#ifndef MARS_MPedCalcFromLoGain #define MARS_MPedCalcFromLoGain #ifndef MARS_MExtractPedestal #include "MExtractPedestal.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_MArrayB #include "MArrayB.h" #endif //class MRawEvtPixelIter; class MPedestalPix; class MPedCalcFromLoGain : public MExtractPedestal { private: static const UShort_t fgExtractWinFirst; // First FADC slice to use for pedestal calculation (currently set to: 15) static const UShort_t fgExtractWinSize; // number of successive slices used to calculate pedestal (currently set to: 6) static const UInt_t fgNumDump; //! UInt_t fNumEventsDump; // Number of event after which MPedestalCam gets updated UInt_t fNumAreasDump; // Number of events after which averaged areas gets updated UInt_t fNumSectorsDump; // Number of events after which averaged sectors gets updated Bool_t fPedestalUpdate; // Flag if the pedestal shall be updated after every fNumEventsDump // MParContainer Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print); // MTask Bool_t ReInit(MParList *pList); Int_t PostProcess(); // MExtractPedestal void Calc(); public: MPedCalcFromLoGain(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); // Getters void SetNumEventsDump (UInt_t dumpevents=fgNumDump) { fNumEventsDump = dumpevents; } void SetNumAreasDump (UInt_t dumpevents=fgNumDump) { fNumAreasDump = dumpevents; } void SetNumSectorsDump(UInt_t dumpevents=fgNumDump) { fNumSectorsDump = dumpevents; } void SetNumDump (UInt_t n=fgNumDump) { fNumEventsDump=n; fNumAreasDump=n; fNumSectorsDump=n; } void SetPedestalUpdate(Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fPedestalUpdate = b; } Bool_t SetRangeFromExtractor(const MExtractor &ext) { return MExtractPedestal::SetRangeFromExtractor(ext, kTRUE); } void Print(Option_t *o="") const; ClassDef(MPedCalcFromLoGain, 1) // Task to calculate pedestals from data runs }; #endif