1 | # ==========================================================================
2 | #############################################################################
3 | # ==========================================================================
4 | # General
5 | # ==========================================================================
6 | #############################################################################
7 | # ==========================================================================
8 |
9 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | # Use this if you want to setup the logging stream for the jobs
11 | # (overwrites command line options)
12 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 | MLog.VerbosityLevel: 4
14 | #MLog.DebugLevel: 1
15 | #MLog.NoColors: yes
16 |
17 | # ==========================================================================
18 | #############################################################################
19 | # ==========================================================================
20 | # Ceres
21 | # ==========================================================================
22 | #############################################################################
23 | # ==========================================================================
24 |
25 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 | # Use this if you want to write the MJStar output somewhere
27 | # If you don't want it, it is written to the calibration output anyhow.
28 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | #PathOut: .
30 | #PathIn: .
31 |
32 |
33 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 | # Configure Eventloop
35 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 | #MaxEvents: 10000
37 | #Overwrite: yes,no
38 |
39 |
40 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 | # Use this to setup binnings. For more details see: MBinning::ReadEnv
42 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 | # BinningEnergy.Raw: 100 1 100000 log
44 | # BinningSize.Raw: 100 1 10000000 log
45 | BinningImpact.Raw: 40 0 400
46 | # BinningHeight.Raw: 50 0 12
47 | # BinningAz.Raw: 360 -360 360
48 | # BinningZd.Raw: 70 0 70
49 | BinningViewCone.Raw: 32 0 8
50 | BinningTrigPos.Raw: 100 -5 45
51 | BinningTotLength.Raw: 150 0 150
52 | # BinningEvtWidth.Raw: 150 0 25
53 | # BinningDist.Raw: 100 0 2.5
54 | # BinningDistC.Raw: 100 0 2.5
55 | # BinningThreshold.Raw: 35 0.9 90000 log
56 | # BinningEnergyEst.Raw: 100 0.9 90000 log
57 |
58 | #BinningAlpha.Raw: 36 0 90
59 | BinningWidth.Raw: 50 0 3
60 | BinningLength.Raw: 25 0 3
61 | BinningDist.Raw: 25 0 15
62 |
63 | # Note that you might not exactly get this binning limit as
64 | # the limits are internally optimized (or to have N bins of size 1)
65 | HPhotonEventGround.MaxImpact: 250
66 |
67 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 | # Initialize random number generator (see MJob::InitRandomNumberGenerator)
69 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 | RandomNumberGenerator: TRandom3
71 | #RandomNumberSeedValue: 0
72 |
73 |
74 | MRead.CorsikaInputCard: <your-corsika-input-card>
75 |
76 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 | # Ceres general setup
78 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 |
80 | # Switch off the camera "electronics"
81 | #Camera: Off
82 |
83 | # Force the use of the "hardware" trigger for calibration data
84 | #ForceTrigger: Yes
85 |
86 |
87 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 | # Some setup for the atmosphere. The default should be well suited.
89 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 | #MSimAtmosphere.FileAerosols: resmc/fact/atmopshere-aerosols.txt
91 | #MSimAtmosphere.FileOzone: resmc/fact/atmopshere-ozone.txt
92 |
93 |
94 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 | # Here you can control the poiting of the telescope. To switch on
96 | # off-target observations set a value for the distance !=0 [deg].
97 | # For details see MSimPointingPos
98 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 | #MSimPointingPos.OffTargetDistance: 0.6
100 | #MSimPointingPos.OffTargetPhi: -1
101 |
102 |
103 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 | # Setup the optics
105 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 | #Reflector.Constructor: MReflector();
107 | Reflector.Constructor: MFresnelLens();
108 |
109 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 | # Note that this is the setup for the 'Reflector' being MFresnelLens
111 | Reflector.Transmission.FileName: resmc/hawcseye/transmission-pmma-3mm.txt
112 | Reflector.Transmission.Thickness: 0.3
113 | Reflector.Transmission.FresnelCorrection: true
114 | #Reflector.SurfaceRoughness: 0.001
115 |
116 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 | # Note that this is the setup for the 'Reflector' being MReflector
118 |
119 | # For the file definition see MReflector::ReadFile
120 | Reflector.FileName: resmc/hawcseye/fake-reflector.txt
121 | # Units mm: ~0.02°
122 | #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 1.8
123 | # Units mm: ~0.03°
124 | #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 2.6
125 | #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 1.66
126 |
127 | # new Value from 7.12.2012:
128 | # 0.95 of the reflected light was inside a circle with a radius of 2.25mm.
129 | # This corresponds to a SigmaPSF of 1.3 mm
130 | # This value is based on a direct measurement of the mirrors. There
131 | # is no way it can be wrong. Only the ray-tracing algorithm could be wrong.
132 | Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 2
133 |
134 | # --- DWARF ---
135 | # distance from mirror to camera [cm]
136 | #focal_distance 489.73
137 | # TRUE focal of the paraboloid (must correspond to that of the mirror positions defined below!)
138 | #paraboloid_focal 488.87
139 |
140 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 | # Setup the camera geometry
142 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 |
144 | #MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(189.8, 9.5, 4.8887);
145 | MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamFAMOUS(0.502,false);
146 |
147 | #MSimBundlePhotons.FileName: resmc/fact/dwarf-fact.txt
148 |
149 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 | # Setup the sensors
151 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 |
153 | # Set the APD type (1: 30x30 <default>, 2: 60x60, 3:60x60(ct=15%))
154 | MSimAPD.Type: 5
155 |
156 | #MSimAPD.Type: 0
157 | #MSimAPD.NumCells: 60
158 | #MSimAPD.DeadTime: 3.0
159 | #MSimAPD.RecoveryTime: 8.75
160 | #MSimAPD.CrosstalkCoefficient: 0.1
161 | #MSimAPD.AfterpulseProb1: 0.14
162 | #MSimAPD.AfterpulseProb2: 0.11
163 |
164 | MSimExcessNoise.ExcessNoise: 0.096
165 |
166 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 | # Setup the absorption, conversion efficiency and angular acceptance
168 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 | # Note that all four curves enter the calculation of the background rate
170 | # but not necessarily all are applied!
171 |
172 | #MirrorReflectivity.FileName: /home/fact_opr/mc_configuration_files/setup/ceres/030/MirrorReflectivity_Lustermann_FACT_bearbeitet.txt
173 | #PhotonDetectionEfficiency.FileName: /home/fact_opr/mc_configuration_files/setup/ceres/030/fact-pde-1.4V.txt
174 | #ConesAngularAcceptance.FileName: /home/fact_opr/mc_configuration_files/setup/ceres/030/fact-cones-angular-acceptance.txt
175 | #ConesTransmission.FileName: /home/fact_opr/mc_configuration_files/setup/ceres/030/Transmittance_1439Cones_FACT_bearbeitet.txt
176 |
177 | #FIXME: This should be 2.5mm
178 | MirrorReflectivity.FileName: resmc/hawcseye/transmission-pmma-3mm.txt
179 |
180 | #FIXME: This should be Hamamatsu/SensL
181 | PhotonDetectionEfficiency.FileName: resmc/hawcseye/pde.txt
182 |
183 | #FIXME: Calculate for our aluminium and PMMA cones (this is for FACT cones)
184 | ConesAngularAcceptance.FileName: resmc/hawcseye/cones-angular-acceptance.txt
185 |
186 | #FIXME: Calculate for out cones
187 | ConesTransmission.FileName: resmc/fact/Transmittance_1439Cones_FACT_bearbeitet.txt
188 |
189 | # Skipped otherwise due to CEFFIC option
190 | # We use CEFFIC only for the atmosphere!
191 | SimPhotonDetectionEfficiency.Force: Yes
192 | SimMirrorReflectivity.Force: Yes
193 | SimConesTransmission.Force: Yes
194 |
195 | # A backward motivated overall PDE adjustment.
196 | # Introduced by Fabian T. to produce the ICRC2015 Crab spectrum.
197 |
198 | AdditionalPhotonAcceptance.Function.Name: 0.8
199 | AdditionalPhotonAcceptance.Function.Npx: 100
200 | AdditionalPhotonAcceptance.Function.Xmin: 290
201 | AdditionalPhotonAcceptance.Function.Xmax: 900
202 |
203 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 | # Setup what in MMCS would be called "additional spot size"
205 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 | #MSimPSF.Sigma: -1
207 | #MSimReflector.DetectorMargin: 0
208 |
209 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 | # Setup the dark counts (FrequencyFixed) and the NSB noise per cm^2
211 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 | # Turn off some checks: ONLY(!!!) for testing purposes
213 | MSimRandomPhotons.Force: Yes
214 | # Dark Counts per APD: ~4MHz
215 | #MSimRandomPhotons.FrequencyFixed: 0.004
216 | # NSB photon rate per cm^2 ~40MHz (folded with the cones' angular
217 | # acceptance and the wavelength acceptance of the camera (window, apd, etc)
218 | # 0.040 1/ns/cm^2 NSB-rate:
219 | #MSimRandomPhotons.FrequencyNSB: 0.025
220 |
221 | MSimRandomPhotons.FileNameNSB: resmc/night-sky-la-palma.txt
222 | MSimRandomPhotons.FrequencyNSB: 0.0
223 |
224 | # FIXME: With a class describing the cones we could give NSB as
225 | # per sr and cm^2
226 |
227 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 | # Setup the trigger
229 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 | # This line could be omitted but then the discriminator would be
231 | # evaluated for all pixels not just for the pixels which are
232 | # later "connected" in the trigger (used in the coincidence map)
233 | # MSimTrigger.FileNameRouteAC: resmc/fact/magic-trigger-1NN.txt
234 |
235 | MSimTrigger.FileNameRouteAC: resmc/hawcseye/trigger.txt
236 |
237 | # DiscriminatorThreshold is in arbitrary units
238 | # This is the FACT default
239 | #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: -192.387
240 | # This is optimized to trigger not more than 1 out of 1000 simulated pedestal events
241 | MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 700 # The units correspond to DRS4 ADC counts (FIXME: Conversion to DAC cnts)
242 |
243 | # In FACT: 300 DAC counts are roughly 21pe. 1pe is roughly 10 mV / 20 ADC counts (see MSimCamera.DefaultGain)
244 | # Therefore, the conversion from ADC to DAC is therefore (300/21.)/22.553 = 0.63
245 | # A simulated DiscriminatorThreshold or 700 therefore corresponds to a DAC threshold of about 450
246 |
247 | # Note that this is in SAMPLES! I have taken the values from the SW trigger
248 | MSimTrigger.CableDelay: 21
249 | MSimTrigger.CableDamping: -0.96
250 | MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5
251 |
252 | # The baseline shift (unfortunately -- as well as the A/C coupling!) is already added
253 | # before the trigger electornics to the signal. If the sum-trigger is calculated,
254 | # the baseline is summed as N*pixels - 0.96*N*pixels and therefore shifts indiviudally
255 | # according to the number of pixels in a patch (I believe that this is wrong).
256 | # Therefore, this effect can be correct be a shift of N*(1-0.96)
257 | MSimTrigger.ShiftBaseline: Yes
258 |
259 | # Setting this resource allows to copy the sum signal back to the source pixels
260 | # so that instead of the original signal, the sum-signal is digitzed in the eleotronics
261 | #MSimTrigger.DebugTrigger: Yes
262 |
263 | # Use this to turn off the trigger electronics. A trigger is always issued.
264 | #MSimTrigger.SimulateElectronics: No
265 |
266 | # Every Pixel(!) should see the same signal independant of its size
267 | MSimCalibrationSignal.NumPhotons: 24
268 | MSimCalibrationSignal.NumEvents: 1000
269 |
270 | # This is an unfortunate naming convention. A better name would be "IntendedTriggerPos"
271 | # This is in nano-seconds (Mars-new) to be independent of the sampling frequency
272 | IntendedPulsePos.Val: 140
273 |
274 | #PulseShape.Function.Name: exp(-(x/2)^2/2)
275 | #PulseShape.FileName: resmc/fact/dwarf-pulse.txt
276 |
277 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 | # Description how a pedestal/calibration signal is produced
279 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 |
281 | #MSimCalibrationSignal.NumEvents: 1000
282 | #MSimCalibrationSignal.NumPhotons: 5
283 | #MSimCalibrationSignal.TimeJitter: 1.0
284 |
285 |
286 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 | # Setup the FADC
288 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 |
290 | MRawRunHeader.SamplingFrequency: 2000
291 | MRawRunHeader.NumSamples: 1024
292 | MRawRunHeader.NumBytesPerSample: 2
293 | MRawRunHeader.FadcResolution: 12
294 |
295 | MSimCamera.DefaultOffset: -1850.0 # ADC counts
296 | MSimCamera.DefaultNoise: 2.8125 # ADC counts
297 | MSimCamera.DefaultGain: 22.553 # Conversion for the pulse to ADC counts
298 |
299 | # Value for the fudgefactor in the calculation of the accoupling:
300 | # FIXME: If I am not mistaken, the time constant is in us ... to be checked
301 | MSimCamera.ACFudgeFactor: 0.3367
302 | MSimCamera.ACTimeConstant: 20
303 |
304 | #MSimReadout.fConversionFactor: 1
305 |
306 | # The number of sampling points is almost irrelevant because they
307 | # are equidistant, i.e. calculated and no search is necessary.
308 | # Nevertheless, you must make sure that there are enough points
309 | # to sample the function accuratly enough.
310 | # Attention: x in the function is given in slices, so if you change the sampling
311 | # frequency you have to change also this function
312 | PulseShape.Function.Name: (1.1121*(1-1/(1+exp((0.5*x-4.0263)/1.063)))*exp(-(0.5*x-4.0263)/48.))
313 | #PulseShape.Function.Name: (1.239*(1-1/(1+exp((0.5*x-2.851)/1.063)))*exp(-(0.5*x-2.851)/19.173))
314 | #PulseShape.Function.Name: (1.239*(1-1/(1+exp((0.5*x-2.851)/1.5)))*exp(-(0.5*x-2.851)/80.3))
315 | #PulseShape.Function.Npx: 310
316 | #PulseShape.Function.Xmin: -10
317 | #PulseShape.Function.Xmax: 300
318 | PulseShape.Function.Npx: 725
319 | PulseShape.Function.Xmin: -25
320 | PulseShape.Function.Xmax: 700
321 | #PulseShape.Function.Name: (1.626*(1-exp(-0.3803*0.5*x))*exp(-0.0649*0.5*x))
322 | #PulseShape.Function.Npx: 900
323 | #PulseShape.Function.Xmin: 0
324 | #PulseShape.Function.Xmax: 300
325 |
326 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
327 | # Setup an image cleaning on the pure gamma signal (without noise)
328 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 |
330 | #MImgCleanStd.CleanLevel1: 6.0
331 | #MImgCleanStd.CleanLevel2: 6.0
332 |
333 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 | # This is a cut executed after the calculation of the image parameters
335 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
336 | Cut.Inverted: Yes
337 |
338 | #Cut.Condition: MNewImagePar.fNumUsedPixels>3 && MHillas.fSize>6
339 | Cut.Condition: MHillas.fSize>10
340 | #&& MHillas.fSize>30
341 | #MSimTrigger.SimulateElectronics: Off
342 |
343 | # Does not trigger anyway
344 | ContEmpty3.Condition: MPhotonEvent.GetNumPhotons<10
345 |
346 | # Take a fixed position in the camera.... for now!
347 | MSrcPosCalc.FixedPos: 0 0
348 |
349 | MFixTimeOffset.FileName: resmc/fact/pixel_delays_ALL_ZERO.csv
350 | # MFixTimeOffset.FileName: resmc/fact/AllPhidoFiles_delays.csv
351 |
352 | ResidualTimeSpread.Val: 0.0
353 | GapdTimeJitter.Val: 1.5
354 |
355 | # last line comment