'use strict'; TTVCanvas.prototype.getFontSize = function(ctx, font) { var rc = []; ctx.font = font; rc[0] = ctx.measureText('WWWWI').width; ctx.font = "bold "+font; rc[1] = ctx.measureText('WWWWI').width; ctx.font = "lighter "+font; rc[2] = ctx.measureText('WWWWI').width; return rc; } TTVCanvas.prototype.waitForFonts = function() { var s = this; if (s.fontsize) { var ctx = s.canvas.getContext('2d'); var f1 = "300px sans"; var f2 = "300px serif"; var f3 = "300px "+s.fontFamily+", sans"; var f4 = "300px "+s.fontFamily+", serif"; var rc1 = s.getFontSize(ctx, f1); var rc2 = s.getFontSize(ctx, f2); var rc3 = s.getFontSize(ctx, f3); var rc4 = s.getFontSize(ctx, f4); var test0 = rc3[0]!=rc4[0] || rc3[0]==rc1[0] || rc4[0]==rc2[0]; var test1 = rc3[1]!=rc4[1] || rc3[1]==rc1[1] || rc4[1]==rc2[1]; var test2 = rc3[2]!=rc4[2] || rc3[2]==rc1[2] || rc4[2]==rc2[2]; if (test0 || test1 || test2) { setTimeout(function() { s.waitForFonts(); }, 20); return; } s.normalFontName = "normal " +s.fontsize+"px "+s.fontFamily; s.boldFontName = "bold " +s.fontsize+"px "+s.fontFamily; s.lightFontName = "lighter "+s.fontsize+"px "+s.fontFamily; ctx.font = s.normalFontName; var fw = ctx.measureText('W').width; ctx.font = s.boldFontName; var bw = ctx.measureText('W').width; ctx.font = s.lightFontName; var lw = ctx.measureText('W').width; var mx = Math.max(fw, bw, lw); s.normalFontOffset = parseInt((mx-fw)/2, 10); s.boldFontOffset = parseInt((mx-bw)/2, 10); s.lightFontOffset = parseInt((mx-lw)/2, 10); s.font = { }; s.font.charHeight = s.fontsize; s.font.charWidth = mx; s.debug("Using font-family '"+s.fontFamily+"' ["+mx+" x "+s.fontsize+"]"); s.readyCheck(); return; } // this callback may be called immediately, so we must make sure // everything is set up for it beforehand new TTVFont(s.fontName, function (f) { s.font = f; s.readyCheck(); }, s.options.debug); if (s.boldFontName) { new TTVFont(s.boldFontName, function (f) { s.boldfont = f; s.readyCheck(); }, s.options.debug); } } /** * @class TTVCanvas * @constructor * @public * * This objects handles the canvas update and interacts with the * emulator. * * @param {Node} canvas * A canvas element * * @param {Object} options * */ function TTVCanvas(canvas, options) { // -0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- // black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white var stdRGB = ['#000000', '#b21818', '#18b218', '#b26818', '#1818b2', '#b218b2', '#18b2b2', '#b2b2b2']; var hiRGB = ['#686868', '#ff5454', '#54ff54', '#ffff54', '#5454ff', '#ff54ff', '#54ffff', '#ffffff']; var s = this; if ( !(canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) ) throw new Error("First argument to TTVCanvas constructor must be an HTMLCanvasElement (was "+canvas+")"); //s.stdColors = clone(stdColors); //s.hiColors = clone(hiColors); s.stdRGB = clone(stdRGB); s.hiRGB = clone(hiRGB); s.fontName = 'qemu-vgafont'; s.fontFamily = 'monospace'; s.onReady = []; s.canvas = canvas; s.debug = function(txt) { options.debug ? options.debug("canvasview.js: "+txt) : alert("canvasview.js: "+txt); } s.options = options; if (options.fontsize) s.fontsize = options.fontsize; if (options.autoResize) s.autoResize = options.autoResize; if (options.font) s.fontName = options.font; if (options.fontfamily) s.fontFamily = options.fontfamily; if (options.boldfont) s.boldFontName = options.boldfont; if (options.autoResize) s.autoResize = options.autoResize; if (options.callback) s.callback = options.callback; if (options.onReady) s.onReady.push(options.onReady); s.cursor = { }; s.cursor.x = 0; s.cursor.y = 0; s.cursor.visible = true; s.emu = new TTVEmulator({ debug: s.options.debug, debugLevel: s.options.debugLevel, width: s.options.width, height: s.options.height, change: function(y, minx, maxx) { s.makeSpanDirty(y, minx, maxx); }, cursor: function(x, y, vis) { if (x >= s.emu.width) x = s.emu.width - 1; // signal that the old and new position // must be redrawn with the next update s.makeSpanDirty(y, x, x); s.makeSpanDirty(s.cursor.y, s.cursor.x, s.cursor.x); //s.makeSpanDirty(s.cursor.cur.y, s.cursor.cur.x, s.cursor.cur.x); s.cursor.x = x; s.cursor.y = y; s.cursor.visible = vis; }, special: function(obj) { if (!s.callback) return; if (obj.title || obj.icon) s.callback(obj); if (obj.border) { var col = obj.border[0]; // Because of 'fontWidth' this must not be // called before the fonts are ready! if (col>=0 && col<8) { s.callback({ 'border': s.stdRGB[col], 'width': obj.border[1]*s.font.charWidth }); return; } if (col>=10 && col<18) { s.callback({ 'border': s.hiRGB[col%10], 'width': obj.border[1]*s.font.charWidth }); return; } s.callback({ 'border': null }); } /* if (obj.bell) { } */ } }); s.parser = new TTVParser(s.emu, s.options.debug); s.dirtySpans = []; for (var y = 0; y < s.emu.height; y++) s.dirtySpans[y] = { min: 0, max: s.emu.width-1 }; // Now wait until the fonts are ready setTimeout(function() { s.waitForFonts(); }, 1); return this; }; /** * Callback which is called when the fonts are loaded. When * the fonts are ready, and a boldfont was set, the consistency * of their size is checked. If autoSize was set, the canvas is * resized automatically according to the font size. Then a * canvas update is forced and the ready-callbacks are invoked. * * @private * */ TTVCanvas.prototype.readyCheck = function () { if (!this.fontsize) { if (!this.font) return; if (this.boldFontName) { if (!this.boldfont) return; if (this.font.charWidth != this.boldfont.charWidth || this.font.charHeight != this.boldfont.charHeight) { this.debug("Normal font size ["+this.font.charWidth+"x"+this.font.charHeight+"] and "+ "bold font size ["+this.boldfont.charWidth+"x"+this.font.charHeight+"] mismatch"); this.boldfont = undefined; } } } if (this.autoResize) { this.canvas.setAttribute('width', this.emu.width * this.font.charWidth); this.canvas.setAttribute('height', this.emu.height * this.font.charHeight); } this.updateCanvas(); this.onReady.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); }); }; /** * @returns * an object which is a current state snapshot or the * emulator and the parser; */ TTVCanvas.prototype.snapshot = function() { return { emulator: this.emu.freeze(), parser: this.parser.getBuffer() }; }; /** * Takes a snapshop as set with snapshot() and configures * the emulator and parser accordingly * * @param {Object} obj * The snapshot object as returned by snapshot() */ TTVCanvas.prototype.thaw = function(obj) { this.emu.thaw(obj.emulator); this.parser.setBuffer(obj.parser); }; /** * Used to signal a change of a given region which will cause it to be * updated with the next draw-update * * @param {Number} y * The index of the row which contains the changes * * @param {Number} minx * The starting index of the column * * @param {Number} maxx * The index of the last column */ TTVCanvas.prototype.makeSpanDirty = function(y, minx, maxx) { if (y>=this.emu.height || minx<0 || maxx>=this.emu.width) throw Error("makeSpanDirty "+y+" "+this.emu.height+" "+minx+ " "+maxx+ " "+this.emu.width); var s = this.dirtySpans[y]; if (s.min>minx) s.min = minx; if (s.max9 || bold ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[fcolor]; bg = (bcolor>9 ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[bcolor]; } else { bg = (fcolor>9 || bold ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[fcolor]; fg = (bcolor>9 ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[bcolor]; } /* if (!fg) { this.debug("FGcolor @ "+x+"/"+y+" ["+fcolor+"]"); fg = '#167ff0'; } if (!bg) { this.debug("BGcolor @ "+x+"/"+y+" ["+bcolor+"]"); bg = '#167ff0'; } if (this.fontsize) //33s { // font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family // font-style: normal, italic, oblique // font-variant: normal, small-caps // font-weight: normal, bold, bolder, lighter (100-900) ctx.fillStyle = bg; ctx.fillRect(x*w, y*h, w, h); if (ch.charCodeAt(0)!=32) { ctx.fillStyle = fg; var font = bold ? this.boldFontName : this.fontName; if (save!=font) ctx.font = save = font; ctx.fillText(ch, x*w, (y+1)*h); } } else*/ // 27s { if (bold && this.boldfont) this.boldfont.drawChar(ctx, ch, x*w, y*h, fg, bg); else this.font.drawChar(ctx, ch, x*w, y*h, fg, bg); } // konsole // \033]50;CursorShape=0\007 block // \033]50;CursorShape=1\007 vertical line on the left // \033]50;CursorShape=2\007 underline // note: this is not super efficient if (this.emu.scr.c.underline[idx])// || (show && !this.emu.scr.c.blink[idx]) { if (fg != strokeColor) { ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor = fg; ctx.beginPath(); } ctx.moveTo(x*w, (y+1)*h-1); ctx.lineTo((x+1)*w, (y+1)*h-1); } } span.min = this.emu.width-1; span.max = 0; } } else // 30s { // This is trying to minimize the frequence of color and font changes for (var y = 0; y < this.emu.height; y++) { var span = this.dirtySpans[y]; for (var x = span.min; x <= span.max; x++) { var idx = y*this.emu.width+x; var show = this.cursor.x==x && this.cursor.y==y && this.cursor.visible; // Display cursor (fixme: could be any cursor) var bg; if (!show) { var bcolor = this.emu.scr.c.bcolor[idx]%10; bg = (bcolor>9 ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[bcolor]; } else { var fcolor = this.emu.scr.c.fcolor[idx]%10; bg = (fcolor>9 || this.emu.scr.c.bold[idx] ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[fcolor]; } if (color!=bg) ctx.fillStyle = color = bg; ctx.fillRect(x*w, y*h, w, h); } for (var x = span.min; x <= span.max; x++) { var idx = y*this.emu.width+x; var bold = this.emu.scr.c.bold[idx]; var ch = this.emu.scr.c.text[idx]; var show = this.cursor.x==x && this.cursor.y==y && this.cursor.visible; var fg; if (!show) { var fcolor = this.emu.scr.c.fcolor[idx]%10; fg = (fcolor>9 || bold ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[fcolor]; } else { var bcolor = this.emu.scr.c.bcolor[idx]%10; fg = (bcolor>9 ? this.hiRGB : this.stdRGB)[bcolor]; } if (ch.charCodeAt(0)!=32) { if (color!=fg) ctx.fillStyle = color = fg; var font = this.normalFontName; var offset = this.normalFontOffset; if (bold) { font = this.boldFontName; offset = this.boldFontOffset; } if (this.emu.scr.c.lowintensity[idx]) { font = this.lightFontName; offset = this.lightFontOffset; } if (save!=font) ctx.font = save = font; ctx.fillText(ch, x*w+offset, (y+1)*h); ctx.stroke(); } if (this.emu.scr.c.underline[idx])// || (show && !this.emu.scr.c.blink[idx]) { if (fg != strokeColor) { ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor = fg; ctx.beginPath(); } ctx.moveTo(x*w, (y+1)*h-1); ctx.lineTo((x+1)*w, (y+1)*h-1); } } span.min = this.emu.width-1; span.max = 0; } } ctx.stroke(); }