#ifndef MARS_MEffAreaAndCoeffCalc #define MARS_MEffAreaAndCoeffCalc #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif class TF1; class TH1F; class TH2F; class MHillas; class MMcEvt; #include "TChain.h" class MEffAreaAndCoeffCalc { private: TF1* fSpec; // function used to parametrize the spectrum Float_t fEmin; // Minimum energy in GeV Float_t fEmax; // Maximum energy in GeV Int_t fEbins; // number of bins to build spectrum Int_t fEsubbins; // number of subbins per big bin (to compute weights, eff areas...) Float_t fLogEWmin; // Log Minimum energy for weights (in GeV) Float_t fLogEWmax; // Log Maximum energy for weights (in GeV) Int_t fEWbins; // Number of bins for weights Int_t fNTbins; // Number of bins in zenith angle Double_t* fTbin; // array containing bin boundaries (size must be fNTbins+) Double_t* fWeight; // array containing weights TH2F* fCoeff; // histogram containing unfolding coefficients TH2F* fEffA; // histogram containing effective areas TChain* fCini; // chain for initial MC files (before trigger) TChain* fCcut; // chain for surviving MC events (after cuts) MHillas* fHillas; // pointer to the MHillas Branch MMcEvt* fMcEvt; // pointer to the MMcEvt Branch // TFile* fFile; // output file (for debugging only) protected: void FillOriginalSpectrum(); void ComputeCoefficients(); void ComputeWeights(); void ComputeEffectiveAreas(); public: MEffAreaAndCoeffCalc(); virtual ~MEffAreaAndCoeffCalc(); void SetFunction(const Char_t* chfunc, Float_t emin=0., Float_t emax=0.); void SetFunction(TF1*); void SetEbins(Int_t i) {fEbins=i;} void SetEsubbins(Int_t i) {fEsubbins=i;} void SetEmin(Float_t x) {fEmin=x;} void SetEmax(Float_t x) {fEmax=x;} void SetThetaBinning(Int_t n, const Double_t* binlist); void AddFile(const Char_t* name) {fCini->Add(name); fCcut->Add(name);} TH2F* GetEffectiveAreaHisto() {return fEffA;} TH2F* GetCoefficientHisto() {return fCoeff;} void ComputeAllFactors(); ClassDef(MEffAreaAndCoeffCalc, 0) // task to compute the Effective areas and Coefficients for the unfolding }; #endif