1 | <html>
2 | <head>
3 | <meta name="Author" content="Daniela Dorner" />
4 | <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
5 | <title>QLA</title>
6 | <link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css" />
7 | </head>
8 | <?php
9 |
10 | //echo (file_get_contents("header.html"));
11 |
12 | include ("dates.php");
13 |
14 | if (!empty($_GET["bin"]))
15 | $bin=$_GET["bin"];
16 | else
17 | $bin="1nights";
18 | //$path="../lightcurves/".$_GET["source"]."/lightcurve".$bin;
19 |
20 | $sources=array(
21 | "1" => "Mrk421",
22 | "2" => "Mrk501",
23 | "5" => "Crab",
24 | "7" => "1ES 1959+650",
25 | "4" => "PKS 2155-304",
26 | "3" => "1ES 2344+51.4",
27 | "9" => "1ES 1218+304",
28 | "11" => "IC 310",
29 | "12" => "1H023+342",
30 | );
31 |
32 | $ranges=array(
33 | "5min" => " 5 min",
34 | "10min" => "10 min",
35 | "20min" => "20 min",
36 | "30min" => "30 min",
37 | "40min" => "40 min",
38 | "60min" => "60 min",
39 | "90min" => "90 min",
40 | "120min" => "120 min",
41 | "180min" => "180 min",
42 | "240min" => "240 min",
43 | "300min" => "300 min",
44 | "360min" => "360 min",
45 | // "0001nights" => "1 night",
46 | // "0002nights" => "2 nights",
47 | // "0004nights" => "4 nights",
48 | // "0008nights" => "8 nights",
49 | // "0016nights" => "16 nights",
50 | );
51 |
52 | echo "<body>\n";
53 | echo "<form name='formular' action='lightcurves.php' METHOD='GET'>\n";
54 | echo "<input type='submit' value='Show'> result of Quick-Look-Analysis for ";
55 |
56 | echo "source <select name='source' size='1'>\n";
57 | foreach ($sources as $key => $name)
58 | {
59 | if ($_GET["source"] == $key)
60 | printf("<option value='%s' selected>%s</option>\n", $key, $name);
61 | else
62 | printf("<option value='%s'>%s</option>\n", $key, $name);
63 | }
64 | echo "</select>\n";
65 | echo " for <select name='bin' size='1'>\n";
66 | foreach ($ranges as $range => $name)
67 | {
68 | if ($_GET["bin"] == $range)
69 | printf("<option value='%s' selected>%s</option>\n", $range, $name);
70 | else
71 | printf("<option value='%s'>%s</option>\n", $range, $name);
72 | }
73 | echo "</select>\n<br>\n";
74 |
75 | $date=GetDates($_GET["date"], "lightcurves");
76 | $date2=date("Ymd", strtotime($date));
77 | $path="../lightcurves/".date("Y/m/d", strtotime($date));
78 |
79 | echo "</form>\n";
80 |
81 | $numplots=8;
82 |
83 | $filename="lightcurve".$_GET["source"]."_".$_GET["bin"]."_all.root";
84 | $filename2="lightcurve".$_GET["source"]."_".$_GET["bin"]."_week.root";
85 | $filename3="lightcurve".$_GET["source"]."_".$_GET["bin"]."_".$date2.".root";
86 | $rootfile=$path."/".$filename2;
87 | //echo $filename;
88 | if (file_exists($rootfile))
89 | {
90 | printf("<a href='%s'>more files</a>", $path);
91 | echo "<table>";
92 | printf("<tr><th>Night %s</th><th>Last Week</th><th>All Nights</th></tr>\n", $date);
93 | for ($i=1; $i<$numplots+1; $i++)
94 | {
95 | if (strpos($_GET["bin"], "night"))
96 | printf("<tr><td><img src='%s/%s-%d.png' alt='%d'></td></tr>", $path, $filename, $i, $i);
97 | else
98 | {
99 | printf("<tr>\n");
100 | $file3=$path."/".$filename3."-".$i.".png";
101 | //echo $file3;
102 | if (file_exists($file3))
103 | printf("<td><img src='%s/%s-%d.png' alt='%d'></td>\n", $path, $filename3, $i, $i);
104 | else
105 | printf("<td>n/a</td>");
106 | $file2=$path."/".$filename2."-".$i.".png";
107 | if (file_exists($file2))
108 | printf("<td><img src='%s/%s-%d.png' alt='%d'></td>\n", $path, $filename2, $i, $i);
109 | else
110 | printf("<td>n/a</td>");
111 | $file1=$path."/".$filename."-".$i.".png";
112 | if (file_exists($file1))
113 | printf("<td><img src='%s/%s-%d.png' alt='%d'></td>\n", $path, $filename, $i, $i);
114 | else
115 | printf("<td>n/a</td>");
116 | printf("</tr>\n");
117 | }
118 | }
119 | echo "</table>";
120 | }
121 | else
122 | echo "<br> No files available for " . $sources[$_GET["source"]] . " with " . $ranges[$_GET["bin"]]. " for night ".$date.". <br>";
123 |
124 | echo "</body>";
125 | echo "</html>";
126 | ?>