1 | Quick access guide
2 | ==================
3 |
4 | If you are happy with the existuing layout, you can access an event
5 | with a given id (example: 254) from a given indico server (example:
6 | https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/) as a mobile version directly by
7 |
8 | > https://www.fact-project.org/svn/trunk/MobileIndico/indico.html?url=https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/&id=254
9 |
10 | If you find that too long, you can use http://tinyurl.com to shorten
11 | the link.
12 |
13 | A short version of the core url is available as
14 |
15 | > http://tinyurl.com/MyIndico?url=https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/&id=254
16 |
17 |
18 | Introduction
19 | ============
20 |
21 | Mobile Indico is a simple web-page which converts an indico timetable
22 | into a mobile webpage. The trick is to request the data through the
23 | Indico Export API (https://indico.readthedocs.io/en/master/http_api/)
24 | and display it in a mobile friendly way.
25 |
26 | Therefore, the webpage requests the timetable (see 2.3.3) as JSON
27 | object which is then formatted to HTML in a Javascript. To avoid that a
28 | server is required (e.g. php script) which retrieves the JSON (to work
29 | around restirctions on cross site scripting) the JSONP interface is
30 | used.
31 |
32 | The trick of JSONP is to wrap the JSON opject into a script (Javascript
33 | function) and insert a `<script>` tag into the webpage. Thus the script
34 | containing the data is loaded and the data can be processed.
35 |
36 | The advantage now is that the client side browser will request the data
37 | directly from the indico server.
38 |
39 |
40 | Installation on your own server
41 | ===============================
42 |
43 | First download all files from
44 |
45 | > https://trac.fact-project.org/browser/trunk/MobileIndico
46 |
47 | and copy them to a webserver.
48 |
49 | The current version is bound to a single indico server which is
50 | specified in indico.js in the first lines, as well as the number
51 | of the default event if no event is specified:
52 |
53 | ```
54 | var indico_url = "https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/";
55 | var default_event = 215;
56 | ```
57 |
58 | Adapt that according to your needs.
59 |
60 |
61 | User access to indico.html
62 | ==========================
63 |
64 | The default timetable is then accessed through
65 |
66 | > http://you.web-server.com/your-path/indico.html
67 |
68 | and another event (e.g. 215) through
69 |
70 | > http://you.web-server.com/your-path/indico.html?id=215
71 |
72 | A debug mode in which the received JSON object is displayed is
73 | available as well
74 |
75 | > http://you.web-server.com/your-path/indico.html?id=215&debug
76 |
77 | It is also possible to overwrite the default indico url, for exmaple
78 |
79 | > http://you.web-server.com/your-path/indico.html?url=https://indico.scc.kit.edu/indico/&id=215
80 |
81 |
82 | Files
83 | =====
84 |
85 | - *indico.css*: A simple style sheet to format the output
86 | - *indico.svg*: The indico logo at the header line
87 | - *rwth.avg*: The rwth logo at the footer
88 | - *indico.js*: The javascript retrieving the data and formatting the html
89 | - *indico.html*: The main html page for user access
90 |
91 |
92 | Style sheet
93 | ===========
94 |
95 | For formatting purpose, the data is wrapped in classes like this:
96 |
97 | ```
98 | <indico>
99 | Date
100 | <session>
101 | <date>
102 | Time
103 | </date>
104 | <body>
105 | <type>
106 | entryType
107 | <location>
108 | Location
109 | </location>
110 | </type>
111 | <contribution>
112 | <date>
113 | Time
114 | <title>
115 | Title
116 | </title>
117 | </date>
118 | <presenters>
119 | Name Affiliation Email
120 | </presenters>
121 | <presenters>
122 | ...
123 | </presenters>
124 | ...
125 | <description>
126 | Description
127 | </description>
128 | <material>
129 | <title>
130 | Title
131 | </title>
132 | <resources>
133 | <url>
134 | URL
135 | </url>
136 | <description>
137 | Description
138 | </description>
139 | ...
140 | </resources>
141 | <description>
142 | Description
143 | </description>
144 | </material>
145 | <material>
146 | ...
147 | </material>
148 | ...
149 | </contribution>
150 | <contribution>
151 | ...
152 | </contribution>
153 | ....
154 | </body>
155 | </session>
156 | <session>
157 | ...
158 | </session>
159 | ...
160 | </indico>
161 | ```