#include "MMcTrig.hxx" #include //========== // MMcTrig // // This class handles and contains the MonteCarlo information // with which the events have been generated // This information exists for each event. // // This the second version of this output class. Old root files, which have // a previous version of this class, are still compatibles and can be used. // But of course, you can no try to get infromatino in these old files about // the new data members. // // The fPixelsFirst array has been increased from 273 (which was the trigger // zone) to 577 (which is the full Camera) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(MMcTrig); using namespace std; MMcTrig::MMcTrig(const char *name, const char *title) { // // default constructor // set all values to zero fName = name ? name : "MMcTrig"; fTitle = title ? title : "Trigger info from Monte Carlo"; Int_t i,j; fNumFirstLevel = 0 ; for(i=0;iTOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME/LEVEL1_DEAD_TIME+1 || i<1) { cout << "fNumFirstLevel out of range. Time will be -99" << endl; return; } fTimeFirst[i-1]=t; } void MMcTrig::Clear(Option_t *opt) { // // // reset all values to zero Int_t i,j; fNumFirstLevel = 0 ; for(i=0;i1 if the pixel npix was fired when the nfirstlevel // first level trigger happened, 0 if not. // const Int_t body=npix/8; const Byte_t reminder= 1<<(npix%8); return reminder&fPixelsFirst[body][nfirstlevel]; /* Byte_t ret=0; Byte_t reminder; Int_t body; body=npix/8; reminder=(Byte_t)(pow(2,npix%8)); ret=reminder&fPixelsFirst[body][nfirstlevel]; return(ret); */ }