'use strict'; // todo: vt102 printing (vt102 user guide, chapter 5, "printing") /** * @constructor */ function TTVParser(term_cb, dbg) { var parser = this; parser.debug = function(txt) { dbg ? dbg("parse.js: "+txt) : alert("parse.js: "+txt); } parser.emu = term_cb; parser.buffer = ''; return parser; }; TTVParser.prototype.parse = function(str) { /* // This version would work very nicely if browswers would // already support the y-modifier if (!this.pos) this.pos = 0; while (this.pos0) { // Call corresponding (callback-)function to process the match this.handlables[i][1].call(this, match); // Remove match from buffer //this.buffer = this.buffer.substr(match[0].length); //alert("i="+this.handlables[i][0].lastIndex+" "+match[0].length); this.pos += match[0].length;//this.handlables[i][0].lastIndex; break; } } } */ this.buffer += str; while (this.handleBuffer()) { }; }; TTVParser.prototype.getBuffer = function() { return this.buffer; } TTVParser.prototype.setBuffer = function(obj) { this.buffer = obj; } TTVParser.prototype.handleBuffer = function() { for (var i=0; i50 && this.buffer[0]=='\033') { this.debug("Unknown escape sequence: "+ this.buffer[1].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[2].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[3].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[4].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[5].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[6].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[7].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[8].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+ this.buffer[9].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" ["+this.buffer+"]"); this.emu.ev_normalString('\0'); this.buffer = this.buffer.substr(1); } return false; } // Should be ordered by frequency of occurance TTVParser.prototype.handlables = [ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTF-8 // 1 byte: 0xxxxxxx // standard ascii // 2 byte: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx // c0-c1 // 3 byte: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx // f5-ff // 4 byte: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx // ascii // Everything except escape, special chars and 1xxxx xxxx // was: [/^[^\033\007\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\x80-\xFF]?/, [/^[\x20-\x7F]+/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_normalString(m[0]); }], //[/^([\x80-\xC1]|[\xF5-\xFF])/, function (m) { // this.debug("Malformed unicode[1]: "+m[0].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)); // this.cb('normalString', '\0'); //}], // was: [/^[\xC2\xDF][\x80-\xBF]/ [/^[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]/, function (m) { var p1 = m[0].charCodeAt(0) & 0x1f; // 0001 1111 var p2 = m[0].charCodeAt(1) & 0x3f; // 0011 1111 var code = (p1<<6) | p2; this.emu.ev_normalString(String.fromCharCode(code)); }], //[/^[\xC2-\xDF][\x00-\xFF]/, function (m) { // this.debug("Malformed unicode[2]: "+m[0].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+m[0].charCodeAt(1).toString(16)); // this.cb('normalString', '\0'); //}], //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // attributes (colors) [/^\033\[([0-9;]*)m/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_setAttribute(m[1].split(';')); }], //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // was: [/^(\xE0[\xA0-\xBF]|[\xE1-\xEC][\x80-\xBF]|\xED[\x80-\x9F]|[\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF])[\x80-\xBF]/ [/^[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/, function (m) { var p1 = m[0].charCodeAt(0) & 0x0f; // 0000 1111 var p2 = m[0].charCodeAt(1) & 0x3f; // 1000 0000 var p3 = m[0].charCodeAt(2) & 0x3f; // 1000 0000 var code = (p1<<12) | (p2<<6) | p3; this.emu.ev_normalString(String.fromCharCode(code)); }], //[/^[\xE0-\xEF][\x00-\xFF][\x00-\xFF]/, function (m) { // this.debug("Malformed unicode[3]: "+m[0].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+m[0].charCodeAt(1).toString(16)+" "+m[0].charCodeAt(2).toString(16)); // this.cb('normalString', '\0'); //}], // was: [/^(\xF0[\x90-\xBF]|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]|\xF4[\x80-\x8F])[\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/ [/^[\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/, function (m) { var p1 = m[0].charCodeAt(0) & 0x07; // 0000 0111 var p2 = m[0].charCodeAt(1) & 0x3f; // 0011 1111 var p3 = m[0].charCodeAt(2) & 0x3f; // 0011 1111 var p4 = m[0].charCodeAt(3) & 0x3f; // 0011 1111 var code = (p1<<18) | (p2<<12) | (p3<<6) | p4; this.emu.ev_normalString(String.fromCharCode(code)); }], //[/^[\xF0-\xF4][\x00-\xFF][\x00-\xFF][\x00-\xFF]/, function (m) { // this.debug("Malformed unicode[4]: "+m[0].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" "+m[0].charCodeAt(1).toString(16)+" "+m[0].charCodeAt(3).toString(16)+" "+m[0].charCodeAt(4).toString(16)); // this.cb('normalString', '\0'); //}], // This is how my shell processed unknown characters... if no proper unicode character // is detected, the characters are interpreted one-by-one [/^([\x80-\xFF])/, function (m) { // The best thing we can do is to assume that this is // 8bit ascii this.emu.ev_normalString(m[0]); // this.debug("Invalid code: "+m[0].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)+" ["+m[0]+"]"); // this.cb('normalString', '\0'); }], //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // control characters [/^\007/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_specialChar('bell'); }], [/^\010/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_specialChar('backspace'); }], [/^\011/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_specialChar('horizontalTab'); }], [/^\012/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_specialChar('lineFeed'); }], [/^\013/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_specialChar('verticalTab'); }], [/^\014/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_specialChar('formFeed'); }], [/^\015/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_specialChar('carriageReturn'); }], [/^\016/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_switchCharset('g1'); }], [/^\017/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_switchCharset('g0'); }], [/^\033F/, function (m) { // vt52: enter graphics mode //this.emu.ev_switchCharset('g0', 'line'); }], [/^\033G/, function (m) { // vt52: exit graphics mode //this.emu.ev_switchCharset('g0', 'us'); }], //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // very often used: home and goto [/^\033\[[Hf]/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_goto( 1, 1 ); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)G/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_goto(parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10), -1); // y=-1 (keep line) }], // cursor set position [/^\033\[([0-9]*);([0-9]*)[Hf]/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_goto(parseInt(m[2] || '1', 10), parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)d/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_goto(1, parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // obsolete control characters [/^[\000-\006]/, function() { } ], [/^[\020-\032]/, function() { } ], [/^[\034-\037]/, function() { } ], /* [/^\000/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'null'); }], [/^\001/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'startOfHeading'); }], [/^\002/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'startOfText'); }], [/^\003/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'endOfText'); }], [/^\004/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'endOfTransmission'); }], [/^\005/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'enquiry'); }], [/^\006/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'acknoledge'); }], [/^\020/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'dataLinkEscape'); }], [/^\021/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'deviceControl1'); }], [/^\022/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'deviceControl2'); }], [/^\023/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'deviceControl3'); }], [/^\024/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'deviceControl4'); }], [/^\025/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'negativeAcknowledge'); }], [/^\026/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'synchronousIdle'); }], [/^\027/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'endOfTransmissionBlok'); }], [/^\030/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'cancel'); }], [/^\031/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'endOfMedium'); }], [/^\032/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'substitute'); }], [/^\034/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'fileSeparator'); }], [/^\035/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'groupSeparator'); }], [/^\036/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'recordSeparator'); }], [/^\037/, function (m) { this.cb('specialChar', 'unitSeparator'); }], */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // erase in line [/^\033\[0?K/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_eraseInLine('toEnd'); }], [/^\033\[1K/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_eraseInLine('toStart'); }], [/^\033\[2K/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_eraseInLine('whole'); }], [/^\033K/, function (m) { // vt52 this.emu.ev_eraseInLine('toEnd'); }], // erase in display [/^\033\[0?J/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_eraseInDisplay('toEnd'); }], [/^\033\[1J/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_eraseInDisplay('toStart'); }], [/^\033\[2J/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_eraseInDisplay('whole'); }], [/^\033J/, function (m) { // vt52 this.emu.ev_eraseInDisplay('toEnd'); }], // insertion and deletion [/^\033\[([0-9]*)P/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_deleteChars(parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)X/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_deleteChars(parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)L/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_insertLines(parseInt(m[1] ||'1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)M/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_deleteLines(parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9])*@/, function (m) { // insert N characters this.emu.ev_insertChars(parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); //this.emu.ev_mode('insertLimited', parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], // margins [/^\033\[([0-9]+);([0-9]+)r/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_setMargins(parseInt(m[1], 10), parseInt(m[2], 10)); }], [/^\033\[r/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_resetMargins(); }], //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // control sequences // 3: italic (rxvt) // 6: overline (eterm) // 9: strikeout (gnome, guake, nautilus, terminator, xfce4, vte) [/^\033\[\[([0-9;]*)m/, function (m) { }], // arrow keys [/^\033\[([0-9]*)A/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_arrow('up', parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)B/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_arrow('down', parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)C/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_arrow('right', parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)D/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_arrow('left', parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)E/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_index('nextLine', parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033\[([0-9]*)F/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_index('prevLine', parseInt(m[1] || '1', 10)); }], [/^\033A([\x20-\x7F]?)/, function (m) { // vt52 this.emu.ev_arrow('up', m[1] ? m[1].charCodeAt(0)-32+1 : 1); }], [/^\033B([\x20-\x7F]?)/, function (m) { // vt52 this.emu.ev_arrow('down', m[1] ? m[1].charCodeAt(0)-32+1 : 1); }], [/^\033C([\x20-\x7F]?)/, function (m) { // vt52 this.emu.ev_arrow('right', m[1] ? m[1].charCodeAt(0)-32+1 : 1); }], [/^\033D/, function (m) { // vt52 this.emu.ev_arrow('left', 1); }], [/^\033Y(..)/, function (m) { // vt52 this.emu.ev_goto(m[1].charCodeAt(1)-32+1, m[1].charCodeAt(0)-32+1); }], // vt52: \033I reverse line feed // \033l move to first line (keep x) // cursor to lower left corner (vt100) //[/^\033F/, function (m) { //}], // \033[{n}Z cursor back tab // \033[{n}I cursor horizontal tab // \033[{n}W cursor tab stop control // \033[{n}Y cursor vertical tab // \033[{n}P delete character // \033#8 screen alignment display // \033[H horizontal tab stop // index and friends [/^\033D/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_index('down', 1); }], [/^\033M/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_index('up', 1); }], [/^\033E/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_index('nextLine', 1); }], // \033[6] back index // \033[9] forward index // cursor save/restore // Saves in terminal memory the: // cursor position // graphic rendition // character set shift state // state of wrap flag // state of origin mode // state of selective erase [/^\033[7]/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_cursorStack('push', true); }], [/^\033[8]/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_cursorStack('pop', true); }], // cursor save/restore position only [/^\033\[s/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_cursorStack('push', false); }], [/^\033\[u/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_cursorStack('pop', false); }], // keypad [/^\033=/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_mode('keypad', 'cursor'); }], [/^\033>/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_mode('keypad', 'numeric'); }], // mode set/reset //[/^\033\[(\??)([^\033]*?)h/, function (m) { [/^\033\[(\??)([0-9;]+)h/, function (m) { var me = this; m[2].split(';').forEach(function (sub) { me.setMode(m[1] + sub); }); }], //[/^\033\[(\??)([^\033]*?)l/, function (m) { [/^\033\[(\??)([0-9;]+)l/, function (m) { var me = this; m[2].split(';').forEach(function (sub) { me.resetMode(m[1] + sub); }); }], // curser layout; '\033[?17;0;0c' hide cursor [/^\033\[\?([0-9;]*)c/, function (m) { this.debug("cursor layout"+m[1]); }], // horizontal tab stops [/^\033H/, function (m) { //this.emu.ev_tabStop('add'); // set a tab stop at the current position this.emu.ev_goto( 1, 1); // vt52: home }], [/^\033\[0?g/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_tabStop('remove'); // clear tabs at the current position }], [/^\033\[3g/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_tabStop('clear'); // clear all tab stops }], // line attributes [/^\033#3/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_lineAttr('dwdhTopHalf'); }], [/^\033#4/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_lineAttr('dwdhBottomHalf'); }], [/^\033#5/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_lineAttr('swsh'); }], [/^\033#6/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_lineAttr('dwsh'); }], // erase in area // \033\[0?K toEnd // \033\[1K toStart // \033\[2K whole // erase in field // \033\[0?N toEnd // \033\[1N toStart // \033\[2N whole // erase character // \033[{N}X // \033[{N}T scroll down // \033[{N}S scroll up // There is \033[?...J as well (erase "selective" in display) // There is \033[?...K as well (erase "selective" in line) // \033V Start of guarded area // \033W End of guarded area // \033l Lock memory above cursor // \033m Unlock memory above cursor // reset [/^\033\[!p/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_softReset(); }], [/^\033c/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_reset(); }], // resize terminal: \e[8;{height};{width}t [/^\033\[([0-9;]*)t/, function (m) { }], // xterm-style titles [/^\033\]2;([^\033\007]*)\007/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_setWindowTitle(m[1]); }], [/^\033\]1;([^\033\007]*)\007/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_setIconTitle(m[1]); }], [/^\033\]0;([^\033\007]*)\007/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_setWindowIconTitle(m[1]); }], // character set selection // United kingdom: (A, )A, *A, +A [g0, g1, g2, g3] // USASCII: (B, )B, *B, +B [g0, g1, g2, g3] // graphics: (0, )0, *0, +0 [g0, g1, g2, g3] // graphics: (1, )1, *1, +1 [g0, g1, g2, g3] // graphics: (2, )2, *2, +2 [g0, g1, g2, g3] [/^\033\$?([()*+-./])([ABCEHKQRYZ0124567=])/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_setCharset(m[1], m[2]); }], // temporary character set [/^\033N(a|[^a])/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_g2char(m[1]); }], [/^\033O(a|[^a])/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_g3char(m[1]); }], // reports (skipped, we are not emulating an interactive terminal) [/^\033([0-9;?]*)n/, function (m) { /*var me = this; m[1].split(';').forEach(function (r) { me.handleReportRequest(r); });*/ }], [/^\033(\[0?c|Z)/, function (m) { //this.emu.ev_report('deviceAttributes'); }], [/^\033\[>c/, function (m) { //this.emu.ev_report('versionString'); }], // LEDs [/^\033\[([0-9;]*)q/, function (m) { var me = this; (m[1].length ? m[1] : '0').split(';').forEach(function (l) { me.handleLED(l); }); }], // printing (we son't have to support that // Print current screen, 1: print current line, // 4: disable log, 5: enable log (echo to printer) [/^\033\[[145]?i/, function (m) { }], // [/^\033\[([0-9;]*)y/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_hardware('selfTestRaw', m[1]); }], [/^\033#8/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_hardware('screenAlignment'); }], // xterm: select default character set (ISO8859-1) [/^\033%@/, function (m) { //enable utf8? //this.cb('mode', 'utf8'); }], // xterm: select default character set (ISO2022) [/^\033%G/, function (m) { //enable utf8? //this.cb('mode', 'utf8'); }], // screensaver control [/^\033\[9;([0-9]+)\]/, function (m) { //this.emu.ev_mode('borderColor', [ m[1], m[2] ]); // \033[9;X] X in minutes (0 off) }], // My extension to control the 'border color' [/^\033\[([0-9]+)(;[0-9]+)?\xb0/, function (m) { this.emu.ev_mode('borderColor', [ m[1], m[2] ? m[2].substr(1) : null ]); }] ]; TTVParser.prototype.setMode = function (mode) { switch (mode) { // cursor keys in applications mode case '?1': this.emu.ev_mode('cursorKeyANSI', false); break; case '?3': this.emu.ev_mode('width', 132); break; case '?4': this.emu.ev_mode('scroll', 'smooth'); break; case '?5': this.emu.ev_mode('reverseScreen', true); break; case '?6': this.emu.ev_mode('originMode', 'margin'); break; case '?7': this.emu.ev_mode('autoWrap', true); break; case '?8': this.emu.ev_mode('autoRepeat', true); break; case '?9': this.emu.ev_mode('mouseTrackingDown', true); break; case '?12': this.emu.ev_mode('cursorBlink', true); break; case '?25': this.emu.ev_mode('cursor', true); break; // xterm // case '?34': // right to left mode // case '?42': // hide/show scroll bar // case '?43': // history on/off // case '?44': // margin bell on/off // case '?45': // reverse wrap around on/off // case '?48': // reverse/normal status line // case '?49': // page/normal scroll mode // case '?E': // erase status line // case '?F': // return from status line // case '?H': // hide status line // case '?S': // show status line // case '?{N}T': // goto column {N} of status line case '?47': this.emu.ev_mode('currentScreen', 0); break; case '?69': // Left right margin mode //this.cb('mode', 'currentScreen', 1); break; case '?1000': this.emu.ev_mode('mouseTrackingUp', true); break; case '?1034': this.emu.ev_mode('metaKey', true); break; case '?1047': this.emu.ev_mode('currentScreen', 0); break; case '?1048': this.emu.ev_cursorStack('push', true); break; case '?1049': this.emu.ev_cursorStack('push', true); this.emu.ev_mode('currentScreen', 0); this.emu.ev_eraseInLine('whole'); break; case '2': this.emu.ev_mode('keyboardLocked', true); break; case '4': this.emu.ev_mode('insert', true); break; case '12': this.emu.ev_mode('localEcho', false); break; case '20': this.emu.ev_mode('newLineMode', 'crlf'); break; default: this.debug('Unhandled set mode: "' + mode + '"'); } }; TTVParser.prototype.resetMode = function (mode) { switch (mode) { // cursor keys in cursor positioning mode case '?1': this.emu.ev_mode('cursorKeyANSI', true); break; case '?2': this.emu.ev_mode('vt52', true); break; case '?3': this.emu.ev_mode('width', 80); break; case '?4': this.emu.ev_mode('scroll', 'jump'); break; case '?5': this.emu.ev_mode('reverseScreen', false); break; case '?6': this.emu.ev_mode('originMode', 'screen'); break; case '?7': this.emu.ev_mode('autoWrap', false); break; case '?8': this.emu.ev_mode('autoRepeat', false); break; case '?9': this.emu.ev_mode('mouseTrackingDown', false); break; case '?12': this.emu.ev_mode('cursorBlink', false); break; case '?25': this.emu.ev_mode('cursor', false); break; case '?47': this.emu.ev_mode('currentScreen', 1); break; case '?69': // Left right amrgin mode //this.cb('mode', 'currentScreen', 1); break; case '?1000': this.emu.ev_mode('mouseTrackingUp', false); break; case '?1034': this.emu.ev_mode('metaKey', false); break; case '?1047': this.emu.ev_eraseInLine('whole'); this.emu.ev_mode('currentScreen', 1); break; case '?1048': this.emu.ev_cursorStack('pop', true); break; case '?1049': this.emu.ev_mode('currentScreen', 1); this.emu.ev_cursorStack('pop', true); break; case '2': this.emu.ev_mode('keyboardLocked', false); break; case '4': this.emu.ev_mode('insert', false); break; case '12': this.emu.ev_mode('localEcho', true); break; case '20': this.emu.ev_mode('newLineMode', 'cr'); break; default: this.debug('Unhandled reset mode: "' + mode + '"'); } }; /* TTVParser.prototype.handleReportRequest = function (req) { switch (req) { case '5': this.emu.ev_report('status'); break; case '?15': this.emu.ev_report('printer'); break; case '6': this.emu.ev_report('cursorPosition'); break; default: this.debug('Unhandled report request: "' + req + '"'); } };*/ TTVParser.prototype.handleLED = function (led) { led = parseInt(led, 10); if ( led == 0 ) { this.emu.ev_led('off', 'all'); } else { this.emu.ev_led('on', led); } }