#ifndef MARS_MParticle #define MARS_MParticle #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include #endif /* #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif */ class MParticle : public TObject { public: typedef enum { kEGamma, kEElectron, kEPositron, kENone } ParticleType_t; enum { kEIsPrimary = BIT(14) }; private: const ParticleType_t fPType; //! Particle type protected: Double_t fSrcR; //! [kpc] Distance from observer to source Double_t fEnergy; // [GeV] Energy Double_t fZ; // [1] Red shift Double_t fR; // [kpc] Radius from line of view Double_t fPhi; // [rad] Phi@z from line of view Double_t fTheta; // [rad] Direction of momentum, angle || line of view Double_t fPsi; // [rad] Direction of momentum, az. angle Double_t fX; // [kpc] real traveled distance minus observers distance (added in version 2) public: MParticle(ParticleType_t t=kENone, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); MParticle(MParticle &p, ParticleType_t t=kENone) : fPType(t) { *this = p; } MParticle(MParticle &p, Double_t e, ParticleType_t t=kENone) : fPType(t) { *this = p; fEnergy = e; } void InitRandom(); static Double_t ZofR(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL); static Double_t RofZ(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL); void operator=(MParticle &p) { fSrcR = p.fSrcR; fZ = p.fZ; fR = p.fR; fPhi = p.fPhi; fTheta = p.fTheta; fPsi = p.fPsi; fX = p.fX; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- static Double_t Planck0(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL); static Double_t Planck(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- void SetIsPrimary(Bool_t is=kTRUE) { is ? SetBit(kEIsPrimary) : ResetBit(kEIsPrimary); } Bool_t IsPrimary() const { return TestBit(kEIsPrimary); } void SetSrcR(Double_t r) { fSrcR = r; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- virtual Double_t GetInteractionLength() const { AbstractMethod("GetInteractionLength"); return 0; } void SetEnergy(Double_t e) { fEnergy = e; } void SetZ(Double_t z) { fZ = z; } void SetNewDirection(Double_t theta, Double_t phi); Bool_t SetNewPosition(Double_t dr); Bool_t SetNewPosition(); ParticleType_t GetPType() const { return fPType; } Double_t GetEnergy() const { return fEnergy; } Double_t GetZ() const { return fZ; } Double_t GetPhi() const { return fPhi; } Double_t GetR() const { return fR; } Double_t GetX() const { return fX; } Double_t GetTheta() const { return fTheta; } Double_t GetPsi() const { return fPsi; } ClassDef(MParticle, 2) // Container which holds hostograms for the Hillas parameters }; #endif