1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include("db.php");
4 | require_once("class.Diff.php");
5 |
6 | // ini_set("display_errors", "On");
7 | // ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
8 |
9 |
10 | $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw);
11 | if ($db_id==FALSE)
12 | {
13 | printf("mysql_connect returned the following error: %s\n", mysql_error());
14 | die("");
15 | }
16 | mysql_select_db($db);
17 |
18 | date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
19 |
20 | $date = isset($_GET["d"]) ? $_GET["d"] : date("Y-m-d");//'2016-02-16';
21 | $night = str_replace("-", "", $date);
22 |
23 | // ====================================================================
24 |
25 | function fmt($date)
26 | {
27 | $d = date_create_from_format("Y-m-d G:i:s", $date);
28 | return "new Date(".$d->format("Y,n-1,j,G,i,s,0").")";
29 | //return "new Date(".($d->getTimestamp()*1000).")";//format("Y,n-1,j,G,i,s,0").")";
30 | }
31 |
32 | // ====================================================================
33 |
34 | function QuerySchedule(&$data, &$html1, &$html2, &$query, $db_id, $table, $date)
35 | {
36 | $query = <<<EOT
37 |
39 | fStart, fSourceName, fUser, fMeasurementTypeName
40 | FROM $table
41 | LEFT JOIN Source USING (fSourceKey)
42 | LEFT JOIN MeasurementType USING (fMeasurementTypeKey)
43 | WHERE fStart
45 | AND ADDDATE('$date', INTERVAL +36 HOUR)
46 | ORDER BY fStart
47 |
48 | EOT;
49 |
50 | $html1 = "";
51 | $array = array();
52 |
53 | $result = mysql_query($query, $db_id);
54 | if ($result)
55 | {
56 | $html1 .= "<table>\n";
57 |
58 | $n = 0;
59 | while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
60 | {
61 | $html1 .= " <tr>\n";
62 | $html1 .= " <td>".$row["fStart"]."|</td>\n";
63 | $html1 .= " <td>".$row["fMeasurementTypeName"]."</td>\n";
64 | $html1 .= " <td>|".$row["fSourceName"]."</td>\n";
65 | $html1 .= " <td>[".$row["fUser"]."]</td>\n";
66 | $html1 .= " </tr>\n";
67 |
68 | $array[$n++] = $row;
69 | }
70 | $html1 .= "</table>\n";
71 |
72 | mysql_free_result($result);
73 | }
74 | else
75 | $html1 = "[empty:".mysql_error()."]\n";
76 |
77 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
78 |
79 | $html2 = "<table>\n";
80 |
81 | $suspend = false;
82 | $prev_data = array();
83 |
84 | for ($i=0; $i<$n-1; $i++)
85 | {
86 | // Switch to "suspend-mode"
87 | if ($array[$i]['fMeasurementTypeName']=='Suspend')
88 | $suspend = true;
89 |
90 | // If a resume is found, the data is replaced with the
91 | // last data run with the resume-time as start time.
92 | if ($array[$i]['fMeasurementTypeName']=='Resume')
93 | {
94 | // Sanity check: There is not much we can do
95 | if (empty($prev_data) || !$suspend)
96 | continue;
97 |
98 | $prev_data['fStart'] = $array[$i]['fStart'];
99 | $array[$i] = $prev_data;
100 | $suspend = false;
101 | }
102 |
103 | // None data runs are not displayed
104 | if ($array[$i]['fMeasurementTypeName']!='Data')
105 | continue;
106 |
107 | // If this is a data run keep that for use after a suspend/resume
108 | $prev_data = $array[$i];
109 |
110 | // If the system is suspended, don't display the runs
111 | if ($suspend)
112 | continue;
113 |
114 | $data .= "[";
115 | $data .= "'".$table."',";
116 | $data .= "'".$array[$i]['fSourceName']."',";
117 | $data .= fmt($array[$i]['fStart']).",";
118 | // in case two resumes are scheduled without suspend inbetween, the stop of a later observations needs to be used
119 | if ($array[$i+1]['fMeasurementTypeName']=='Resume' && !$suspend)
120 | $data .= fmt($array[$i+2]['fStart']).",";
121 | else
122 | $data .= fmt($array[$i+1]['fStart']).",";
123 | $data .= "],\n";
124 |
125 | $html2 .= " <tr>";
126 | $html2 .= " <td>".$array[$i]['fStart']."|</td>\n";
127 | $html2 .= " <td>".$array[$i]["fSourceName"]."</td>\n";
128 | // in case two resumes are scheduled without suspend inbetween, the stop of a later observations needs to be used
129 | if ($array[$i+1]['fMeasurementTypeName']=='Resume' && !$suspend)
130 | $html2 .= " <td>|".$array[$i+2]["fStart"]."|</td>\n";
131 | else
132 | $html2 .= " <td>|".$array[$i+1]["fStart"]."|</td>\n";
133 | $html2 .= " </tr>\n";
134 | }
135 |
136 | $html2 .= "</table>\n";
137 | }
138 |
139 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
140 |
141 | function QueryRunInfo(&$data, &$diff, &$html2, &$query2, $night, $db_id, $where)
142 | {
143 | $query2 = <<< EOT
144 |
145 | SELECT
146 | fRunID,
147 | fSourceName,
148 | fRunStart,
149 | fRunStop
150 | FROM RunInfo
151 | LEFT JOIN Source USING(fSourceKey)
152 | LEFT JOIN AnalysisResultsRunLP USING (fNight, fRunID)
153 | WHERE fNight=$night
154 | AND NOT fRunStart='0000-00-00 00:00:00'
155 | AND NOT fRunStop='0000-00-00 00:00:00'
156 | AND fRunTypeKEY=1
157 | $where
158 | ORDER BY fRunID
159 |
160 | EOT;
161 |
162 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
163 |
164 | $array2 = array();
165 |
166 | $result2 = mysql_query($query2, $db_id);
167 | if ($result2)
168 | {
169 | $html2 .= "<table>\n";
170 |
171 | $n = 0;
172 | while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))
173 | {
174 | if (empty($row['fSourceName']))
175 | continue;
176 |
177 | $data .= "[";
178 | $data .= "'RunInfo',";
179 | $data .= "'".$row['fSourceName']."',";
180 | $data .= fmt($row['fRunStart']).",";
181 | $data .= fmt($row['fRunStop']).",";
182 | $data .= "],\n";
183 |
184 |
185 | $html2 .= " <tr>\n";
186 | $html2 .= " <td>".$row["fRunStart"]." | </td>\n";
187 | $html2 .= " <td>".$row["fSourceName"]."</td>\n";
188 | $html2 .= " <td> | ".$row["fRunStop"]."</td>\n";
189 | $html2 .= " </tr>\n";
190 |
191 | $diff .= $row["fRunStart"]." | ";
192 | $diff .= $row["fSourceName"]." | ";
193 | $diff .= $row["fRunStop"]."\n";
194 |
195 | $n++;
196 | }
197 | $html2 .= "</table>\n";
198 |
199 | mysql_free_result($result2);
200 | }
201 | else
202 | $html2 = "[empty:".mysql_error()."]\n";
203 | }
204 |
205 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
206 |
207 | QuerySchedule($data, $html0a, $html0b, $query0, $db_id, "AutoSchedule", $date);
208 | QuerySchedule($data, $html1a, $html1b, $query1, $db_id, "Schedule", $date);
209 |
210 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
211 |
212 | QueryRunInfo($dataA, $diffA, $html2, $query2, $night, $db_id, "");
213 | QueryRunInfo($dataB, $diffB, $html3, $query3, $night, $db_id, "AND NOT ISNULL(fNumExcEvts)");
214 |
215 | $data .= $dataA;
216 |
217 | $diff = "";
218 | if ($dataA!=$dataB)
219 | {
220 | $diff = Diff::toTable(Diff::compare($diffA, $diffB));
221 | $data .= str_replace("RunInfo", "QLA", $dataB);
222 | }
223 |
224 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
225 |
226 | mysql_close($db_id);
227 |
228 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
229 |
230 | $color = "false";
231 | if (empty($data))
232 | {
233 | $data = "['No Schedule','',new Date(1970,1,1,19,0,0),new Date(1970,1,2,7,0,0)]";
234 | $color = "'#eee'";
235 | }
236 |
237 | $querycol0 = colorize($query0);
238 | $querycol1 = colorize($query1);
239 | $querycol2 = colorize($query2);
240 | $querycol3 = colorize($query3);
241 |
242 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
243 |
244 | echo <<<EOT
245 |
247 | <html>
248 | <head>
249 | <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-gvQgAFzTH6trSrAWoH1iPo9Xc96QxSZ3feW6kem+O00=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
250 | <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js" integrity="sha256-xNjb53/rY+WmG+4L6tTl9m6PpqknWZvRt0rO1SRnJzw=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
251 |
252 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
253 |
254 | <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
255 | <script type="text/javascript">
256 |
257 | google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['timeline']});
258 | google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(draw);
259 |
260 | function draw()
261 | {
262 | $(document).keydown(function(e)
263 | {
264 | var offset = 0;
265 | if (e.which == 38) offset = 7*24*3600*1000;
266 | if (e.which == 40) offset = -7*24*3600*1000;
267 | if (e.which == 39) offset = 1*24*3600*1000;
268 | if (e.which == 37) offset = -1*24*3600*1000;
269 | if (!offset)
270 | return;
271 |
272 | var d = $("#datepicker").datepicker("getDate");//.getTime();
273 |
274 | var c = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate())+offset);
275 |
276 | window.location = "?d="+c.toISOString().split("T")[0];
277 |
278 | //$("#datepicker").datepicker("setDate", date);
279 | //$("#datepicker").trigger("select");
280 |
281 | return false;
282 | });
283 |
284 | var dp = $("#datepicker").datepicker({
285 | autoSize: true,
286 | dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
287 | selectOtherMonths: true,
288 | /*showButtonPanel: true,*/
289 | showWeek: true,
290 | defaultDate: "$date",
291 | inline: true,
292 | changeMonth: true,
293 | changeYear: true,
294 | minDate: new Date(2011, 10, 15),
295 | onSelect: function(date) { window.location = "?d="+date; }
296 |
297 | });
298 |
299 | var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
300 | data.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Role' });
301 | data.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Name' });
302 | data.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'Start' });
303 | data.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'End' });
304 | data.addRows([$data]);
305 |
306 | //var dateFormatter = new google.visualization.DateFormat({pattern: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm'});
307 | //dateFormatter.format(data, 2);
308 | //dateFormatter.format(data, 3);
309 |
310 | var options = {
311 | hAxis: {format:'HH:mm', minorGridlines: {count:1}},
312 | avoidOverlappingGridLines: false,
313 | timeline: { singleColor: $color },
314 | };
315 |
316 | var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
317 | chart.draw(data, options);
318 | //document.getElementById('print_chart').innerHTML = '<a href="' + chart.getImageURI() + '">Print</a>';
319 | console.log("Google.chart.ready");
320 | }
321 | </script>
322 | <style>
323 | dl {
324 | //border: 3px double #ccc;
325 | padding: 0.5em;
326 | }
327 | dt {
328 | float: left;
329 | clear: left;
330 | width: 130px;
331 | text-align: right;
332 | font-weight: bold;
333 | color: green;
334 | }
335 | dt:after {
336 | content: ":";
337 | }
338 | dd {
339 | margin: 0 0 0 140px;
340 | padding: 0 0 1em 0;
341 | }
342 | code {
343 | padding: 0 3px;
344 | background-color: #eee; /* support: IE8 */;
345 | background-color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, .1 );
346 | border-radius: 3px;
347 | }
348 | .diff td{
349 | vertical-align : top;
350 | /*white-space : pre;
351 | white-space : pre-wrap;*/
352 | font-family : monospace;
353 | }
354 | .diff span{
355 | margin-right: 2em;
356 | }
357 |
358 | /* .diff span:first-child{
359 | margin-top:0;
360 | }*/
361 |
362 | .diffDeleted span{
363 | border:1px solid rgb(255,192,192);
364 | background:rgb(255,224,224);
365 | } <
366 |
367 | .diffInserted span{
368 | border:1px solid rgb(192,255,192);
369 | background:rgb(224,255,224);
370 | }
371 |
372 |
373 | </style>
374 |
375 | <body>
376 |
377 | <p style="font-weight: bold;font-size:130%;">Date: <input type="text" id="datepicker" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:100%;" value="$date"></p>
378 |
379 | <div style='position:relative'>
380 | <!--<H3>$date</H3>-->
381 | <div id='chart_div' style="height:220px;width:99%;margin-left:0.5%;">Preparing chart... please stand by.</div>
382 | <div id='print_chart' style='position:absolute;top:10px;right:40px;'></div>
383 | </div>
384 |
385 | <hr>
386 |
387 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler0').toggle(300);" value="Legend"/>
388 | <div id="spoiler0" style="display:none">
389 | <dl>
390 | <dt>AutoSchedule</dt>
391 | <dd>(if available) The schedule from the AutoSchedule table as planned by the autoscheduler (<i>makeschedule</I>).</dd>
392 | <dt>Schedule</dt>
393 | <dd>The schedule as available in the Schedule table after the night.</dd>
394 | <dt>RunInfo</dt>
395 | <dd>The schedule as executed, taken from the RunInfo table. Only data runs are counted.</dd>
396 | <dt>QLA</dt>
397 | <dd>This row is only displayed if different from RunInfo. It shows all runs
398 | which have been processed by the QLA already.
399 | </dl>
400 | Note that the two schedules will never perfectly coincide with the runs taken
401 | because finite Measurements scheduled together with a source in one observation
402 | are counted to be part of the source. Also automatic calibration
403 | runs are obviously not accounted for in the schedule.
404 |
405 | <hr>
406 |
407 | <h3>Keyboard interaction</h3>
408 |
409 | <li><code>LEFT</code>: Move to the previous day.</li>
410 | <li><code>RIGHT</code>: Move to the next day.</li>
411 | <li><code>UP</code>: Move to the previous week.</li>
412 | <li><code>DOWN</code>: Move the next week.</li>
413 |
414 | <p>While the datepicker is open, the following key commands are available:</p>
415 | <ul>
416 | <li><code>PAGE UP</code>: Move to the previous month.</li>
417 | <li><code>PAGE DOWN</code>: Move to the next month.</li>
418 | <li><code>CTRL</code> + <code>PAGE UP</code>: Move to the previous year.</li>
419 | <li><code>CTRL</code> + <code>PAGE DOWN</code>: Move to the next year.</li>
420 | <li><code>CTRL</code> + <code>HOME</code>: Open the datepicker if closed.</li>
421 | <li><code>CTRL</code>/<code>COMMAND</code> + <code>HOME</code>: Move to the current month.</li>
422 | <li><code>CTRL</code>/<code>COMMAND</code> + <code>LEFT</code>: Move to the previous day.</li>
423 | <li><code>CTRL</code>/<code>COMMAND</code> + <code>RIGHT</code>: Move to the next day.</li>
424 | <li><code>CTRL</code>/<code>COMMAND</code> + <code>UP</code>: Move to the previous week.</li>
425 | <li><code>CTRL</code>/<code>COMMAND</code> + <code>DOWN</code>: Move the next week.</li>
426 | <li><code>ENTER</code>: Select the focused date.</li>
427 | <li><code>CTRL</code>/<code>COMMAND</code> + <code>END</code>: Close the datepicker and erase the date.</li>
428 | <li><code>ESCAPE</code>: Close the datepicker without selection.</li>
429 | </ul>
430 |
431 | </div>
432 |
433 | <hr>
434 |
435 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler1').show(300);$('#spoiler2').show(300);$('#spoiler3').show(300);$('#spoiler4').show(300);" value="Show all tables"/>
436 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler1').hide(300);$('#spoiler2').hide(300);$('#spoiler3').hide(300);$('#spoiler4').hide(300);" value="Hide all tables"/>
437 |
438 | <hr>
439 |
440 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler1').toggle(300);" value="Planned Schedule"/>
441 | <div id="spoiler1" style="display:none">
442 | $html0a
443 | <hr style='width:95%'>
444 | $html0b
445 | </div>
446 |
447 | <hr>
448 |
449 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler2').toggle(300);" value="Scheduled observations"/>
450 | <div id="spoiler2" style="display:none">
451 | $html1a
452 | <hr style='width:95%'>
453 | $html1b
454 | </div>
455 |
456 | <hr>
457 |
458 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler3').toggle(300);" value="Runs taken"/>
459 | <div id="spoiler3" style="display:none">
460 | $html2
461 | </div>
462 |
463 | <hr>
464 |
465 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler4').toggle(300);" value="Runs analysed"/>
466 | <div id="spoiler4" style="display:none">
467 | $html2
468 | </div>
469 |
470 | <hr>
471 |
472 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler5').toggle(300);" value="Diff taken/analysed"/>
473 | <div id="spoiler5" style="display:none">
474 | $diff
475 | </div>
476 |
477 | <hr>
478 |
479 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler6').toggle(300);" value="SQL query (Auto)Schedule"/>
480 | <div id="spoiler6" style="display:none">
481 | <pre>
482 | $querycol0
483 | <hr style='width:95%'>
484 | $querycol1
485 | </pre>
486 | </div>
487 |
488 | <hr>
489 |
490 | <input type="button" onclick="$('#spoiler7').toggle(300);" value="SQL query RunInfo"/>
491 | <div id="spoiler7" style="display:none">
492 | <pre>
493 | $querycol2
494 | <hr style='width:95%'>
495 | $querycol3
496 | </pre>
497 | </div>
498 |
499 | <hr>
500 |
501 | </body>
502 | </html>
503 | EOT;
504 |
505 | ?>