1 | #ifndef MARS_MMcEvt
2 | #define MARS_MMcEvt
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MMcEvtBasic
5 | #include "MMcEvtBasic.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 |
9 | class MMcEvt : public MMcEvtBasic
10 | {
11 | private:
12 | UInt_t fRunNumber; // [fits: name=RunNum ; unit=uint32]
13 | UInt_t fEvtNumber; // [fits: name=EventNum ; unit=uint32]
14 | Float_t fThick0; // [g/cm2]
15 | Float_t fFirstTarget; // []
16 | Float_t fZFirstInteraction; // [cm]
17 |
18 | Float_t fCoreD; // [cm] Core d pos
19 | Float_t fCoreX; // [cm] Core x pos
20 | Float_t fCoreY; // [cm] Core y pos
21 |
22 | // Up to here, the info from the CORSIKA event header.
23 |
24 | // Time of first and last photon:
25 | Float_t fTimeFirst; // [ns]
26 | Float_t fTimeLast; // [ns]
27 |
28 | // 6 parameters and chi2 of the NKG fit to the longitudinal
29 | // particle distribution. See CORSIKA manual for explanation,
30 | // section 4.42 "Longitudinal shower development":
31 | //
32 | Float_t fLongiNmax; // [particles]
33 | Float_t fLongit0; // [g/cm2]
34 | Float_t fLongitmax; // [g/cm2]
35 | Float_t fLongia; // [g/cm2]
36 | Float_t fLongib; // []
37 | Float_t fLongic; // [cm2/g]
38 | Float_t fLongichi2;
39 |
40 | UInt_t fPhotIni; // [ph] Initial number of photons
41 | UInt_t fPassPhotAtm; // [ph] Passed atmosphere
42 | UInt_t fPassPhotRef; // [ph] Passed reflector(reflectivity + effective area)
43 | UInt_t fPassPhotCone; // [ph] Within any valid pixel, before plexiglas
44 | UInt_t fPhotElfromShower; // [phe] Passed qe, coming from the shower
45 | UInt_t fPhotElinCamera; // [phe] usPhotElfromShower + mean of phe from NSB
46 |
47 | // Now follow the fraction of photons reaching the camera produced by
48 | // electrons, muons and other particles respectively:
49 |
50 | Float_t fElecCphFraction;
51 | Float_t fMuonCphFraction;
52 | Float_t fOtherCphFraction;
53 |
54 | Float_t fFadcTimeJitter;
55 |
56 | Int_t fEventReuse; // Number running from 0 to N-1, being N the number
57 | // of times a Corsika event has been reused, by
58 | // orienting the telescope in different ways or by
59 | // setting it at a different location on the ground.
60 |
61 | public:
62 | MMcEvt();
63 | MMcEvt(UInt_t, ParticleId_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
64 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
65 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
66 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
67 | UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t,
68 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t ireuse=0) ;
69 |
70 | // Getter
71 | UInt_t GetEvtNumber() const { return fEvtNumber; } //Get Event Number
72 |
73 | Float_t GetCoreX() const { return fCoreX; } //Get Core x pos
74 | Float_t GetCoreY() const { return fCoreY; } //Get Core y pos
75 |
76 | UInt_t GetPhotIni() const { return fPhotIni; } //Get Initial photons
77 | UInt_t GetPassPhotAtm() const { return fPassPhotAtm;} //Get Passed atmosphere
78 | UInt_t GetPassPhotRef() const { return fPassPhotRef; } //Get Passed reflector
79 | UInt_t GetPassPhotCone() const { return fPassPhotCone; } //Get Passed glas
80 | UInt_t GetPhotElfromShower() const { return fPhotElfromShower; } //Get Passed qe from shower
81 | UInt_t GetPhotElinCamera() const { return fPhotElinCamera; } //Get Passed qe total
82 | Float_t GetZFirstInteraction() const { return fZFirstInteraction; }
83 |
84 | Float_t GetOtherCphFraction() const { return fOtherCphFraction; }
85 |
86 | Float_t GetLongiNmax() const { return fLongiNmax; }
87 | Float_t GetLongia() const { return fLongia; }
88 | Float_t GetLongib() const { return fLongib; }
89 | Float_t GetLongic() const { return fLongic; }
90 | Float_t GetLongichi2() const { return fLongichi2; }
91 | Float_t GetLongit0() const { return fLongit0; }
92 | Float_t GetLongitmax() const { return fLongitmax; }
93 |
94 | Float_t GetFadcTimeJitter() const { return fFadcTimeJitter; }
95 |
96 | Float_t GetMuonCphFraction() const { return fMuonCphFraction; }
97 |
98 | TString GetDescription(const TString &s="") const;
99 |
100 | // Setter
101 | void SetCoreD(Float_t CoreD) { fCoreD=CoreD; } //Set Core d pos
102 | void SetCoreX(Float_t CoreX) { fCoreX=CoreX; } //Set Core x pos
103 | void SetCoreY(Float_t CoreY) { fCoreY=CoreY; } //Set Core y pos
104 |
105 | void SetRunNumber(UInt_t n) { fRunNumber=n; }
106 | void SetEvtNumber(UInt_t n) { fEvtNumber=n; }
107 | void SetEventReuse(UInt_t n) { fEventReuse=n; }
108 | void SetPhotElfromShower(UInt_t n) { fPhotElfromShower=n; }
109 |
110 | void Fill( UInt_t, ParticleId_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
111 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
112 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
113 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t,
114 | UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t,
115 | Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t ireuse=0);
116 |
117 | // MParContainer
118 | Bool_t SetupFits(fits &fin);
119 |
120 | // TObject
121 | void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) const;
122 | void Clear(Option_t *opt=NULL);
123 |
124 | ClassDef(MMcEvt, 8) //Stores Montecarlo Information of one event (eg. the energy)
125 | };
126 |
127 | #endif