/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Markus Gaug 10/2002 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2002 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // MSimulatedAnnealing // // // // class to perform a Simulated Annealing minimization on an n-dimensional // // simplex of a function 'FunctionToMinimize(TArrayF &)' in multi- // // dimensional parameter space. // // (The code is adapted from Numerical Recipies in C++, 2nd ed., // // pp. 457-459) // // // // Classes can inherit from MSimulatedAnnealing // // and use the function: // // // // RunSimulatedAnnealing(); // // // // They HAVE TO initialize the following input arguments // // (with ndim being the parameter dimension (max. 20)): // // // // 1) a TMatrix p(ndim+1,ndim) // // holding the start simplex // // 2) a TArrayF y(ndim+1) // // whose components must be pre-initialized to the values of // // FunctionToMinimize evaluated at the fNdim+1 vertices (rows) of p // // 3) a TArrayF p0(ndim) // // whose components contain the lower simplex borders // // 4) a TArrayF p1(ndim) // // whose components contain the upper simplex borders // // (The simplex will not get reflected out of these borders !!!) // // // // These arrays have to be initialized with a call to: // // Initialize(TMatrix \&, TArrayF \&, TArrayF \&, TArrayF \&) // // // // 5) a virtual function FunctionToMinimize(TArrayF &) // // acting on a TArrayF(ndim) array of parameter values // // // // Additionally, a global start temperature can be chosen with: // // // // SetStartTemperature(Float_t temp) // // (default is: 10) // // // // A total number of total moves (watch out for the CPU time!!!) with: // // // // SetNumberOfMoves(Float_t totalMoves) // // (default is: 200) // // // // The temperature is reduced after evaluation step like: // // CurrentTemperature = StartTemperature*(1-currentMove/totalMoves) // // where currentMove is the cumulative number of moves so far // // // // WARNING: The start temperature and number of moves has to be optimized // // for each individual problem. // // It is not straightforward using the defaults! // // In case, you omit this important step, // // you will get local minima without even noticing it!! // // // // You may define the following variables: // // // // 1) A global convergence criterium fTol // // which determines an early return for: // // // // max(FunctionToMinimize(p))-min(FunctionToMinimize(p)) // // ----------------------------------------------------- \< fTol // // max(FunctionToMinimize(p))+min(FunctionToMinimize(p)) // // // // ModifyTolerance(Float_t) // // // // 2) A verbose level for prints to *fLog // // // // SetVerbosityLevel(Verbosity_t) // // // // 3) A bit if you want to have stored // // the full simplex after every call to Amebsa: // // // // SetFullStorage() // // // // 4) The random number generator // // e.g. if you want to test the stability of the output // // // // SetRandom(TRandom *rand) // // // // // // Output containers: // // // // MHSimulatedAnnealing // // // // Use: // // GetResult()->Draw(Option_t *o) // // or // // GetResult()->DrawClone(Option_t *o) // // // // to retrieve the output histograms // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MSimulatedAnnealing.h" #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MHSimulatedAnnealing.h" const Float_t MSimulatedAnnealing::gsYtryStr = 10000000; const Float_t MSimulatedAnnealing::gsYtryCon = 20000000; const Int_t MSimulatedAnnealing::gsMaxDim = 20; const Int_t MSimulatedAnnealing::gsMaxStep = 50; ClassImp(MSimulatedAnnealing); using namespace std; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default Constructor // Initializes random number generator and default variables // MSimulatedAnnealing::MSimulatedAnnealing() : fResult(NULL), fTolerance(0.0001), fNdim(0), fNumberOfMoves(200), fStartTemperature(10), fFullStorage(kFALSE), fInit(kFALSE), fP(gsMaxDim, gsMaxDim), fP0(gsMaxDim), fP1(gsMaxDim), fY(gsMaxDim), fYb(gsMaxDim), fYconv(gsMaxDim), fPb(gsMaxDim), fPconv(gsMaxDim), fBorder(kEStrictBorder), fVerbose(kEDefault) { // random number generator fRandom = gRandom; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Destructor. // MSimulatedAnnealing::~MSimulatedAnnealing() { if (fResult) delete fResult; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialization needs the following four members: // // 1) a TMatrix p(ndim+1,ndim) // holding the start simplex // 2) a TVector y(ndim+1) // whose components must be pre-initialized to the values of // FunctionToMinimize evaluated at the fNdim+1 vertices (rows) of fP // 3) a TVector p0(ndim) // whose components contain the lower simplex borders // 4) a TVector p1(ndim) // whose components contain the upper simplex borders // (The simplex will not get reflected out of these borders !!!) // // It is possible to perform an initialization and // a subsequent RunMinimization several times. // Each time, a new class MHSimulatedAnnealing will get created // (and destroyed). // Bool_t MSimulatedAnnealing::Initialize(const TMatrix &p, const TVector &y, const TVector &p0, const TVector &p1) { fNdim = p.GetNcols(); fMpts = p.GetNrows(); // // many necessary checks ... // if (fMpts > gsMaxDim) { gLog << err << "Dimension of Matrix fP is too big ... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fNdim+1 != fMpts) { gLog << err << "Matrix fP does not have the right dimensions ... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (y.GetNrows() != fMpts) { gLog << err << "Array fY has not the right dimension ... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (p0.GetNrows() != fNdim) { gLog << err << "Array fP0 has not the right dimension ... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (p1.GetNrows() != fNdim) { gLog << err << "Array fP1 has not the right dimension ... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } // // In order to allow multiple use of the class // without need to construct the class every time new // delete the old fResult and create a new one in RunMinimization // if (fResult) delete fResult; fY.ResizeTo(fMpts); fPsum.ResizeTo(fNdim); fPconv.ResizeTo(fNdim); fP0.ResizeTo(fNdim); fP1.ResizeTo(fNdim); fPb.ResizeTo(fNdim); fP.ResizeTo(fMpts,fNdim); fY = y; fP = p; fP0 = p0; fP1 = p1; fPconv.Zero(); fInit = kTRUE; fYconv = 0.; return kTRUE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // RunMinimization: // // Runs only eafter a call to Initialize(const TMatrix \&, const TVector \&, // const TVector \&, const TVector \&) // // Temperature and number of moves should have been set // (default: StartTemperature = 10, NumberOfMoves = 200 // // // It is possible to perform an initialization and // a subsequent RunMinimization several times. // Each time, a new class MHSimulatedAnnealing will get created // (and destroyed). Bool_t MSimulatedAnnealing::RunMinimization() { if (!fInit) { gLog << err << "No succesful initialization performed yet... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } Int_t iter = 0; UShort_t iret = 0; UShort_t currentMove = 0; Real_t currentTemp = fStartTemperature; fResult = new MHSimulatedAnnealing(fNumberOfMoves,fNdim); if (fFullStorage) fResult->InitFullSimplex(); while(1) { if (iter > 0) { gLog << "Convergence at move: " << currentMove ; gLog << " and temperature: " << currentTemp << endl; break; } if (currentTemp > 0.) { // // Reduce the temperature // // FIXME: Maybe it is necessary to also incorporate other // ways to reduce the temperature (T0*(1-k/K)**alpha) // currentTemp = fStartTemperature*(1.-(float)currentMove++/fNumberOfMoves); iter = 1; } else { // Make sure that now, the program will return only on convergence ! // The program returns to here only after gsMaxStep moves // If we have not reached convergence until then, we assume that an infinite // loop has occurred and quit. if (iret != 0) { gLog << warn << "No Convergence at the end ! " << endl; fY.Zero(); break; } iter = 150; iret++; currentMove++; } if (fVerbose==2) { gLog << dbginf << " current..." << endl; gLog << " - move: " << currentMove << endl; gLog << " - temperature: " << currentTemp << endl; gLog << " - best function evaluation: " << fYb << endl; } iter = Amebsa(iter, currentTemp); // Store the current best values in the histograms fResult->StoreBestValueEver(fPb,fYb,currentMove); // Store the complete simplex if we have full storage if (fFullStorage) fResult->StoreFullSimplex(fP,currentMove); } // // Now, the matrizes and vectors have all the same value, // Need to initialize again to allow a new Minimization // fInit = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Amebsa // // This is the (adjusted) amebsa function from // Numerical Recipies (pp. 457-458) // // The routine makes iter function evaluations at an annealing // temperature fCurrentTemp, then returns. If iter is returned // with a poisitive value, then early convergence has occurred. // Int_t MSimulatedAnnealing::Amebsa(Int_t iter, const Real_t temp) { GetPsum(); while (1) { UShort_t ihi = 0; // Simplex point with highest function evaluation UShort_t ilo = 1; // Simplex point with lowest function evaluation // Function eval. at ilo (with random fluctuations) Real_t ylo = fY(0) + gRandom->Exp(temp); // Function eval. at ihi (with random fluctuations) Real_t yhi = fY(1) + gRandom->Exp(temp); // The function evaluation at next highest point Real_t ynhi = ylo; if (ylo > yhi) { // Determine which point is the highest (worst), // next-highest and lowest (best) ynhi = yhi; yhi = ylo; ylo = ynhi; } // By looping over the points in the simplex for (UShort_t i=2;iExp(temp); if (yt <= ylo) { ilo = i; ylo = yt; } if (yt > yhi) { ynhi = yhi; ihi = i; yhi = yt; } else if (yt > ynhi) ynhi = yt; } // Now, fY(ilo) is smallest and fY(ihi) is at biggest value if (iter < 0) { // Enough looping with this temperature, go to decrease it // First put best point and value in slot 0 Real_t dum = fY(0); fY(0) = fY(ilo); fY(ilo) = dum; for (UShort_t n=0;n fP0(j)) { if (newcut > fP1(j)) { ptry(j) = fP1(j); borderflag = 1; } else if (newcut < fP0(j)) { ptry(j) = fP0(j); borderflag = 1; } } else { if (newcut < fP1(j)) { ptry(j) = fP1(j); borderflag = 1; } else if (newcut > fP0(j)) { ptry(j) = fP0(j); borderflag = 1; } } } Real_t faccompare = 0.5; Real_t ytry = 0; switch (borderflag) { case kENoBorder: ytry = FunctionToMinimize(fPsum); break; case kEStrictBorder: ytry = FunctionToMinimize(fPsum) + gsYtryStr; break; case kEContractBorder: ytry = fac == faccompare ? gsYtryCon : gsYtryStr; break; } if (ytry < fYb) { fPb = ptry; fYb = ytry; } const Real_t yflu = ytry + gRandom->Exp(temp); if (yflu >= yhi) return yflu; fY(ihi) = ytry; yhi = yflu; for(Int_t j=0; j