x"), fThetaCut(0.215), fNameOutput("Disp") { } void SetTrainFunc(const char *par, const char *res="x") { fTrainParameter = par; fResultFunction = res; } void SetThetaCut(Float_t cut=0.215) { fThetaCut=cut; } Bool_t Train(const char *out, const MDataSet &set, Int_t num); //Bool_t TrainGhostbuster(const char *out, const MDataSet &set, Int_t num); ClassDef(MJTrainDisp, 0)//Class to train Random Forest disp estimator }; #endif