#ifndef MARS_MExtractSlidingWindow #define MARS_MExtractSlidingWindow #ifndef MARS_MExtractor #include "MExtractor.h" #endif class MExtractSlidingWindow : public MExtractor { private: static const Byte_t fgHiGainFirst; // First FADC slice Hi-Gain (currently set to: 3) static const Byte_t fgHiGainLast; // Last FADC slice Hi-Gain (currently set to: 14) static const Byte_t fgLoGainFirst; // First FADC slice Lo-Gain (currently set to: 3) static const Byte_t fgLoGainLast; // Last FADC slice Lo-Gain (currently set to: 14) static const Byte_t fgHiGainWindowSize; // The extraction window Hi-Gain static const Byte_t fgLoGainWindowSize; // The extraction window Lo-Gain Byte_t fWindowSizeHiGain; // Number of Hi Gain slices in window Byte_t fWindowSizeLoGain; // Number of Lo Gain slices in window void FindSignalHiGain(Byte_t *ptr, Byte_t *logain, Float_t &max, Byte_t &sat) const; void FindSignalLoGain(Byte_t *ptr, Float_t &max, Byte_t &sat) const; Bool_t ReInit(MParList *pList); public: MExtractSlidingWindow(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); void SetRange(Byte_t hifirst=0, Byte_t hilast=0, Byte_t lofirst=0, Byte_t lolast=0); void SetWindowSize(Byte_t windowh=fgHiGainWindowSize, Byte_t windowl=fgLoGainWindowSize); ClassDef(MExtractSlidingWindow, 1) // Signal Extractor for sliding extraction window }; #endif