Quick access guide ================== If you are happy with the existuing layout, you can access an event with a given id (example: 254) from a given indico server (example: https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/) as a mobile version directly by > https://www.fact-project.org/svn/trunk/MobileIndico/indico.html?url=https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/&id=254 If you find that too long, you can use http://tinyurl.com to shorten the link. A short version of the core url is available as > http://tinyurl.com/MyIndico?url=https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/&id=254 Introduction ============ Mobile Indico is a simple web-page which converts an indico timetable into a mobile webpage. The trick is to request the data through the Indico Export API (https://indico.readthedocs.io/en/master/http_api/) and display it in a mobile friendly way. Therefore, the webpage requests the timetable (see 2.3.3) as JSON object which is then formatted to HTML in a Javascript. To avoid that a server is required (e.g. php script) which retrieves the JSON (to work around restirctions on cross site scripting) the JSONP interface is used. The trick of JSONP is to wrap the JSON opject into a script (Javascript function) and insert a `