1 | <?php
2 | {
3 | ini_set("display_errors", "On");
4 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
5 |
6 | echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html"));
7 |
8 | //call get_progs() at startup
9 | printf("<script type=\"text/javascript\" >\n");
10 | printf("window.onload = function () { get_progs(\"all\",1,'view'); get_keys(\"all\",\"all\",1,'view'); }\n");
11 | printf("</script>\n");
12 |
13 | include("db.php");
14 | printf("This page is to <u>view</u> the DB <b>%s</b>.\n", $db);
15 | printf("For edit, please go <a href='edit_po.php'>here</a>.<br><br>\n");
16 |
17 | $db_id = mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $pw);
18 | if ($db_id==FALSE)
19 | {
20 | printf("mysql_connect returned the following error: %s\n", mysql_error());
21 | die("");
22 | }
23 | mysql_select_db($db);
24 |
25 | printf("<table><tbody>\n");
26 |
27 | printf("<tr>\n");
28 | printf("<td valign='top' id='progfield'></td>\n");
29 | printf("<td valign='top' id='keyfield'></td>\n");
30 | printf("</tr>\n");
31 |
32 | printf("<tr><td colspan='2'>\n");
33 | //printf("<button onClick='get_values(2,\"all\",\"all\");get_values(3,\"all\",\"all\");alert(\"wait\");CompareValues();' id='showpo' style='display:inline'>Show Status</button></div>\n");
34 | printf("<button onClick='get_values(2,\"all\",\"all\");get_values(3,\"all\",\"all\");CompareValues();' id='showpo' style='display:inline'>Show Status</button></div>\n");
35 | printf("<button onClick='reset_dates(\"year\", \"empty\", \"empty\", 2);reset_dates(\"year\", \"empty\", \"empty\", 3)' id='resetdates' style='display:inline'>Reset Dates</button></div>\n");
36 | printf("</td></tr>\n");
37 |
38 | printf("<tr>\n");
39 | for ($i=2; $i<4; $i++)
40 | {
41 | printf("<td>\n");
42 | printf("<input name='dateformat%d' type='radio' onclick='ShowDatePulldown(%d)' value='pulldown' checked>pulldown \n", $i, $i);
43 | printf("<input name='dateformat%d' type='radio' onclick='ShowDateInput(%d)' value='textinput'>text input \n", $i, $i);
44 | printf("</td>\n");
45 | }
46 | printf("</tr>\n");
47 |
48 | $query0="SELECT DATE_FORMAT(fValidFrom, '%Y') AS valid FROM History WHERE NOT fValidFrom='0000-00-00 00:00:00' group by valid";
49 | $result0=mysql_query($query0, $db_id);
50 |
51 |
52 | //date fields
53 | printf("<tr>\n");
54 | $rowcount=0;
55 | for ($i=2; $i<4; $i++)
56 | {
57 | printf("<td>\n");
58 | //input field
59 | printf("<div id='dateinput%d' style='display:none'>Date (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) \n", $i);
60 | printf("<input id=\"statusdate%d\" type=\"text\" size=\"19\" maxlength=\"19\">\n", $i);
61 | printf("<button onClick='get_timestamp(%s, \"next\");' id='nextimestamp%s' style='display:inline'>Next Time Stamp</button>\n", $i, $i);
62 | printf("<button onClick='get_timestamp(%s, \"prev\");' id='nextimestamp%s' style='display:inline'>Prev Time Stamp</button>\n", $i, $i);
63 | printf("</div>\n");
64 | //pull down menus
65 | printf("<div id='datepulldown%d' style='display:inline'>Date:\n", $i);
66 | //select for years
67 | printf("<div id='yearselect%d' style='display:inline'>\n", $i);
68 | printf("<select id='year%d' onchange=\"get_dates('month', this.value, this.value, %d, 'yes')\">\n", $i, $i);
69 | printf("<option value='empty'>year</option>\n");
70 | while ($row0 = mysql_fetch_row($result0))
71 | {
72 | printf("<option value='%s'>%s </option>\n", $row0[0], $row0[0]);
73 | $rowcount++;
74 | }
75 | printf("</select></div>\n");
76 | //select for months
77 | printf("<div id='monthselect%d' style='display:inline'>\n", $i);
78 | printf("<select id='month%d' onchange=\"get_dates('day', this.value, 'empty', %d, 'yes')\">\n", $i, $i);
79 | printf("<option value='empty'>-</option>\n");
80 | printf("</select></div>\n");
81 | //select for days
82 | printf("<div id='dayselect%d' style='display:inline'>\n", $i);
83 | printf("<select id='day%d' onchange=\"get_dates('hour', this.value, 'empty', %d, 'yes')\">\n", $i, $i);
84 | printf("<option value='empty'>-</option>\n");
85 | printf("</select></div>\n");
86 | //select for hours
87 | printf("<div id='hourselect%d' style='display:inline'>\n", $i);
88 | printf("<select id='hour%d' onchange=\"get_dates('min', this.value, 'empty', %d, 'yes')\">\n", $i, $i);
89 | printf("<option value='empty'>-</option>\n");
90 | printf("</select></div>\n");
91 | //select for minutes
92 | printf("<div id='minselect%d' style='display:inline'>\n", $i);
93 | printf("<select id='min%d' onchange=\"get_dates('sec', this.value, 'empty', %d, 'yes')\">\n", $i, $i);
94 | printf("<option value='empty'>-</option>\n");
95 | printf("</select></div>\n");
96 | //select for seconds
97 | printf("<div id='secselect%d' style='display:inline'><select id='sec%d'>\n", $i, $i);
98 | printf("<option value='empty'>-</option>\n");
99 | printf("</select></div>\n");
100 | //buttton to show next timestamp
101 | //printf("<button onClick='get_next_timestamp(%s);' id='nextimestamp%s' style='display:inline'>Next Time Stamp</button>\n", $i, $i);
102 | printf("<button onClick='get_timestamp(%s, \"next\");' id='nextimestamp%s' style='display:inline'>Next Time Stamp</button>\n", $i, $i);
103 | printf("<button onClick='get_timestamp(%s, \"prev\");' id='nextimestamp%s' style='display:inline'>Prev Time Stamp</button>\n", $i, $i);
104 | printf("</td>\n");
105 | if ($i==2 && $rowcount > 0)
106 | mysql_data_seek($result0, 0);
107 | }
108 | printf("</tr>\n");
109 | mysql_free_result($result0);
110 |
111 | //list of POs
112 | printf("<tr>\n");
113 | printf("<td><div id='valuefield2'></div></td>\n");
114 | printf("<td><div id='valuefield3'></div></td>\n");
115 | printf("</tr>\n");
116 |
117 | printf("</tbody>\n</table>\n");
118 |
119 | echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html"));
120 |
121 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
122 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
123 | }
124 | ?>