1 | #ifndef MARS_MAtmosphere
2 | #define MARS_MAtmosphere
3 |
4 | #include <TROOT.h>
5 |
6 | class TGraph;
7 | class MPhotonData;
8 | class MCorsikaRunHeader;
9 |
10 | class MAtmRayleigh
11 | {
12 | private:
13 | static const Double_t fgMeanFreePath; // [g/cm^2] Mean free path for scattering Rayleigh XR
14 | static const Double_t fgEarthRadiush; // [cm] Default Earth Radius
15 |
16 | Double_t fR; // [cm] Earth radius to be used
17 |
18 | Double_t fHeight[5]; // Layer boundaries (atmospheric layer)
19 |
20 | // Parameters of the different atmospheres. We use the same parametrization
21 | // shape as in Corsika atmospheric models (see Corsika manual, appendix D).
22 | // The values here can be/are obtained from the Corsika output
23 | //Float_t fAtmA[5]; // The index refers to the atmospheric layer (starting from sea level and going upwards)
24 | Float_t fAtmB[5]; // The index refers to the atmospheric layer (starting from sea level and going upwards)
25 | Float_t fAtmC[5]; // The index refers to the atmospheric layer (starting from sea level and going upwards)
26 |
27 | Double_t fRho[5]; // Precalculated integrals for rayleigh scatterning
28 |
29 | void PreCalcRho();
30 |
31 | protected:
32 | Double_t fObsLevel; // [cm] observation level a.s.l.
33 |
34 | public:
35 | // Default constructor
36 | MAtmRayleigh();
37 |
38 | // Init an atmosphere from the data stored in MCorsikaRunHeader
39 | MAtmRayleigh(const MCorsikaRunHeader &h)
40 | {
41 | Init(h);
42 | }
43 |
44 | // Check if the ovservation level has been correctly initialized
45 | // Used as a marker for correct initialization
46 | Bool_t IsValid() const { return fObsLevel>=0; }
47 |
48 | // Get the Earth radius to be used
49 | Double_t R() const { return fR; }
50 |
51 | void Init(Double_t obs, const Float_t *atmb=0, const Float_t *atmc=0);
52 | void Init(const MCorsikaRunHeader &h);
53 |
54 | Double_t GetVerticalThickness(Double_t height) const;
55 | Double_t CalcTransmission(Double_t height, Double_t wavelength, Double_t sin2) const;
56 | };
57 |
58 | // ==========================================================================
59 |
60 | class MAtmosphere : public MAtmRayleigh
61 | {
62 | private:
63 | static const Double_t STEPTHETA; // aprox. 1 degree
64 |
65 | // Aerosol number density for 31 heights a.s.l., from 0 to 30 km,
66 | // in 1 km steps (units: cm^-3)
67 | static const Double_t aero_n[31];
68 |
69 | // Ozone concentration for 51 heights a.s.l., from 0 to 50 km,
70 | // in 1 km steps (units: cm/km)
71 | static const Double_t oz_conc[51];
72 |
73 | // aerosol_path contains the path integrals for the aerosol number
74 | // density (relative to the number density at sea level) between the
75 | // observation level and a height h for different zenith angles. The
76 | // first index indicate height above sea level in units of 100m, the
77 | // second is the zenith angle in degrees.
78 | float aerosol_path[301][90];
79 |
80 | // ozone_path contains the path integrals for the ozone concentration
81 | // between the observation level and a height h for different zenith
82 | // angles. The first index indicate height above sea level in units
83 | // of 100m, the second is the zenith angle in degrees.
84 | float ozone_path[501][90];
85 |
86 | // Interpolate the graph at wavelength
87 | Double_t GetBeta(Double_t wavelength, const TGraph &g) const;
88 |
89 | //MSpline3 *fAbsCoeffOzone;
90 | //MSpline3 *fAbsCoeffAerosols;
91 |
92 | TGraph *fAbsCoeffOzone;
93 | TGraph *fAbsCoeffAerosols;
94 |
95 | public:
96 | MAtmosphere(const MCorsikaRunHeader &h) : fAbsCoeffOzone(0), fAbsCoeffAerosols(0)
97 | {
98 | Init(h);//, "ozone.txt", "aerosols.txt");
99 | }
100 | MAtmosphere(Double_t obs=0, const char *name1=0, const char *name2=0) : fAbsCoeffOzone(0), fAbsCoeffAerosols(0)
101 | {
102 | MAtmRayleigh::Init(obs);
103 |
104 | if (name1)
105 | InitOzone(name1);
106 | if (name2)
107 | InitAerosols(name2);
108 | }
109 | MAtmosphere(const char *name1, const char *name2) : fAbsCoeffOzone(0), fAbsCoeffAerosols(0)
110 | {
111 | MAtmRayleigh::Init(0);
112 |
113 | if (name1)
114 | InitOzone(name1);
115 | if (name2)
116 | InitAerosols(name2);
117 | }
118 |
119 | ~MAtmosphere();
120 |
121 | Float_t GetWavelengthMin() const;
122 | Float_t GetWavelengthMax() const;
123 |
124 | Bool_t HasValidOzone() const;
125 | Bool_t HasValidAerosol() const;
126 |
127 | Bool_t IsAllValid() const { return IsValid() && HasValidOzone() && HasValidAerosol(); }
128 |
129 | void PreCalcOzone();
130 | void PreCalcAerosol();
131 | Bool_t InitOzone(const TString name="");
132 | Bool_t InitAerosols(const TString name="");
133 |
134 | void Init(const MCorsikaRunHeader &h, const char *name1=0, const char *name2=0)
135 | {
136 | MAtmRayleigh::Init(h);
137 |
138 | InitOzone(name1);
139 | InitAerosols(name2);
140 | }
141 |
142 | Double_t CalcOzoneAbsorption(Double_t h, Double_t wavelength, Double_t theta) const;
143 | Double_t CalcAerosolAbsorption(Double_t h, Double_t wavelength, Double_t theta) const;
144 | Double_t GetTransmission(const MPhotonData &ph) const;
145 | };
146 |
147 | #endif