1 | #ifndef MARS_MPhotonEvent
2 | #define MARS_MPhotonEvent
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TClonesArray
9 | #include <TClonesArray.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #include <iosfwd>
13 |
14 | using namespace std;
15 |
16 | class MPhotonData;
17 | class MCorsikaRunHeader;
18 | class MCorsikaFormat;
19 |
20 | class MPhotonEvent : public MParContainer
21 | {
22 | private:
23 | TClonesArray fData;
24 |
25 | public:
26 | MPhotonEvent(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
27 |
28 | void Sort(Bool_t force=kFALSE);
29 | Bool_t IsSorted() const { return fData.IsSorted(); }
30 |
31 | // Getter/Setter
32 | Int_t GetNumPhotons() const { return fData.GetEntriesFast(); }
33 | Int_t GetNumExternal() const;
34 |
35 | Float_t GetTimeFirst() const;
36 | Float_t GetTimeLast() const;
37 | Double_t GetTimeMedianDev() const;
38 |
39 | Double_t GetMeanX() const;
40 | Double_t GetMeanY() const;
41 |
42 | TClonesArray &GetArray() { return fData; }
43 | const TClonesArray &GetArray() const { return fData; }
44 |
45 | MPhotonData &Add(Int_t n);
46 | MPhotonData &Add();
47 |
48 | MPhotonData *GetFirst() const;
49 | MPhotonData *GetLast() const;
50 |
51 | MPhotonData &operator[](UInt_t idx);
52 | const MPhotonData &operator[](UInt_t idx) const;
53 |
54 | Int_t Shrink(Int_t n);
55 | void Resize(Int_t n);
56 |
57 | // I/O
58 | Int_t ReadCorsikaEvt(MCorsikaFormat *fInFormat, Int_t i);
59 | Int_t ReadCorsikaEvt(istream &fin, Int_t i);
60 | //Int_t ReadRflEvt(istream &fin, Int_t i);
61 |
62 | // TObject
63 | void Paint(Option_t *o="");
64 | void Print(Option_t * = NULL) const;
65 | //void Clear(Option_t * = NULL);
66 |
67 | ClassDef(MPhotonEvent, 1) //Container to store the raw Event Data
68 | };
69 |
70 | // FIXME: Should we merge this into MPhotonEvent?
71 | class MPhotonStatistics : public MParContainer
72 | {
73 | private:
74 | Float_t fTimeFirst; //! Start of (simulated) sampling window
75 | Float_t fTimeLast; //! Start of (simulated) sampling window
76 |
77 | Float_t fLength; // Time between first and last photon
78 | Float_t fTimeMedDev; // Median deviation
79 |
80 | // Float_t fOffset;
81 | // Float_t fWindow;
82 |
83 | Int_t fMaxIndex; //!
84 |
85 | public:
86 | MPhotonStatistics(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL) : fMaxIndex(-1)
87 | {
88 | fName = name ? name : "MPhotonStatistics";
89 | fTitle = title ? title : "Corsika Event Data Information";
90 | }
91 |
92 | void SetTime(Float_t first, Float_t last) { fTimeFirst=first; fTimeLast=last; }
93 | void SetLength(Float_t len) { fLength=len; }
94 | void SetMaxIndex(UInt_t idx) { fMaxIndex=idx; }
95 | void SetTimeMedDev(Float_t dev) { fTimeMedDev=dev; }
96 |
97 | // Float_t GetRawTimeFirst() const { return fTimeFirst; }
98 | // Float_t GetRawTimeLast() const { return fTimeLast; }
99 |
100 | Float_t GetTimeFirst() const { return fTimeFirst; }
101 | Float_t GetTimeLast() const { return fTimeLast; }
102 |
103 | Float_t GetLength() const { return fLength; }
104 | Float_t GetTimeMedDev() const { return fTimeMedDev; }
105 |
106 | Int_t GetMaxIndex() const { return fMaxIndex; }
107 |
108 | // Bool_t IsValid() const { return fTimeLast>=fTimeFirst; }
109 |
110 | ClassDef(MPhotonStatistics, 1)
111 | };
112 | #endif