/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of CheObs, the Modular Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 6/2019 ! ! Copyright: CheObs Software Development, 2000-2019 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MFresnelLens // // For some details on definitions please refer to // https://application.wiley-vch.de/berlin/journals/op/07-04/OP0704_S52_S55.pdf // // The HAWC's Eye lens is an Orafol SC943 // https://www.orafol.com/en/europe/products/optic-solutions/productlines#pl1 // // A good description on ray-tracing can be found here // https://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs148-10-summer/docs/2006--degreve--reflection_refraction.pdf // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MFresnelLens.h" #include #include #include #include "MQuaternion.h" #include "MReflection.h" #include "MMath.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" ClassImp(MFresnelLens); using namespace std; // ========================================================================== enum exception_t { kValidRay = 0, kStrayUpgoing, kOutsideRadius, kNoSurfaceFound, kStrayDowngoing, kAbsorbed, kFoundSurfaceUnavailable, kInvalidOrigin, kTransitionError, kEnter = 1000, kLeave = 2000, }; enum surface_t { kPhotonHasLeft = 0, kEntrySurface, kSlopeSurface, kDraftSurface, kExitSurface, kMaterial = 5, kNoSurface = 9 }; class raytrace_exception : public runtime_error { protected: int fError; int fOrigin; int fSurface; public: raytrace_exception(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const string& what_arg) : runtime_error(what_arg), fError(_id), fOrigin(_origin), fSurface(_surface) { } raytrace_exception(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const char* what_arg) : runtime_error(what_arg), fError(_id), fOrigin(_origin), fSurface(_surface) { } int id() const { return fError + fSurface*10 + fOrigin*100; } int error() const { return fError; } int origin() const { return fOrigin; } int surface() const { return fSurface; } }; class raytrace_error : public raytrace_exception { public: raytrace_error(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const string& what_arg) : raytrace_exception(_id, _origin, _surface, what_arg) { } raytrace_error(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const char* what_arg) : raytrace_exception(_id, _origin, _surface, what_arg) { } }; class raytrace_info : public raytrace_exception { public: raytrace_info(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const string& what_arg) : raytrace_exception(_id, _origin, _surface, what_arg) { } raytrace_info(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const char* what_arg) : raytrace_exception(_id, _origin, _surface, what_arg) { } }; class raytrace_user : public raytrace_exception { public: raytrace_user(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const string& what_arg) : raytrace_exception(_id, _origin, _surface, what_arg) { } raytrace_user(const int &_id, const int &_origin, const int &_surface, const char* what_arg) : raytrace_exception(_id, _origin, _surface, what_arg) { } }; // ========================================================================== // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor // MFresnelLens::MFresnelLens(const char *name, const char *title) : fPSF(0), fSlopeAbsorption(false), fDraftAbsorption(false), fBottomReflection(true), fDisableMultiEntry(false), fFresnelReflection(true), fMinHits(0), fMaxHits(0) { fName = name ? name : "MFresnelLens"; fTitle = title ? title : "Parameter container storing a collection of several mirrors (reflector)"; // Default: Orafol SC943 DefineLens(); } // ========================================================================== // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default ORAFOL SC943 // // Focal Length: F = 50.21 cm // Diameter: D = 54.92 cm // Groove width: w = 0.01 cm // Lens thickness: h = 0.25 cm // // Default wavelength: 546 nm // void MFresnelLens::DefineLens(double F, double D, double w, double h, double lambda) { fR = D/2; // [cm] Lens radius fW = w; // [cm] Width of a single groove fH = h; // [cm] Thickness of lens fF = F; // [cm] focal length (see also MGeomCamFAMOUS!) fLambda = lambda; fN = MFresnelLens::RefractiveIndex(fLambda); // Lens // Velocity of light within the lens material [cm/ns] // FIXME: Note that for the correct conversion in Transmission() // also the speed in the surrounding medium has to be taken correctly // into account (here it is assumed to be air with N=1 fVc = fN/(TMath::C()*100/1e9); // cm/ns InitGeometry(fR, fW, fN, fF, fH); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Precalculate values such as the intersection points inside the grooves, // the angle of the slope and draft surface and the corresponding tangents. // void MFresnelLens::InitGeometry(double maxr, double width, double N0, double F, double d) { const uint32_t num = TMath::CeilNint(maxr/width); fGrooves.resize(num); for (uint32_t i=0; i. // // If no valid data was read, 0 is returned. -1 is returned if any tranmission // value read from the file is >1. If the fresnel correction leads to a value >1, // the value is set to 1. The number of valid data points is returned. // Int_t MFresnelLens::ReadTransmission(const TString &file, float thickness, bool correction) { TGraph transmission(file); /* double gx_min, gx_max, gy_min, gy_max; absorption.ComputeRange(gx_min, gy_min, gx_max, gy_max); if (lambdagx_max) { cout << "Invalid wavelength" << endl; return; }*/ if (transmission.GetN()==0) return 0; for (int i=0; i1) { *fLog << err << "Transmission larger than 1." << endl; return -1; } if (correction) { // Something like this is requried if correction // for optical boundaries is necessary const double n0 = MFresnelLens::RefractiveIndex(lambda); // FIXME: Make N_air a variable const double r0 = (n0-1.0003)/(n0+1.0003); const double r2 = r0*r0; trans *= (1+r2)*(1+r2); if (trans>1) { *fLog << warn << "Transmission at " << lambda << "nm (" << trans << ") after Fresnel correction larger than 1." << endl; trans = 1; } } // convert to absorption length (FIMXE: Sanity check) transmission.GetY()[i] = -thickness/log(trans>0.999 ? 0.999 : trans); } fAbsorptionLength = MSpline3(transmission); return fAbsorptionLength.GetNp(); } Int_t MFresnelLens::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print) { Bool_t rc = kFALSE; if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "SurfaceRoughness", print)) { rc = kTRUE; if (!GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "SurfaceRoughness", fPSF)) return kERROR; } const int correction = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Transmission.FresnelCorrection", -1); const float thickness = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Transmission.Thickness", -1.0); // [cm] const TString fname = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Transmission.FileName", ""); const bool correction_valid = correction>=0; const bool thickness_valid = thickness>0; const bool fname_valid = !fname.IsNull(); if (!correction_valid && !thickness_valid && !fname_valid) return rc; if (correction_valid && thickness_valid && fname_valid) return ReadTransmission(fname, thickness, correction) >= 0 || rc; *fLog << err << "Reading transmission file required FileName, Thickness and FresnelCorrection." << endl; return kERROR; } // ========================================================================== // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Refractive Index of PMMA, according to // https://refractiveindex.info/?shelf=organic&book=poly(methyl_methacrylate)&page=Szczurowski // // n^2-1=\frac{0.99654 l^2}{l^2-0.00787}+\frac{0.18964 l^2}{l^2-0.02191}+\frac{0.00411 l^2}{l^2-3.85727} // // Returns the refractive index n as a function of wavelength (in nanometers) // double MFresnelLens::RefractiveIndex(double lambda) { const double l2 = lambda*lambda; const double c0 = 0.99654/(1-0.00787e6/l2); const double c1 = 0.18964/(1-0.02191e6/l2); const double c2 = 0.00411/(1-3.85727e6/l2); return sqrt(1+c0+c1+c2); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // A Fresnel lens with parabolic surface calculated with the sagittag // function (k=-1) and a correction for the thickness of the lens // on the curvature. See also PhD thesis, Tim Niggemann ch. 7.1.1. // // see also W.J.Smith, Modern Optical Engineering, 2.8 The "Thin Lens" // 1/f = (n-1)/radius Eq. 2.36 with thickness t = 0 // bfl = f Eq. 2.37 and R2 = inf (c2 = 0) // // Parameters are: // The distance from the center r // The focal length to be achieved F // The refractive index of the outer medium (usually air) n0 // The refractive index of the lens material (e.g. PMMA) n1 // The thichness of the lens d // // r, F and d have to be in the same units. // // Return the slope angle alpha [rad]. The Slope angle is defined with // respect to the plane of the lens. (0 at the center, decreasing // with increasing radial distance) // double MFresnelLens::SlopeAngleParabolic(double r, double F, double n0, double n1, double d) { // In the datasheet, it looks as if F is calculated // towards the center of the lens. It seems things are more // consistent if the thickness correction in caluating the // slope angle is omitted and the focal distance is measured // from the entrance of the lens => FIXME: To be checked const double rn = n1/n0; const double c = (rn - 1) * (F + d/rn); // FIXME: try and error with a large d return -atan(r/c); // F = 50.21 // d= 10 d=20 // -: 47 43.7 // 0: 53.5 57.0 // +: 60.3 70.3 } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // A Fresnel lens with an optimized parabolic surface calculated with // the sagittag function (k=-1) and fitted coefficients according // to Master thesis, Eichler. // // Note that for this setup other parameters must be fixed // // Parameters are: // The distance from the center r // // r is in cm. // // Return the slope angle alpha [rad]. The Slope angle is defined with // respect to the plane of the lens. (0 at the center, decreasing // with increasing radial distance) // double MFresnelLens::SlopeAngleAspherical(double r) { // Master, Eichler [r/cm] return -atan( r/26.47 +2*1.18e-4 * 1e1*r +4*1.34e-9 * 1e3*r*r*r +6*9.52e-15 * 1e5*r*r*r*r*r -8*2.04e-19 * 1e7*r*r*r*r*r*r*r); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ideal angle of the Fresnel surfaces at a distance r from the center // to achieve a focal distance F for a positive Fresnel lens made // from a material with a refractive index n. // A positive Fresnel lens is one which focuses light from infinity // (the side with the grooves) to a point (the flat side of the lens). // // The calculation follows // https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/131007/13/09_chapter%202.pdf // Here, a thin lens is assumed // // sin(omega) = r / sqrt(r^2+F^2) // tan(alpha) = sin(omega) / [ 1 - sqrt(n^2-sin(omega)^2) ] // // Return alpha [rad] as a function of the radial distance r, the // focal length F and the refractive index n. r and F have to have // the same units. The Slope angle is defined with respect to the plane // of the lens. (0 at the center, decreasing with increasing radial // distance) // double MFresnelLens::SlopeAngleOptimized(double r, double F, double n) { // Use F+d/2 double so = r / sqrt(r*r + F*F); return atan(so / (1-sqrt(n*n - so*so))); // alpha<0, Range [0deg; -50deg] } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Currently calles SlopeAngleParabolic(r, F, 1, n, d) // double MFresnelLens::SlopeAngle(double r, double F, double n, double d) { return SlopeAngleParabolic(r, F, 1.0003, n, d); } // // Draft angle of the Orafol SC943 According to the thesis of Eichler // and NiggemannTim Niggemann: // // The surface of the lens follows the shape of a parabolic lens to compensate spherical aberration // Draft angle: psi(r) = 3deg + r * 0.0473deg/mm // // The draft angle is returned in radians and is defined w.r.t. to the // normal of the lens surface. (almost 90deg at the center, // decreasing with increasing radial distance) // double MFresnelLens::DraftAngle(double r) { return (3 + r*0.473)*TMath::DegToRad(); // Range [0deg; 15deg] } // ========================================================================== // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the total Area of all mirrors. Note, that it is recalculated // with any call. // Double_t MFresnelLens::GetA() const { return fMaxR*fMaxR*TMath::Pi(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Check with a rough estimate whether a photon can hit the reflector. // Bool_t MFresnelLens::CanHit(const MQuaternion &p) const { // p is given in the reflectory coordinate frame. This is meant as a // fast check without lengthy calculations to omit all photons which // cannot hit the reflector at all return p.R2()0 ? MMath::RndmPSF(psf)/2 : 0; } // FIXME: The rays could be 'reflected' inside the material // (even though its going out) or vice versa static double RandomPhi(double r, double psf) { return psf>0 ? MMath::RndmPSF(psf)/2 : 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Calculate the intersection point beweteen a line defined by the position p // and the direction u and a cone defined by the object cone. // // Z: position of peak of cone // theta: opening angle of cone // // Distance r of cone surface at given z from z-axis // r_cone(z) = (Z-z)*tan(theta) // // Equalition of line // (x) (p.x) (u.x/u.z) // (y) = (p.y) + dz * (u.y/u.z) // (z) (p.z) ( 1 ) // // Normalization // U.x := u.x/u.z // U.y := u.y/u.z // // Distance of line at given z from z-axis // r_line(z) = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) = sqrt( (p.x+dz*u.x)^2 + (p.y+dz*u.y)^2) with dz = z-p.z // // Equation to be solved // r_cone(z) = r_line(z) // // Solved with wxmaxima: // // [0] solve((px+(z-pz)*Ux)^2+(py+(z-pz)*Uy)^2= ((Z-z)*t)^2, z); // // z= (sqrt(((Uy^2+Ux^2)*pz^2+(-2*Uy*py-2*Ux*px-2*Z*Uy^2-2*Z*Ux^2)*pz+py^2+2*Z*Uy*py+px^2+2*Z*Ux*px+Z^2*Uy^2+Z^2*Ux^2)*t^2-Ux^2*py^2+2*Ux*Uy*px*py-Uy^2*px^2)+Z*t^2+(-Uy^2-Ux^2)*pz+Uy*py+Ux*px)/(t^2-Uy^2-Ux^2), // z=-(sqrt(((Uy^2+Ux^2)*pz^2+(-2*Uy*py-2*Ux*px-2*Z*Uy^2-2*Z*Ux^2)*pz+py^2+2*Z*Uy*py+px^2+2*Z*Ux*px+Z^2*Uy^2+Z^2*Ux^2)*t^2-Ux^2*py^2+2*Ux*Uy*px*py-Uy^2*px^2)-Z*t^2+( Uy^2+Ux^2)*pz-Uy*py-Ux*px)/(t^2-Uy^2-Ux^2) // double MFresnelLens::CalcIntersection(const MQuaternion &p, const MQuaternion &u, const Cone &cone) const { const double &Z = cone.z; const double Ux = u.X()/u.Z(); const double Uy = u.Y()/u.Z(); const double px = p.X(); const double py = p.Y(); const double pz = p.Z(); //const double &t = cone.tan_theta; const double &t2 = cone.tan_theta2; const double Ur2 = Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy; const double pr2 = px*px + py*py; const double Up2 = Ux*px + Uy*py; const double cr2 = Ux*py - Uy*px; const double a = t2 - Ur2; const double b = Ur2*pz - Up2 - Z*t2; const double h = Z-pz; const double h2 = h*h; // [ -b +-sqrt(b^2 - 4 ac) ] / [ 2a ] const double radix = (Ur2*h2 + 2*Up2*h + pr2)*t2 - cr2*cr2; if (radix<0) return 0; const double sqrt_radix = sqrt(radix); const double dz[2] = { (+sqrt_radix - b)/a, (-sqrt_radix - b)/a }; // Return the closest solution inside the allowed range // which is in the direction of movement const double &H = cone.h; const bool is_inside0 = dz[0]>=H && dz[0]<0; const bool is_inside1 = dz[1]>=H && dz[1]<0; // FIXME: Simplify! if (!is_inside0 && !is_inside1) return 0; // Only dz[0] is in the right z-range if (is_inside0 && !is_inside1) { // Check if dz[0] is in the right direction if ((u.Z()>=0 && dz[0]>=p.Z()) || (u.Z()< 0 && dz[0]< p.Z())) return dz[0]; return 0; } // Only dz[1] is in the right z-range if (!is_inside0 && is_inside1) { // Check if dz[1] is in the right direction if ((u.Z()>=0 && dz[1]>=p.Z()) || (u.Z()< 0 && dz[1]< p.Z())) return dz[1]; return 0; } /* if (is_inside0^is_inside1) { if (u.Z()>=0) return dz[0]>p.Z() ? dz[0] : dz[1]; else return dz[0]=0) { // Both solution could be correct if (dz[0]>=p.Z() && dz[1]>=p.Z()) return std::min(dz[0], dz[1]); // only one solution can be correct return dz[0]>=p.Z() ? dz[0] : dz[1]; } else { // Both solution could be correct if (dz[0] 0; // r is (at least locally) increasing // --------------------------- const double Ux = u.X()/u.Z(); const double Uy = u.Y()/u.Z(); const double px = p.X(); const double py = p.Y(); const double pz = p.Z(); const double Ur2 = Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy; const double cr2 = Ux*py - Uy*px; const double pr2 = px*px + py*py; const double Up2 = Ux*px + Uy*py; //for (int i=1; i(j==0 ? ix : ix+step, 1); for (int i=beg; i!=end; i+=step) { const Groove &groove1 = fGrooves[i-1]; const Groove &groove2 = fGrooves[i]; const double &z1 = groove1.draft.h; const double &z2 = groove2.slope.h; const double &r1 = groove1.r; const double &r2 = groove2.r; Cone cone; cone.tan_theta = -(r2-r1)/(z2-z1); cone.tan_theta2 = cone.tan_theta*cone.tan_theta; cone.z = z1 + r1/cone.tan_theta; const double &Z = cone.z; const double &t2 = cone.tan_theta2; const double a = t2 - Ur2; const double b = Ur2*pz - Up2 - Z*t2; const double h = Z-pz; const double h2 = h*h; // [ -b +-sqrt(b^2 - 4 ac) ] / [ 2a ] const double radix = (Ur2*h2 + 2*Up2*h + pr2)*t2 - cr2*cr2; if (radix<0) continue; const double sqrt_radix = sqrt(radix); const double dz[2] = { (+sqrt_radix - b)/a, (-sqrt_radix - b)/a }; if (dz[0]>=z2 && dz[0]<=z1) return i; if (dz[1]>=z2 && dz[1]<=z1) return i; } } return -1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If no transmission was given returns true. Otherwaise calculates the // absorption length for a flight time dt in the material and a photon // with wavelength lambda. The flight time is converted to a geometrical // using the speed of light in the medium. // // Returns true if the poton passed, false if it was absorbed. // bool MFresnelLens::Transmission(double dt, double lambda) const { if (fAbsorptionLength.GetNp()==0) return true; // FIXME: Speed up! const double alpha = fAbsorptionLength.Eval(lambda); // We only have the travel time, thus we have to convert back to distance // Note that the transmission coefficients are w.r.t. to geometrical // distance not light-travel distance. Thus the distance has to be corrected // for the corresponding refractive index of the material. const double cm = dt/fVc; const double trans = exp(-cm/alpha); return gRandom->Uniform()=fR) { //cout << "Left the lens radius (enter)" << endl; throw -2; } //if (dir.Z()>0) //{ // cout << "Upgoing, outside of the material" << endl; // PropagateZ(pos, dir, dir.Z()>0 ? 3 : -3); // return -1; //} // Calculate the ordinal number of the groove correpsonding to rx const int ix = TMath::FloorNint(rx/fW); // Photons was just injected (test both surfaces) or came from the other surface if (surface==0 || surface==2) { // Get the possible intersection point with the slope angle const double z1 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, fGrooves[ix].slope); // We hit the slope angle if (z1!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z1); if (fSlopeAbsorption) throw -100; // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(fGrooves[ix].slope.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, 1, n0); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return EnterGroove(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; // Transition was Refraction - enter if (ret>=3) return LeavePeak(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir, pos.T())+1; // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) //cout << "ERR[TIR1]" << endl; throw -3; } } // Photons was just injected (test both surfaces) or came from the other surface if (surface==0 || surface==1) { const double z2 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, fGrooves[ix].draft); // We hit the draft angle if (z2!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z2); if (fDraftAbsorption) throw -101; // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(fGrooves[ix].draft.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, 1, n0); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return EnterGroove(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; // Transition was Refraction - enter if (ret>=3) return -LeavePeak(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir, pos.T())+1; // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) //cout << "ERR[TIR2]" << endl; throw -4; } } if (dir.Z()>0) { //cout << "Upgoing, outside of the material" << endl; //pos.PropagateZ(dir, dir.Z()>0 ? 3 : -3); throw -5; } // The ray has left the peak at the bottom(?) //cout << "ERR[N/A]" << endl; throw -6; } */ // surface=0 : incoming ray // surface=1 : slope // surface=2 : draft // surface=3 : bottom int MFresnelLens::EnterGroove(int surface, double n0, MQuaternion &pos, MQuaternion &dir) const { const double rx = pos.R(); if (surface==kExitSurface) throw raytrace_error(kEnter+kInvalidOrigin, surface, -1, "EnterGroove - Bottom as origin invalid"); if (rx>=fR) // This is an error as the direction vector is now invalid throw raytrace_error(kEnter+kOutsideRadius, surface, -1, "EnterGroove - Surface hit outside allowed radius"); /* if (dir.Z()>0) return -1; }*/ // FIXME: There is a very tiny chance that a ray hits the same surface twice for // very horizontal rays. Checking this needs to make sure that the same // solution is not just found again. // Calculate the ordinal number of the groove correpsonding to rx const int ix = TMath::FloorNint(rx/fW); // Photons was just injected (test both surfaces) or came from the other surface if (surface==kEntrySurface || surface==kDraftSurface) { // Get the possible intersection point with the slope angle const double z1 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, fGrooves[ix].slope); // We hit the slope angle if (z1!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z1); if (fSlopeAbsorption) throw raytrace_user(kEnter+kAbsorbed, surface, kSlopeSurface, "EnterGroove - Photon absorbed by slope surface"); // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(fGrooves[ix].slope.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, 1, n0, fFresnelReflection); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return kSlopeSurface;//EnterGroove(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; // Transition was Refraction - enter if (ret>=3) return -kSlopeSurface;//LeavePeak(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir, pos.T())+1; // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) throw raytrace_error(kEnter+kTransitionError, surface, kSlopeSurface, "EnterGroove - MOptics::ApplyTransition failed for slope surface"); } } // Photons was just injected (test both surfaces) or came from the other surface if (surface==kEntrySurface || surface==kSlopeSurface) { const double z2 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, fGrooves[ix].draft); // We hit the draft angle if (z2!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z2); if (fDraftAbsorption) throw raytrace_user(kEnter+kAbsorbed, surface, kDraftSurface, "EnterGroove - Photon absorbed by draft surface"); // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(fGrooves[ix].draft.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, 1, n0, fFresnelReflection); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return kDraftSurface;//EnterGroove(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; // Transition was Refraction - enter if (ret>=3) return -kDraftSurface;//LeavePeak(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir, pos.T())+1; // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) throw raytrace_error(kEnter+kTransitionError, surface, kDraftSurface, "EnterGroove - MOptics::ApplyTransition failed for draft surface"); } } if (dir.Z()>0) { // We have missed both surfaces and we are upgoing... // ... ray can be discarded throw raytrace_info(kEnter+kStrayUpgoing, surface, kNoSurface, "EnterGroove - Particle is upgoing and has hit no surface"); } // The ray has left the peak at the bottom(?) throw raytrace_error(kEnter+kStrayDowngoing, surface, kNoSurface, "EnterGroove - Particle is downgoing and has hit no surface"); } /* // Leave the peak from inside the material, either thought the draft surface or the // slope surface or the bottom connecting the valley of both int MFresnelLens::LeavePeak(int surface, double n0, double lambda, MQuaternion &pos, MQuaternion &dir, double T0) const { const double rx = pos.R(); if (rx>=fR) { //cout << "Left the lens radius (leave)" << endl; throw -10; } if (dir.Z()>0 && surface!=3) // && surface!=4) { //cout << "Upgoing, inside of the material" << endl; //pos.PropagateZ(dir, dir.Z()>0 ? 3 : -3); throw -11; } if (surface!=1 && surface!=2 && surface!=3) // && surface!=4) { //cout << "Surface of origin invalid" << endl; throw -12; } // Calculate the ordinal number of the groove correpsonding to rx const int ix = TMath::FloorNint(rx/fW); // FIXME: The Z-coordinate (cone.h) is actually a line through two points!!! Cone slope = fGrooves[ix].slope; Cone draft = fGrooves[ix].draft; const bool is_draft = rx>fGrooves[ix].r; if (is_draft) { // We are in the volume under the draft angle... taking the slope from ix+1 if (ix0) // FIXME: Check whether this is correct draft = fGrooves[ix-1].draft; } if (is_draft+1!=surface && (surface==1 || surface==2)) cout << "SURFACE: " << is_draft+1 << " " << surface << endl; if (surface==3) { //cout << "Upgoing, coming from the bottom of the lens" << endl; // Find out which triangle (peak) the photon is going to enter // then proceed... throw -13; } // We are inside the material and downgoing, so if we come from a slope surface, // we can only hit a draft surface after and vice versa if (is_draft || surface==3) { const double z1 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, slope); // We hit the slope angle and are currently in the volume under the draft surface if (z1!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z1); if (fSlopeAbsorption) throw -200; // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(slope.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, n0, 1); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return LeavePeak(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir, T0)+1; // Transition was Refraction - leave if (ret>=3) { if (!Transmission(pos.T()-T0, lambda)) throw -14; return EnterGroove(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; } // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) //cout << "ERR[TIR3]" << endl; throw -15; } } if (!is_draft || surface==3) { const double z2 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, draft); // We hit the draft angle from the inside and are currently in the volume under the slope angle if (z2!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z2); if (fDraftAbsorption) throw -201; // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(draft.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, n0, 1); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return LeavePeak(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir, T0)+1; // Transition was Refraction - leave if (ret>=3) { if (!Transmission(pos.T()-T0, lambda)) throw -16; return EnterGroove(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; } // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) //cout << "ERR[TIR4]" << endl; throw -17; } } if (surface==3)// || surface==4) { //cout << ix << " Lost bottom reflected ray " << surface << endl; throw -18; } // The ray has left the peak at the bottom // FIXME: There is a tiny chance to escape to the side // As there is a slope in the bottom surface of the peak // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, -fH); if (pos.R()>fR) { //cout << "Left the lens radius (bottom)" << endl; throw -19; } // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(RandomTheta(fPSF), gRandom->Uniform(0, TMath::TwoPi())); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, n0, 1); // Transition was Reflection // (Photon scattered back from the bottom of the lens) if (ret==1 || ret==2) return LeavePeak(3, n0, lambda, pos, dir, T0)+1; // Transition was Refraction // (Photon left at the bottom of the lens) if (ret>=3) { if (!Transmission(pos.T()-T0, lambda)) throw -20; return 0; } // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) //cout << "ERR[TIR5]" << endl; throw -21; }*/ // Leave the peak from inside the material, either thought the draft surface or the // slope surface or the bottom connecting the valley of both int MFresnelLens::LeavePeak(int surface, double n0, MQuaternion &pos, MQuaternion &dir, double T0) const { const double rx = pos.R(); if (rx>=fR) // This is an error as the direction vector is now invalid throw raytrace_error(kLeave+kOutsideRadius, surface, kNoSurface, "LeavePeak - Surface hit outside allowed radius"); // FIXME: Can we track them further? if (fDisableMultiEntry && dir.Z()>0 && surface!=3/* && surface!=4*/) throw raytrace_info(kLeave+kStrayUpgoing, surface, kNoSurface, "LeavePeak - Particle is upgoing inside the material and does not come from the bottom"); if (surface!=kSlopeSurface && surface!=kDraftSurface && surface!=kExitSurface/* && surface!=4*/) throw raytrace_error(kLeave+kInvalidOrigin, surface, kNoSurface, "LeavePeak - Invalid surface of origin"); // Calculate the ordinal number of the groove correpsonding to rx const uint32_t ix = TMath::FloorNint(rx/fW); // FIXME: The Z-coordinate (cone.h) is actually a line through two points!!! Cone slope = fGrooves[ix].slope; Cone draft = fGrooves[ix].draft; //if (is_draft+1!=surface && (surface==1 || surface==2)) // cout << "SURFACE: " << is_draft+1 << " " << surface << endl; const bool is_draft = rx>fGrooves[ix].r; if (is_draft) { // We are in the volume under the draft angle... taking the slope from ix+1 if (ix0) // FIXME: Check whether this is correct draft = fGrooves[ix-1].draft; } if (surface==kExitSurface) { if (!fBottomReflection) throw raytrace_user(kLeave+kAbsorbed, surface, kExitSurface, "LeavePeak - Particle absorbed on the bottom"); const int in = FindPeak(ix, pos, dir); // This might happen if the ray is very flat and leaving // the lens before hitting the border boundary of the grooves if (in<0) throw raytrace_error(kLeave+kNoSurfaceFound, kExitSurface, kNoSurface, "LeavePeak - No hit surface found for particle reflected at the bottom"); slope = fGrooves[in].slope; draft = fGrooves[in==0 ? 0 : in-1].draft; } // FIXME: There is a chance that we can hit the same surface twice (for very horizontal rays // but this requires a proper selection of the hit point // We are inside the material and downgoing, so if we come from a slope surface, // we can only hit a draft surface after and vice versa if (is_draft || surface==kExitSurface) { const double z1 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, slope); // We hit the slope angle and are currently in the volume under the draft surface if (z1!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z1); if (fSlopeAbsorption) throw raytrace_user(kLeave+kAbsorbed, surface, kSlopeSurface, "LeavePeak - Photon absorbed by slope surface"); // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(slope.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, n0, 1, fFresnelReflection); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return -kSlopeSurface;//LeavePeak(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir, T0)+1; // Transition was Refraction - leave if (ret>=3) // Transmission return kSlopeSurface;//EnterGroove(1, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) throw raytrace_error(kLeave+kTransitionError, surface, kSlopeSurface, "LeavePeak - MOptics::ApplyTransition failed for slope surface"); } } if (!is_draft || surface==kExitSurface) { const double z2 = CalcIntersection(pos, dir, draft); // We hit the draft angle from the inside and are currently in the volume under the slope angle if (z2!=0) { // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, z2); if (fDraftAbsorption) throw raytrace_user(kLeave+kAbsorbed, surface, kDraftSurface, "LeavePeak - Photon absorbed by draft surface"); // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(draft.theta_norm+RandomTheta(fPSF), pos.XYvector().Phi()+RandomPhi(pos.R(), fPSF)); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, n0, 1, fFresnelReflection); // Transition was Reflection - try again if (ret==1 || ret==2) return -kDraftSurface;//LeavePeak(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir, T0)+1; // Transition was Refraction - leave if (ret>=3) // Transmission return kDraftSurface;//EnterGroove(2, n0, lambda, pos, dir)+1; // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) //cout << "ERR[TIR4]" << endl; throw raytrace_error(kLeave+kTransitionError, surface, kDraftSurface, "LeavePeak - MOptics::ApplyTransition failed for draft surface"); } } if (surface==kExitSurface/* || surface==4*/) throw raytrace_error(kLeave+kFoundSurfaceUnavailable, kExitSurface, is_draft?kSlopeSurface:kDraftSurface, "LeavePeak - Ray reflected on the bottom did not hit the found surface"); // The ray has left the peak at the bottom // FIXME: There is a tiny chance to escape to the side // As there is a slope in the bottom surface of the peak // FIXME: Theoretically, a ray can hit the same surface twice // Move photon to new hit position pos.PropagateZ(dir, -fH); if (pos.R()>fR) throw raytrace_info(kLeave+kOutsideRadius, surface, kExitSurface, "LeavePeak - Hit point at the bottom surface is beyond allowed radius"); // Get the normal vector of the surface which was hit const VectorNorm norm(RandomTheta(fPSF), gRandom->Uniform(0, TMath::TwoPi())); // Get the optical transition of the direction vector const int ret = MOptics::ApplyTransition(dir, norm, n0, 1, fFresnelReflection); // Transition was Reflection // (Photon scattered back from the bottom of the lens) if (ret==1 || ret==2) return -kExitSurface;//LeavePeak(3, n0, lambda, pos, dir, T0)+1; // Transition was Refraction // (Photon left at the bottom of the lens) if (ret>=3) // Transmission return kPhotonHasLeft; // Error occured (see ApplyTransition for details) throw raytrace_error(kLeave+kTransitionError, surface, kExitSurface, "LeavePeak - MOptics::ApplyTransition failed for bottom surface"); } // Differences: // Returns a 'reflected' vector at z=0 // Does not propagate to z=0 at the beginning Int_t MFresnelLens::ExecuteOptics(MQuaternion &p, MQuaternion &u, const Short_t &wavelength) const { // Corsika Coordinates are in cm! const double lambda = wavelength==0 ? fLambda : wavelength; if (fAbsorptionLength.GetNp()!=0 && (lambdafAbsorptionLength.GetXmax())) { *fLog << err << "Wavelength " << lambda << "nm out of absorption range [" << fAbsorptionLength.GetXmin() << "nm;" << fAbsorptionLength.GetXmax() << "nm]" << endl; return -1; } const double n0 = MFresnelLens::RefractiveIndex(lambda); try { int last_surface = kEntrySurface;//EnterGroove(kEntrySurface, n0, p, u); // last_surface that was hit (photon originates from) // 0 entrance (Z=0) or exit (Z=-fH) surface // 1 slope // 2 draft // 3 bottom // positive: photon is outside of material --> Try to enter // nagative: photon is inside of material --> Try to leave double T0 = 0;//last_surface<0 ? p.T() : 0; // The general assumption is: no surface can be hit twice in a row int cnt = -1; while (last_surface!=0) { cnt ++; // photon is outside of material --> try to enter if (last_surface>0) { last_surface = EnterGroove(last_surface, n0, p, u); // successfully entered --> remember time of entrance to calculate transimission if (last_surface<0) T0 = p.T(); continue; } // photon is inside of material --> try to leave if (last_surface<0) { last_surface = LeavePeak(-last_surface, n0, p, u, T0); // successfully left --> apply transmission if (last_surface>=0) { if (!Transmission(p.T()-T0, lambda)) throw raytrace_error(kAbsorbed, last_surface, kMaterial, "TraceRay - Ray absorbed in material"); } continue; } } // To make this consistent with a mirror system, // we now change our coordinate system // Rays from the lens to the camera are up-going (positive sign) u.fVectorPart.SetZ(-u.Z()); // In the datasheet, it looks as if F is calculated // towards the center of the lens. It seems things are more // consistent if the thickness correction in caluating the // slope angle is omitted and the focal distance is measured // from the entrance of the lens => FIXME: To be checked // (Propagating to F means not propagating a distance of F-H from the exit) //p.fVectorPart.SetZ(fH-fH/2/fN);//fH/2); Found by try-and-error // We are already at -H, adding F and setting Z=0 means going to -(F+H) p.fVectorPart.SetZ(0);//fH/2); Found by try-and-error return uint32_t(cnt)>=fMinHits && (fMaxHits==0 || uint32_t(cnt)<=fMaxHits) ? cnt : -1;; } catch (const raytrace_exception &e) { return -e.id(); } /* try { const int cnt = EnterGroove(0, n0, lambda, p, u); // To make this consistent with a mirror system, // we now change our coordinate system // Rays from the lens to the camera are up-going (positive sign) u.fVectorPart.SetZ(-u.Z()); // In the datasheet, it looks as if F is calculated // towards the center of the lens // (Propagating to F means not propagating a distance of F-H/2) p.fVectorPart.SetZ(0); return cnt>=fMinHits && (fMaxHits==0 || cnt<=fMaxHits) ? cnt : -1; } catch (const int &rc) { return rc; } */ } // Differences: // Does propagate to z=0 at the beginning Int_t MFresnelLens::TraceRay(vector &vec, MQuaternion &p, MQuaternion &u, const Short_t &wavelength, bool verbose) const { // Corsika Coordinates are in cm! const double lambda = wavelength==0 ? fLambda : wavelength; if (fAbsorptionLength.GetNp()!=0 && (lambdafAbsorptionLength.GetXmax())) { *fLog << err << "Wavelength " << lambda << "nm out of absorption range [" << fAbsorptionLength.GetXmin() << "nm;" << fAbsorptionLength.GetXmax() << "nm]" << endl; return -1; } const double n0 = MFresnelLens::RefractiveIndex(lambda); // Photon must be at the lens surface p.PropagateZ(u, 0); vec.push_back(p); try { int last_surface = kEntrySurface;//EnterGroove(kEntrySurface, n0, p, u); // last_surface that was hit (photon originates from) // 0 entrance (Z=0) or exit (Z=-fH) surface // 1 slope // 2 draft // 3 bottom // positive: photon is outside of material --> Try to enter // nagative: photon is inside of material --> Try to leave double T0 = 0; // The general assumption is: no surface can be hit twice in a row int cnt = -1; while (last_surface!=0) { cnt ++; vec.push_back(p); // photon is outside of material --> try to enter if (last_surface>0) { last_surface = EnterGroove( last_surface, n0, p, u); //cout << "enter = " << last_surface << endl; // successfully entered --> remember time of entrance to calculate transimission if (last_surface<0) T0 = p.T(); continue; } // photon is inside of material --> try to leave if (last_surface<0) { last_surface = LeavePeak(-last_surface, n0, p, u, T0); //cout << "leave = " << last_surface << endl; // successfully left --> apply transmission if (last_surface>=0) { if (!Transmission(p.T()-T0, lambda)) throw raytrace_error(kAbsorbed, last_surface, kMaterial, "TraceRay - Ray absorbed in material"); } continue; } } vec.push_back(p); return cnt; } catch (const raytrace_exception &e) { if (verbose) *fLog << all << e.id() << ": " << e.what() << endl; // Hit point at bottom surface beyond allowed range // FIXME: Only if surface is kExitSurface if (e.id()==2342) vec.push_back(p); return -e.id(); } }