1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include("db.php");
4 |
5 | // ini_set("display_errors", "On");
6 | // ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
7 |
8 |
9 | if (isset($_GET['db']))
10 | $database = $_GET['db'];
11 |
12 | $error_con = "";
13 |
14 | $db = new mysqli($host, $user, $pw, $database);
15 | if ($db->connect_error)
16 | {
17 | header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal server error");
18 | $error_con = $db->connect_error;
19 | //die("mysqli_connect: ".$db->connect_errno." ".$db->connect_error);
20 | }
21 |
22 | if (isset($_GET["short"]) && !$db->connect_error)
23 | {
24 | $query = "SELECT URL from ShortURL.ShortURL WHERE `Key`=(".base62_decode($_GET["short"]).")";
25 | if ($result = $db->query($query))
26 | {
27 | $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
28 | $pos = strpos($uri, '?');
29 | $uri = $pos===FALSE ? $uri : substr($uri, 0, $pos);
30 |
31 | $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
32 | $result->free();
33 |
34 | $url = $row['URL'];
35 |
36 | $tiny = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$uri.'?'.$url;
37 |
38 | if (isset($_GET["print"]) &&
39 | strstr($url, "?print")==FALSE &&
40 | strstr($url, "&print")==FALSE)
41 | $tiny .= "&print";
42 |
43 | header('Location: //'.$tiny);
44 | die("");
45 | }
46 | }
47 |
48 | $hidden = isset($_GET["print"]) ? "*{visibility:hidden;}.print{position:fixed;left:0;top:0;}.print *{visibility:visible;}" : "";
49 | $begin = isset($_GET["b"]) ? $_GET["b"] : "";
50 | $end = isset($_GET["e"]) ? $_GET["e"] : "";
51 | $source = isset($_GET["s"]) ? intval($_GET["s"]) : 0;
52 | $group = isset($_GET["g"]) ? intval($_GET["g"]) : 1;
53 | $table = isset($_GET["t"]) ? $_GET["t"] : "LP";
54 | $cut = isset($_GET["cut"]) ? trim($_GET["cut"]) : "";
55 | $having = isset($_GET["hav"]) ? trim($_GET["hav"]) : "";
56 | $vmin = isset($_GET["min"]) ? "minValue:".intval($_GET["min"])."," : "";
57 | $vmax = isset($_GET["max"]) ? "maxValue:".intval($_GET["max"])."," : "";
58 | $width = isset($_GET["w"]) ? floatval($_GET["w"]) : 1;
59 | $sql_x = isset($_GET["x"]) ? trim($_GET["x"]) : "";
60 | $sql_y = isset($_GET["y"]) ? trim($_GET["y"]) : "";
61 | $sql_err= isset($_GET["err"]) ? trim($_GET["err"]) : "";
62 | $rate = isset($_GET["r"]) ? intval($_GET["r"]) : 6;
63 | $offset = isset($_GET["o"]) ? floatval($_GET["o"]) : 0;
64 | $nohist = isset($_GET["no-hist"]) ? 1 : 0;
65 | $noerr = isset($_GET["no-errors"]) ? 1 : 0;
66 | $ontime = isset($_GET["on"]) ? floatval($_GET["on"]) : -1;
67 | //$clean = isset($_GET["clean"]) ? "AND fEffectiveOn>0.015" : "";
68 |
69 | if (!empty($sql_x))
70 | $group = 42;
71 |
72 | if ($width<=0)
73 | $width = 1;
74 |
75 | if (empty($offset))
76 | $offset = 0;
77 |
78 | /*
79 | $join = isset($_GET["join"]) ? "LEFT JOIN ".$_GET["join"]." USING(fNight,fRunID)" : "";
80 |
81 | if (isset($_GET["x"]))
82 | $group = 42;
83 |
84 | if (isset($_GET["y"]))
85 | $rate = 44;
86 |
87 | // Backward compatibility
88 | if (isset($_GET["avg"]))
89 | {
90 | $y = $_GET["avg"];
91 | $rate = 42;
92 | }
93 |
94 | if (isset($_GET["sum"]))
95 | {
96 | $y = $_GET["sum"];
97 | $rate = 43;
98 | }
99 |
100 | if (isset($_GET["hist"]))
101 | {
102 | $x = $_GET["hist"];
103 | $rate = 45;
104 | $group = 42;
105 | }
106 |
107 | */
108 |
109 | $good = "";
110 | if (isset($_GET["good"]))
111 | {
112 | $g = $_GET["good"];
113 |
114 | if ($g&0x1) $good .= " AND fNumThreshold750/(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.179*pow(sin(1.89*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5))/TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))/fEffectiveOn>3.7 ";
115 | if ($g&0x2) $good .= " AND ((fNumEvtsAfterCleaning*1.0-fNum27Sec*1.0)/((-2381.1+2766.3*LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)-1049.9*POW(LOG10(fThresholdMinSet),2)+131.05*POW(LOG10(fThresholdMinSet),3))/21.15)/(COS(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.179*POW(SIN(1.89*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5)))/(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)>16.2 ";
116 | if ($g&0x4) $good .= " AND (fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts/(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.179*pow(sin(1.89*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5))/((8598.9- 13181*log10(fThresholdMinSet)+7567.4*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),2)-1925.2*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),3)+183*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),4))/9.2 ))/(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)>6.7 ";
117 | if ($g&0x8) $good .= " AND (fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts/(1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035) )/(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)>0.6 ";
118 | }
119 |
120 | $sqlbegin = !empty($begin) ? "AND (DATE(fNight)>='".$begin."')" : "";
121 | $sqlend = !empty($end) ? "AND (DATE(fNight)<='".$end."')" : "";
122 | $sqlcut = !empty($cut) ? "AND (".$cut.") " : "";
123 | $sqlhaving = !empty($having)? "AND (".$having.") " : "";
124 |
125 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
126 |
127 | $query2 = <<<EOT
128 |
129 | SELECT
131 | FROM
133 | WHERE
134 | TABLE_SCHEMA='$database' AND
135 | TABLE_NAME in ('RunInfo','AnalysisResultsRun$table')
136 | GROUP BY
138 | ORDER BY
140 |
141 | EOT;
142 |
143 | $error2 = "";
144 | $columns = "";
145 |
146 | $result2 = $db->connect_error ? FALSE : $db->query($query2);
147 | if ($result2)
148 | {
149 | while ($row = $result2->fetch_assoc())
150 | $columns .= '"'.$row['COLUMN_NAME'].'",'."\n";
151 | $result2->free();
152 | }
153 | else
154 | {
155 | $error2 .= $db->error;
156 | }
157 |
158 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
159 |
160 | $query1 = <<<EOT
161 |
162 | SELECT
163 | fSourceKEY AS k,
164 | fSourceName AS name,
165 | fRightAscension AS ra
166 | FROM Source
167 | WHERE fSourceTypeKey=1
168 | ORDER BY k
169 |
170 | EOT;
171 |
172 | $error1 = "";
173 |
174 | $sources = array();
175 | $sourceoptions = "";
176 |
177 | $result1 = $db->connect_error ? FALSE : $db->query($query1);
178 | if ($result1)
179 | {
180 | while ($row = $result1->fetch_assoc())
181 | {
182 | $sources[$row['k']] = $row;
183 | $sourceoptions .= "<option value='".$row['k']."'>".$row['name']."</option>\n";
184 | }
185 | $result1->free();
186 | }
187 | else
188 | {
189 | $error1 .= $db->error;
190 | }
191 |
192 | $sourcename = $source==0 ? "All" : $sources[$source]['name'];
193 | $ra = $source==0 ? 0 : $sources[$source]['ra'];
194 | $sqlsource = $source==0 ? "" : "AND fSourceKey=".$source;
195 |
196 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
197 |
198 | $unitx = "";
199 |
200 | switch ($group)
201 | {
202 | case 1:
203 | $selectx="fPeriod";
204 | $titlex="Period";
205 | $axistype="number";
206 | $mintime=60;
207 | break;
208 | case 2:
209 | //$selectx="FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fRunStart)+(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fRunStop)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fRunStart))/2)";
210 | $selectx="STR_TO_DATE(fNight, '%Y%m%d')";
211 | $titlex="Night";
212 | $axistype="date";
213 | $mintime=20;
214 | break;
215 | case 3:
216 | $selectx="YEAR(fNight)";//"SUBSTR(fNight,1,4)";
217 | $titlex="Year";
218 | $axistype="date";
219 | $mintime=60;
220 | break;
221 | case 4:
222 | $selectx="ADDDATE(DATE(CONCAT(YEAR(ADDDATE(DATE(fNight), INTERVAL - (".$ra."/24.*365+80) DAY)), '-01-01')), INTERVAL + (".$ra."/24.*365+80+365/2) DAY)"; // FIXME shift back to get the center!
223 | //$selectx="ADDDATE(DATE(YEAR(ADDDATE(DATE(fNight), INTERVAL - (".$ra."/24.*365+80) DAY))), INTERVAL + (".$ra."/24.*365+80) DAY)";
224 | $titlex="Season";
225 | $axistype="date";
226 | $mintime=60;
227 | break;
228 | case 5:
229 | $selectx="FROM_UNIXTIME((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fRunStop)+UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fRunStart))/2)";
230 | $titlex="Time";
231 | $axistype="date";
232 | $mintime=0.5;
233 | break;
234 | case 6:
235 | $bin = isset($width) ? $width : 5;
236 | $selectx="FLOOR(fZenithDistanceMean/".$bin.")*".$bin."+".$bin."/2";
237 | $titlex="Zd [deg]";
238 | $axistype="number";
239 | $mintime=0.5;
240 | break;
241 | case 7:
242 | $bin = isset($width) ? $width : 50;
243 | $selectx="FLOOR(fThresholdMinSet/".$bin.")*".$bin."+".$bin."/2";
244 | $titlex="Threshold";
245 | $axistype="number";
246 | $mintime=0.5;
247 | break;
248 | case 8:
249 | $bin = isset($width) ? $width : 5;
250 | $selectx="FLOOR(fCurrentsMedMean/".$bin.")*".$bin."+".$bin."/2";
251 | $titlex="Current [\u00B5A/pix]"; // \u00B5 = µ
252 | $axistype="number";
253 | $mintime=0.5;
254 | break;
255 | case 9:
256 | $selectx="MONTH(fNight)";//"SUBSTR(fNight,1,4)";
257 | $titlex="Month";
258 | $axistype="date";
259 | $mintime=60;
260 | break;
261 | case 42:
262 | $bin = isset($width) ? $width : 1;
263 | $selectx="FLOOR(((".$sql_x.")-".$offset.")/".$bin.")*".$bin."+".$bin."/2+".$offset;
264 | $titlex=addslashes($sql_x)." / ".$bin;
265 | $axistype="number";
266 | $mintime=0.5;
267 | break;
268 |
269 | default:
270 | $selectx="fPeriod";
271 | $titlex="Period";
272 | $axistype="number";
273 | $mintime=60;
274 | break;
275 | }
276 |
277 | if ($ontime>=0)
278 | $mintime = $ontime;
279 |
280 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
281 |
282 | $isnull = "";
283 | $unity = "[Hz]";
284 | $selecterr="1";
285 |
286 | $vminval = 0;
287 | $errors = 0;
288 | $histogram = 0;
289 |
290 | switch ($rate)
291 | {
292 | case 1:
293 | $selecty="AVG(fTriggerRateMedian)";
294 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fTriggerRateMedian)";
295 | $titley="Average TriggerRate";
296 | break;
297 | case 21:
298 | $selecty="SUM(fNumPhysicsTrigger)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
299 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumPhysicsTrigger)";
300 | $titley="PhysicsTriggerRate";
301 | break;
302 | case 22:
303 | //$selecty="(SUM(fNumPhysicsTrigger)-SUM(fNum27Sec))/SUM(fOnTime)";
304 | $selecty="SUM(fNumPhysicsTrigger*1.0-fNum27Sec*1.0)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
305 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumPhysicsTrigger) AND NOT ISNULL(fNum27Sec)";
306 | $titley="PhysicsTrigger-27Sec";
307 | break;
308 | case 2:
309 | $selecty="SUM(fNumEvtsAfterCleaning)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
310 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterCleaning)";
311 | $titley="Rate after Cleaning";
312 | break;
313 | case 23:
314 | $selecty="SUM(fNumEvtsAfterCleaning*1.0-fNum27Sec*1.0)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
315 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterCleaning) AND NOT ISNULL(fNum27Sec)";
316 | $titley="Rate after Cleaning-27Sec";
317 | break;
318 | case 20:
319 | //$selecty="SUM((fNumEvtsAfterCleaning*1.0-fNum27Sec*1.0)/(1-(22.3-6)/22.5/0.4*(LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)-2.5))/(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.18*pow(sin(2*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),3)))/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
320 | $selecty="SUM((fNumEvtsAfterCleaning*1.0-fNum27Sec*1.0)/((-2381.1+2766.3*LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)-1049.9*POW(LOG10(fThresholdMinSet),2)+131.05*POW(LOG10(fThresholdMinSet),3))/21.15)/(COS(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.179*POW(SIN(1.89*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5)))/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
321 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterCleaning) AND LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)<2.8 AND NOT ISNULL(fZenithDistanceMean) AND fThresholdMinSet>0 ";
322 | $titley="Rate after cleaning (Zd/TH/27s corrected)";
323 | break;
324 | case 3:
325 | $selecty="SUM(fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
326 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts)";
327 | $titley="Rate after Quality Cuts";
328 | break;
329 | case 4:
330 | $selecty="SUM(fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
331 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts)";
332 | $titley="Rate after Background Cuts";
333 | break;
334 | case 24:
335 | $selecty="SUM(fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts/(1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035) )/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
336 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts) AND NOT ISNULL(fZenithDistanceMean) AND NOT ISNULL(fThresholdMinSet)";
337 | $titley="BgRate (corrected)";
338 | break;
339 | case 28:
340 | $selecty="SUM(fNumExcEvts/((1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035) ))/SUM(fNumExcEvts)";
341 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumExcEvts) AND NOT ISNULL(fZenithDistanceMean) AND NOT ISNULL(fThresholdMinSet)";
342 | $titley="Ratio Corrected(fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts) Exc / Exc";
343 | break;
344 | case 25:
345 | $selecty="SUM(fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts/(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.179*pow(sin(1.89*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5))/((8598.9- 13181*log10(fThresholdMinSet)+7567.4*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),2)-1925.2*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),3)+183*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),4))/9.2 ))/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
346 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts) AND NOT ISNULL(fZenithDistanceMean) AND NOT ISNULL(fThresholdMinSet)";
347 | $titley="QualCutRate (corrected)";
348 | break;
349 | case 29:
350 | $selecty="SUM(fNumExcEvts/(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.179*pow(sin(1.89*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5))/((8598.9- 13181*log10(fThresholdMinSet)+7567.4*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),2)-1925.2*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),3)+183*pow(log10(fThresholdMinSet),4))/9.2 ))/SUM(fNumExcEvts)";
351 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts) AND NOT ISNULL(fZenithDistanceMean) AND NOT ISNULL(fThresholdMinSet)";
352 | $titley="Ratio Corrected(fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts) Exc / Exc";
353 | break;
354 | case 30:
355 | $selecty="SUM(fNumExcEvts/(pow(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),3)+14.8/21.9*pow(sin(2*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5))/(1-0.00124/1.21*(fThresholdMinSet-500)*(fThresholdMinSet>=500)))/SUM(fNumExcEvts)";
356 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts) AND NOT ISNULL(fZenithDistanceMean) AND NOT ISNULL(fThresholdMinSet)";
357 | $titley="Ratio Corrected(fNumExcEvts) Exc / Exc";
358 | break;
359 | case 17:
360 | $selecty="SUM(fNumSigEvts)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
361 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumSigEvts)";
362 | $titley="Signal events";
363 | break;
364 | case 5:
365 | $selecty="SUM(fNumBgEvts)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
366 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumBgEvts)";
367 | $titley="Background events";
368 | break;
369 | case 6:
370 | $selecty="SUM(fNumExcEvts)*3600/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
371 | $selecterr="EXCERR(SUM(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts))/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)*3600";
372 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumExcEvts) AND NOT ISNULL(fEffectiveOn)";
373 | $titley="Excess events";
374 | $unity="[1/h]";
375 | $errors = $noerr ? 0 : 1;
376 | break;
377 | case 7:
378 | $selecty="SUM(fNum27Sec)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
379 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNum27Sec)";
380 | $titley="27sec Rate";
381 | break;
382 | case 8:
383 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold500)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
384 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold500)";
385 | $titley="Threshold 500 Rate";
386 | break;
387 | case 9:
388 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold750)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
389 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold750)";
390 | $titley="Threshold 750 Rate";
391 | break;
392 | case 10:
393 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold1000)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
394 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold1000)";
395 | $titley="Threshold 1000 Rate";
396 | break;
397 | case 11:
398 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold1250)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
399 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold1250)";
400 | $titley="Threshold 1250 Rate";
401 | break;
402 | case 12:
403 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold2500)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
404 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold2500)";
405 | $titley="Threshold 2500 Rate";
406 | break;
407 | case 13:
408 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold5000)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
409 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold5000)";
410 | $titley="Threshold 5000 Rate";
411 | break;
412 | case 14:
413 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold10000)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
414 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold10000)";
415 | $titley="Threshold 10000 Rate";
416 | break;
417 | case 15:
418 | $selecty="AVG(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn-fOnTime)";
419 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTime) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStop) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStart) AND NOT fRunStop='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND NOT fRunStart='0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
420 | $titley="Ontime difference";
421 | $sqlhaving.="AND y>0";
422 | $unity="[s]";
423 | break;
424 | case 26:
425 | $selecty="AVG(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn-fOnTimeAfterCuts)";
426 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTime) AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTimeAfterCuts) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStop) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStart) AND NOT fRunStop='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND NOT fRunStart='0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
427 | $titley="Calculated ontime minus ontime after cuts";
428 | $unity="[s]";
429 | break;
430 | case 27:
431 | $selecty="AVG(fOnTime-fOnTimeAfterCuts)";
432 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTime) AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTimeAfterCuts) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStop) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStart) AND NOT fRunStop='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND NOT fRunStart='0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
433 | $titley="Average difference between ontime and ontime after cuts";
434 | $unity="[s]";
435 | break;
436 | case 18:
437 | $selecty="AVG(fEffectiveOn)";
438 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fEffectiveOn)";
439 | $titley="Average (On time / elapsed time)";
440 | $unity="";
441 | $vminval=0.8;
442 | break;
443 | case 19:
444 | $selecty="SUM(fOnTime)/SUM(fOnTime/fEffectiveOn)";
445 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTime) AND NOT ISNULL(fEffectiveOn)";
446 | $titley="SUM(On time) / SUM(Elapsed time)";
447 | $unity="";
448 | $vminval=0.8;
449 | break;
450 | case 16:
451 | $selecty="SUM(fNumThreshold750/(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180)+0.179*pow(sin(1.89*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5)))/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)";
452 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fOnTime) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStop) AND NOT ISNULL(fRunStart) AND NOT fRunStop='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND NOT fRunStart='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND NOT ISNULL(fZenithDistanceMean) AND NOT ISNULL(fNumThreshold750)";
453 | $titley="Threshold 750 Rate (Zd corrected)";
454 | break;
455 | case 42:
456 | $selecty="AVG(".$sql_y.")";
457 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(".$sql_y.")";
458 | $titley="Average ".$sql_y;
459 | $unity="";
460 | //$vmin ="";
461 | $histogram = 1;//$nohist ? 0 : 1;
462 | break;
463 | case 43:
464 | $selecty="SUM(".$sql_y.")";
465 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(".$sql_y.")";
466 | $titley="Sum of ".$sql_y;
467 | $unity="";
468 | //$vmin ="";
469 | $histogram = 1;//$nohist ? 0 : 1;
470 | break;
471 | case 44:
472 | $selecty=$sql_y;
473 | $titley=$sql_y;
474 | $unity="";
475 | //$vmin ="";
476 | $histogram = 1;//$nohist ? 0 : 1;
477 | break;
478 | case 45:
479 | $selecty="COUNT(".(empty($sql_y)?"*":$sql_y).")";
480 | $titley="Counts";
481 | $unity="";
482 | //$vmin ="";
483 | $histogram = 1;//$nohist ? 0 : 1;
484 | break;
485 | case 46:
486 | $selecty="LOG10(COUNT(".(empty($sql_y)?"*":$sql_y)."))";
487 | $titley="log10(Counts)";
488 | $unity="";
489 | //$vmin ="";
490 | $histogram = 1;//$nohist ? 0 : 1;
491 | break;
492 | default:
493 | $selecty="AVG(fTriggerRateMedian)";
494 | $isnull="AND NOT ISNULL(fNumExcEvts) AND NOT ISNULL(fNumBgEvts) AND NOT ISNULL(fNumSigEvts)";
495 | $titley="TriggerRate";
496 | break;
497 | }
498 |
499 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
500 | /*
501 | SELECT
502 | o.night,
503 | MIN(o.start),
504 | MAX(o.stop),
505 | SUM(o.sigevts),
506 | SUM(o.bgevts),
507 | ROUND(SUM(o.ot)/60.,1)
508 | FROM
509 | (
510 | SELECT
511 | fNight,
512 | fRunID,
513 | fOnTimeAfterCuts AS ot,
514 | fRunStart AS start,
515 | fRunStop AS stop,
516 | fNumSigEvts AS sigevts,
517 | fNumBgEvts AS bgevts,
518 | if (
519 | @night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+fOnTimeAfterCuts)/20./60.)<1,
520 | @bl,
521 | @bl := @bl + 1
522 | ) as block,
523 | if (
524 | @night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+fOnTimeAfterCuts)/20./60.)<1,
525 | @os := @os + fOnTimeAfterCuts,
526 | @os := fOnTimeAfterCuts
527 | ) as os,
528 | @os/20./60. AS a,
529 | FLOOR(@os/20./60.) AS b,
530 | @night := fNight AS night
531 | FROM RunInfo
532 | LEFT JOIN AnalysisResultsRunLP USING(fNight,fRunID)
534 | (
535 | SELECT
536 | @night := 0,
537 | @os := 0,
538 | @bl := 0
539 | ) PARAMS
540 | WHERE
541 | fNight BETWEEN 20130414 AND 20130415
542 | AND fRunTypeKey=1
543 | AND fSourceKey=1
544 | ) o
545 |
546 | GROUP BY block
547 | */
548 |
549 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
550 |
551 | $query0 = <<<EOT
552 |
553 | SELECT
554 | ($selectx) AS x,
555 | ($selecty) AS y,
556 | (SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn)/60) AS ontime,
557 | ($selecterr) AS e,
558 | (LIMA(SUM(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts))) AS s,
559 | (MIN(fRunStart)) as start,
560 | (MAX(fRunStop)) as stop,
561 | (MIN(fZenithDistanceMin)) as zdmin,
562 | (MAX(fZenithDistanceMax)) as zdmax,
563 | (MIN(fAzimuthMin)) as azmin,
564 | (MAX(fAzimuthMax)) as azmax,
565 | (MIN(fThresholdMinSet)) as thmin,
566 | (MAX(fThresholdMInSet)) as thmax
567 | FROM RunInfo
568 | LEFT JOIN AnalysisResultsRun$table USING(fNight,fRunID)
569 | WHERE
570 | fRunTypeKey=1 $sqlsource
571 | $sqlbegin $sqlend
572 | $isnull
573 | $good
574 | $sqlcut
575 | GROUP BY x
576 | HAVING
577 | (ontime>$mintime)
578 | $sqlhaving
579 |
580 | EOT;
581 | /*
582 | # SUM(fNumExcEvts)/SUM(fOnTimeAfterCuts)*3600 AS y,
583 | AND NOT ISNULL(fNumSigEvts)
584 | AND NOT ISNULL(fNumExcEvts)
585 | AND NOT ISNULL(fNumBgEvts)
586 | */
587 |
588 | $var0 = "";
589 | $error0 = "";
590 | $data = "<table id='list'>\n <tr><th>X</th><th>Y</th><th>E</th><th>OnTime</th><th>Start</th><th>Stop</th><th>Zdmin</th><th>Zdmax</th><th>Azmin</th><th>Azmax</th><th>THmin</th><th>THmax</th></tr>\n";
591 |
592 | $timeStart = microtime(true);
593 | $result0 = $db->connect_error ? FALSE : $db->query($query0);
594 | $timeMeasured = number_format((microtime(true)-$timeStart)*1000, 2, ".", "");
595 | if ($result0)
596 | {
597 | while ($row = $result0->fetch_assoc())
598 | {
599 | $data .= " <tr><td>".$row['x']."</td><td>".$row['y']."</td><td>".$row['e']."</td><td>".$row['ontime']."</td><td>".$row['start']."</td><td>".$row['stop']."</td><td>".$row['zdmin']."</td><td>".$row['zdmax']."</td><td>".$row['azmin']."</td><td>".$row['azmax']."</td><td>".$row['thmin']."</td><td>".$row['thmax']."</td></tr>\n";
600 |
601 | switch ($group)
602 | {
603 | case 3: // Year
604 | $x = "new Date('".$row['x']."-07-01')";
605 | $xtext = $titlex." ".$row['x'];
606 | break;
607 | case 9: // Month
608 | $x = "new Date('2000-".$row['x']."-15')";
609 | $xtext = $titlex." ".$row['x'];
610 | break;
611 | case 2: // Night
612 | case 4: // Season
613 | case 5: // Run
614 | $x = "new Date('".$row['x']."')";
615 | $xtext = $titlex." ".$row['x'];
616 | break;
617 | default:
618 | $x = $row['x'];
619 | $xtext = $titlex." ".$row['x']." ".$unitx;
620 | }
621 |
622 | $y = $row['y'];
623 | $ymin = $row['y']-$row['e'];
624 | $ymax = $row['y']+$row['e'];
625 | $s = round($row['s'], 2);
626 | $sr = round($row['s']/sqrt($row['ontime']/60), 1);
627 | $t = round($row['ontime'], 2);
628 | $time = $t>60 ? round($row['ontime']/60,2).' h' : round($row['ontime'],1).' min';
629 | $start= $row['start'];
630 | $stop = $row['stop'];
631 | $zdmin= $row['zdmin'];
632 | $zdmax= $row['zdmax'];
633 | $azmin= $row['azmin'];
634 | $azmax= $row['azmax'];
635 | $thmin= $row['thmin'];
636 | $thmax= $row['thmax'];
637 |
638 | // <entry>
639 | $var0 .= "[";
640 | $var0 .= $x.",";
641 | $var0 .= $y.",";
642 |
643 | if ($histogram==1 && !$nohist)
644 | $var0 .= $y.",0,0,";
645 |
646 | if ($errors==1)
647 | {
648 | $var0 .= $y.",";
649 | $var0 .= $ymin.",";
650 | $var0 .= $ymax.",";
651 | }
652 |
653 | // <tooltip>
654 | $var0 .= "'<p>".addslashes($xtext);
655 |
656 | if ($errors==1)
657 | {
658 | $var0 .= "<p>".round($y,1)." ± ".round($row['e'],1);
659 | $var0 .= "<p>".$s." σ";
660 | $var0 .= "<p>".$sr." σ/√h";
661 | }
662 | else
663 | $var0 .= "<p>".round($y,3);
664 |
665 | $var0 .= "<p>".$time;
666 | $var0 .= "<p>".$start." – ".$stop;
667 | $var0 .= "<p>Zd=[".$zdmin.";".$zdmax."] Az=[".$azmin.";".$azmax."]";
668 | $var0 .= "<p>TH=[".$thmin.";".$thmax."]";
669 | $var0 .= "'";
670 | // </tooltip>
671 |
672 | $var0 .= "],\n";
673 | // </entry>
674 | }
675 |
676 | $result0->free();
677 | }
678 | else
679 | {
680 | $error0 .= $db->error;
681 | }
682 |
683 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
684 |
685 | if (!isset($_GET['list']) && !isset($_GET['list-only']))
686 | $data="";
687 | else
688 | $data.="</table>\n<hr>\n";
689 |
690 | $querycol0 = colorize($query0);
691 | $querycol1 = colorize($query1);
692 | $errorcol_con = !empty($error_con) ? colorize($error_con) : "";
693 | $errorcol2 = !empty($error2) ? colorize($error2) ."\n\n".$querycol2 : "";
694 | $errorcol1 = !empty($error1) ? colorize($error1) ."\n\n".$querycol1 : "";
695 | $errorcol0 = !empty($error0) ? colorize($error0) ."\n\n".$querycol0 : "";
696 | $has_error = empty($error_con) && empty($error0) && empty($error1) && empty($error2) ? 0 : 1;
697 |
698 | $intervalStyle = $histogram==1 && !$nohist ? 'boxes' : 'bars';
699 | $pointSize = $histogram==1 && !$nohist ? 'pointSize:0,' : '';
700 | $boxWidth = $histogram==1 && !$nohist ? 1.6 : 0;
701 |
702 | // boxWidth: Could be used as x error bar for equidistant points
703 |
704 |
705 | $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
706 | $pos = strpos($uri, '?');
707 | $arg = $pos===FALSE ? "" : substr($uri, $pos+1);
708 | $uri = $pos===FALSE ? $uri : substr($uri, 0, $pos);
709 | $min = isset($_GET["min"]) ? intval($_GET["min"]) : "";
710 | $max = isset($_GET["max"]) ? intval($_GET["max"]) : "";
711 | $listonly = isset($_GET["list-only"]) ? 1 : 0;
712 |
713 | $hiddenBeg = isset($_GET['bx']) ? $_GET['bx'] : "";
714 | $hiddenEnd = isset($_GET['ex']) ? $_GET['ex'] : "";
715 |
716 | $hiddenInput ="";
717 | if (isset($_GET["t"]))
718 | $hiddenInput .= "<input type='hidden' name='t' value='".$_GET["t"]."'>\n";
719 | if (isset($_GET["db"]))
720 | $hiddenInput .= "<input type='hidden' name='db' value='".$_GET["db"]."'>\n";
721 | if (isset($_GET["good"]))
722 | $hiddenInput .= "<input type='hidden' name='good' value='".$_GET["good"]."'>\n";
723 |
724 |
725 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
726 | /*
727 | $curl = curl_init();
728 | curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='.$uri);
729 | curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
730 | curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
731 | $tinyurl = curl_exec($curl);
732 | curl_close($curl);
733 | */
734 |
735 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
736 |
737 | /*
738 | [9:51:32 PM] Lamouette: mysql> explain ShortURL;
739 | +----------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
740 | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
741 | +----------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
742 | | Key | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
743 | | URL | varchar(1024) | NO | | NULL | |
744 | | UserName | varchar(50) | NO | | NULL | |
745 | | LastUpd | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
746 | +----------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
747 | 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
748 | */
749 |
750 | /*
751 | */
752 |
753 |
754 | $tinyurl = "";
755 | if ($has_error==0 && strlen($arg)>16 && empty($print) && !$db->connect_error)
756 | {
757 | $query2 = "INSERT INTO ShortURL.ShortURL (URL) VALUES ('".$arg."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Key`=LAST_INSERT_ID(`Key`) ";
758 | if ($result2 = $db->query($query2))
759 | {
760 | $tiny = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$uri."?short=".base62_encode($db->insert_id);
761 | $tinyurl = "<tt style='padding:2px;background:#eef;'>Short URL: <A HREF=//".$tiny.">".$tiny."</A></tt>";
762 | }
763 | }
764 |
765 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
766 |
767 | echo <<<EOT
768 |
770 | <html lang="en">
771 | <head>
772 | <meta charset="utf-8">
773 | <title>Database Explorer</title>
774 | <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-gvQgAFzTH6trSrAWoH1iPo9Xc96QxSZ3feW6kem+O00=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
775 | <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js" integrity="sha256-xNjb53/rY+WmG+4L6tTl9m6PpqknWZvRt0rO1SRnJzw=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
776 |
777 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
778 |
779 | <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
780 | <script type="text/javascript">
781 | if ($listonly==0)
782 | {
783 | google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart']});
784 | google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawAxisTickColors);
785 | }
786 |
787 | $(function() {
788 |
789 | $(document).tooltip();
790 |
791 | var availableTags = [
792 | "ABS(",
793 | "ACOS(",
794 | "ADDDATE(",
795 | "ADDTIME(",
796 | "AND ",
797 | "ASIN(",
798 | "ATAN(",
799 | "ATAN2(",
800 | "AVG(",
801 | "CEIL(",
802 | "CONCAT(",
803 | "COS(",
804 | "COUNT(",
805 | "DATE(",
806 | "DAY(",
807 | "DEGREES(",
808 | "EXCERR(",
809 | "EXP(",
810 | "FLOOR(",
812 | "INTERVAL ",
813 | "ISNULL(",
814 | "LIMA(",
815 | "LN(",
816 | "LOG(",
817 | "LOG10(",
818 | "LOG2(",
819 | "MAX(",
820 | "MIN(",
821 | "MINUTE(",
822 | "MONTH(",
823 | "OR ",
824 | "PI()",
825 | "POW(",
826 | "RADIANS(",
827 | "RAND(",
828 | "ROUND(",
829 | "SIGN(",
830 | "SIN(",
831 | "SUM(",
832 | "SQRT(",
833 | "TAN(",
834 | "TIME_TO_SEC(",
835 | "TIMEDIFF(",
836 | "TRUNCATE(",
838 | "YEAR(",
839 | $columns
840 | ];
841 |
842 | function acSource( request, response )
843 | {
844 | //var pos = $($(this)).get(0).selectionStart;
845 | var pos = this.element[0].selectionStart;
846 | var t = request.term.substr(0, pos);
847 | var l = t.match(/\w*$/);
848 | response( $.ui.autocomplete.filter(availableTags, String(l)));
849 | }
850 | function acSelect ( event, ui )
851 | {
852 | // $(this)[0] === this
853 | // "this" was $($(this)).get(0)
854 | var pos = this.selectionStart;
855 | var idx = this.value.substr(0, pos).match(/\w*$/).index;
856 | this.value = this.value.substr(0, idx)+ui.item.value+this.value.substr(pos);
857 | this.selectionStart = idx+ui.item.value.length;
858 | this.selectionEnd = idx+ui.item.value.length;
859 | return false;
860 | }
861 | function acFocus(event, ui) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }
862 |
863 |
864 | $( "#input_x" ).autocomplete( {source: acSource, minLength:1, select: acSelect, focus: acFocus });
865 | $( "#input_y" ).autocomplete( {source: acSource, minLength:1, select: acSelect, focus: acFocus });
866 | $( "#input_err").autocomplete({source: acSource, minLength:1, select: acSelect, focus: acFocus });
867 | $( "#sql_cut" ).autocomplete( {source: acSource, minLength:1, select: acSelect, focus: acFocus });
868 | $( "#having" ).autocomplete( {source: acSource, minLength:1, select: acSelect, focus: acFocus });
869 |
870 | $( "#button_submit" ).button();
871 | $( "#button_submit" ).button({
872 | icons: {
873 | primary: "ui-icon-image"
874 | },
875 | text: true
876 | });
877 |
878 | $("#input_x").prop('disabled', $group!=42);
879 |
880 | $( "#select_x" ).selectmenu({
881 | change: function( event, data ) {
882 | console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
883 | $("#input_x").prop('disabled', data.item.value!=42);
884 | $("#width").spinner(data.item.value!=42 && data.item.value!=7 && data.item.value!=8 ? "disable" : "enable");
885 | $("#offset").spinner(data.item.value!=42 && data.item.value!=7 && data.item.value!=8 ? "disable" : "enable");
886 | $("#nohist").prop('disabled', data.item.value<42);
887 | }
888 | });
889 |
890 | $( "#select_y" ).selectmenu({
891 | change: function( event, data ) {
892 | console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
893 | $("#input_y").prop('disabled', data.item.value<42);
894 | $("#input_err").prop('disabled', data.item.value<42);
895 | //$("#noerr").prop('disabled', data.item.value<42);
896 | }
897 | });
898 |
899 | $( "#source" ).selectmenu();
900 |
901 | $("#input_y").prop('disabled', $rate<42);
902 | $("#input_err").prop('disabled', $rate<42);
903 |
904 | $('#select_x').val($group).selectmenu("refresh");
905 | $('#select_y').val($rate).selectmenu("refresh");
906 | $('#source').val($source).selectmenu("refresh");
907 | $('#sql_cut').val("$cut");
908 | $('#input_x').val("$sql_x");
909 | $('#input_y').val("$sql_y");
910 | $('#input_err').val("$sql_err");
911 | $('#having').val("$having");
912 |
913 | $( "#date_beg" ).datepicker();
914 | $( "#date_end" ).datepicker();
915 |
916 | var date_opt =
917 | {
918 | dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
919 | minDate: '2011-10-10',
920 | maxDate: '+1',
921 | showButtonPanel: true,
922 | showOtherMonths: true,
923 | selectOtherMonths: true,
924 | changeYear: true,
925 | autoSize: true,
926 | /*inline: true,*/
927 | }
928 |
929 | $( "#width" ).val($width);
930 | $( "#offset" ).val($offset);
931 | $('#min').val($min);
932 | $('#max').val($max);
933 | $('#ontime').val($mintime);
934 |
935 | $( "#width" ).spinner();
936 | $( "#offset" ).spinner();
937 | $( '#min' ).spinner();
938 | $( '#max' ).spinner();
939 | $( '#ontime' ).spinner();
940 |
941 | $("#offset").spinner($group!=42 && $group!=6 && $group!=7 && $group!=8 ? "disable" : "enable");
942 | $("#width").spinner( $group!=42 && $group!=6 && $group!=7 && $group!=8 ? "disable" : "enable");
943 | $("#width").spinner('option', { min: 0} );
944 |
945 | $('#min').spinner("$min"=="" ? "disable" : "enable");
946 | $('#max').spinner("$max"=="" ? "disable" : "enable");
947 | $('#ontime').spinner("$ontime"=="-1" ? "disable" : "enable");
948 |
949 | $( "#enable_min" ).prop('checked', "$min"!="");
950 | $( "#enable_max" ).prop('checked', "$max"!="");
951 | $( "#enable_ontime" ).prop('checked', "$ontime"!="-1");
952 |
953 | if ($has_error)
954 | {
955 | $( "#shorturl" ).hide();
956 | $( "#chart_area" ).hide();
957 | $( "#error" ).show();
958 | }
959 |
960 | $( "#date_beg" ).datepicker('option', 'disabled', "$begin"=="");
961 | $( "#date_end" ).datepicker('option', 'disabled', "$end"=="");
962 |
963 | $( "#date_beg" ).datepicker('option', date_opt);
964 | $( "#date_end" ).datepicker('option', date_opt);
965 |
966 | $( "#date_beg" ).datepicker("setDate", "$begin"=="" ? "2011-10-10" : "$begin");
967 | $( "#date_end" ).datepicker("setDate", "$end"=="" ? "+1d" : "$end");
968 |
969 | $( "#enable_beg" ).prop('checked', "$begin"!="");
970 | $( "#enable_end" ).prop('checked', "$end"!="");
971 |
972 | $( "#date_beg" ).datepicker('option', 'altField', '#hidden_beg');
973 | $( "#date_end" ).datepicker('option', 'altField', '#hidden_end');
974 |
975 | $( "#nohist" ).prop('checked', $nohist==1);
976 | $( "#noerr" ).prop('checked', $noerr==1);
977 |
978 | $( "#enable_beg" ).change(function(event,data) { $("#date_beg").datepicker('option', 'disabled', !$(this).prop('checked') ); } );
979 | $( "#enable_end" ).change(function(event,data) { $("#date_end").datepicker('option', 'disabled', !$(this).prop('checked') ); } );
980 | $( "#enable_min" ).change(function(event,data) { $("#min").spinner('option', 'disabled', !$(this).prop('checked') ); } );
981 | $( "#enable_max" ).change(function(event,data) { $("#max").spinner('option', 'disabled', !$(this).prop('checked') ); } );
982 | $( "#enable_ontime" ).change(function(event,data) { $("#ontime").spinner('option', 'disabled', !$(this).prop('checked') ); } );
983 |
984 | $( "#nohist" ).prop('disabled', !$histogram);
985 | //$( "#noerr" ).prop('disabled', $histogram);
986 |
987 | if ($listonly==1)
988 | $( "#chart_area" ).hide();
989 | });
990 |
991 | /*
992 | alert(
993 | (new Date("2012-10-10"))+"\\n"+ // 2h +0200
994 | (new Date(2012,10-1,10))+"\\n"+ // 0h +0200
995 | (new Date("2012-10-10 03:00:00"))+"\\n"+ // 3h +0200
996 | (new Date("2012-10-10 03:00:00 UTC"))+"\\n"+ // 5h +0200
997 | (new Date("2012-10-10 03:00:00 +0000"))+"\\n"+ // 5h +0200
998 | (new Date(2012,10-1,10,3,0,0)) // 3h +0200
999 | );
1000 | */
1001 |
1002 | function drawAxisTickColors()
1003 | {
1004 | var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
1005 | try
1006 | {
1007 | data.addColumn('$axistype', 'x');
1008 | data.addColumn('number', 'excessrate');
1009 | if ($errors==1 || ($histogram==1 && $nohist==0))
1010 | {
1011 | data.addColumn({id:'val', type:'number', role:'interval'});
1012 | data.addColumn({id:'min', type:'number', role:'interval'});
1013 | data.addColumn({id:'max', type:'number', role:'interval'});
1014 | }
1015 | data.addColumn({id:'tooltip', type:'string', role:'tooltip', p:{html:true}});
1016 | data.addRows([
1017 | $var0
1018 | ]);
1019 | }
1020 | catch (e)
1021 | {
1022 | $( "#error" ).html(e);
1023 | $( "#shorturl" ).hide();
1024 | $( "#chart_area" ).hide();
1025 | $( "#error" ).show();
1026 | return;
1027 | }
1028 |
1029 | var options = {
1030 | tooltip: {isHtml: true},
1031 | lineWidth: 0,
1032 | title: "$titley vs $titlex [$sourcename]",
1033 | height: 400,
1034 | width:'90%',
1035 | hAxis: {
1036 | title: '$titlex $unitx',
1037 | gridlines: {
1038 | //count: "-1",
1039 | units: {
1040 | months: { format: [ "MMM" ] },
1041 | minutes: { format: [ "HH:mm" ] },
1042 | hours: { format: [ "MM/dd HH:mm" ] }, // MM/dd HH:mm
1043 | days: { format: [ "MM/dd" ] } // yyyy/MM/dd
1044 | },
1045 | },
1046 | minorGridlines: {
1047 | units: {
1048 | hours: { format: [ "HH" ] },
1049 | //days: { format: [ "dd" ] },
1050 | }
1051 | },
1052 | },
1053 | vAxis: {
1054 | title: '$titley $unity',
1055 | $vmin
1056 | $vmax
1057 | //chartArea: {left:60,top:40,bottom:40,width:'90%'},
1058 | },
1059 | legend: 'none',
1060 | $pointSize
1061 | intervals: {
1062 | // Normal error bars
1063 | style: '$intervalStyle',
1064 | barWidth: 0.5,
1065 | lineWidth: 1,
1066 | boxWidth: $boxWidth,
1067 | },
1068 | interval: {
1069 | val: {
1070 | style: 'boxes',
1071 | fillOpacity: 0.5,
1072 | color: '#BBB'
1073 | },
1074 | },
1075 | explorer: {
1076 | keepInBound:true,
1077 | actions:['dragToZoom','rightClickToReset'],
1078 | maxZoomIn: 0.000001,
1079 | },
1080 | };
1081 |
1082 | var chart0 = new google.visualization.ScatterChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
1083 | chart0.draw(data, options);
1084 | document.getElementById('print_chart').innerHTML = '<a href="' + chart0.getImageURI() + '">Print</a>';
1085 |
1086 | console.log("Google.chart.ready");
1087 | }
1088 | </script>
1089 | <style>
1090 | $hidden
1091 |
1092 | /* Configration of jQuery UI */
1093 | span.ui-selectmenu-text { padding: 0 5px 0 5px !important; }
1094 | .hasDatepicker { padding: 0 5px 0 5px !important; }
1095 | .ui-widget { font-size:16px;}
1096 | span.ui-button-text { padding-top: 3px !important; padding-bottom: 3px !important; }
1097 | // span.ui-button-text { text-color: black !important; }
1098 |
1099 | /* Configuration for debug table */
1100 | table { color: #333; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; width: 640px; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }
1101 | td, th { border: 2px solid white; transition: all 0.3s; white-space: nowrap; padding: 3px; }
1102 | #list th { background: #DFDFDF; font-weight: bold; }
1103 | #list td { background: #FAFAFA; text-align: center; }
1104 | #list tr:nth-child(even) td { background: #F1F1F1; }
1105 | #list tr:nth-child(odd) td { background: #FEFEFE; }
1106 | #list tr td:hover { background: #666; color: #FFF; }
1107 |
1108 | /* Configuration for tooltip */
1109 | div.google-visualization-tooltip { font-family: Sans; font-size: 12px; }
1110 | div.google-visualization-tooltip p { margin-top: 0px; margin: 0.5ex 1ex 0.5ex 1ex; }
1111 | div.google-visualization-tooltip p:nth-child(1) { color: blue; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; }
1112 | div.google-visualization-tooltip p:nth-child(2) { font-weight: bold; }
1113 | div.google-visualization-tooltip p:last-child { font-style: italic; }
1114 |
1115 | </style>
1116 | </head>
1117 |
1118 | <body>
1119 |
1120 | <div class="ui-widget">
1121 | <form action="#">
1122 |
1123 | <fieldset>
1124 | <label for="enbale_beg">From</label>
1125 | <input type="checkbox" id="enable_beg" title="Enable a lower date limit">
1126 | <input type="text" name="b" id="date_beg">
1127 | <!--<input type="hidden" name="bx" id="hidden_beg">-->
1128 |
1129 | <label for="enbale_end">To</label>
1130 | <input type="checkbox" id="enable_end" title="Enable an upper date limit">
1131 | <input type="text" name="e" id="date_end">
1132 | <!--<input type="hidden" name="ex" id="hidden_end">-->
1133 |
1134 | <label for="width" title="Width of the range in which data is grouped together">Bin width:</label>
1135 | <input id="width" name="w" style="width:4em">
1136 |
1137 | <label for="offset" title="Normally binning starts at 0. This allows an artificial shift of the bins.">Bin shift:</label>
1138 | <input id="offset" name="o" style="width:5em">
1139 |
1140 | <label for="nohist">Nohist:</label>
1141 | <input type="checkbox" id="nohist" name ="no-hist" title="Disable display as histogram">
1142 |
1143 | <label for="noerr">Noerr:</label>
1144 | <input type="checkbox" id="noerr" name="no-errors" title="Disable error bars">
1145 |
1146 | <p style="margin-top: 16px">
1147 |
1148 | <label for="select_x">Select x</label>
1149 | <select name="g" id="select_x">
1150 | <optgroup label="User defined">
1151 | <option value="42">User defined</option>
1152 | </optgroup>
1153 | <optgroup label="By time">
1154 | <option value="5">Run</option>
1155 | <option value="2">Night</option>
1156 | <option value="1">Period</option>
1157 | <option value="4">Season</option>
1158 | <option value="9">Month</option>
1159 | <option value="3">Year</option>
1160 | </optgroup>
1161 | <optgroup label="Pre defined">
1162 | <option value="6">Zenith angle</option>
1163 | <option value="7">Threshold</option>
1164 | <option value="8">Current</option>
1165 | </optgroup>
1166 | </select>
1167 |
1168 | <label for="select_y">Select y</label>
1169 | <select name="r" id="select_y">
1170 | <optgroup label="User defined">
1171 | <option value="44">User defined</option>
1172 | </optgroup>
1173 | <optgroup label="Pre defined">
1174 | <option value="45">Counts</option>
1175 | <option value="46">log10(Counts)</option>
1176 | <option value="43">Sum</option>
1177 | <option value="42">Average</option>
1178 | </optgroup>
1179 | <optgroup label="Analysis event rates [Effective on time]">
1180 | <option value="5">Background rate</option>
1181 | <option value="17">Signal rate</option>
1182 | <option value="6">Excess rate</option>
1183 | </optgroup>
1184 | <optgroup label="Raw event rates [Effective on time]">
1185 | <option value="21">Physics trigger</option>
1186 | <option value="22">Physics trigger minus 27s events</option>
1187 | <option value="2">Events after cleaning</option>
1188 | <option value="23">Events after cleaning minus 27s events</option>
1189 | <option value="3">Events after quality cuts</option>
1190 | <option value="4">Events after background cuts</option>
1191 | <option value="6">Excess events</option>
1192 | </optgroup>
1193 |
1194 | <optgroup label="Corrected [Zd/TH] event rates [Eff. on time]">
1195 | <option value="20">Events after cleaning minus 27s events</option>
1196 | <option value="24">Events after background cuts</option>
1197 | <option value="25">Events after quality cuts</option>
1198 | <option value="16">Artifical trigger TH750</option>
1199 | </optgroup>
1200 |
1201 | <optgroup label="Artificial trigger rates [Effective on time]">
1202 | <option value="7">27s events</option>
1203 | <option value="8">TH500</option>
1204 | <option value="9">TH750</option>
1205 | <option value="10">TH1000</option>
1206 | <option value="11">TH1250</option>
1207 | <option value="12">TH2500</option>
1208 | <option value="13">TH5000</option>
1209 | <option value="14">TH10000</option>
1210 | </optgroup>
1211 |
1212 | <optgroup label="On time comparison">
1213 | <option value="15">Avg difference Eff. on time minus Stop-Start time</option>
1214 | <option value="26">Avg difference Eff. on time minus OnTimeAfterCuts</option>
1215 | <option value="27">Avg Stop-Start time minus OnTimeAfterCuts</option>
1216 | <option value="18">Avg FTM effective on time</option>
1217 | <option value="19">Sum FTM on time divided by Sum FTM elapsed time</option>
1218 | </optgroup>
1219 |
1220 | <optgroup label="Others">
1221 | <option value="28">Excess rate correction factor (fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts / PRELIMINARY)</option>
1222 | <option value="29">Excess rate correction factor (fNumEvtsAfterQualCuts / PRELIMINARY)</option>
1223 | <option value="30">Excess rate correction factor (fNumExcEvts / PRELIMINARY)</option>
1224 | </optgroup>
1225 | </select>
1226 |
1227 | <label for="source">Source</label>
1228 | <select name="s" id="source">
1229 | <optgroup label="All data">
1230 | <option value="0">All data</option>
1231 | </optgroup>
1232 | <optgroup label="Sources">
1233 | $sourceoptions
1234 | </optgroup>
1235 | </select>
1236 |
1237 | <table style='width:100%'>
1238 | <tr>
1239 | <td align="right" width="1%">
1240 | <label for="input_x">X: </label>
1241 | </td>
1242 | <td>
1243 | <!--<input id="input_x" name="x" style="width:100%">-->
1244 | <textarea id="input_x" name="x" style="width:100%" rows="1" maxlength="10000" wrap="soft"></textarea>
1245 | </td>
1246 | </tr>
1247 | <tr>
1248 | <td align="right" width="1%">
1249 | <label for="input_y">Y: </label>
1250 | </td>
1251 | <td>
1252 | <!--<input id="input_y" name="y" style="width:100%">-->
1253 | <textarea id="input_y" name="y" style="width:100%" rows="1" maxlength="10000" wrap="soft"></textarea>
1254 | </td>
1255 | </tr>
1256 | <!-- <tr>
1257 | <td align="right" width="1%">
1258 | <label for="input_err">E: </label>
1259 | </td>
1260 | <td>
1261 | <textarea id="input_err" name="err" style="width:100%" rows="1" maxlength="10000" wrap="soft"></textarea>
1262 | </td>
1263 | </tr>
1264 | --> <tr>
1265 | <td align="right" width="1%">
1266 | <label for="sql_cut">Cut: </label>
1267 | </td>
1268 | <td>
1269 | <!--<input id="sql_cut" name="cut" style="width:100%">-->
1270 | <textarea id="sql_cut" name="cut" style="width:100%" rows="1" maxlength="10000" wrap="soft"></textarea>
1271 | </td>
1272 | </tr>
1273 | <tr>
1274 | <td align="right" width="1%">
1275 | <label for="having">Hav: </label>
1276 | </td>
1277 | <td>
1278 | <textarea id="having" name="hav" style="width:100%" rows="1" maxlength="10000" wrap="soft"></textarea>
1279 | </td>
1280 | </tr>
1281 | </table>
1282 |
1283 | <br>
1284 |
1285 | <button id="button_submit">Plot!</button>
1286 | <!--<button id="button_tinyurl">Tiny URL</button>-->
1287 |
1288 | <label for="min" title="Minimum y-axis value (only if outside of the data range)">Min:</label>
1289 | <input type="checkbox" id="enable_min">
1290 | <input id="min" name="min" style="width:4em">
1291 |
1292 | <label for="max" title="Maximum y-axis value (only if outside of the data range)">Max:</label>
1293 | <input type="checkbox" id="enable_max">
1294 | <input id="max" name="max" style="width:4em">
1295 |
1296 | <label for="ontime" title="To avoid outliers, this can be used to limit the ontime for which a bin is displayed [min]">On-time limit:</label>
1297 | <input type="checkbox" id="enable_ontime">
1298 | <input id="ontime" name="on" style="width:3em"> min
1299 |
1300 | $hiddenInput
1301 |
1302 | </fieldset>
1303 | </form>
1304 | </div>
1305 |
1306 | <hr>
1307 |
1308 | <div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all" id="error" style="padding: 5px;display:none;">
1309 | <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span>
1310 | <strong>SQL Error:</strong>
1311 | <pre>
1312 | $errorcol_con$errorcol1$errorcol0
1313 | </pre>
1314 | </p>
1315 | </div>
1316 |
1317 | <div id="chart_area" style='position:relative'>
1318 | <div id='chart_div' class="print" style="height:400px;width:99%;margin-left:0.5%;"></div>
1319 | <div id='print_chart' style='position:absolute;top:10px;right:40px;'></div>
1320 | </div>
1321 |
1322 | <div id="shorturl" align="right">
1323 | $tinyurl
1324 | </div>
1325 |
1326 | <hr>
1327 |
1328 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler0').toggle(300);" value="Legend"/>
1329 | <div id="spoiler0" style="display:none">
1330 | <dl>
1331 | <dt>&r = 1</dt><dd>trigger rate</dd>
1332 | <dt>&r = 2</dt><dd>rate after cleaning</dd>
1333 | <dt>&r = 3</dt><dd>rate after quality cuts</dd>
1334 | <dt>&r = 4</dt><dd>rate after background cuts</dd>
1335 | <dt>&r = 5</dt><dd>background rate (fOnTimeAfterCuts)</dd>
1336 | <dt>&r = 6</dt><dd>excess rate</dd>
1337 | <dt>&r = 7</dt><dd>27 second events</dd>
1338 | <dt>&r = 8</dt><dd>threshold 500</dd>
1339 | <dt>&r = 9</dt><dd>threshold 750</dd>
1340 | <dt>&r = 10</dt><dd>threshold 1000</dd>
1341 | <dt>&r = 11</dt><dd>threshold 1250</dd>
1342 | <dt>&r = 12</dt><dd>threshod 2500</dd>
1343 | <dt>&r = 13</dt><dd>threshold 5000</dd>
1344 | <dt>&r = 14</dt><dd>threshold 10000</dd>
1345 | <dt>&r = 15</dt><dd>Average of calculated EffOnTime and FTM OnTime</dd>
1346 | <dt>&r = 16</dt><dd>Zenith angle corrected R750</dd>
1347 | <dt>&r = 17</dt><dd>Event rate after background cuts (Total caclulated ontime)</dd>
1348 | <dt>&r = 18</dt><dd>Average of FTM effective on time</dd>
1349 | <dt>&r = 19</dt><dd>Sum of FTM OnTime divided by sum of FTM Elapsed time</dd>
1350 | <dt>&r = 20</dt><dd>Rate after cleaning corrected for 27sec events run-wise corrected for zenith angle and threshold</dd>
1351 | <dt>&r = 21</dt><dd>Physics trigger rate</dd>
1352 | <dt>&r = 22</dt><dd>Physics trigger rate corrected for 27sec events</dd>
1353 | <dt>&r = 23</dt><dd>Rate after cleaning corrected for 27sec events</dd>
1354 | <dt>&r = 24</dt><dd>Rate after background cuts runwise corrected for zenith angle and threshold</dd>
1355 | <dt>&r = 25</dz><dd>Rate after quallity cuts runwise corrected for zenith angle and threshold</dd>
1356 | <dt>&r = 42</dz><dd>Plot average of &y=... (profile histogram with &y as weights)</dd>
1357 | <dt>&r = 43</dz><dd>Plot sum of &y=... (histogram with &y as weights)</dd>
1358 | <dt>&r = 44</dz><dd>Plot user defined variable &y=...</dd>
1359 | <dt>&r = 45</dz><dd>Plot a histogram (counts) [&y=... can be used to specify what is counted != NULL, if omitted COUNT(*)]</dd>
1360 | <dt>&r = 46</dz><dd>Plot a histogram (log10(counts)) [&y=... can be used to specify what is counted != NULL, if omitted COUNT(*)]</dd>
1361 | <P>
1362 | <dt>&g = 1</dt><dd>Binning in moon periods</dd>
1363 | <dt>&g = 2</dt><dd>Nightly binning</dd>
1364 | <dt>&g = 3</dt><dd>Yearly binning</dd>
1365 | <dt>&g = 4</dt><dd>Season binning (lower culmination to lower culmination)</dd>
1366 | <dt>&g = 5</dt><dd>Run wise display (might be slow!)</dd>
1367 | <dt>&g = 6</dt><dd>Binning in fZenithDistanceMean [default bin-width: 5]</dd>
1368 | <dt>&g = 7</dt><dd>Binning in ThresholdMinSet [default bin-width: 50]</dd>
1369 | <dt>&g = 42</dt><dd>Use &x=... for x-axis binning [default bin-width: 1]</dd>
1370 | <P>
1371 | <dt>&b=...</dt><dd>Restrict data range (begin) [eg. &b=2011-10-01]</dd>
1372 | <dt>&e=...</dt><dd>Restrict data range (end) [eg. &e=2011-10-01]</dd>
1373 | <dt>&print</dt><dd>Show the plot only [&print] </dd>
1374 | <dt>&s=...</dt><dd>Restrict to given source id [eg. &s=5] </dd>
1375 | <dt>&t=...</dt><dd>Choose table with analysis results (ISDC, LP:default) [eg. &t=ISDC] </dd>
1376 | <dt>&cut=...</dt><dd>Additional where statement to be added with AND [eg. &cut=fZenithDistance<35]</dd>
1377 | <dt>&min=...</dt><dd>y-axis minimum [eg. &min=0]</dd>
1378 | <dt>&max=...</dt><dd>y-axis maximum [eg. &max=0]</dd>
1379 | <dt>&no-errors</dt><dd>suppress error bars [eg. &no-errors]</dd>
1380 | <dt>&no-hist</dt><dd>do not show histogram as bars [eg. &no-hist]</dd>
1381 | <dt>&x=...</dt><dd>A x-axis binned in ... [forces &g=42, eg. &x=fZenithDistance]</dd>
1382 | <dt>&w=...</dt><dd>Bin width for &g=6/7/42 [eg. &w=2]</dd>
1383 | <dt>&y=...</dt><dd>x-axis variable, to be used with &r=42/43/44[/45] [eg. &y=fOnTime]</dd>
1384 | <dt>&avg=...</dt><dd>short for &y=... [forces &r=42, eg. &y=fOnTime]</dd>
1385 | <dt>&sum=...</dt><dd>short for &y=... [forces &r=43, eg. &y=fOnTime]</dd>
1386 | <dt>&hist=...</dt><dd>short for &x=... [forces &r=45, eg. &y=fOnTime]</dd>
1387 | </dl>
1388 | </div>
1389 |
1390 | <hr>
1391 |
1392 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler1').toggle(300);" value="SQL Query"/>
1393 | <div id="spoiler1" style="display:none">
1394 | <pre>
1395 | Database = $database
1396 | <hr>
1397 | $querycol1
1398 |
1399 | <hr>
1400 | $querycol0
1401 |
1402 | <tt><font color="blue"><b>Roundtrip query time:</B></font> $timeMeasured ms</tt>
1403 | </pre>
1404 | </div>
1405 |
1406 | <hr>
1407 |
1408 | $data
1409 |
1410 | </body>
1411 | </html>
1412 | EOT;
1413 |
1414 | ?>