1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of CheObs, the Modular Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2000 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | ! Author(s): Qi Zhe, 06/2007 <mailto:qizhe@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
20 | !
21 | ! Copyright: CheObs Software Development, 2000-2009
22 | !
23 | !
24 | \* ======================================================================== */
25 |
26 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 | //
28 | // MPhotonEvent
29 | //
30 | // Storage container to store photon collections
31 | //
32 | // The class is designed to be extremely fast which is important taking into
33 | // account the extremely high number of photons. This has some impacts on
34 | // its handling.
35 | //
36 | // The list has to be kept consistent, i.e. without holes.
37 | //
38 | // There are two ways to achieve this:
39 | //
40 | // a) Use RemoveAt to remove an entry somewhere
41 | // b) Compress() the TClonesArray afterwards
42 | //
43 | // Compress is not the fastes, so there is an easier way.
44 | //
45 | // a) When you loop over the list and want to remove an entry copy all
46 | // following entry backward in the list, so that the hole will
47 | // be created at its end.
48 | // b) Call Shrink(n) with n the number of valid entries in your list.
49 | //
50 | // To loop over the TClonesArray you can use a TIter which has some
51 | // unnecessary overhead and therefore is slower than necessary.
52 | //
53 | // Since the list is kept consistent you can use a simple loop saving
54 | // a lot of CPU time taking into account the high number of calls to
55 | // TObjArrayIter::Next which you would create.
56 | //
57 | // Here is an example (how to remove every second entry)
58 | //
59 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
60 | //
61 | // Int_t cnt = 0;
62 | //
63 | // const Int_t num = event->GetNumPhotons();
64 | // for (Int_t idx=0; idx<num; idx++)
65 | // {
66 | // if (idx%2==0)
67 | // continue;
68 | //
69 | // MPhotonData *dat = (*event)[idx];
70 | //
71 | // (*event)[cnt++] = *dat;
72 | // }
73 | //
74 | // event->Shrink(cnt);
75 | //
76 | // ---------------------------------- or -------------------------------
77 | //
78 | // TClonesArray &arr = MPhotonEvent->GetArray();
79 | //
80 | // Int_t cnt = 0;
81 | //
82 | // const Int_t num = arr.GetEntriesFast();
83 | // for (Int_t idx=0; idx<num; idx++)
84 | // {
85 | // if (idx%2==0)
86 | // continue;
87 | //
88 | // MPhotonData *dat = static_cast<MPhotonData*>(arr.UncheckedAt(idx));
89 | //
90 | // *static_cast<MPhotonData*>(arr.UncheckedAt(cnt++)) = *dat;
91 | // }
92 | //
93 | // MPhotonEvent->Shrink(cnt);
94 | //
95 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
96 | //
97 | // The flag for a sorted array is for speed reasons not in all conditions
98 | // maintained automatically. Especially Add() doesn't reset it.
99 | //
100 | // So be sure that if you want to sort your array it is really sorted.
101 | //
102 | //
103 | // Version 1:
104 | // ----------
105 | // - First implementation
106 | //
107 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
108 | #include "MPhotonEvent.h"
109 |
110 | #include <fstream>
111 | #include <iostream>
112 |
113 | #include <TMarker.h>
114 |
115 | #include <MMath.h>
116 |
117 | #include "MArrayF.h"
118 |
119 | #include "MLog.h"
120 | #include "MLogManip.h"
121 |
122 | #include "MPhotonData.h"
123 | #include "MCorsikaFormat.h"
124 |
125 | ClassImp(MPhotonEvent);
126 |
127 | using namespace std;
128 |
129 | // ==========================================================================
130 |
131 | class MyClonesArray : public TClonesArray
132 | {
133 | public:
134 | TObject **FirstRef() { return fCont; }
135 |
136 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 | //
138 | // This is an extremly optimized version of ExpandCreateFast. It only resets
139 | // the marker for the last element (fLast) to n-1 and doen't change anything
140 | // else. This implicitly assumes that the stored objects don't allocate
141 | // memory. It does not necessarily mean that the slots after fLast
142 | // are empty (set to 0). This is what is assumed in the TClonesArray.
143 | // We also don't call Changed() because it would reset Sorted. If the
144 | // array was sorted before it is also sorted now. You MUST make sure
145 | // that you only set n in a range for which valid entries have been
146 | // created before (e.g. by ExpandCreateFast).
147 | //
148 | void FastShrink(Int_t n)
149 | {
150 | fLast = n - 1;
151 | }
152 |
153 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 | //
155 | // This is a optimized (faster) version of Delete which deletes consequtive
156 | // entries from index idx1 to idx2 (both included) and calls their
157 | // destructor. Note that there is no range checking done!
158 | //
159 | void FastRemove(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
160 | {
161 | // Remove object at index idx.
162 |
163 | //if (!BoundsOk("RemoveAt", idx1)) return 0;
164 | //if (!BoundsOk("RemoveAt", idx2)) return 0;
165 |
166 | Long_t dtoronly = TObject::GetDtorOnly();
167 |
168 | idx1 -= fLowerBound;
169 | idx2 -= fLowerBound;
170 |
171 | for (TObject **obj=fCont+idx1; obj<=fCont+idx2; obj++)
172 | {
173 | if (!*obj)
174 | continue;
175 |
176 | if ((*obj)->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) {
177 | // Tell custom operator delete() not to delete space when
178 | // object fCont[i] is deleted. Only destructors are called
179 | // for this object.
180 | TObject::SetDtorOnly(*obj);
181 | delete *obj;
182 | }
183 |
184 | *obj = 0;
185 | // recalculate array size
186 | }
187 | TObject::SetDtorOnly((void*)dtoronly);
188 |
189 | if (idx1<=fLast && fLast<=idx2)
190 | {
191 | do {
192 | fLast--;
193 | } while (fLast >= 0 && fCont[fLast] == 0);
194 | }
195 |
196 | Changed();
197 | }
198 |
199 |
200 | //void SetSorted() { fSorted = kTRUE; }
201 |
202 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 | //
204 | // This is an optimized version of Sort which doesn't check the
205 | // IsSortable flag before. It only sorts the entries from 0
206 | // to GetEntriesFast().
207 | //
208 | void UncheckedSort()
209 | {
210 | if (fSorted)
211 | return;
212 |
213 | const Int_t nentries = GetEntriesFast();
214 | if (nentries <= 0)
215 | return;
216 |
217 | QSort(GetObjectRef(First()), fKeep->GetObjectRef(fKeep->First()),
218 | 0, TMath::Min(nentries, kMaxInt-fLowerBound));
219 |
220 | fSorted = kTRUE;
221 | }
222 | };
223 |
224 | // ==========================================================================
225 |
226 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 | //
228 | // Default constructor. It initializes all arrays with zero size.
229 | //
230 | MPhotonEvent::MPhotonEvent(const char *name, const char *title)
231 | : fData("MPhotonData", 1)
232 | {
233 | fName = name ? name : "MPhotonEvent";
234 | fTitle = title ? title : "Corsika Event Data Information";
235 |
236 | fData.SetBit(TClonesArray::kForgetBits);
237 | fData.BypassStreamer(kFALSE);
238 | }
239 |
240 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 | //
242 | // This is an extremly optimized version of ExpandCreateFast. It only resets
243 | // the marker for the last element (fLast) to n-1 and doen't change anything
244 | // else. This has the advantage that the allocated memory is kept but only
245 | // valid entries are written to a file.
246 | //
247 | // If the array was sorted before it is also sorted now. You MUST make sure
248 | // that you only set n in a range for which valid entries have been
249 | // created before (e.g. by ExpandCreateFast).
250 | //
251 | Int_t MPhotonEvent::Shrink(Int_t n)
252 | {
253 | /*
254 | // The number of object written by the streamer is defined by
255 | // GetEntriesFast(), i.e. this number must be shrinked to
256 | // the real array size. We use RemoveAt instead of ExpandCreate
257 | // because RemoveAt doesn't free memory. Thus in the next
258 | // iteration it can be reused and doesn't need to be reallocated.
259 | // Do not change this. It is optimized for execution speed
260 | // for (int i=fData.GetSize()-1; i>=n; i--)
261 | // fData.RemoveAt(i);
262 | const Bool_t sorted = fData.IsSorted();
263 |
264 | MyClonesArray &loc = static_cast<MyClonesArray&>(fData);
265 |
266 | loc.FastRemove(n, fData.GetSize()-1);
267 |
268 | // If it was sorted before it is also sorted now.
269 | if (sorted)
270 | loc.SetSorted();
271 | */
272 |
273 | // fData.ExpandCreateFast(n); // Just set fLast = n -1
274 |
275 | // Just set fLast = n -1
276 | static_cast<MyClonesArray&>(fData).FastShrink(n);
277 | return fData.GetEntriesFast();
278 | }
279 |
280 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
281 | //
282 | // The resized the array. If it has to be increased in size it is done
283 | // with ExpandCreateFast. If it should be shrinked it is done with
284 | // ExpandCreateFast if n>fData.GetSize()/100 or n==0. This keeps the allocated
285 | // memory and just sets the marker for the last element in the array (fLast).
286 | //
287 | // If the allocated memory grew to huge we reset the allocated memory
288 | // by calling ExpandCreate(n) (frees the allocated storage for the
289 | // objects) and Expand(n) (frees the allocated memory for the list
290 | // of pointers to the objects)
291 | //
292 | // 100 hundred is an arbitrary number taking into account that todays
293 | // computers have a lot of memory and we don't want to free and allocate
294 | // new memory too often.
295 | //
296 | // In priciple there might be more clever methods to handle the memory.
297 | //
298 | void MPhotonEvent::Resize(Int_t n)
299 | {
300 | if (n==0 || n*100>fData.GetSize())
301 | fData.ExpandCreateFast(n); // Just set fLast = n -1
302 | else
303 | {
304 | fData.ExpandCreate(n); // Free memory of allocated MPhotonData
305 | fData.Expand(n); // Free memory of allocated pointers
306 | }
307 | }
308 |
309 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 | //
311 | // If n is smaller than the current allocated array size a reference to
312 | // the n-th entry is returned, otherwise an entry at n is created
313 | // calling the default constructor. Note, that there is no range check
314 | // but it is not recommended to call this function with
315 | // n>fData.GetSize()
316 | //
317 | MPhotonData &MPhotonEvent::Add(Int_t n)
318 | {
319 | // Do not modify this. It is optimized for execution
320 | // speed and flexibility!
321 | TObject *o = 0;
322 | if (n<fData.GetSize() && fData.UncheckedAt(n))
323 | {
324 | o=fData.UncheckedAt(n);
325 | static_cast<MyClonesArray&>(fData).FastShrink(n+1);
326 | }
327 | else
328 | {
329 | o=fData.New(n);
330 | }
331 | return static_cast<MPhotonData&>(*o);
332 | }
333 |
334 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 | //
336 | // Add a new photon (MPhtonData) at the end of the array.
337 | // In this case the default constructor of MPhotonData is called.
338 | //
339 | // A reference to the new object is returned.
340 | //
341 | MPhotonData &MPhotonEvent::Add()
342 | {
343 | return Add(GetNumPhotons());
344 | }
345 |
346 | void MPhotonEvent::Sort(Bool_t force)
347 | {
348 | if (force)
349 | fData.UnSort();
350 |
351 | static_cast<MyClonesArray&>(fData).UncheckedSort(); /*Sort(GetEntriesFast())*/
352 | }
353 |
354 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 | //
356 | // Get the i-th photon from the array. Not, for speed reasons there is no
357 | // range check so you are responsible that you do not excess the number
358 | // of photons (GetNumPhotons)
359 | //
360 | MPhotonData &MPhotonEvent::operator[](UInt_t idx)
361 | {
362 | return *static_cast<MPhotonData*>(fData.UncheckedAt(idx));
363 | }
364 |
365 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
366 | //
367 | // Get the i-th photon from the array. Not, for speed reasons there is no
368 | // range check so you are responsible that you do not excess the number
369 | // of photons (GetNumPhotons)
370 | //
371 | const MPhotonData &MPhotonEvent::operator[](UInt_t idx) const
372 | {
373 | return *static_cast<MPhotonData*>(fData.UncheckedAt(idx));
374 | }
375 |
376 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
377 | //
378 | // Return a pointer to the first photon if available.
379 | //
380 | MPhotonData *MPhotonEvent::GetFirst() const
381 | {
382 | return fData.GetEntriesFast()==0 ? 0 : static_cast<MPhotonData*>(fData.First());
383 | }
384 |
385 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 | //
387 | // Return a pointer to the last photon if available.
388 | //
389 | MPhotonData *MPhotonEvent::GetLast() const
390 | {
391 | return fData.GetEntriesFast()==0 ? 0 : static_cast<MPhotonData*>(fData.Last());
392 | }
393 |
394 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
395 | //
396 | // Return the number of "external" photons, i.e. which are not NightSky
397 | //
398 | Int_t MPhotonEvent::GetNumExternal() const
399 | {
400 | Int_t n=0;
401 |
402 | for (int i=0; i<GetNumPhotons(); i++)
403 | if ((*this)[i].GetPrimary()!=MMcEvtBasic::kNightSky)
404 | n++;
405 |
406 | return n;
407 | }
408 |
409 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 | //
411 | // Return time of first photon, 0 if none in array.
412 | // Note: If you want this to be the earliest make sure that the array
413 | // is properly sorted.
414 | //
415 | Float_t MPhotonEvent::GetTimeFirst() const
416 | {
417 | const MPhotonData *dat=GetFirst();
418 | return dat ? dat->GetTime() : 0;
419 | }
420 |
421 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
422 | //
423 | // Return time of first photon, 0 if none in array.
424 | // Note: If you want this to be the latest make sure that the array
425 | // is properly sorted.
426 | //
427 | Float_t MPhotonEvent::GetTimeLast() const
428 | {
429 | const MPhotonData *dat=GetLast();
430 | return dat ? dat->GetTime() : 0;
431 | }
432 |
433 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
434 | //
435 | // Return the median devian from the median of all arrival times.
436 | // The median deviation is calculated using MMath::MedianDev.
437 | // It is the half width in which one sigma (~68%) of all times are
438 | // contained around the median.
439 | //
440 | Double_t MPhotonEvent::GetTimeMedianDev() const
441 | {
442 | const UInt_t n = GetNumPhotons();
443 |
444 | MArrayF arr(n);
445 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++)
446 | arr[i] = operator[](i).GetTime();
447 |
448 | return MMath::MedianDev(n, arr.GetArray()/*, Double_t &med*/);
449 | }
450 |
451 | Double_t MPhotonEvent::GetMeanX() const
452 | {
453 | const UInt_t n = GetNumPhotons();
454 | if (n==0)
455 | return 0;
456 |
457 | Double_t mean = 0;
458 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++)
459 | mean += operator[](i).GetPosX();
460 |
461 | return mean / n;
462 | }
463 |
464 | Double_t MPhotonEvent::GetMeanY() const
465 | {
466 | const UInt_t n = GetNumPhotons();
467 | if (n==0)
468 | return 0;
469 |
470 | Double_t mean = 0;
471 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++)
472 | mean += operator[](i).GetPosY();
473 |
474 | return mean / n;
475 | }
476 |
477 | Double_t MPhotonEvent::GetMeanT() const
478 | {
479 | const UInt_t n = GetNumPhotons();
480 | if (n==0)
481 | return 0;
482 |
483 | Double_t mean = 0;
484 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++)
485 | mean += operator[](i).GetTime();
486 |
487 | return mean / n;
488 | }
489 |
490 | void MPhotonEvent::AddXY(Double_t x, Double_t y)
491 | {
492 | const UInt_t n = GetNumPhotons();
493 |
494 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++)
495 | {
496 | MPhotonData &p = operator[](i);
497 | p.SetPosition(p.GetPosX()+x, p.GetPosY()+y);
498 | }
499 | }
500 |
501 | void MPhotonEvent::SimWavelength(Float_t wmin, Float_t wmax)
502 | {
503 | const UInt_t n = GetNumPhotons();
504 |
505 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++)
506 | operator[](i).SimWavelength(wmin, wmax);
507 | }
508 |
509 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 | //
511 | // Read the Event section from the file
512 | //
513 | Int_t MPhotonEvent::ReadCorsikaEvt(MCorsikaFormat *fInFormat, Int_t id)
514 | {
515 | Int_t n = 0;
516 |
517 | // --- old I/O ---
518 | // Read only + Reflector (no absorption)
519 | // Muons: 1.06GB/115s = 9.2MB/s (100kEvs)
520 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/275s = 5.7MB/s ( 1kEvs)
521 |
522 | // Read only:
523 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/158s = 9.9MB/s ( 1kEvs)
524 | // Muons: 1.06GB/ 77s = 13.8MB/s (100kEvs)
525 |
526 | // --- new I/O ---
527 | // Read only (don't allocate storage space):
528 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/143s = 11.0MB/s ( 1kEvs)
529 | // Muons: 1.06GB/ 77s = 13.8MB/s (100kEvs)
530 |
531 | // Read only in blocks (with storage allocation):
532 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/28s = 56MB/s ( 1kEvs)
533 | // Muons: 1.06GB/5.2s = 204MB/s (100kEvs)
534 |
535 | // Read only in blocks (without storage allocation):
536 | // similar to just copy
537 |
538 | // Copy with cp
539 | // 1.57GB/ 5s CPU
540 | // 1.57GB/28s REAL
541 | // 1.06GB/ 3s CPU
542 | // 1.06GB/22s REAL
543 | Float_t *buffer = 0;
544 |
545 | if (fInFormat->IsEventioFormat())
546 | {
547 | while (1)
548 | {
549 | const Int_t rc = fInFormat->GetNextEvent(&buffer, id);
550 | if (rc==kERROR)
551 | return kERROR;
552 | if (rc==kFALSE)
553 | break;
554 |
555 | // Loop over number of photons in bunch
556 | while (Add(n).FillEventIO(buffer))
557 | n++;
558 | }
559 | }
560 | else
561 | {
562 | while (1)
563 | {
564 | const Int_t rc1 = fInFormat->GetNextEvent(&buffer);
565 | if (rc1==kERROR)
566 | return kERROR;
567 | if (rc1==kFALSE)
568 | break;
569 |
570 | const Int_t rc2 = Add(n).FillCorsika(buffer, id);
571 | switch (rc2)
572 | {
573 | case kCONTINUE: continue; // No data in this bunch... skip it.
574 | case kERROR: return kERROR; // Error occured
575 | //case kFALSE: return kFALSE; // End of stream
576 | }
577 |
578 | // This is a photon we would like to keep later.
579 | // Increase the counter by one
580 | n++;
581 | }
582 | }
583 |
584 | /*
585 |
586 | while (1)
587 | {
588 | Float_t buffer[273];
589 | Float_t * ptr = buffer;
590 |
591 |
592 | if (!fInFormat->ReadData(273, buffer))
593 | return kFALSE;
594 |
595 | if (!memcmp(ptr, "EVTE", 4))
596 | {
597 |
598 | fInFormat->UnreadLastData();
599 | break;
600 | }
601 |
602 | Float_t *end = ptr + 273;
603 |
604 | // Loop over all sub-blocks (photons) in the block and if
605 | // they contain valid data add them to the array
606 | while (ptr<end)
607 | {
608 | // Get/Add the n-th entry from the array and
609 | // fill it with the current 7 floats
610 | const Int_t rc = Add(n).FillCorsika(ptr);
611 | ptr += 7;
612 |
613 | switch (rc)
614 | {
615 | case kCONTINUE: continue; // No data in this bunch... skip it.
616 | case kERROR: return kERROR; // Error occured
617 | //case kFALSE: return kFALSE; // End of stream
618 | }
619 |
620 | // This is a photon we would like to keep later.
621 | // Increase the counter by one
622 | n++;
623 | }
624 | }
625 |
626 | */
627 | Resize(n);
628 | fData.UnSort();
629 |
630 | SetReadyToSave();
631 |
632 | //*fLog << all << "Number of photon bunches: " << fData.GetEntriesFast() << endl;
633 | return kTRUE;
634 |
635 | }
636 |
637 | Int_t MPhotonEvent::ReadCorsikaEvt(istream &fin, Int_t i)
638 | {
639 | Int_t n = 0;
640 |
641 | // --- old I/O ---
642 | // Read only + Reflector (no absorption)
643 | // Muons: 1.06GB/115s = 9.2MB/s (100kEvs)
644 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/275s = 5.7MB/s ( 1kEvs)
645 |
646 | // Read only:
647 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/158s = 9.9MB/s ( 1kEvs)
648 | // Muons: 1.06GB/ 77s = 13.8MB/s (100kEvs)
649 |
650 | // --- new I/O ---
651 | // Read only (don't allocate storage space):
652 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/143s = 11.0MB/s ( 1kEvs)
653 | // Muons: 1.06GB/ 77s = 13.8MB/s (100kEvs)
654 |
655 | // Read only in blocks (with storage allocation):
656 | // Gammas: 1.57GB/28s = 56MB/s ( 1kEvs)
657 | // Muons: 1.06GB/5.2s = 204MB/s (100kEvs)
658 |
659 | // Read only in blocks (without storage allocation):
660 | // similar to just copy
661 |
662 | // Copy with cp
663 | // 1.57GB/ 5s CPU
664 | // 1.57GB/28s REAL
665 | // 1.06GB/ 3s CPU
666 | // 1.06GB/22s REAL
667 |
668 | while (1)
669 | {
670 | // Stprage for one block
671 | char c[273*4];
672 |
673 | // Read the first four byte to check whether the next block
674 | // doen't belong to the event anymore
675 | fin.read(c, 4);
676 | if (!fin)
677 | return kFALSE;
678 |
679 | // Check if the event is finished
680 | if (!memcmp(c, "EVTE", 4))
681 | break;
682 |
683 | // Now read the rest of the data
684 | fin.read(c+4, 272*4);
685 |
686 | Float_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<Float_t*>(c);
687 | Float_t *end = ptr + 273;
688 |
689 | // Loop over all sub-blocks (photons) in the block and if
690 | // they contain valid data add them to the array
691 | while (ptr<end)
692 | {
693 | // Get/Add the n-th entry from the array and
694 | // fill it with the current 7 floats
695 | const Int_t rc = Add(n).FillCorsika(ptr, i);
696 | ptr += 7;
697 |
698 | switch (rc)
699 | {
700 | case kCONTINUE: continue; // No data in this bunch... skip it.
701 | case kERROR: return kERROR; // Error occured
702 | //case kFALSE: return kFALSE; // End of stream
703 | }
704 |
705 | // This is a photon we would like to keep later.
706 | // Increase the counter by one
707 | n++;
708 | }
709 | }
710 | /*
711 | while (1)
712 | {
713 | // Check the first four bytes
714 | char c[4];
715 | fin.read(c, 4);
716 |
717 | // End of stream
718 | if (!fin)
719 | return kFALSE;
720 |
721 | // Check if we found the end of the event
722 | if (!memcmp(c, "EVTE", 4))
723 | break;
724 |
725 | // The first for byte contained data already --> go back
726 | fin.seekg(-4, ios::cur);
727 |
728 | // Do not modify this. It is optimized for execution
729 | // speed and flexibility!
730 | MPhotonData &ph = Add(n);
731 | // It checks how many entries the lookup table has. If it has enough
732 | // entries and the entry was already allocated, we can re-use it,
733 | // otherwise we have to allocate it.
734 |
735 | // Now we read a single cherenkov bunch. Note that for speed reason we have not
736 | // called the constructor if the event was already constructed (virtual table
737 | // set), consequently we must make sure that ReadCorsikaEvent does reset
738 | // all data mebers no matter whether they are read or not.
739 | const Int_t rc = ph.ReadCorsikaEvt(fin);
740 |
741 | // Evaluate result from reading event
742 | switch (rc)
743 | {
744 | case kCONTINUE: continue; // No data in this bunch... skip it.
745 | case kFALSE: return kFALSE; // End of stream
746 | case kERROR: return kERROR; // Error occured
747 | }
748 |
749 | // FIXME: If fNumPhotons!=1 add the photon more than once
750 |
751 | // Now increase the number of entries which are kept,
752 | // i.e. keep this photon(s)
753 | n++;
754 | }
755 | */
756 |
757 | Resize(n);
758 | fData.UnSort();
759 |
760 | SetReadyToSave();
761 |
762 | //*fLog << all << "Number of photon bunches: " << fData.GetEntriesFast() << endl;
763 | return kTRUE;
764 | }
765 |
766 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
767 | /*
768 | Int_t MPhotonEvent::ReadRflEvt(std::istream &fin, Int_t i)
769 | {
770 | Int_t n = 0;
771 |
772 | while (1)
773 | {
774 | // Check the first four bytes
775 | char c[13];
776 | fin.read(c, 13);
777 |
778 | // End of stream
779 | if (!fin)
780 | return kFALSE;
781 |
782 | // Check if we found the end of the event
783 | if (!memcmp(c, "\nEND---EVENT\n", 13))
784 | break;
785 |
786 | // The first for byte contained data already --> go back
787 | fin.seekg(-13, ios::cur);
788 |
789 | // Do not modify this. It is optimized for execution
790 | // speed and flexibility!
791 | //TObject *o = n<fData.GetSize() && fData.UncheckedAt(n) ? fData.UncheckedAt(n) : fData.New(n);
792 |
793 | // Now we read a single cherenkov bunch
794 | //const Int_t rc = static_cast<MPhotonData*>(o)->ReadRflEvt(fin);
795 | const Int_t rc = Add(n).ReadRflEvt(fin, i);
796 |
797 | // Evaluate result from reading event
798 | switch (rc)
799 | {
800 | case kCONTINUE: continue; // No data in this bunch... skip it.
801 | case kFALSE: return kFALSE; // End of stream
802 | case kERROR: return kERROR; // Error occured
803 | }
804 |
805 | // Now increase the number of entries which are kept,
806 | // i.e. keep this photon(s)
807 | n++;
808 | }
809 |
810 | Shrink(n);
811 |
812 | SetReadyToSave();
813 |
814 | // *fLog << all << "Number of photon bunches: " << fData.GetEntriesFast() << endl;
815 | return kTRUE;
816 | }
817 | */
818 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
819 | //
820 | // Print the array
821 | //
822 | void MPhotonEvent::Print(Option_t *) const
823 | {
824 | fData.Print();
825 | }
826 |
827 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
828 | //
829 | // You can call Draw() to add the photons to the current pad.
830 | // The photons are painted each tim ethe pad is updated.
831 | // Make sure that you use the right (world) coordinate system,
832 | // like created, eg. by the MHCamera histogram.
833 | //
834 | void MPhotonEvent::Paint(Option_t *)
835 | {
836 | MPhotonData *ph=NULL;
837 |
838 | TMarker m;
839 | m.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); // Gtypes.h
840 |
841 | TIter Next(&fData);
842 | while ((ph=(MPhotonData*)Next()))
843 | {
844 | m.SetX(ph->GetPosY()*10); // north
845 | m.SetY(ph->GetPosX()*10); // east
846 | m.Paint();
847 | }
848 | }